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    Sunday, January 10, 2021

    Linux Which of these illustrations of the shell is accurate? does the shell ONLY talk to the kernel ONLY through the shell?

    Linux Which of these illustrations of the shell is accurate? does the shell ONLY talk to the kernel ONLY through the shell?

    Which of these illustrations of the shell is accurate? does the shell ONLY talk to the kernel ONLY through the shell?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 06:33 AM PST

    Hi! Just installed arch, and tried to install KDE, it installs correctly, but when I enable either sddm or sddm.service, this happens. If I boot onto my usb and chroot to disable them, I can get access to the system again.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 08:11 PM PST

    Manjaro update broke my os, I can't figure out how to fix it

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 11:06 AM PST

    I am running Manjaro XFCE dual boot with windows 10. Windows 10 was also broken by a forced update, so I can't use my computer at all right now, but that's another topic.

    I installed the 5.10 kernel update and when I rebooted I got a black screen with this error:

    Warning: /lib/modules/5.10.2.-2-MANJARO/modules.devname not found - ignoring mount: /new_root: unknown filesystem type 'ext4' You are not being dropped into an emergency shell. sh: can't access tty: job control turned off [rootfs ]# 

    I googled the problem and it sounds like this was a common problem for people with nvidia drivers. I look for solutions and I found a few options that others said worked for them, but I couldn't get them to work and now I have no idea how to fix this. Obviously reinstalling Manjaro is an option, but I want to leave that as a last resort because it will be a lot of work to get everything back the way I had it.

    One option I tried was to load an older kernel from the GRUB menu and reinstall the update from there. I tried that, 5.4 was available, but when I loaded it it got hung up indefinitely on the Aorus logo.

    I tried loading a live usb, then reinstalling the update by chroot. This is what I tried to do:

    sudo manjaro-chroot -a sudo pacman -Syyu pacman -S linux510 exit 

    But after entering the first line it said:

    sudgrub-probe: error: cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sdc1. Check your device map. grub-probe: error: cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sdc1. Check your device map. o ==> Detected systems: --> 0) ManjaroLinux ==> Select system to mount [0-0] : 

    I entered "0" to see what would happen and it said:

    ==> ERROR: You can't mount 0! 

    I do know that manjaro is installed on /dev/sda3, but I don't know how to tell it to look there. I'm still fairly new to linux and I haven't used chroot before, I know what i'm trying to do, but I'm a little uncertain on the actual process and the proper syntax.

    I don't know what else to try and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. If anyone can help me I would really appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/TheRealFalconFlurry
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    Installing Wine on Pop OS

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 06:24 AM PST

    I tried getting Wine from the pop shop, says it installed, but when I try to open a file, Wine doesn't show up in the available applications.

    So I found the command list, opened the terminal and started going through the commands. All was good until it asks me for my password. Then, it won't let me type anything. Won't let me paste anything. That stops me from entering in anymore prompts.

    Any ideas what's going on? Any more information I should be providing?

    submitted by /u/Platonicrobotic9
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    My only problem with Linux

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 02:50 AM PST

    Unfortunately i have a reoccurring problem with every derivative of Ubuntu. Maybe someone here can help me?

    Usually i set up my Desktop and start using my Computer. I do my Updates and don't change much from then on. But after weeks or months of use my system doesn't boot. Its always just a matter of time and incredibly frustrating. Its a shame and it really puts me off Linux as a whole, but i guess the real problem is my limited knowledge.

    All in all, i get stuck on the loading screen where it says "Kubuntu". I can go in to Recovery options and use an older Version to get it to boot on this problem, but most times this doesn't work either.

    What am i doing wrong? How can i prevent and fix this? And is there some way to backup Linux like Windows? I prefer some software that will backup everything, like Veeam Endpoint. Unfortunately i don't think there is anything out there for Linux.

    Edit: didnt mean every distro, just ubuntu.

    submitted by /u/Capital_Bus
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    Can I SSH Copy files from Linux laptop to Linux laptop?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 08:21 AM PST

    So I got a new laptop running PopOS and I want to transfer everything from my Ubuntu laptop to it?
    Does linux has a easy way to do it?
    I tried SSH myname@ into my old Laptop (under the same home wifi network) but it says connection refused
    am I doing it wrong or is there other way to transfer files with ease?

    submitted by /u/ChapChapBoy
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    Boot options wiped, help!

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 02:53 PM PST

    Grub got lost during a partition resize, but does it matter? Can I just manually boot in linux whenever I need and ignore the problem otherwise?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 01:27 PM PST

    Grub got lost on my dual boot system after I resized the Ubuntu partition so now the only way I can boot into Linux is by holding shift while clicking restart in Windows, getting into the special boot menu, and selecting Ubuntu from there.

    But this is not a problem for me because I don't boot into Linux very often anyways. (I have a separate laptop that I use just for Ubuntu.)

    But is it unhealthy to leave grub lost like this? Again it got lost while I was resizing the Ubuntu partition: to resize I booted a Ubuntu live CD and used gparted from there, which seems to have worked fine but ever since doing it I do not get grub on startup and instead have to go through the special Windows restart to get it.

    TLDR Grub got lost after I resized my Ubuntu partition, but I'm thinking of just ignoring it. Is this a bad idea (could it cause problems in the future)?

    I've heard a lot of bad things can happen when messing with low level aspects of the OS like boot order, so I'm wondering if this is a cause for concern or if I can just leave it.

    submitted by /u/largeminicake
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    Is this how how it should look after a new install? (Not referring to "Sec drive") Tried using fedora media writer and its still the same

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 01:05 PM PST

    Trying to choose a good distro for my mother.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 09:17 AM PST

    It recently occurred to me that the only computer my mom has in her home is a machine I bought for $100 way back in 2008 when it was already kinda old.

    I have a low-spec 2011 Macbook Air I'd like to put a light version of Linux on that will feel familiar enough to her (having mostly used XP and Android).

    I live far so I need something that is going to 'just work,' and something where navigation is dead simple and won't lead to a lot of support phone calls. And since the laptop had a whopping 2GB of ram (I am shocked Apple sold such low-spec machines considering the premium), something light.

    I used to run Linux Mint quite a bit when I first got into Linux, and it seems a suitable option. It's obviously light enough and XP-like enough but I do seem to remember needing to chase down some gremlins. How stable and day-to-day nonintrusive is it these days?

    Other's I'm considering:

    EndlessOS (very interested in this one. If looks dead simple so if it is dead reliable, could be an option)

    Linux Lite

    Lubuntu, maybe.

    submitted by /u/lolsociety
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    I've been getting crashes like this lately, usually referring to "read-error on swap-device", please help

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 12:14 PM PST

    Very high RAM usage on idle after few days of uptime

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 08:17 AM PST

    First things first, it is not all cache! Here is the output of free -m with just one Chrome tab, Discord, and Steam open:

    total used free shared buff/cache available
    Mem: 24036 17747 1412 441 4875 5458

    (I do not have a swap set up)

    I've also checked htop but the highest memory usage I can find is Discord which is using less than 1GB or about 3.5% of RAM. The only other programs I have running are Chrome and Steam, both of which are using just a couple hundred MB of RAM. And yes, I am sorting by memory resident, not shared or virtual. I have no other programs running except for small things like corectrl and solaar.

    My RAM usage is totally fine on startup, once Steam and Discord are open I idle around 3GB used.

    I'm running Arch w/ KDE. No crazy rice that would cause high memory usage (and again, it's totally fine after a reboot). This has been happening for a while, so it's not a recent program update or anything causing it.

    Am I stupid and missing something obvious or is there more I can do to try and figure out what is using all my RAM? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/kelvinh_27
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    How do I get my mouse back and forward buttons working in Firefox? Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 08:02 AM PST

    Hi, I am just trying to get use to linux environments but found that my mouse's forward and back buttons don't work in Firefox. I want them to navigate back and forward like they do in Windows.

    My mouse is a Logitech MX518. I ran xinput --test xrdpMouse and figured out that I have the following button mappings:

    • Left click: 1
    • Wheel click: 2
    • Right click: 3
    • Wheel up: 4
    • Wheel down: 5
    • Back button: 6
    • Forward button: 7

    When I run xinput get-button-map xrdpMouse I see this:

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    However, I don't know what to do with this information. This guide says I should edit etc/X11/xorg.conf but I don't have that file.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/samort7
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    Reduce time to load DE from DM/Greeter

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 11:36 AM PST


    I am running EndeavourOS with XFCE with LightDM. I was using LightDM GTK and now using Slick-Greeter but in both instances I feel like it should be loading faster post login to the DE.

    Example - I am at login, I enter my password and sign-in. Screen goes blank for a few seconds and then loads XFCE/DE environment. Is there a way to minimize the time it spends black screened to load the DE quicker?

    I already disabled/unchecked a few items from auto starting (Steam/Discord/Flameshot/EOS Welcome and a number of others).

    submitted by /u/knightblaze
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    Trying to understand if I got these commands right to backup RAW RAID drives before attempting recovery

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 11:25 AM PST

    I have two 1TB SSDs that were part of a RAID0 array that held a Windows install. The drives themselves are fine, as is the data on them, the problem is that their controller (the motherboard that was running them in Intel raid) died. I have a backup, but it's from last July, and while this would still be a large chunk (like 98% or so) of my data, I would like to be able to recover my current data if possible.

    I have been told that I can try just connecting them to any Intel board with the same or newer chipset and it should recognize them if it's in RAID mode, and was also told about being able to use dmraid in Linux to try to recover it without relying on the motherboard's controller.

    Thing is, I am very new to Linux, and most information I found on dmraid was just copies of it's man page. It's not a very easy or straightforward application to use for someone who is new, and since I was very worried I could easily run the wrong command somehow and corrupt my raid, I was suggested I could try making raw backup images of the individual disks first before attempting to mount them together and recover them.

    Thing is.... I am also very unsure how to do this either, but at least it seems a bit more straightforward and better documented than dmraid, so.....

    I was told to "navigate to an empty backup drive" and then to run a specific DD command on each drive to dump an image of it, but I want to make sure I understood it all before I try. I don't have the replacement hardware yet to actually try it yet, but I want to make sure I have everything in order before I attempt it.

    I am going to be using the latest Linux Mint:

    Ok, so I will boot Mint off a USB drive, plug in the backup drive (was recommended to format it in NTFS so it can be easily read in both Linux and Windows) into USB using a SATA enclosure, and then plug one of the SSDs from the RAID in by USB using a SATA dock. Then I...

    "navigate to an empty backup drive" I can do that in the Windows CLI but I am not entirely sure how to do this in the terminal in Linux. I know that Mint automatically should mount said NTFS backup drive so I shouldn't have to worry about manually mounting it, but how do I navigate to it in the terminal to make it the currently active directory? The command I was given will dump the image to wherever you are currently in the terminal, so I need to run it from "the backup drive" in the terminal.

    Then I was told to run this command: "dd if=/dev/sd(drive1) of=drive1 bs=1M"

    And likewise for the second drive I would use "dd if=/dev/sd(drive2) of=drive2 bs=1M"

    Another issue though.... how do I identify what device (as in sda, sdb, etc) Linux sees the drive as? It's a single disk in a RAID0 array so it's not going to be mountable, so I need to access the physical device itself and not a partition. I tried to look it up and apparently the command "lsblk" should list them for me? Would it still be listed under /dev/sd(whatever) if it's a SATA device connected over USB? Or would it be listed as something else because it's connected by USB and not directly by SATA? I don't want to accidently read, or even worse, write to the wrong device.

    And is there any other issues or suggestions one has with this method I am attempting?

    Another thing that came to mind, so if I do manage to successfully back up the raw disks, and then mount my two disks with dmraid in Linux..... what would be the best way to then dump them into a backup image that I can restore to a new single disk that would still boot Windows? Windows by default creates about 3-4 partitions on a disk that store other boot information, so I can't just clone the Windows partition alone if I want to clone the disk in a bootable state. Normally I just boot into backup software to clone my disks, but I obviously can't do that if I can only have the disks mounted on a software level because I am using dmraid, so I have to create a backup image of the whole disk in Linux, and then restore that image to another disk in Linux, and still have it remain Windows bootable.

    submitted by /u/Cyber_Akuma
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    Taking the jump into Linux - without having to install on your hardware

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 11:23 AM PST

    Wanted to make the noobs aware of an option to give a test run on different Linux distros as you can see below. Shells.com offers a virtual cloud computer with different OS's so you can take the leap without installing on your computer and you just run your virtual computer from a web browser or app. I think this is a great way to give it a try!


    submitted by /u/nwotnagrom
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    Linux Mint 20 external monitor flickers black

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 11:15 AM PST


    I'm coming from windows and installed linux mint 20 on my laptop. I have connected it to two external monitors. One is using vga, the other is using hdmi. The monitor using hdmi will show just a black screen for about 2-5 seconds and then go back to normal. This occurs every 1-4 minutes. I tried searching around through google and reddit but haven't found a solution. Restarting cinammon and reverting back to defaults seem to reduce the frequency for a short time but then the issue starts occuring more frequently later.

    I'm running on an older system. Asus G73S. Specs are:


    8gb ram

    nvidia geforce 460M (I'm using the 390.141 nvidia driver)

    Thank you for any help

    submitted by /u/gur3000
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    Wake on Lan disabled after being put to sleep in Ubuntu?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 11:02 AM PST

    Whenever I put Ubuntu to sleep, ethtool enp0s31f6 | grep Wake-on changes Wake-on: g to Wake-on: d.
    (Arch Wiki says that g means that magic packet activity is on while d means disabled)

    Wake on Lan works in Windows 10, so it's properly turned on in the BIOS. And the way I set Wake on Lan to "on" is using the command sudo ethtool -s enp0s31f6 wol g. But like I mentioned before, when I put the laptop to sleep, it doesn't wake when I send a wol signal, and changes back to Wake-on: d after I wake the machine with the power button.

    Is there something I'm missing here?

    submitted by /u/CyanKing64
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    How do I change my default tag on startup in awesome?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 10:54 AM PST

    Hi, I want to change my config in such a way that when I start up my PC it starts on the 10th tag (which is a tag I created myself) instead of the first. How can I do this?

    submitted by /u/Prash-Bit
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    How can I use a scanner?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 04:33 AM PST

    I have added my printer in that works,but if I open a scanning program nothing happens,do I have to set something?


    My Printer is Epson XP 345.

    I use Manjaro Kde with Kernel 5.10.

    I installed the default printer drivers in the kde printer settings.

    Edit 2:

    In Skanlite if I select "Scan" then it says "The Device is busy".

    submitted by /u/FreskoReddit
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    How do I make polybar unfocussable in awesome? Or at least make it so that it doesn't have a window border?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 10:24 AM PST

    Okay so I have installed polybar in awesome and one of the issues I am having is that polybar shows a window border, which I find a bit annoying. It also shows up in revelation, though that should be fixable. I tried to make it unfocusable by adding a rule to my rc.lua, but after saving it, reloading awesome and even rebooting, polybar is still focusable and has the window border. How do I get the window border to not show up? Here is the rule that I added to my rc.lua:

     { rule = { class = "polybar" }, -- Make polybar unfocussable properties = { focusable = false } } 

    Any help would be much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Prash-Bit
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    What is the difference between Stopping, Killing and Terminating a process?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 10:06 AM PST

    I have encountered these three separate terms in a few distros while using the respective GUI Task Managers while right clicking on a running process. How are they different?

    submitted by /u/mr_tidygrade
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    Internet Connection Sharing(ICS) to USB Devices on Kubuntu 20.04

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 09:55 AM PST

    I'm trying to get Internet Sharing to a RaspberryPi0 I have plugged in via USB from this Pi0 Hat. If I plug the Pi0 in and it automatically connect to my WiFi at home everything is fine, but I would like to know how to get it to share my connection from my ethernet/wifi connection if I'm not at home. When I try to google I'm apparently not using the right terms and am not sure what terms to use.

    submitted by /u/th4ntis
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    Im a beginner in Linux, what should I start learning and where?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 09:12 AM PST

    Hey all!

    So im a programmer with a fair bit of experience, looking to learn as much as I can about programming and computer science in general.

    One thing that stood out to me is Linux. I heard everyone saying its great for programmers, as well as being a general good skill to learn.

    I just installed ubuntu and followed this tutorial:

    So my question is, now what?
    What should I learn first? Cause this terminal window is really scary, and im using WSL, so no GUI for me.

    Where should I learn?
    If anyone knows any good places to learn linux, please let me know.

    Im a absolute beginner, so any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Cheers! :D

    submitted by /u/Yeffian
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