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    Thursday, December 3, 2020

    Home Networking New router, same slow speed.

    Home Networking New router, same slow speed.

    New router, same slow speed.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 03:10 PM PST

    I signed up for Fios 200/200 a while ago, and was consistently getting around 80/90 wired with a cat6 cable. I thought the problem was my Netgear N600 that I bought used few years ago. I then bought a TP Link Archer A9 recently, and I am still getting the same speed.

    I tried plugging my laptop directly to the ONT box and got 200/200 (I didn't try this earlier bc I assumed my previous router was too old). Does this mean the problem is with certain settings in the router? If so, what settings should I try to change?

    Thanks for your help.

    Edit: as per /u/dayjobtitus 's comment, using unshielded cables fixed the issue. I'm using unshielded 5e

    submitted by /u/FredCole918
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    Router/Modem Combo with Switch

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 12:56 PM PST


    I have a Modem/Router combo from my ISP. Can I hook up a Switch to it our would I need to buy a separate router? (Netgear, Linksys,etc)

    submitted by /u/wj512020
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    Router as Wi-Fi 6 Access Point | Xiaomi AIoT Router AX3600 vs Huawei AX3 Pro

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 02:17 PM PST

    I'm interested in one of these two routers to use as an access point. As far as I can tell both support running in AP mode. What I'm not sure of is which is the better choice. The Xiaomi seems to be flushable with OpenWrt (if not not, at least soon). And no, I don't mind Chinese hardware with Chinese backdoors. I'm more afraid of US hardware and US backdoors. Should be a bit less of an issue since I'm only using it as a Wi-Fi AP. I'll likely add another one as a second AP at some point.

    Does anyone have these? Or have tried them? Which one(s) would you choose and why?

    Edit: Another possibility is the Xiaomi Redmi AX6.

    submitted by /u/GAGARIN0461
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    Switching to Cox internet and can't decide which Modem and Router I should buy

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 10:51 AM PST

    I have a 2,000 sq foot house and have Cox's gigabit internet being turned on next week. 95% percent of the usage will be for home office, streaming, standard internet use, etc while the other 5% will be for gaming.

    I've been looking at these modems: cm1000, cm1200, mb8600, sb8200, or s33.

    For the router, I'm looking for something that will support 15-20 devices at 2,000 sq ft. Trying to avoid mesh because of gaming latency issues.

    Any advice without going into insane technical detail? Also, was hoping to stay under $350 between the modem and router.

    submitted by /u/alcaliz
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    Any 2.5 or 5g wired routers out yet?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 01:13 PM PST

    Finally wiring up my house correctly with Cat6. Would like to buy a nice wired router to put in a media closet and put my existing AC-1700 or whatever into access point duty.

    I only need 4-8 ports or so. What do you guys recommend for a really good wired router? I was hoping for a base 2.5 or 5g wired router but don't seem to find any. Guess it's not really a thing (or that important in my case.) Probably will just something like a Ubiquiti?

    submitted by /u/TrimetTribble
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    What does bridge mode do?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 11:33 AM PST

    The time has come. I need to improve the internet/Wifi Around my house. Zoom calls are lagging, losing connection, etc

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 01:15 PM PST

    So far this year, we have managed to get by with our home network. However, my wife is complaining more and more about her work calls lagging or that they are not coming through properly. My son is home from school and both are in our basement area doing video calls that doesn't always work. I am hard wired to the router (my calls and Internet have no issues) as I sit in our office on the main floor next to our guinea pigs.

    The design of the house with a partially finished basement makes it very difficult to run hard wires. I had a couple of people come out to try and their recommendation was to drill holes in the side of the house to run the wires.

    I have DSL with the router on the main level. The DSL company supplied a modem/router, but I disabled the wifi and connected an ASUS router to the modem for better wireless coverage. The basement has a finished area like an apartment downstairs with an area that is not finished we use for storage.

    I am sure there is a way to run hard wires throughout the house, but I need a different solution for now.

    My questions:

    1. If I cannot hardwire the basement, what is the best solution? Is it a mesh system? Should I get a Netgear Orb, Google or Eero? I will do whichever is recommended.

    2. Down the road, if I run a hard wire to the basement, I cannot hard wire directly to the computers down there due to the layout of the basement. If I can get a hard wire down there, do I just set up an Access Point in hopes that the wireless will be better down there? Do I just buy a router for that AP?

    3. I have some wires in the house for cable and my DirecTV only uses one wire. The other boxes in the house are Genie models and are wireless. I read about someone using their phone lines or cable lines to connect the internet through out the house. I have the DECA boxes, but not really sure how to get it all set up.

    From everything I have read, it seems like a mesh wifi system is the easiest thing for now so was just thinking of getting one to set up.

    EDIT: Ran a speed test on my Internet. Used Ookla app with my iphone and used Google on my desktop that is hard wired. I have no idea how my wireless is faster than my desktop.

    Wireless via Iphone - Download: 83.9 mbps, Upload 20.7 mbps Desktop hardwired - Download 37.0 mbps, Upload 20.5 mbps

    EDIT 2: Thank you all so much for the advice. I really appreciate it. I think I figured out a way to run a wire from upstairs to my basement. I will have to get in a ladder tomorrow to confirm. The storage area in my basement does not have drywall so I can see the insulation. I think I can drop down from the room above it through the wall to bring a line down. I found an area under my stairs that I can use to run the line from the storage area to the finished area. From there I can attach it to my Ubiquiti AP which will put wireless about 6 feet from one desk, but about 20 feet from the other. I looked to see if I could run the line from the AP under the baseboards, but the builder did a good job of making the baseboards tight against the floor so that will not work. I will try to find some software to draw my floor plan.

    submitted by /u/EverySingleMinute
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    Should I replace Apple AirPort Extreme?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 06:06 PM PST

    So I currently have Comcast Xfinity internet. I pay for the 200mbps Blast service. When I randomly check speed tests on my phone, on a good day we'll be showing 120-150mbps down speeds. But often I'll only get 30-60mbps. Whenever that happens streaming video tends to glitch and buffer. I'm really not happy with their service and I have an opportunity to switch to Cspire fiber optic internet with 1gbps speeds. I currently have the last model of AirPort Extreme router that was made. It's been a great router. Very stable and has never given me problems. I hate to get rid of it, but I'm curious if I get this 1gbps internet, would the AirPort be a bottleneck in the wifi performance I'd get in my house? We have a 2300 sq ft house. We don't have anything hardwired to the router. We can't based on where the router is located. Would the AirPort still be good to use with this new 1gbps service or would I need a newer router or mesh system to get the most out of it? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Lanky-Performer8849
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    Would like to buy an external LTE antenna, but don't know if I get a speedtest with a better latency

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 02:29 AM PST

    Good morning, I would like to ask you an information about an argument I'm not an expert on: 4G/4G+ and characteristics of a relative speedtest. I've a Huawei B535-232 router with a sim of an ESP. I've got good speedtests, but during the late evening I notice the latency is not and I would like to decrease it and make it stable during the entire day. Is it possible if I buy an external antenna? I'd like to share the link of the antenna but I don't know if I can.

    submitted by /u/knnlaus
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    Looking at getting my first NAS. It'll be mainly used for watching ripped blu rays (.mkv) through Apple TV gen4 + plex. Will also be a time machine back up for two macs and then general file storage. What kind of CPU + RAM does the NAS need to have in order to stream perfectly without buffering?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 09:06 PM PST

    I'll have the NAS hard lined into my TP link Archer 9, and the Apple TV will be hard lined as well.

    I initially tried watching these rips through the usb 2.0 port in the archer 9 and it didn't go well. The videos start buffering every 15-20 seconds.

    This issue led me down the rabbit hole of getting a NAS and I want to make sure it'll have the specs to do what I want.

    I've been looking closely at the lower end Synology stuff but I don't understand how the specs (CPU + RAM) relate to streaming across the network/encoding/etc. If the usb port in the router could almost do it I'm sure I'll be good with just about anything, but I want to be sure. I'm limited on space so I don't want to build a NAS out of a PC, and like the smaller form factors of the pre builts.

    Any advice is really appreciated, thanks.

    EDIT: plex is on the Apple TV and I'll point it to the NAS.

    submitted by /u/QuickIOS
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    Should I switch over to AT&T fiber or stay with spectrum and get the 1GB plan?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 01:11 PM PST

    I mainly care about my ping in games. I currently get 25-30 ping and I have spectrum Internet. I have around 450 download and 20 upload. I'm not sure if making the switch over to a 1GB plan will help lower my ping? Did anyone switch over from say 200 mbps to 1GB and saw their ping get better? Not sure if this is the place to ask this sort of question. If it isn't, sorry.

    submitted by /u/JustAimBetter_
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    Mesh vs Consumer Router vs Advance Networking (ie Ubiquiti) - Need Advice

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 12:59 PM PST

    Hi all. Looking for some advice on how to move forward with my networking needs.

    Large Home with 3 floors. About 6700sq/ft. 7people here daily 2 work from home (connected to work vpn 7am-7pm M-F) 2 high school students doing virtual school M-F plus non stop social media and online streaming (Netflix, online gaming) 3 retired folks with constant WiFi use (but not heavy use) A bunch of internet devices (echo, fire sticks, smart tvs, light switches ) One my Netgear WiFi router it showed about 52 connected devices.

    Current Setup Google Fiber (1GBPs) -Netgear WIfi R7800 connected for WIFi and everything in the house (placed on 2nd floor) - Netgear R6400 wired directly to google modem for wired Ethernet to both work laptops and for Xbox For online gaming. (Figure if I can move those to different router and wired it will have a higher reliability) FYI I turned off the WiFi function TPlink signal booster for a dead spot I get on the 3rd floor.

    Problems I want to solved 1 The wifi router needs to be rebooted once or twice a week. Not sure if it's too many connections or just a bad router. 2. I have to continual move from 2.4 to 5 bands from time to time. I could be in my room and the 2.4 does not work so I moved to the 5 band and it works great. The next day I could be in the same spot and have to move to the 2.4 band as the 5 is extremely slow or dead. 3. Wired I am getting close to 900 speed but WiFi is never that good. 2.4 is around 100-200 and 5 is around 150-300. I know this depends a lot on the devices and the location but i feel that if I am in the same room as the router and in a new iPhone I should have a good connection all the time.

    Current thought process: Do I go Mesh with Ethernet backhaul. Wiring already in place. Will I get consistent speeds for all of my devices. ??? If so , do I go with eero since I am on a amazon platform (echo, fire sticks, light switches) or something else?

    Do I get a more power WiFi router that will be more stable and handle the load? If so what router would be powerful enough to handle all of the traffic? Again my WiFi coverage is ok but could be better. Not really interested in wifi6 as most of my devices will not support that for a couple of years but ok with future proofing if it really going to get me some advantages

    Do I go to a more of "enterprise" solution? Been looking at ubiquity router, Poe switch, a couple of APs, and building the controller out of a raspberry pi. I like this solution but it's getting expensive. Also will I see a true difference with speeds and reliability?? I read that the AP are good if you have less then 1 wall between you an AP.

    Or do I hack a system. Buy a router and turn all of the WiFi routers i have from my trials and turn then all into APs and put them around the house??? My wife won't like this but she does want better connectivity.

    Lastly, I know enough to configure routers and networking. Things I don't know I can always YouTube or come here :). So simplicity is not a top priority.

    Looking for any advice or resources I can review to make a good decision.

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/chulo36
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    iPhone audio issues - Omada WiFi (long shot)

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 10:35 AM PST

    I know this is a long shot and seems like an issue with the iPhone but bear with me...

    We run 2 Omada EAP 245's, hardwired from a basic TP-Link switch and consumer-grade TP-Link router (wi-fi disabled on the router).

    Is there any possibility of audio cutting out on iPhone while connected to the WiFi but video and other data being unaffected? During phone calls, webcasts, Webex, Microsoft teams, etc. audio will cut out (people can't hear me), and the only fix is switching to cellular data.

    Doesn't affect Android device or Windows laptop.

    Was not an issue when using WiFi from consumer-grade router.

    I have disabled WiFi assist and Wifi calling on the iphones to no avail.

    submitted by /u/bearsrunfast
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    Router recommendation

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 07:15 PM PST

    Currently using an Asus RT-AC66U behind an AT&T BGW-320 in passthrough mode, I have symmetric gigabit fiber service.

    I'm thinking it might be time to upgrade the AC66U.

    My requirements are:

    Gigabit at least obviously.

    Run an Open VPN server on the router (I like having it on the router to keep things simple).

    Wake-On-Lan built in (my 66U has it, very handy when working remotely).

    Dual band, guest networks, ability to plug in USB storage for quick and dirty file server use, that kind of stuff. I like to play around with my home network a bit so I'd like something nicely featured but still reasonable for home setup (I'm not an r/homelab type but I'm also not my grandmother if you know what I mean).

    Thanks for any suggestions.

    submitted by /u/and_eazy
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    I have 100mbps/10 mbps upload. I have an old Netgear C3700 (8x4) and Im wondering if I got a 24x8 or 32x8 modem and a router if Id see improvement.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 06:59 PM PST

    I have 2 pcs connected to it, 1 2k TV and 2 cell phones that we use.

    An Xfinity guy came buy my house today and told me that Id benefit much more if I got a 24x8 vs a 8x4 especially for the use of cell phone browsing.

    Is this true?

    Lastly, I also just bought https://www.amazon.com/ARRIS-SURFboard-Approved-SB8200-Frustration/dp/B06ZZGXJKM/ref=sr_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=arris&qid=1607050632&s=electronics&sr=1-4&th=1



    but I think im going to return it because I see SO many shitty reviews for that Modem and meh reviews for the router.

    I was thinking of getting this instead: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N08LPPP/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A2L77EE7U53NWQ&psc=1

    and some modem to go with it but IDK if its even worth the hassle? I game a lot and maybe id benefit? But I have like a 2% feeling that im going way overkill and should just be happyw it what I got because at the end of the day, itll be negligible

    submitted by /u/Ricknroll323
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    Stumped on Ethernet switch issue

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 06:52 PM PST

    Hey there,

    I have VZ Fios and use the standard Quantum Gateway. The QG runs a 100ft Ethernet cable into my office / game room and connects to a Netgear GS605NA switch. This switch connects to two Macs & two PS5s. When the switch works... it works flawlessly... however, lately, it has a new behavior and I can't figure out how to fix it.

    My work Mac has a Belkin docking station that provides Ethernet over TB3. Well, when this docking station goes to "sleep" all other machines attached to this port lose internet access. Once you wake up my work machine they all go back to normal.

    I have swapped the ports over and I can't for the life of me understand what is going on. I don't know how to Google it... I hate asking tech support questions that I should be able to self solve but I'm stuck!

    submitted by /u/stavibeats_
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    Unifi wifi6 AP

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 06:52 PM PST

    I am thinking about buying the new wifi 6 ubiquiti AP. I currently have a unifi switch and AC Pro AP. Do I need a wifi 6 router to take advantage of the new AP, or will the AP output the wifi at the faster speeds on it's own? I hope my question makes sense.

    Thanks for all of your help!

    submitted by /u/dyce18
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    Xfinity CPE with fan

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 06:23 PM PST

    I've got this Xfinity modem/router/AP here, and it has a fan in it. It's quite loud and annoying. What is it doing that requires cooling?

    submitted by /u/Isvara
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    Tell me which router to buy please!

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 05:54 PM PST

    I have Fios 150/150 plan. Tired of paying $10/month router fee.

    I work from home, stream movies on my smart TV, play online multiplayer video games and have 3-4 phones connected.

    My home is 1500 sq ft.

    Willing to spend around $150.

    Please advise! Thanks in advance for anyone who responds.

    submitted by /u/garbagelights123
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    Looking for wi-fi repeater with option to clone mac-address

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 05:46 PM PST

    Hi! I'm on the hunt for a range extender/repeater wich have the option to also clone my PC mac address. I've been looking through most of TP-link and Netgear models, but found nothing.... any tips?

    submitted by /u/maggehorse
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    Moca Adapter Help

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 05:44 PM PST

    As the title says I need some help connecting Moca adapters. I'm not sure if my thinking of it is correct. The ONT is in the basement and I want the router on the second floor connecting to my computer with an ethernet cable. So do I put 1 moca onto the ONT while I put the other onto the coax outlet on the 2nd floor? Then connect the moca to the router, then router to computer?

    submitted by /u/aprils3
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    Home networking as a side gig?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 01:47 PM PST

    I'm a telecommunications technician, I've been thinking about doing home networking jobs as a side gig to make some extra money. e.g. would be running cat5e lines, terminating patch panels properly, help setting up whole home networks, etc. Does anyone have experience with this? Would it be worth it? Not worth it? I got the go ahead from my work, but would have to be purchasing all of my own tools/equipment, etc, so there would be a startup cost. But I could imagine terminating a media panel for cat5e once a week after work would pay for itself quite quickly. Any feedback is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/bouvy
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    Setup or the for certain protocols network wide

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 04:39 PM PST

    What's the best method to use a proxy server (network wide) for specific protocols?

    I would like to encrypt my BitTorrent data for all devices connected to my network. I am willing to invest in some hardware or software if necessary, just not sure where to start.

    I do not want to setup each application with a socks5 proxy, rather utilize network or application layer protocols to filter BitTorrent traffic.

    Maybe this could be done with ddwrt or some firewall like pfsense?

    Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/Demon-tk
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    Can I have my own setup up as in family use the modem/router combo our isp provided while I use my own router

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 04:35 PM PST

    I bought the tp Link Archer VR2100 modem router DSL , and in a related post I mentioned that this modem/router stop working as the main device for our Internet (https://www.reddit.com/r/HomeNetworking/comments/k45z2v/can_my_isp_block_my_new_router/ ). In the manual it said it could be set up as wireless router and I'm wondering would I benefit from this

    submitted by /u/Professional_Focus61
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    Help - setting up 2 APs with same SSID/pwd

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 04:23 PM PST

    Hi, I used to have a second ap in my room setup with a different ssid to my main ap. The secondary ap was linked through wan to the main router through a powerline extender.

    What happened was my phone would automatically connect to one of the ssids, but if I changed rooms then I would have to manually change networks.

    So I decided to use the same ssid for both thinking my phone would automatically connect to the stronger signal. But if I am in my room and go to the living room, my phone will stay connected to the weaker signal, except now there's no way for me to manually select which ap to connect to.

    Is there a way to fix this? I think I did the setup correctly. I have my secondary router on a fixed ip, no dhcp on the secondary router and the secondary ip/default gateway is outside the main router dhcp.

    Also, both routers are on different channels.

    Where did I go wrong?

    submitted by /u/MiguelKoch
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