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    Saturday, May 2, 2020

    Microsoft didn't actually want to make Windows Millennium Edition Windows Help

    Microsoft didn't actually want to make Windows Millennium Edition Windows Help

    Microsoft didn't actually want to make Windows Millennium Edition

    Posted: 02 May 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    We've all heard of it. ME is by far one of the most hated tech products of all time. I myself have always wondered why it was so bad. Well, my dad actually talked to a Microsoft worker on an official forum around 15 years ago. He told me what he said

    NOTE: This was a long time ago; some of the information might be inaccurate.

    According to the Microsoft rep, the OEMs wanted an excuse to sell more computers. The easiest way to do that would be by including a shiny, new Operating System. Their hope was that if they could market it correctly, more systems could be sold at a quicker rate. In reality, they were still developing Windows eXPerience (then called Whistler). So, a small portion of their development team was tasked to get to work on a new OS.

    It only took them around 6 months (iirc), until the OEM version was ready However, they still waited a little longer before putting it on store shelves. They hyped it up by having huge marketing campaigns with slogans like "Come meet "ME" at the mall".

    But, despite their efforts, the reception at launch was, underwhelming to say the least. Very few people showed up to the ME booths. Where as, when 98 FE came out, it was absolutely packed. Later on, word got around that ME wasn't actually a "must have" upgrade. And that the majority of the software that it came pre-packaged with you could download for free online to use with 98 SE. Furthermore, it also had stability issues.

    TL;DR ME was essentially a repackaged version of Windows 98 SE with free downloadable upgrades pre-installed and less stability. The reason why it was so bad was because Microsoft couldn't be bothered to give a damn about it.

    submitted by /u/S1mpleHero
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    RAM usage at 30GB/32GB with only 1GB actually being used! Help!

    Posted: 02 May 2020 06:08 AM PDT

    So, in total I have processes running that add up to around 1-1.5 GB memory usage. However i have 95% 30.2/31.9GB memory usage. How can I find out what is causing this and fix it? My paged pool is using 1.6GB and NPP is 1.9GB so its not that.

    Help will be much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Gunniir
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    Why does Windows play that looping sound when the computer blue screens while playing audio

    Posted: 02 May 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    Just out of curiosity, I wondered why when the PC crashes while playing sound, why does it make that annoying looping sound?

    Not really a problem, just curiosity.

    submitted by /u/theepiccarday808
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    Which file system would be best for my hard disk?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 08:19 PM PDT

    I have a 2TB hard disk and currently it's partitioned into 1.5TB FAT32 + 500GB NTFS (approx).

    I want to know which file system would be best for my hard disk?


    I sometimes use it to store files greater that 4GB so FAT32 is out (also it's pretty slow)

    Now the comparison is left between NTFS and exFAT! Plz help.

    I heard that exFAT is supported by more devices but has less features than NTFS.

    1. Which would be best for my hard disk?
    2. Can data from exFAT also restored like NTFS if something happens?

    Plz help

    submitted by /u/pragyan52yadav
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    A program for whitelisting what can open other programs?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 08:37 PM PDT

    Hi. I was just wondering; are there any programs out there that can monitor new processes and not let them open unless they are whitelisted? It drives me NUTS when installing programs and they have the gall to fire off my browser and browse to some website. What I'd really like is to be able to tell some monitoring software a list of programs that it can let go safely (like explorer.exe, outlook.exe acrobat.exe, etc) and for anything not in the list to quash the process and open a dialogue asking if I want to open it like Yes, Yes and add to whitelist and No. Bonus if it can also grab the URL being opened to display it in the verification window.

    That'd be awesome. Does such a thing exist?

    submitted by /u/Sylvaran
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    Kaspersky keeps complaining about these 2 things...Also is it related to Java Auto Updater?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 08:02 PM PDT

    Need help installing windows on a USB

    Posted: 02 May 2020 11:37 AM PDT

    So my HDD on my windows laptop went kapoot yesterday

    now i have no other choice but to install windows on a USB drive cause of lockdown.

    I searched for some tutorials on youtube and they use this program called "WINtoUSB" (which is not available for MacOS) but the thing is I dont have any other windows device , i only have a MacBook which belongs to my dad. Is there any other alternative program for the same?

    submitted by /u/Raghav-S8Y
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    Windows equivalent of Automator on Mac OS X

    Posted: 02 May 2020 06:59 PM PDT

    Does anyone know if there is a windows alternative for Automator?

    Actions doesn't seem to work and is a very old app (last updated in 2012 or something)

    Do you guys know if there is something similar?

    submitted by /u/krazeyyyy
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    is there a feature to identiy images by their orientation(horizontal/vertical)?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 05:54 PM PDT

    I'm sorting some photos to upload elsewhere, there are some horizontal and some vertical photos altogether(no square ones) and I wanted all photos to be vertical, I have about 4000 photos in total, and it's a pain to track them all, is there a way I can select a folder and flip every horizontal image to be vertical in that folder?

    submitted by /u/That_one_sander
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    How to stop arrow keys from moving the mouse cursor?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 05:44 PM PDT

    While I was typing a document, I noticed my mouse cursor fidgeting with every arrow key press. According to the "Ease of Access mouse settings" this feature is currently off, but it's still doing it as I type this post.

    Anyone know how to shut it off?

    EDIT: My NumLock keypad isn't working either.

    submitted by /u/Testsubject276
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    turn off screen backlight

    Posted: 02 May 2020 12:36 PM PDT

    Hi, I wonder if is there a way to turn off the backlight of my laptop's screen in windows 10.

    It was possibile, on my laptop, with a combination with the fn button but that button doesn't work anymore so that's out of the way..

    Note that I don't want to turn off the screen but just to disable the backlight. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/_kjb
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    Best PDF viewer programs that works with a stylus?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 04:16 AM PDT

    At work I have a laptop that can turn into a tablet (it's not a Surface, it's a Thinkpad)

    I open a lot of documents that are pdfs and I need to write on them with a stylus and none of them work perfectly, unlike when I open a word document or ppt to write on it's seamless and easy to use

    I'd like to be able to just pull out my stylus and start writing, The biggest thing though is I need the ability to erase by hitting one of the two buttons on the stylus (vs having to select the eraser on the tool bar)

    Edge almost is perfect, the one thing I dont like about that is I can't right click on the icon to see recently open documents

    Right now I have Foxit and Adobe on my computer

    Foxit doesnt have the ability to erase unless I go select eraser (and it doesnt write very well)

    Adobe has the eraser problem, it writes better than foxit, but when I start writing it creates a selectable box around the first thing I write (I guess because I have to select comments to write) which is annoying as sometimes my and selects it when writing

    So anything out there that will play nice with my stylus so I dont have to select the eraser to erase something (and will show recent documents if I right click on the icon on the task bar)?


    submitted by /u/ACardAttack
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    Computer keeps randomly freezing/locking up for no reason

    Posted: 02 May 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    For the past few months, my computer would randomly freeze/lockup for no apparent reason. I could be in the middle of doing literally nothing and it would happen. No dump, no blue screen, just a total freeze. Even my speakers (if I was watching a movie or something) would just go "buuurrrrrrr" as if the audio signal was stuck being sent to my speakers.

    I ran memtestx86 (ram test) and prime95 (cpu test) but they all passed. I also reinstalled windows 10 on a brand new SSD hardrive that I bought for unrelated reasons.

    1.) Anyone have any idea as to what is going on or what I could try to find out?

    2.) Anyone know of a good stress/diagnostic test for my video card and motherboard?

    Windows10: 1909 (Build 18363.815)

    Processor: Intel Core i5 2500K

    Motherboard: ASRock P67 EXTREME4 (B3) LGA 1155 Intel P67

    RAM: G.SKILL Ripjaws Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800) Desktop Memory Model F3-12800CL9D-8GBRL

    Video Card: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series, PitCaim, 28nm, Sapphire

    submitted by /u/averylargepoop
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    Windows 10 "file history" backup

    Posted: 02 May 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    If I use Windows 10 "file history" backup with an external drive, and my main drive dies - can I install a new drive and restore from that external drive - and end up with a fully bootable system? Does Win10 backup actually restore boot EVERYTHING if I do a restore? Do I still need to image my drive with some 3rd part software if I am using Windows 10 "file history" backup?

    submitted by /u/theMezz
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    Trying to make use of F13-F24 keys using a Belkin n52te, need some help!

    Posted: 02 May 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm looking to use my old Belkin n52te (Which is apparently powered by old razer software, that doesn't seem to allow the use of F13-F24)

    Is there a way I can use third party macro software to achieve this?, I've tried using the "Special key sender" to send the F13 key though, and it shows up in other software, but I can't seem to use it in the N52te editor.

    Any help would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/UpcomingChris
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    Windows 7 upgrade to 10 question

    Posted: 02 May 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    I am running Windows 7 on my box. I want to install another C drive and install Windows 10 on it. If I do can I use my Windows 7 product key ? If so, would that invalidate my other Win 7 install ? I'm hoping to keep them both running, using dual boot, as I migrate to 10.

    submitted by /u/Latinhypercube123
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    How to delete windows 10

    Posted: 02 May 2020 10:04 AM PDT

    So i bought an new laptop, but the laptop has the screen all f*cked (dead pixels, a lot of blacklight bleed...). So i want to get a refund. Since this laptop came with no system (windows or linux) i wanted to delete the windows from it. Is there any way?

    submitted by /u/_MRXD_
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    Bluetooth On/Off toggle disappearing

    Posted: 02 May 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    This has been happening recently, but sometimes the toggle in the Settings menu to turn on Bluetooth disappears. I've noticed it disappears whenever W10 has an update ready, but these updates have become very common and annoying. The Bluetooh driver is up to date.

    submitted by /u/MarcsterS
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    Dell E6430 Slow but only Sometimes

    Posted: 02 May 2020 01:33 PM PDT

    Hello beautiful people!

    I have:

    Dell Latitude E6430 Laptop

    Intel i7 3540M Ivy Bridge 3.0GHz

    8GB RAM

    450GB HD (not SSD)

    Windows 10 Home


    This laptop become upresponsive / painfully slow, but only sometimes. At other times, it's fast as hell. I tried all kinds of troubleshooting to no improvement.

    I then did a completely clean reinstall of Windows 10 (deleted partitions, started from scrach, etc), installed all the required updated drivers, ran Windows Update a few times to get everything up to date, and installed only latest Chrome and Firefox. That's it. So in my view it's a minimal install.

    In my normal usage, i'm only browsing, Google Docs, etc. Nothing strenuous.

    Sometimes, when I'm using the computer, it will just slow down. I haven't found a pattern, or any particular website, or thing I do that starts the slowdown.

    Sometimes, if it just sits there idle, no usage, it will slow down.

    Sometimes, when I startup (from a shutdown state) it will start slow.

    What I've tried:

    When things are slow, even if I restart, it will not restart with the proper speed.

    When these things happen, it's very difficult to troubleshoot because the system is really slow or unresponsive.

    I've looked at driver updates, Windows Event Logs (nothing jumped out at me), Dell forums, etc.

    When it's working, it's working really well. That's what I'm on now!!

    I'm out of ideas, any help/ideas is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Lalu23
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    Terrible audio quality in UWP apps

    Posted: 02 May 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    Audio quality is terrible in UWP apps, but its fine everywhere else.

    The issue is in the apps, as audio is fine from other programs even when the app is running

    submitted by /u/The-Candle-Mann
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    Command prompt randomly turned green???

    Posted: 02 May 2020 01:06 PM PDT

    The font on my CMD prompt had green text today. I'm the only one who uses the computer and I am very sure I did not do this accidentally.

    What would cause the text color to change like that? Hackers? Viruses?!

    I figured out how to change it back but I'm more concerned with how it got there in the first place.

    submitted by /u/Lobster86
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    Merging partitions without losing data

    Posted: 02 May 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    Hi guys, I'm wondering what is the best way to merge partitions without losing data?

    Basicly I've tried installing windows for the first time in my life and I divided my drive into 2 partitions. I wanted to put windows on drive C and all the other stuff on D. So I gave drive C only 25gb of space because I thought that would be enough. When I finished installing everything I noticed that I had 2gb left on C drive but its somehow filling up without me doing anything. Its on 1.1gb of free space now. I googled a bit and tried some possible fixes to this but the free space on C still goes up and down with me just doing stuff like watching youtube videos etc. I figure the best way to make sure it doesnt fill up completly is to just merge them but I dont want to lose all the stuff from drive D, so theres my problem. I'm pretty inexperienced with all this but I'm trying my best to learn so if you have any other ideas I'd be happy to hear them.

    submitted by /u/RejectoSan
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    Operating system not found windows 10.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    Hello, I have a pc which currently has a problem, every time I restart or start my PC, it says Operating system not found. I have found a quick fix by going into bios and pressing something that lets me in but it is annoying. No idea why it's happening.

    My specs

    RTX 2070

    Ryzen 2700

    16gb ram

    windows 10

    DirectX 12


    submitted by /u/JinwooJB
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    Reseting your PC problem

    Posted: 02 May 2020 08:41 AM PDT


    Sorry for bad english!

    I Want to reset my pc to the default settings and remove everything i have on it. So i do the steps to reset it, and all it does îs restart the computer saying that " there was a problem reseting it, no files modified". But i want everything deleted. How can I do this?

    Btw i use Windows 8.1

    submitted by /u/Lamb_Of-God
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