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    Monday, February 7, 2022

    I think we all will agree! Windows Help

    I think we all will agree! Windows Help

    I think we all will agree!

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 04:48 PM PST

    Ok so what does Windows 11 have that Windows 10 could not provide? Looking for some knowledge, thanks.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 07:48 AM PST

    Kinda regret installing Windows 11

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 09:25 AM PST

    Kinda regret installing Windows 11

    I was really skeptical about installing Windows 11 at first, since it got many negative reviews. But at last I did it anyway and regretted it instantly smh.

    cluttered taskbar

    This is what the taskbar looks like after installing it. The "PC manager" and keyboard settings are covering each other. Is there a way to fix this or what could be the reason behind this.

    submitted by /u/TheMonkeyAnniesBoobs
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    My PC just decided to put the taskbar to the left, is it possible to put it back down without activated windows?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2022 12:54 AM PST

    You can still open and use Interenet Explorer in Windows 11

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 12:18 PM PST

    In Control Panel -> Internet Options -> Programs -> Manage Addons.

    Click on "Learn more about toolbars and extensions".

    This opens up Internet Explorer! I though it had quite literally been removed from the operating system, especially since iexplore.exe just opens edge now...


    submitted by /u/rogue6800
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    windows bar gone

    Posted: 07 Feb 2022 02:13 AM PST

    hey guys my windows bar just went away, i cant open anything not even my settings, its just black and i cant make it come back, if i press the windows key nothing happens

    quick update somehow the settings opened but its frozen in there, i tried turning my laptop on and off but its still gone.

    submitted by /u/No-Bet8703
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    My old win 10 upgraded to win 11 via windows update on a 7th Gen CPU - I didn't think that this was possible (insider preview only?)

    Posted: 07 Feb 2022 02:08 AM PST

    How can I disable the annoying bottom-right tooltip saying "Updates are available" which tends to pop up right after I go in-game?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2022 01:57 AM PST

    Windows XP Tour and Minesweeper for newer versions of Windows!

    Posted: 07 Feb 2022 01:07 AM PST

    VCruntime140.dll problems

    Posted: 07 Feb 2022 12:02 AM PST

    I am trying to run op autoclicker, but it gives me a application didn't open correctly 142 message. When looking at event viewer it says the faulting module is VCRUNTIME140.dll. Any ideas how to fix?

    submitted by /u/Uncle_palpatine
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    What should I do here? Im very confused how do i fix this

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 06:00 PM PST

    What is this program in my startup apps? Just installed latest version of Windows 10 Home on MacBook Pro 2020.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 08:06 PM PST

    Is windows 8.1 store server down

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 11:52 PM PST

    The windows 8.1 store giving an error 0x80072ee2

    submitted by /u/MaterialMood8069
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    Windows 11 Audio Problem

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 11:35 PM PST

    Hello there Reddit community, I recently upgraded my Lenovo Ideapad L340 to Wind11 and I am experiencing a problem with my audio speaker.. more likely there is no detection of my laptop speaker I even tried to download the Realtek sound audio driver but it didn't seem to work

    submitted by /u/Rebel_Gaston
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    Is there anyway to disable night light in fullscreen applications?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 11:27 PM PST

    Is there anyway to disable night light in fullscreen applications such as video games? Don't want to manually turn off night light every time I open up a game. I know f.lux allows you to disable it in fullscreen applications but I've read that it causes stutters in games. So I'm also not sure if "disabled in fullscreen applications" also causes games to stutter for f.lux. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance guys.

    submitted by /u/XAznBeastX
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    My windows 11 is broken

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 10:58 PM PST

    I am asking for help here because I can't find anybody else online who seem to have these issues (a lot of issues). I have a Dell XPS 7590 and I first installed the windows 11 beta in august, iirc, then opted out to install the officiale release, now I'm on 22000.434. Everything was fine, but then I started having minor issues, for example the trackpad would lock itself into place, and it kept being stuck unless you locked the screen and unlocked it again (I still have this problem, and it wasn't because of drivers).

    Most recently I found out that my drivers weren't being updated through Dell Command Update, so I ran it manually and there were like 9 different updates (BIOS, drivers and other) but every single one of them failed to download over and over again. The same happened with Dell Support Assist failing to download every single thing, so I tried uninstalling them and updating through the website. I was never able to reinstall the programs because of other issues I will explain later, but I managed to update my BIOS and update the killer wifi application. Unfortunately the latter completely broke the program ("service unavailable" whenever I tried to open it), so I uninstalled it and went to the microsoft store to reinstall it.

    At this point I found out that the Microsoft store is broken too: I get a loading screen that goes on for minutes whenever I open it and when the interface finally appears it still has to load the store, the installed apps, etc. It can take half an hour to find the app you want to install and when you get to the page the install button has to appear yet. Also I get messages that say I'm not connected to the internet and shit when everything else works just fine. These same messages appear when I try to write a feedback to Microsoft (WIN + F) so I literally can't complain with them. To this day I still wasn't able to install the killer app, but managed to install ubuntu for a university course i have to attend.

    The last two things: for a month or so I wasn't able to install optional microsoft updates, so I just gave up, but now I can't even install the windows 11 update (KB5008353). This update is from late January but I received it just two/three days ago, together with other updates that worked just fine. This one seems to be downloading, but I tried to install it literally for days. As of now it's stuck on 0%, but the in the previous day it would keep being stuck on 50%, 75%, 99% and would never actually complete and install.

    I'm really pissed because of all these things, I really never had any issues before windows 11, even the beta was better than this shit. I also thought I could switch back to the Insider program but even that page loads forever. I'm now using the troubleshooter for updates and it's been "verifying the availability of reboot" for at least 20 minutes, while the download of the windows update from 0 to 55% with no values in between, being now stuck again.

    I don't really want to format everything and reinstall windows from scratch because I'm in a study session, but if necessary I will do it next month.

    If any of you has any idea what is going on please tell, I'm far from being an expert and can't even say if this issue is completely windows related or driver related or what.

    submitted by /u/chilloutmf
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    Laptop keeps shutting down randomly and its very annoying, halp (im using a window 11)

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 10:57 PM PST

    I think its because i tampered with the system, like i tried installing play store on windows 11 and downloaded something. But the only problem with that is when im on plug, it did not have any issues, but when im on battery, it keeps shutting down without a single warning and some could be 1 minute and some could be 10 min. I did not tampered with the battery settings except changing it to best performance, so idk, please HALP, i got sku, so its very annoying.

    submitted by /u/JustTiredish
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    Please Help URGENT!!!!!!!!!!!

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 10:48 PM PST

    How do I uninstall edge, please for the love of god im so sick of Billy Gates shoving his second rate web browser down my throat

    submitted by /u/Dockboi
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    isdone.dll ram problem

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 10:43 PM PST


    when i use 8 gb ram in one stick i can't install games(isdone.dll error) and some times when playing (in certain checkpoits) the game will crashs

    but when i use one 4gb ram everything is fine

    how to know if this is because of the model of the ram i use, it's because the whole amount of ram i use or it's because of the amount of ram i use in one stick?


    my motherboard apparently does support 16 gb of ram(two 8 gb) but i still have this error during installation

    submitted by /u/AfshinAJ1996
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    Bottom row of keyboard (Shift, Z, X, C to right shift) all typing keys above them. So Z types A, X types S, N types H. It was working normally when I started laptop because I typed website with the bottom row. Is this some kind of result of me pressing a shortcut? Cant find any solutions online

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 06:22 PM PST

    Already uninstalled and reinstalled drivers. Restarted computer a bunch.

    submitted by /u/TheNathanGalang
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    Imagine updates going like this...

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 06:03 PM PST

    Why were non-admins allowed to install printers in Vista

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 09:28 PM PST

    This is a source of many security bugs.

    submitted by /u/yuhong
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    C:\Program Files ?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 03:24 PM PST

    C:\Program Files ?

    Why "C:\Program Files" ?

    I read the choice of the directory "Program Files" originated in Windows 95. Before that, in Windows 3.1, there was no centralized directory to install programs and they could be installed everywhere. Before Windows 3.1, and even during it, there was DOS. We still see remnants of it today, a glorious command line called "Command Prompt" in the Start menu. If you do that and run the command "dir /x" you'll see long file/directory names shortened how they were allowed in dos, all caps, 8 characters for name, 3 characters for extension. Here's an example of what that may look like:


    That's how DOS did it. 8 character file names, no spaces. Even "test dir" would become "TESTDI~1". In today's command line if you made a directory called "a b" it would become something odd like "AB2761~1".

    Ok. DOS was limiting. 8 characters is a silly limit. But the limit of no spaces, was a good limit. See, even today, almost 27 years after Windows 95 was released, there are programs that require directories to not have any spaces. Imagine what it was like 27 years ago during that transition to Windows 95, I don't know how older dos programs were expected to run at all, when installed into "C:\Program Files". It confused me as Microsoft owned DOS since 1981, well before Windows 95 was released.

    I would like to know, when releasing Windows 95, why did Microsoft decide to use a space in the name "Program Files" to store your programs when "ProgramFiles" without a space or "Progams" would've been a better choice to allow software to run on Windows.

    submitted by /u/blitz4
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    Trouble with getting microsoft office for my personal account.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 08:11 PM PST

    I don't know wheter this is the right subreddit for this question.... Here it goes....

    I got a new laptop for a close friend. This laptop was bundled with the MS Office 2019. We went through the initial setup of windows and configuration. When we came to the point of entering an account for the microsoft office, a situation arose. The office product refused to accept my friend's account for regestering and linking the product. It said that this Microsoft account was already linked with an office product. I ended up creating a new account for him so that the office product could be registered and linked to the account for future reinstalls.(Another detail: My friend was logged into his office product(2016 Home and Student) on his old computer. I do not know whether this caused this issue.)

    Now I need to get a new laptop. I do not want to be in the same situation and also I am against creating a new Microsoft Account. I have too many emails already, a new one would make things worse. I want a way to use the same old email account that I am using right now. My current account has a Office Home & Student linked to it(I got this with my current computer when I purchased it. I am not aware if this is practiced in other countries, but in mine we get office product bundled with our purchase of the computer.) I am also logged into my office product that I have linked to my account.

    I really want some help in finding a way to use the same account without being said that this account is already linked with a microsoft account. I have looked up multiple forums and websited and non of them have a clear solution or even if they have I'm failing to understand them.

    submitted by /u/adithya244
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    How can I disable or replace, misplaced fun facts and tricks from spotlight Lock Screen in Windows 11.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 07:44 PM PST

    (Tried gpedit.msc, key register 338337, nothing works) tried reinstall spotlight, tried remove third part apps, I even tried fresh install windows 11 on a different computer to see if it is something OEM on my laptop, but no.. FUN FACTS AND TRICKS ARE THERE MISPLACED AS HELL. Is that hard to fix this ? This is extremely annoying, almost as forced windows updates, but that is another story

    Win 11 legit home version

    submitted by /u/plumbillu
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