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    Thursday, February 6, 2020

    WiFi killing patients or something... Tech Support

    WiFi killing patients or something... Tech Support

    WiFi killing patients or something...

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:35 PM PST

    First post here... Be nice please

    So I work for an outsourced service desk, you know passwords, printers and sending local guys. Now most people usually are very nice (mainly doctors and nurses) but there are a few Karens out there.

    So the conversation goes something like this:

    Me: thank you for calling desk, how can I help?

    User: yeah I need the WiFi password.

    Me: I'm sorry? WiFi?

    User: yes for the hospital...

    Me: oh! I'm sorry we don't handle that, we are the general service desk. You need to talk to management.

    User: they told to talk to you! Why is it so hard, isn't this the help desk?

    Me: I'm really sorry but I can't give you the password I don't have it with me, please talk to local dept.

    User: I don't know why is this so hard, do you have the password or not?

    Me: sorry no, I can ask a local agent to check or send you the password.

    User: is this going to take a whole day?

    Me: I'm not sure it depends on their workload.

    User: this is affecting patients (obviously a lie)

    Me: I'm sorry but the local agent has to solve this, I don't have any WiFi passwords.


    Oh well just another day

    submitted by /u/-ROOT97-
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    "What do you mean it's our end? Fix it!"

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 10:35 PM PST

    Howdy y'all, your favorite VoIP tech support here! Here is another scintillating ticket I had today.

    Ticket comes in - "customer reports hearing static and loud bursts occasionally, this has been ongoing, before they switched over to [company]."

    Previously they had POTS lines with AT&T, and they had migrated over to us on our hosted voice platform (VoIP) - the site is using an analog telephone adapter (ATA) between their router and their old analog phones.

    As soon as I saw the notes on the ticket and that they were using the ATA, I knew it was an inside wiring issue - because, well, they freely admitted to it by stating it was ongoing when they had POTS, and they're still using the same IW but a different source - VoIP - so it's the IW!

    Regardless, I do my usually tests - check the ATA, it's up and communicating, reboot it, and ring the port on the back of it. If I can see all of those and see the port ring, then the issue is beyond what my company is responsible for, similar to a demarc/66 block for POTS lines.

    I call the customer to let them know I can see the ATA and that I wanted them to try their phone directly to the ATA, bypassing the wiring - dialtone is clean and they can call in/out. When they return it to where it was, well, the static, clicks, and bursts start. I explain that it's likely the IW and that it would need to be replace (and that our company also offers IW services as well, if they wish to give us more money!)

    By now the customer has gone a little apeshit and is insisting that we should be fixing it free of charge and that it's our fault it's not working. I remind them of the wording of the ticket they put in and that the issue has been isolated to the IW - they proceed to hangup.

    I email the account manager, show them the work, and let them know the issue is IW on site, and, well, my work is done from my end.

    Moral of the story - don't be too honest.

    submitted by /u/EhManana
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    "Yes, we're your incumbent supplier"

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:00 AM PST

    u/rectorol's recent story, here, has recovered a traumatic memory from the archive;

    Having just started working as a single-man contractor for a manufacturing firm.

    *phone rings*

    Vendor: "Hi it's xxxxx from yyyyy printing supplies (name removed to protect the guilty, company has since gone bust) - can our account manager come to talk to you about your print services?"

    Me: "Um, I've just started, I'm not yet sure who runs our print services yet."

    Vendor: "Oh, we do!"

    Me: "Great! Yeah I'll quite happily schedule a meeting with our account manager then. When works for you?"

    *appointment booked*

    The day of the appointment arrives

    Account manager: "Hi, I'd like to talk about the services we offer"

    Me: "Yeah, could you let me know what contract we currently have with you and how much we're paying?"

    Account manager: "Oh, we're not your current supplier, we just would like to be".

    Me: *stands up* "OK this meeting is over, I don't work with companies who lie to me."

    Account manager: "O_O"

    I felt a *teeny* bit sorry for him as it wasn't him who'd arranged the appointment, and he'd been told by the sales guy who spoke to me we were a sales lead - and the account manager got to drive back from South Wales to London without anything to show for it... but only a *teeny* bit.

    I do wish I'd've been able to hear the conversation between the account manager and the phone sales guy though...

    Insta-blacklist, of course.

    submitted by /u/mkaibear
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    "..trust me, just start typing"

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:25 AM PST

    Hello TFTS

    Today i bring you a short tale of my wonderful end users.

    ME: Me EU: End User

    I log in for my normal day and receive my normal morning tickets. Software installs, breakfix and troubleshooting. You know, typical stuff.

    I see a software request for something pretty basic. Easily deployed through SCCM. I add the user to the group and give it the pre-req 20 minutes and reach out to the user

    Me: Hi user I got your ticket to get software installed. If you have a moment today, open your windows menu and search for "Software Center". In there you should see the icon for software click on it and then click on INSTALL and it will install. If you need any help please let me know!


    About 30 minutes later I get a response:

    EU: Hi Obvious, i have looked up and down in the windows menu and i cannot find anything called the software center, please help.

    Not a problem. User is new-ish to our company and probably hasn't even seen the software center. I ping them on Lync

    Me: Hi EU if you open your windows menu and just type in "Software" it should show up right away.

    User is typing

    Eu: I don't see a place to type. are you sure? Me: Yes, just type.


    Like, really long. >10 minutes.

    User is typing

    EU: Obvious, i really don't understand. there isn't a place to type.

    Eh, screw it. I walk up to the user's floor and to their desk. They see me coming and drop their head.

    EU: I swear i'm not that bad with computer, but typing in that menu doesn't make sense. there isn't a place to type.

    I laugh it off and take the wheel and open the windows menu and type "Software Center" and it shows up immediately.

    I'll spare some of the language, but the user was completely blown away by this newest revelation. They now brag to me how they impress everyone around them with their genius knowledge of Windows.

    I love my End Users.

    submitted by /u/obvioustroway
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    You did what to the broadband

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:49 AM PST

    Short version New bloke at a business who knew nothing about IT migrated broadband service for a site and killed lots of services

    So I worked for IT firm contracted for desktop support, backup maintenance, training and general maintenance

    We were hired so they didn't replace there old IT guy who retired after building most of the network

    So one day we get a frantic phone call saying the site has lost internet connection

    We arrived and found the internet connection was offline

    A new starter had received a cold call and unwittingly agreed to migrate the broadband to some random company

    After explaining we would need static ip's (that the new isp hadn't heard of) we got a temporary service working and got there broadband switched back in 6 days

    The new guy got a strong talking to

    submitted by /u/warmachine83uk
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    Its the little things.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:47 AM PST

    Not actually Support, just tend to be called in around the office. to do simple things like set up workstations, or assess PEBKAC issues. This time was just one of those little things I felt could post here for a few people to chuckle at.

    Me == me.

    Them == Other Coworker.

    Them: "Agh! Why wont my computer work?"

    Me: *Starts to get up from desk*

    Them: "No, don't. I got this."

    Me: *Sits back down and shrugs*

    Them, 2 minutes later: "Argh, ok, I can't figure it out. Come take a look."

    Me: *Walks over, looks at coworker unable to select browser tabs, keeps opening Right-click menu.*

    Them: "See? I cant get these tabs open!"

    Me: *Glances to the side, sees coworker has grip shifted too far to right side of mouse, is clicking with Right mouse button. Proceed to pull mouse into more viable position on desk, and show her that she was clicking with the RMB. Click a few times with LMB to confirm there is no problem. Return to seat.*


    submitted by /u/Jhtpo
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