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    Monday, March 30, 2020

    I haven't used even half my storage (16gb), but my phone says that I only have 1gb free. Android Help

    I haven't used even half my storage (16gb), but my phone says that I only have 1gb free. Android Help

    I haven't used even half my storage (16gb), but my phone says that I only have 1gb free.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 07:42 PM PDT

    I have only used maybe 6gb of storage between apps and photos/videos, but my phone says I only have less than 1gb left.
    I connected my phone to my PC and tried to copy a 1.5gb file but it wont copy.
    What's going on and how can I fix it?
    Here's a screen capture:

    submitted by /u/yared_cf2
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    Unlocking Samsung S8

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    So here is the question.A friend offered to sell me Samsung S8 really cheap(120E).I saw the phone,it is in mint condition,full pack and everything.But here is the thing.The phone is locked by pattern and he doesnt know it.I saw it is really easy to unlock the S8 by doing hard factory reset.My question is,if I buy this phone,am I 100% guaranteed to unlock it by doing this reset?I dont want to be left with phone that I cant unlock.Hope you understood my question.Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/-Deki-
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    I have low storage for some reason

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 09:48 PM PDT

    My phone has 32 Gb and 31.9 Gb of it is being used, but only 11.5 Gb are being use on apps,30.5mb on Videos,34.3mb on Audio, 25.2mb on images, and 1.74 on images.

    What is using so much of my space?

    submitted by /u/kyato264
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    Plug Xbox One Controller to Android Phone

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 06:47 PM PDT

    I have an Xbox One Controller without bluetooth, if i plug the controller with a USB cable to my android phone does it affect the battery life of the phone? Is there a difference if i plug it with or without batteries on the controller?

    submitted by /u/Alets30
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    Found strange txt file in downloads folder

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 06:25 PM PDT

    I'm on a Galaxy S10 Plus. About 2 weeks, ago, I noticed a strangely titled txt file in documents/download called BF2dfg54dfgdfg4d21f7g28df1.txt. At the time, I thought it may have been something I forgot I downloaded and opened it but it just displayed a string of characters. I quickly closed out of it, deleted the file and ran both Avast and Malwarebytes both of which detected no problems. Today however, I noticed that a file with the same name is back in the same folder despite the original file being in the trash.

    I can't seem to find anything online about a file with that name so I'm not sure if it was something created by an app or if it's malware. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated

    submitted by /u/fighterofdads
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    Can anyone help with adoptable SD card problems?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    Hi, when I try to set up my SD card I only have the option to use my SD card as portable storage which isn't why I bought it, any ideas? Thanks 😄 (And if I'm in the wrong group for this lemme know and I'll take my question elsewhere)

    submitted by /u/TheMiniWizard
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    My old Sony Xperia keeps turning off and on while charging

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 10:17 PM PDT

    I went to charge it while I was doing some chores, then I went to get it and it seemed to be fine. I went to another room and charged it again, then it turned off. It turned on again, then off. I couldn't turn it on when charging, so I removed the charger, then turned it on. It seemed to be working fine then dismissed it and finished what I was doing before my phone turned off and tried to charge it again. It turned off and on. I opened it and searched on google why it does that then it suddenly said "System UI has stopped working" again and again. I restarted it, and now i can't turn it on again.

    submitted by /u/Rpggames32
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    Looks like the battery on this Pixel 2 is trashed?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 10:15 PM PDT

    Pretty sure I know the answer, but I think the battery on the pixel 2 phone I recently bought has been substantially degraded/worn down. Here's some screenshots of Accubattery with the battery stats - Those battery health stats are with battery saver mode on 24/7, screen brightness medium-low, and GPS turned off.

    This is a renewed/refurbished pixel 2 phone i bought online recently, which was a big gamble, I know! but it does have a 90 day guarantee on it.

    The only way I know how to test the battery out is by using Accubattery (not sure how accurate it is, but it seems to be a well-regarded app), and just using my own eyes, of course. watching how quickly the battery drains. Accubattery shows 30% battery use for every hour of screen time, which seems awfully high, especially with battery saving options turned on. I'm not a heavy phone user at all, but I know it shouldn't drain that quickly.

    I hate returning things, but it looks I'll have to return this. The rest of the phone looks good and the screen is flawless, but the battery seems to be nearing the end of it's life. Before jumping to returning the phone, I wanted to see what you guys thought about it. Maybe I overlooked something.

    Any feedback/advice would be much appreciated, thanks!

    submitted by /u/TheLimpDickMafia
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    Any online stealer deal?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 09:28 PM PDT

    Hi there.recently i saw on stack social deal for adguard premium life time subscription for just 19$.. Very good deal. And also they are offering 3 months free trial. Can we have any other deals?i have searched on net but not satisfied. It may be a great app or game or subscription service.. Please list them and also is possible state the reason why....

    submitted by /u/sparmar592
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    Odd Question

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 09:15 PM PDT

    My mother recently passed away on 12/10/19. Since then, I have been trying to figure out the passcode on her LG phone but I have been unsuccessful. The reason I want into her phone is because I accidentally deleted our last text exchanges and I'm longing to read them again. I know it sounds crazy but grief is confusing. Anyway, is there anyone that can help me? I can provide more info on the phone if so. Thank you all.

    submitted by /u/livlope
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    Is Google Photos best option for backing up photos on Android ?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 02:37 AM PDT

    So I recently used up all my 15 gb of free storage and have been looking how to continue backing up my files. I didn't want to pay for it but seems like I have no option, if I want to have cloud access that is. Are there any other services that you guys use that could be better option. 100 gb is way more then I need right now but it isn't expensive. If it had like 50 gb option for 1 USD insted of 2 USD for 100 I would have no doubt getting it.

    submitted by /u/Slim97Shady
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    New phone recommendations?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 05:12 PM PDT

    My friend is thinking of getting a new phone, his price range is $200-300 USD. He would prefer a used flagship. What should he get?

    submitted by /u/mokiboki
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    Is there a way to only record internal audio of a gameplay using Game Launcher?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 08:54 PM PDT

    I have a Ssmsung Galaxy-A30 running android-9. I use game-launcher to record pokemon go league-battle videos.

    I generally record my gameplay at past-midnight, so as to avoid external noise disturbances.

    So, is there a way to not record external-audio, and only record internal-audio?

    Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/pragon977
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    I am using the USB otg adapter that came with my Samsung Galaxy s10e and the battery drains faster while using it I am only using it for my USB headset what setting can I change to make it stop draining fast I already have developer options on

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 06:56 PM PDT

    Hello fellows android I need Help?!

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 04:49 AM PDT

    Yesterday I downloaded an app from Play Store, an in order to continue i needed to log in to Facebook, I logged in, everything is okay now I'm not hacked but I'm feeling paranoid that i logged. I deleted the app, the app was 2.7 rated. So my real question was can apps from Play Store access your login information and data.

    submitted by /u/LionsGem
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    Alternatives to Airdroid, Pushbullet, MightyText and Android Messages?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    I've been looking for an app that lets me read and write SMS from my laptop and have been disappointed with them all. I want something with a less bloated UI and some keybinds. Any better alternatives?

    submitted by /u/-produce-
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    Anyone have experience with DarQ

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 05:50 PM PDT

    Hi, does anyone have any experience with DarQ? It's an script that allows you to force dark mode on Android 10. My phone isn't rooted, but they've made a script that allows for it to run regardless if your phones rooted or not. I've had it on my phone before, but the script stops working whenever you reboot your phone. My problem is I've had to redownload the ADB on a new PC and whenever I run the script it says that my "USB debugging" isn't on and it says that my device isn't connected. If anyone has any experience with this that would be helpful.

    submitted by /u/ZucerIsHere
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    Spotify opens itself after turning off airplane mode

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    Have an S20 Ultra with the latest updates. Due to my work area sometimes my text will fail to send and in order to remedy that I flick airplane mode on and off. Except every time I turn airplane mode back off it opens Spotify. I can't seem to find any setting causing this.

    submitted by /u/CreatedonaFriday
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    Need assistance with setting individual notification tones on Android 8

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    More specifically, I am trying to set the default messenger app to play a different notification sound than what my phone's default uses. As simple as the answer to this problem might seem, I have actually gone directly into the Messenger apps' sound settings to set a unique tone, but my phone will not save my selection and will revert back to the default each time. This issue also affects Facebook messenger when I've tried to modify it.


    Screenshot #1 shows the menu I'm trying to set the alerts in and shows my default sound (which the app is stuck using)

    Screenshot #2 shows options for the alert sounds I will try selecting but revert when I go back to the previous menu in #1.

    Any advice is appreciated. My phone is a Galaxy J7 prime if that helps.

    In addition, I have no issue like this on my partner's Galaxy J3 phone which runs on Android 7.

    submitted by /u/sourneet
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    I have a cpu question. I have SD 845 now how much of a upgrade to a SD 765 or SD 765G would it be?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 04:36 PM PDT

    BBC IPlayer Picture In Picture

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    Does anyone know if there's any way to either: - get BBC iPlayer to work in PiP - Get BBC iPlayer files to play in VLC - Get any app to run in PiP

    Many thanks

    submitted by /u/MattUKZ
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    Youtube app freezes and crashes

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 04:15 PM PDT

    The Youtube app freezes and crashes to a black screen when I go to settings then general. I have tried restarting my tablet, force stop, ckear cache, clear data, and uninstalling and reinstalling updates. My tablet is Lenovo Tab3-710f.

    submitted by /u/uxzane6225
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    All apps randomly close when used

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 03:50 PM PDT

    Whenever i open and attempt to use an app, it will exit back to the homescreen, apps list, or wherever i opened the app, after about 15 minutes of use. Sometimes the app stops, other times it doesn't. I am using a 2018 Samsung Galaxy J7-V

    submitted by /u/CommieCrusader
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    i have a moto e4, and the screen turns to show the time every now and then on its own.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    SO i have this phone next to my computer, I am currently using it to give my computer internet throw an app called shared internet thether throw my usb cable. But the phone keeps flashing the time every now and then and its quite annoying and distracting, so i have to put the screen facing down, is there any way to disable the phone from randomly showing the time at all times ? thanks

    submitted by /u/harunamika
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    With Google Pixel, Google Maps GPS dot drifts up to 1 mile away, making navigation useless

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 07:18 AM PDT

    Since about 2 weeks ago, my GPS dot suddenly started drifting around the map (sometimes up to a mile away) when driving OR simply just sitting at home.

    I've tried the following troubleshooting steps:

    1. Enabled all location services/accuracy (they were already enabled though - I've never turned them off).

    2. Restarted the phone

    3. Cleared Google Maps data/cache

    4. Used a GPS repair app to clear GPS cache/recalibrate it.

    5. Factory reset the phone

    6. Replaced the phone with a "like new" refurbished phone from official Verizon warranty, but used the old SIM card

    7. Replaced the SIM card with a brand new card

    No idea what else to try. It's a completely different phone now with a different SIM card. The only thing in common is the network.

    My wife has a Google Pixel of the exact same model (Pixel 1), but a different network (AT&T) and has no problems at all, so I don't think it's our environment (walls, vehicle) causing problems. Also, this problem only started happening recently (2-3 weeks ago), after working fine for 2 years.

    submitted by /u/Iisk
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