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    Friday, October 1, 2021

    Samsung Daily Support Thread

    Samsung Daily Support Thread

    Daily Support Thread

    Posted: 01 Oct 2021 03:00 AM PDT

    Welcome to the Daily Support thread for r/Samsung. You can use this thread to ask questions about your device, troubleshoot tech problems or ask buying/selling advice.

    Have a question you need answered? Ask away! Please remember to adhere to our rules, which can be found here: Detailed Rules

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    Note: Comments are sorted by /new for your convenience.

    The new Daily Support Thread is posted each day at 06:00 AM EST (Click HERE for other timezones) and then the old one is archived. If this time is near when you want to post your question, it is advised to wait for the new thread to be posted.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Samsung removed ads from Samsung Pay & Samsung Health apps

    Posted: 01 Oct 2021 02:00 AM PDT

    Alway check target clearance ….

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 06:15 PM PDT

    Stopped at target on my way home, was looking to see if they had any new hot wheels, and got skunked. I always run thru the electronics department and check clearance. I had noticed they had the wireless charger trio on an end cap and the ones in the isle had a yellow clearance tag, 70% off. I got a $90 charger for $27. Not a bad find at all..

    submitted by /u/defiant888
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    Guide: How to increase battery life and battery health, using Lithium battery science!

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 09:22 AM PDT

    This guide is specific to mobile devices, but the Battery Health section is applicable to all lithium batteries.

    I will cover 2 aspects, battery life aka SoT ("Screen on Time", the actual amount of time using the phone, as opposed to just on standby), and Battery Health aka charge cycles.

    Battery life is based on how you use your phone, battery health is based on battery science and charging habits.

    Battery Life (aka SoT):

    Extending battery life is all about using less power, or more specifically, wasting less power. The idea is to be able to use your phone normally and get the maximum SoT by wasting the least amount possible. That means being able to leave on WiFi, data, bluetooth, NFC, 24/7 if you need to.

    The biggest users of power is your screen and CPU, which goes hand in hand with background activity in terms of CPU power waste.

    Ways to combat this, firstly, maximum screen brightness isn't needed, 50-60% is plenty unless you're in direct sunlight.

    1. Deep sleep ALL apps that you don't need to send you notifications or run in the background- Examples of apps that SHOULDN'T be set to deep sleep, are messaging apps, social media (if you want notifications), music apps (such as Spotify which you want to still play music with the screen off or locked).

    Check all app permissions, if they don't need data, or microphone, or location, then deny it, stop them using things they don't need, both for privacy and to save power.

    1. Use a firewall to block Internet access to all the but apps that need it to function- we've all got apps and games that run offline but like to send you marketing data, or send usage data off to their servers in the background (im looking at you Facebook). Like above, block them from using it for both privacy and saving power.

    I recommend NetGuard as the firewall app, it is an open source application which has no ads. (speaking of ads, those offline games that have ads, blocking their data use can block their ads from showing without paying for the ad free version)

    1. Don't leave tons of apps in the background- they stay awake and consume power. Android 11 is attempting to fix this, but its not perfect yet, closing down apps from the background should be a good habit. And I don't mean forcing all background apps to quit using the optimisation tool, that closes down other background apps which are needed and they will just start up again, which uses power.

    2. Analyse your usage- android gives you alot of the tools you need, there's little need for separate apps anymore. You can check the battery usage of apps, data usage, and more through settings and Device Care. Check them, see if they seem realistic, get a feel for what their normal use is and what your normal use is, so if you suddenly get a drain, you are familiar with the normal usage of your most used apps.

    3. Temperature- ill cover this is more detail in the battery health section, but a hot battery has more resistance, that means normal use requires extra power as some of is it lost as heat. So if your phone is hot, take a break, or take it out of the case.

    4. MACROS- if there's repetitive things you regularly do on your phone, try using a macro app such as MacroDroid to automate it. This both improves your own productivity and reduces SoT as these will occur in the background.

    An example, sending emails, you can use the app to read your notifications, and if an email is from a specific sender or has a specific title or keyword(s), it can send an automated reply for you, saying whatever you want, to whomever.

    Another example, photo backups to SD, you can set it up to automatically move or copy a folder X to another folder or location Y, at specific times, or days, or maybe everytime you take a picture, but also only when the battery is above 30%, it is endless.

    1. Lightweight versions of apps, or clients- this is a more advanced tip as it often requires you to download the apk from unknown sources, do it only if your experienced.

    Some apps have lightweight clients that provide most or all of the functionality, but with less bloat, so a smaller app, and also more intelligent data usage such as smart syncing or not doing background processing "to improve your experience".

    OVERALL, the most important factors is keep background activity to a minimum by following steps 1,2 and 3.

    The rest are optional but can help, and of course you have all the basic tips like turning off WiFi, and bluetooth, data, nfc etc. These are small things and generally not considered as waste if you actually use it.

    Battery Health (aka charge cycles):

    Some background and key terms:

    Lithium batteries have limited charge cycles. Manufactures generally state about 500, for your mobile devices, but this can increase or decrease based on your charging and usage habits. This is relative to the battery capacity dropping to 80%. So 500 charge cycles before its capacity is 80% of what is was when new.

    A "charge cycle", is 1 complete discharge, and 1 complete charge. This doesn't have to be in 1 go, such as from 100% to 0%, but rather a complete discharge relative to your battery capacity, so once your 4500mAh has used 4500mAhs, and been recharged, it's used 1 cycle. For example going from 100% to 50%, charging back up to 100, and doing it again. That represents a total of 100% discharged and recharged.

    Wear in batteries is generally caused by plating at the electrodes, which side will depend on the type of wear its experiencing, for example wear by high C charging causes lithium metal to plate onto the anode. (if you don't understand this sort of thing, don't worry)

    These tips are to increase your battery life cycles beyond 500, to over 1000, depending on how many you do. This can mean doubling the life of your battery in the long term! Get yourself an extra year or 2 out of the battery.

    1. Voltage (high)- lithium batteries don't like to be on the extreme ends of their voltage limits. This means when it's fully charged, its at maximum voltage. Sitting at this voltage damages the battery, an example of this is overnight charging.

    A common myth relating to this, is that overnight charging damages the battery because it gets overcharged, and that used to be the case, but now its not (phones will regulate how much current to accept, request voltages from the plug, and also determine whether or not to accept any power at all). But overnight charging is STILL not recommended, it isn't dangerous, it's just not good for the life of the battery. So its fine to charge to 100 if your about to use it.

    1. Voltage (low)- As said above, lithium batteries don't like to be on the extreme ends of their voltage limits.

    A battery charge is low, or empty, when it's voltage drops below a certain level.

    If you completely discharge a lithium battery (called a deep discharge) the voltage drops quite low, and causes damage to the battery. Although "empty" is 0%, damage can occur above this even upto and exceeding 20%.

    1. Voltage (charge recommendations)- With point 1 and 2 you can see both ends of the spectrum cause additional wear, but this occurs at all levels, so what is a happy medium? Well, the most optimal value to keep a lithium battery at is about 70%, this can yield in excess of 3000 cycles. But who is gonna do that! Without going into detail, here are the recommended highs and lows.

    85% maximum, 20%, minimum, can double your charge cycles. But changing that 20% minimum to a 30% minimum can quadruple it! Personally i keep it between 30% and 85%, and i use a 45w fast charger to give me regular huge bursts in capacity. Its worse to drop below 20 than to go above 85.

    My recommendation- 30%-85%. But if you can't or want more, then 20%-85%, or 20%-100%.

    1. Temperature (usage)- ideally when using your phone, you want the battery temperature to be between 5C and 30C to provide the least amount of battery wear. But this can occasionally rise above 30C, especially in a hot environment. Where you may see upto 40C. 40C should be your maximum before you do significant (but not dangerous) damage to the battery. Dangerous battery temps are 50C+.

    2. Temperature (charging)- it is common to see your battery temperature rise by upto 10C higher than ambient during a charge, and likw above, ideally you want this between 5 and 30C, but upto 40C is just about acceptable. At 45C the battery SHOULD NOT BE CHARGED as this is dangerous, the phone should automatically stop or refuse to charge above 45C as part of the battery protection.

    3. Depth of discharge- Doing long discharges and long charges also put additional wear on a battery, lithium batteries respond better to lots of small charges and discharges, around the 70% charge area. There are realistic ways to do this.

    Do not rely on the actual cycle values here, this graph demonstrates the trend of capacity retention in regards to charging behaviour. Not specifically in small capacity lithium cells such as in a mobile device.

    What a good charge/discharge habit looks like? Lots of smaller charges and discharges rather than long discharges and long charges.

    OVERALL, there are numerous tips here, not all have the same effect as eachother, some have a much larger influence over the battery than others. Incorporate what you can, not everyone can do all of these, based on your job, personal preference or usage habits, but try to adjust your habits if you can. And any questions feel free to ask!

    submitted by /u/----_____--_____----
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    Is it good to upgrade to samsung s20 fe 5g from note 9?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2021 05:11 AM PDT

    I am using note 9 for past 2 years and thinking of upgrading it. Don't have a lot of budget so thinking of getting s20 FE 5g. Reason for upgrade is better battery life, camera, high refresh rate and SD card support. (Already have 512gb) is it a reasonable upgrade for next 2-3 years

    submitted by /u/tanmay0097
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    for the people who have note10+ exynos how was your battery life after updating to Android 11?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2021 05:19 AM PDT

    I have a note 10+ with one ui 3 and battery works very badly. When it gets 5% the phone will turn off in 2 minutes. How much different is it compared to the snapdragon 855 variant ?

    submitted by /u/byjuan_12
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    Samsung Notes Disappeared after Notes Update...

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 05:33 PM PDT

    So I updated the app and everything disappeared. All gone. I don't have backups but I thought I did. Is there ANY way I can recover them?

    submitted by /u/chicken_potato1
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    No updates in two months?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 06:10 PM PDT

    I've owned the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 since launch (actually a week earlier because the retailer screwed up). But in the time that I've owned this thing I noticed some curious things. Battery life is terrible and charging is unbearably slow, refresh rate of the screen sometimes gets stuck at 60hz and requires a restart, it seemingly overheats when using Android Auto while it's folded shut, apps that I keep in the background to monitor 3D prints often get shut down even when battery optimisations are disabled, etc. And not only that, the device is still on July's security patch. Is Samsung always this slow with updating their flagship devices or is this the exception?

    submitted by /u/Kannahayabusa12
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    Protect battery setting .. on or off ?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 10:02 PM PDT

    The question is .. to what extent it really protects the battery .. I mean will it make the battery lasts 1 more year? 2 years ? 6 months ? .. and with that setting on you will surely need to charge your phone twice or more per day instead of once .. so will that make more harm by exposing phone to more charges ? S21+ android 12 beta here.

    submitted by /u/styp991
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    Samsung S21 Power Share spex

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 03:59 PM PDT

    Does anyone know the wattage or speed a Samsung s 21 can charge another phone using power share? I'm trying to see if power share is fast or slow (or if it has fast charging)

    submitted by /u/SeaOfTorment
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    Note 10 Plus vs Note 20 ultra vs Note 9 vs Note 8 what was the best no compermise note phone

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 12:27 PM PDT

    So I did a post like this in the Note 9 subreddit (you can see how that went lol) with just the Note 9 vs Note 10 Plus and I got some feedback so I wanted to do it again with 2 new competers, note 8 & Note 20 ultra (you will have 2 days to vote)

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/TheDragonGuyYT
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    Why cant Samsung get batterylife under control with flagships? Design > usability?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2021 04:30 AM PDT

    So my first Samsung flagship was the s8 and I loved it absolute perfection.. But there was one thing, the batterylife was absolutely sub par compared to every smartphone I had before. So what I did was upgrading to a S10 plus for better batterylife. However turns out it's just as bad and I m really debating what to do next... IMO having below one day of heavy usage on a flagship is unacceptable and thats what I m reading for the flip/fold 3. Which would have been my next phone. Why cant Samsung get this point right? Every other flagship seems to be much better despite higher refreshrates and facier android software. Do they just favor design over usability at this point?

    submitted by /u/BetaCarotine20mg
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    Day 2 with the Galaxy Fold Z 3. Issues, anyone?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 07:12 PM PDT

    It broke from gentle use. Huge crease down the middle, destroying the screen and making the device unusable. It was sitting on my desk for most of the time.

    submitted by /u/the_shiniest_dratini
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    Galaxy Watch tips

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 06:22 PM PDT

    Hey y'all. Anybody have tips for a new Galaxy Watch 4 user? I watched some youtube vids but would appreciate any additional advice. And does anyone leave their phone at home and use remote connection to text/call from their watch?

    submitted by /u/Bartok_and_croutons
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    Samsung Odyssey G7 Joycon Warranty Repair Experience

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 05:03 PM PDT

    TL;DR I now hate Samsung.

    After 8 months the joycon on my G7 monitor was not responding. Called Samsung, they said it's under warranty and if I ship it to their service center it will be repaired in 4 business days, they sent an email with that 4 day commitment too. Well, 3 weeks later, after numerous frustrating calls to the service center & Samsung it finally came back with the joycon fixed, but now with 5 separate areas of dead pixels, some of them in the middle of the screen. I shipped it in the original box with original packaging and it was returned the same way, there's no scratches, so it was damaged in their repair center.

    Samsung's only solution is to send it back for another "repair" I can't imagine how long it will take this time and in what condition it'll be in then. They won't replace it, they won't send a monitor to use while they hold this one hostage. This is just awful.

    submitted by /u/CONFIGdotSYS
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    Do you want curved edge on Top Premium Galaxy phone

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 10:05 AM PDT

    Do you want curved edge on top premium Galaxy phone

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/cruzvisionnaire
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