Simple Questions - February 04, 2020 |
- Simple Questions - February 04, 2020
- I feel so stupid right now
- My struggle to overcome my childhood anxiety and reclaim the joy of PCs as an adult
- Regret.
- What do you regret with your build?
- Built a $2500 rig that performs like a netbook. What am I doing wrong? [UPDATE: A step in the right direction, it works!]
- Is it worth to wait for new intel/AMD CPU's or NVIDIA rtx 3000 series?
- My first pc as a 15 year old
- I’ve been seeing a lot of builds on here with Samsung Evos, however comparing their specs to their prices I’m not sure why. I want you guys to get the most from your money but it seems like there’s much better options out there. Am I over looking something?
- PC randomly starts showing no signal until reboot
- Is this worth anything? (Idk if it is the right subreddit)
- Curious if this deal for a full build tower is good?
- My first Build Complete ! (Silent/Quiet)
- CPU running at 84c-89c under load
- Which way should the PSU go?
- [Troubleshooting] If I've fried my motherboard, what are the odds I can salvage the other components?
- which gpu for 1080p?
- First build boots with HDMI connected to motherboard, but not when HDMI connected to GPU
- I want to know if the computer I built is good and everything works.
- Ryzen 5 2600 or 3600?
- Looking for advice/opinions on Linux
- Looking for a motherboard suggestion for a Ryzen 7 3700x build. But not for gaming, just very heavy office use with some graphics
- Does adding a vertical GPU mount disable the other pci slots? phanteks p300 case
- New cpu Disk usage 100% ?
- Will a 1070 fit here
Simple Questions - February 04, 2020 Posted: 04 Feb 2020 04:09 AM PST This thread is for simple questions that don't warrant their own thread (although we strongly suggest checking the sidebar and the wiki before posting!). Please don't post involved questions that are better suited to a [Build Help], [Build Ready] or [Build Complete] post. Examples of questions:
Remember that Discord is great places to ask quick questions as well: Important: Downvotes are strongly discouraged in this thread. Sorting by new is strongly encouraged. Have a question about the subreddit or otherwise for /r/buildapc mods? We welcome your mod mail! Looking for all the Simple Questions threads? Want an easy way to locate today's thread? This link is now in the sidebar below the yellow Rules section. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 04 Feb 2020 04:51 AM PST So a few days ago i got a new AIO, very eager to build it into the new case that came a day later. When everything is in place and working i fire up MW and it starts thermal throttling hard. When i take out the aio i figure out whats wrong rather quickly.. In my excitement i forgot to remove the protective layer of plastic from the copper plate. Damn i feel like such an idiot right now lol [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||
My struggle to overcome my childhood anxiety and reclaim the joy of PCs as an adult Posted: 04 Feb 2020 08:39 AM PST This wasn't at all how I thought I'd feel. I had visualized this for weeks and pictured myself more excited than a kid on Christmas morning. I should have been giddy with anticipation to assemble my first build in almost twenty years. It was a cold, snowy, Monday evening last February. I was standing in the entryway of an empty Micro Center with my recently picked up B450 Tomahawk and 2600X (combo deal ftw). I had the power of 21,600,000,000 instructions per second and the foundation of the most satisfying LEGO project in a plastic bag in my left hand, but for some reason my body was sending the signal that I was doing something terribly wrong. My throat tightened. My heartbeat elevated. My stomach was in knots. I stared blankly back into the store without blinking. How did I get here? Why did this feel so wrong? Figuring out the answer would take almost a year of reflection and therapy, oftentimes painful, but sometimes resulting in a release so powerful it feels like I've found an Easter egg to a higher level of living. To begin, we need to go back almost 20 years. It all began when I was in 7th grade, a 12 year old kid, originally in love with building LEGOs and K'Nex, but now fascinated with computers, gadgets, the internet, and watching "The Screen Savers" with Leo Laporte. So when a fellow classmate brought his behemoth, custom-painted, dremel-installed-glass-sided, blue-cold-cathode-lit computer tower to school, I knew I had to have my own. I became obsessed with choosing the right components for my PC. didn't exist yet, but I discovered this tech marketplace with a funny name, Newegg. The Intel Pentium 4 was new to the market, with speeds over 1Ghz. The hard drive was 20GB. The ram was a whopping 512mb of 100 MHZ SD-RAM. And of course, I had to have a CD-R, a separate CD-RW, and a floppy drive. I absolutely loved researching the configurations online and then playing through all the combinations in my head all day long. I was finally ready to order the parts and have my very own computer. I planned to use all my birthday, Christmas, and chore money that I'd ever saved up. Alas, I needed to tell my parents about my grand plan to spend my life's savings on building my own computer, something to them that probably sounded like building your own iPhone would to parents today. I told them over dinner. In the past, my love for technology was something they could get excited about. It was harmless and cute. But now I wanted to spend all my money to buy computer parts from an online site with the word "egg" in its name. Now, it was their duty to protect their child from making a grave mistake and being swindled online. With stern faces and concerned voices, the questions came fast, each one chipping away at my original excitement. "We already have a computer, can't you just use it?" "Are you sure you even picked parts that will work together?" "How can you trust this online store to not take your money?" "What if it breaks and you need support, who will you call?" "Why don't you focus on your schoolwork, not on computer games?" "Won't it become obsolete in a year?" "Why don't you spend more time outside instead of obsessing about this?" "Are you sure this is what you want to spend all your money on?" Each question made me feel like I was a Goomba getting bashed into the ground by Mario jumping on my head. By the end of the conversation I was frustrated, angry, and depressed. I couldn't help but ask myself, were they right? Should I just give it up and move on? Maybe I didn't know what I was doing? Maybe I would break it and waste all my money? For the first time I can remember I felt this weird, tight, uncomfortable feeling in my throat and chest. I didn't have a name for it then, but it was powerful and wanted to make me give up my plans, do what my parents say, and stick to the status quo. Even though it made me feel uncomfortable to think about it, the fire was still there and it couldn't be extinguished. Now my relationship with building a computer was much more complicated, but the desire was still strong. I had to do this. I wanted to do this. I gathered all the courage I had, pushed through my parents objections, made all the promises I needed to, borrowed their credit card, handed over my cash, and purchased all the parts. I wish I could say that building the PC was filled with the same excitement of completing a LEGO set as a kid, but the whole process was covered with a fog of worry that my parents would be right. At night after dinner I'd sheepishly sneak downstairs to the basement to continue the assembly, trying my best not to make a mistake. Thermal paste? CPU coolers? Risk of static discharge? Was it even OK to touch the PCB with my bare hands? Was I going to crack the motherboard installing the CPU cooler or RAM? My Dad would come look, ask a couple questions, half heartedly wish me luck and go back upstairs. Each step in the build just increased my worry as I was that much closer to pressing the power button for the first time. When I was finally ready and pushed the power button, of course, nothing happened. Shit, my parents were right! Upon quick investigation, I realized I mixed up the power pins on the motherboard. A quick fix. I tried again and the case came to life like a jet engine with the total overkill 5 case fans I added. It worked! I did it! I actually built my own computer! I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders, knowing that I hadn't wasted my money. I also felt a sense of accomplishment, having invested so much into something and now seeing it for the first time. I had my very own custom PC. I was part of the community. I was like Leo Laporte. I built it myself and paid for it with my own money. My parents were excited and congratulated me for a job well done, and they loved telling all their friends about what I had done, but that felt pretty hollow and insincere, considering the pushback they originally had. And I could still tell from their passive aggressive actions and remarks that they didn't love me using the computer. Even so, I played more Red Alert 2 than I care to admit. Even though in the back of my mind I'd be worried my parents would come downstairs and tell me to get off the computer, getting in front of the monitor felt damn good, and I used that computer all through high school. As I went through college and my adult life, I transitioned to gaming on console, then not gaming at all. All the while I exclusively used laptops for school and work. Years went by without a thought about a desktop PC. But then, just last year, as a newly married adult in my 30s, I had the urge to pick up video games again and relive some childhood fun. I started with a Switch and Breath of the Wild. I then dusted off the Xbox and bought Destiny 2. Then I tried out Fortnite at the urge of some friends. At first I didn't like it, but then I got my first win with my friends and I was hooked. My friends all played on PC, and they would go on and on about its superiority to my wimpy Xbox. I thought to myself, I know how to build a PC! I love building PCs! Let's do it! My friend pointed me to /r/buildapc and /r/buildapcsales. I quickly fell in love with the minimalist white and black color theme. I learned that hard drives now attach directly to motherboards. I learned that RGB was both a meme and a lifestyle. I learned that AMD was now the preferred CPU for gamers, when did that happen?! I discovered, oh man, where was this when I was a kid? My obsession came back. This was so fun! I spent a month designing the right PC, picking components within my budget, and constantly looking for deals. But before I could pull the trigger, there was one thing I had to do. I had to tell my wife… At first I couldn't put my finger on why, but I was nervous to tell her. I wasn't sure how she would respond. Would she ask, "why are you spending our money on this?", "what's wrong with the laptop you already have?", "do you even know how to build it?" I was waiting for the right time to bring up the topic. In the end, she saw me looking at a $20 Alienware mechanical keyboard deal from /r/buildapcsales. "You're buying a big keyboard...?" She asked with a slightly suspicious look. "Actually…, you know how I used to build computers as a kid? I'm thinking about building one now…" my voice trailed off, a sheepish smirk on my face as I slowly glanced her way to judge her reaction. "Wait, seriously?" she asked curtly. My heartbeat elevated. "Yea, it's fun and I love it and want to do it again". I doubled down on my conviction, playing it off as no big deal. "Where are you going to put it?" Ah, the crux of her concern was uncovered. OK, this isn't so bad. "Well, I'd put it on our desk." "Will there be a big monitor that blocks the view?" she asked. "Define big…" Her eyes rolled. "Oh honey…" She said as she went to the other room and changed the subject, believing this would just be another fad of mine that would fade soon. I was in too deep, though. There was no going back. By this point, I was totally obsessed with building a computer, and I wanted to enjoy it, but I knew I couldn't do that without my wife's support. That painful but familiar tightness in my chest was coming back when I'd think about building the computer and continuing the conversation with my wife. At first I couldn't pinpoint the source, but then it hit me all at once. I became hot and red in the face. My heart started racing. I stared at the wall without blinking. The questions she was asking me were the same ones my parents did almost 20 years earlier. I was carrying the skeletons of that original experience around with me, hiding in the depths of my psyche. It was both a relief to know where the feelings were coming from, but it also came with a deep sadness at the realization that I'd been carrying them around with me my whole life. I had to confront them. I told my wife that we needed to talk. I explained that actually building this computer is really important to me. I explained that my love for technology that she admires was at times a source of pain for me. I explained how my parents anxiety had been imprinted in me, and that her questions brought back those same feelings. I stated that I had to build this computer. It represented so much more than a machine, it represented my reclamation of my love for technology and the breaking of the shackles that my loving parents inadvertently placed on me almost two decades prior. I cried. She cried. She said I had to do it, and that I had her full support. She asked me to show her the parts I was looking at. We went through PCPartPicker together. I giddily explained what each component was and the purpose it served. She said she loved the white NZXT case I picked out. She said the glass panel was really cool. My heart was so full. Here I was, sharing my passion for computing with someone I love and getting nothing back but complete affirmation, curiosity, and interest. I ordered all the parts. Days went by as I waited for them to arrive. But something didn't feel right. The original joy of the conversation with my wife started to fade. To my frustration and disappointment, the questions started resurfacing. 20 years of baggage does not disappear overnight. I went to MicroCenter by myself on that snowy Monday night in February to pick up the B450 Tomahawk and 2600X I reserved online. Before heading to the counter to pick them up, I toured the store. Every part imaginable was here. It was a Newegg in real life. It was fascinating to look at the most expensive parts and dream of building a ridiculous rig. But there again with me were the questions. Was I really a PC person? Was this me? I hesitantly went to the counter and paid for my motherboard and CPU. I walked to the front door slowly. I stopped and stood in place. Turned around and stared back into the store. My chest was so tight I could barely swallow. The questions were here and they were fierce. They felt like Voldemort taking over Harry Potter's consciousness, mixing up his thoughts and filling him with fear and doubt. "Is this really what I should be spending my money on?" "Would I even use this after a month, or would it sit there as a daily reminder of just another phase?" "I'm a married adult in my 30s now, shouldn't I give up video games?" The questions were flooding my mind and overwhelming my body, activating my fight or flight reflex and yelling at me to run and never come back. But then I paused. I felt a surge of power. I know this feeling. Hello old friend. Welcome back. I see you. You've burrowed deep and made your home in my consciousness, but like moss on a tree, you've clung to me, I have not clung to you. I have the power to recognize you and let you be, causing you to fade into the shadows of my mind, suppressed and starved of the attention you need to be relevant. My body started to tingle. Endorphins flooded my bloodstream. I was reclaiming a part of me that I had been longing to reconnect with for over 20 years. A part of my identity was no longer being repressed, it was being embraced and accepted for all that it was. I took a deep breath, let it out, and walked out of the store with my head held high. I thought to myself, "damnit, this is MY fucking computer and I'm doing this!" I assembled my PC that weekend in the living room while my wife watched TV on the couch. I did it slowly, explaining to her what each part was. She kindly feigned attention, but I knew her heart was in it. I admired the cable management of the NZXT H510, was in awe at the size, weight and beauty of my MSI RTX2070, and I was loving my monotone color theme. When it was all done I turned it on and it fired up beautifully. As I sit here writing this, on the eve of my beloved PC's first birthday, I can't help but reflect on how a seemingly banal machine could have had such a positive impact on my life. I rekindled friendships with five amazing friends through our now shared passion for PC gaming, playing at least once a week together, enjoying ourselves hanging out and bonding over a shared activity. I discovered /r/mechnicalkeyboards and dove way too deep into keyboards. I learned to solder and built two of my own, a project almost as fulfilling as building PCs. But what I'm most grateful for is the profound impact this process has had on my relationship with my friends, my wife, my parents, and most importantly, myself. To my wife, thank you for embracing and loving everything about me, unconditionally. Thank you for nurturing my passion as if it's your own. Thank you for helping me through this journey. To my parents, I want you to know that I don't blame you or hold any bad feelings. You loved and supported me in the way you knew how, and for that I can't condemn you. To myself, I am proud of you for tackling this challenge head on. You have learned that there is no shame in your passions, and that actually there is no life without them. Life is not always about "being responsible" and "working hard" and "continuous self improvement", life is about love, joy, and community. This journey was not just about reclaiming the joy of PCs, it was about recognizing and embracing the many small pleasures that daily life affords us, if only we let it. When that spark of passion and creativity is lit, run toward it! It's too special to extinguish with the questions. The questions in your mind are not you. They are the residue of a life lived with caring, supportive parents. They may not serve you anymore, but they are not a source of shame, and they can be overcome. Before this story wraps up, there's one more thing I'd like to share. There's someone else this journey has helped my relationship with, someone who I will shape with my own beliefs and struggles: my very own baby boy. Just three months ago I became a father. As I reflect on being a father, I want to make sure that I support my boy in whatever he wants to do, and that I don't stifle his passion and curiosity by asking the questions. So here's my promise to you, son. I promise to listen attentively and excitedly to all of your interests. I promise to make your interests my own, and to fulfill them to their ends together, whether they are a passing fad, or a lifelong passion. I promise to never fill your head with doubts. I promise to be your biggest fan. I promise to love all of you, all the time, for as long as we may live. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 03 Feb 2020 04:31 PM PST I am having a huge sense of buyers remorse after listening to this sub. I bought the 5700xt, "A cheaper 2070 super! With only up to 10% less performance!" I bought the 5700xt (non reference). Used DDU and installed it. "Freesync not supported" on an LG27GL650. Spent hours fixing it, until I was made aware of CRU and forced it. I loaded up my favourite game, an unreal engine game... it crashes on launch "Oh latest driver doesnt work with unreal" spends 1 hour with ddu and installing old drivers. IT WORKS!! Open up more games like total war 3 kingdoms and they dont work , and just crash. Graphical artifacting is frequent and screen flickers all of the time especially in Escape from Tarkov. Blue screens happen twice a day. Lose hope. Been finding solutions to all my problems for over 2 weeks now. 2 weeks brings it over return policy and now I'm stuck with this piece of shit card. How is this acceptable to have a card release and barely work? My 1060 worked better with FreeSync than the actual AMD card ffs... Sry for rant but you guys suggesting this card is upsetting, I worked hard saving for this card and now I'm just disappointed. I may even sell this card second hand on ebay at this rate. And it's not just me, I've found any people with the same issues I have, and people making out 2 crashes daily is reasonable. Also sorry for mistakes, I used my phone to write this. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||
What do you regret with your build? Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:01 AM PST No build is perfect. Love to hear what you would do differently with your next build. Edit: Thanks for your comments! This is a great resource for entry builders. Please upvote favorite regrets! [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:53 AM PST Previous Troubleshooting post can be found here: Wow. I never thought diagnosing this would have been this difficult. I literally applied almost all of the advice you guys had suggested in the last post, be it disabling ALL overclocking of any kind, manually specifying EVERYTHING (at one point there wasn't a single setting left on Auto), reset CMOS multiple times, benched probably two dozen times, reinstalled Windows, etc etc etc. I eventually hit my wits end and figured it was time to tear it completely down, restore everything to stock condition, and start completely over, but this time build it outside of the case. You can see a picture by picture breakdown of the process, as well as more details regarding that process in the image comments here: After completely cleaning and rebuilding the entire system on my desk (yes, I know it's small, I haven't had the time to make a trip to IKEA yet. I do need chair suggestions though!) I had success! I decided at this point to reset CMOS and BIOS one final time, as well as wipe the NVMe and reinstall Windows entirely. I knew things were going much better as I was able to get Windows installed and load into the Desktop in less than 5 minutes of starting the install. At this point, I installed the drivers in this order: Wifi (brought over via USB, Windows couldn't natively use the antenna that came with the board and I haven't run an ethernet line to this room of the house yet), Ryzen Master (CPU driver I would assume?) from AMD website, X570 chipset driver from AMD website, AMD Radeon 20.1.3 WHQL drivers, and a few miscellaneous drivers such as LAN, Audio, and ASUS specific software like AI Suite and RamCache. At this point I was sure the process had worked! Everything was FLYING. I decided to set everything back to auto, reenable auto overclocking and XMP profile, disable RamCache, and download some benchmarking tools and will share the results below. No manual overclocking has been performed at this point: UserBenchmarks: Game 116%, Desk 160%, Work 137%
GeekBench Compute OpenCL Benchmark GeekBench Compute Vulkan Benchmark Imgur Album of a handful of software-based benchmarks and info utilities At this point, I'm 100% positive the case was causing the problem. Does anyone know why this might be? I've got a Fractal Design Meshify C. After I finish applying the finishing touches to the BIOS and software, I'm going to meticulously comb over the case and carefully reinstall the motherboard. If everything benches similarly, I will consider going down Overclocking Avenue. Any guesses as to why the case caused these problems, and/or suggestions as to what I should do or look out for when reinstalling everything into the case? Many thanks to everyone who helped me out in my previous post. I cannot thank you all enough. I've learned so much from reading through all of your comments, and am thankful that as of right now, nothing looks like it has to be returned (except for the case, and potentially not even that). No matter what people say, this is a phenomenal community to be a part of. Also, I've decided I will overclock the system prior to installing in the case as well as I may or may not need to get a new or different one. I'll post OC benchmarks once I have them as an edit to this post. Edit: I swung by my house on my lunch break and took a look at the case. The standoffs are all installed (couldn't remember if I installed them or not). At this point I'm not going to reinstall it as I don't want to risk the system going haywire again and/or potentially damaging components. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||
Is it worth to wait for new intel/AMD CPU's or NVIDIA rtx 3000 series? Posted: 04 Feb 2020 05:12 AM PST My i5 3570k and GTX 770 don't meet my requirments anymore. I want to buy something new, but since a year it looks like there is no "good moment" to buy a PC. Every few months something new is announced and spectaculations about performance improvement are overhelmig. I want to buy a PC for 1920x1080, 144Hz which I won't change for a few years. Should I wait for something specific or just buy a PC right now? Would a 3700x + rtx2070S last at least 5years? [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 04 Feb 2020 02:38 PM PST I knew a lot about PC because of my liking to them and my friend asked if I could help him. He had a pretty tight budget for his PC and I tried my best on it. It's probably really bad but i'm proud of myself and wanted to show it off. I was able to get 16 GB ram, Ryzen 2600x and a GTX 1070 in it for around 600 euros Image: Sorry for my bad cable management. Seeing I didn't have a modular power supply and it was a closed case [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 04 Feb 2020 04:32 PM PST | ||||||||||||||||||
PC randomly starts showing no signal until reboot Posted: 04 Feb 2020 02:55 PM PST Using a Pixio P7 Prime. Newly built Ryzen 5 3600x and Sapphire 5700xt Nitro... build works great until it randomly goes to "no signal" and into power saving mode that can't be woken until you reboot the system. All the PC continues running and still getting audio through headset. I've already: Turned "screen off after" and "sleep" after off. (These were both set to 2 hours -Hasn't happened since but this is just a plaster fix). I'm trying tomorrow: Different monitor Different cables Is there anything else I can/should be doing ? Completely new to pc apologies Thanks [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||
Is this worth anything? (Idk if it is the right subreddit) Posted: 04 Feb 2020 01:44 PM PST | ||||||||||||||||||
Curious if this deal for a full build tower is good? Posted: 04 Feb 2020 04:06 PM PST This may not be the place to ask a question like this, but idk where get some advice. I'm looking to upgrade from a 1600x and 1060 3gb build. I saw this listing on Craigslist and messaged the guy if he would part out some of the things I wanted. He said he didn't want to have to deal with selling it all separately so he offered me $1500 instead of the $1800 he was asking. Is this a good deal? Planning on custom water-cooling and keeping it for about 5 years :) Thanks r/buildapc love you guys! [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||
My first Build Complete ! (Silent/Quiet) Posted: 03 Feb 2020 10:06 PM PST Wow, no kidding, that PC is quiet AF !!! Everything went better than expected Case : Fractal Design R6 gunmetal ( No TG ) Motherboard : Gigabyte Aorus Z390 Ultra CPU : Intel i9 9900k Hard Drive : Samsung 970 EVO 1TB NVMe M.2 Internal SSD RAM : Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 X 8GB) DDR4 3600 CPU Cooler : Corsair Hydro Series H150i Graphic Card : Asus Rog Strix GeForce RTX 2080 Super 8Gb Power Supply : Corsair RM750x No worry about cable mismanagement lol [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||
CPU running at 84c-89c under load Posted: 04 Feb 2020 12:14 PM PST Hello buildapc, R5 3600x GTX 2060 super Phanteks P400 case with +3 CHA fans. 3 in front, 1 in back, 1 on top. As my title says my CPU is running a tad hot. I am not OCing, my CPU volt is at 1.3 during idle, drops to 1v during load. I am using the stock cooler My GPU is running at about 60c maybe a little lower. I've been playing CoD:MW while recording that's when it went up to 84c. When I first built it I ran cinnebench and it topped at 78c now when I run cinnebench it tops at 89c So I'm thinking I should get some new thermal paste and reapply it. I have Thermal Grizzly kyronaut in my shopping cart now, if I order it soon it'll arrive by tomorrow. Edit: I have ordered a Noctua cooler, it will arrive sometime tomorrow, but might not be able to update until Thursday. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 04 Feb 2020 03:58 PM PST Fractal Design Meshify C Corsair RM1000x The case has vents on both sides, so either seems plausible. Either it's drawing air out of case internals (fan pointing up) or out of bottom side of case via air filters (fan pointing down). Outside air is likely cooler so that seems better - but thought I'd check with you guys Thanks [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 04 Feb 2020 03:47 PM PST Pretty much as the title states: I've fried my motherboard, should I just look at replacing the motherboard and hoping everything else will work or is it a given that I risk damaging any new equipment I install? For context, I managed to spill coffee on my tower. Brilliantly done, I know. Video died immediately (RIP GTX 970), and the fans ran for maybe 5-10 seconds longer before the entire thing shut off. After letting everything dry out for 72 hours, I plugged in everything except the video card (for obvious reasons) but while breadboarding all I get is a half second of CPU fan spin up on powerup. I built this PC in 2014, and it's worked beautifully for the time I had it. But at this point I'm considering just replacing the entire thing (barring the hard drives, although at nearly 6 years old they're probably approaching EOL as well) rather than mess around with diagnostics. Any insight on this would be appreciated. Specs for those interested:
Edit: formatting and added PSU [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 04 Feb 2020 01:42 PM PST so i am planning to play on 1080p 144hz, and can you recommend me what is better, rtx 2060 super or rtx 2070 super? price difference is like 100€ [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||
First build boots with HDMI connected to motherboard, but not when HDMI connected to GPU Posted: 04 Feb 2020 03:06 PM PST GPU fans are spinning Any ideas? What should I do first? Reseat GPU? (How careful should I be when doing this?) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [Intel Core i9-9900K 3.6 GHz 8-Core Processor]( | $523.89 @ B&H **CPU Cooler** | [Scythe Mugen 5 Rev. B 51.17 CFM CPU Cooler]( | $62.14 @ Amazon **Motherboard** | [Gigabyte Z390 AORUS ELITE ATX LGA1151 Motherboard]( | $174.99 @ Amazon **Memory** | [G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3200 Memory]( | $73.99 @ Newegg **Memory** | [G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3200 Memory]( | $73.99 @ Newegg **Storage** | [Samsung 860 Evo 500 GB 2.5" Solid State Drive]( | $79.98 @ Amazon **Storage** | [Seagate Barracuda 2 TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive]( | $80.59 @ Amazon **Video Card** | [MSI GeForce RTX 2070 8 GB Video Card]( |- **Case** | [Deepcool TESSERACT BF ATX Mid Tower Case]( | $49.99 @ B&H **Power Supply** | [EVGA SuperNOVA G3 750 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply]( | $127.98 @ Newegg **Optical Drive** | [LG WH14NS40 Blu-Ray/DVD/CD Writer]( | $49.88 @ Other World Computing **Wireless Network Adapter** | [Gigabyte GC-WB867D-I REV 4.2 PCIe x1 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi Adapter]( |- **Case Fan** | [Corsair LL120RGB LED (Three Fans With Lighting Node PRO) 43.25 CFM 120 mm Fans]( | $106.99 @ Newegg **Mouse** | [Logitech MX Vertical Wireless Optical Mouse]( | $84.00 @ Amazon | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | Total (before mail-in rebates) | $1508.41 | Mail-in rebates | -$20.00 | **Total** | **$1488.41** | Generated by [PCPartPicker]( 2020-02-04 18:03 EST-0500 | [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||
I want to know if the computer I built is good and everything works. Posted: 04 Feb 2020 04:44 PM PST I used pcpartpicker to "build" it and just want to confirm that I'm not missing anything or making any crucial errors. Also for any tips that beginners make. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 04 Feb 2020 11:46 AM PST Budgeted for the 2600 in my build, but ATM the price difference between this and the 3600 is only £50. PC will be used mostly for gaming at 1080p and Microsoft office. Is it worth the extra? Or shall put the £50 difference towards a better GPU? Cheers all... [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||
Looking for advice/opinions on Linux Posted: 04 Feb 2020 11:45 AM PST I'm new to PC building, and looking for some advice on using Linux as an OS. Let me explain my background and intentions for context on what I'm looking to do. I have been primarily a console gamer for over 20 years, and haven't really gamed on a PC since the late 90s and early 2000s. Now in my mid 30s, I have been wanting to get into PC gaming again. There is also the possibility of doing some light photo editing since my wife has been getting into photography. Adding to my PC motivation is the fact that I work in an office and will probably be able to start teleworking a couple days a week later this year. My laptop is a less than ideal machine for my work. Now I have a rough idea of what components I want for my build. It will be used for some gaming but also basic word processing, creating spreadsheets and other office tasks. On top of that I may be using it for things like photoshop. I have really started thinking about is using Linux instead on Windows 10. I find Windows 10 sluggish and inefficient at times, though I admit I dont have much to compare it to. The hope is Linux will give me what I need out of an OS and let me explore customizing my experience while forcing me to learn how to configure a PC beyond what 90% of the population does. I'm interested in learning more about how a PC works and what I can do with it. I already use Firefox as my primary browser so I wont miss using IE or Edge. Though some web based applications I have to use for work do require IE to run properly. I do admit that I prefer Microsoft Office applications to Open Office. I tried it a while back and it got frustrating when I would email a document and the recipients would have issue opening them. My main question regarding Linux is would I have issues learning to use after so many years wrapped up in Microsoft's world? Do most programs run flawlessly on Linux? Do games run on Linux? I have been doing some research on this and I've seen programs exist that allows games and programs designed for Windows to run on Linux. However, I'm skeptical about how optimized all of this will be. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 04 Feb 2020 04:43 PM PST I am replacing my 4-year-old Intel PC with a Ryzen 7 3700x one. This is not for gaming, but heavy office work with tons of tabs open. I know that I will want 64GB of RAM as well as SSD's, and a graphics card that can easily handle by 3 27 inch screens. etc... But I am trying to decide what motherboard to go with. I want front USB C if possible. Integrated sound so I wont need another sound card, but I will probably have a dedicated graphics card. For size Iw would be looking at full-size atx probably. Can anyone suggest a good motherboard? All the other discussions are focused on gaming. I wont be gaming on this PC but I need it to be able to handle a load. Thank you [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||
Does adding a vertical GPU mount disable the other pci slots? phanteks p300 case Posted: 04 Feb 2020 04:43 PM PST Just curious if people are sacrificing their pci slots for this aesthetic. Looks like in most cases they are. But I need my slots, so maybe it's not an option for me? [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 04 Feb 2020 04:35 PM PST I just upgraded my cpu from an i5 to an i7 and my PC is now slower and the disk usage is at 100% wtf happened? [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 04 Feb 2020 04:23 PM PST I'm worried that the cpu might be in the way of a gpu sorry for trash lighting any advice is much appreciated [link] [comments] |
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