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    Accidentally turned on scrollbar for all windows Windows Help

    Accidentally turned on scrollbar for all windows Windows Help

    Accidentally turned on scrollbar for all windows

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 09:12 AM PST

    Hi, I'm not sure if this belongs here but I really need help with this.

    I just got the Dell XPS 13 2-in-1 and I was cleaning the touch screen, when I accidentally made the scrollbars appear on all of the windows. This doesn't apply on the Windows windows (like settings, I have "Automatically hide scroll bars in Windows" turned on), but on my internet browser or Spotify or any other program. I can't find a way to get rid of them but I hate them and need them gone ASAP.

    Thanks in advance! Sorry for the noob question.

    submitted by /u/obxerve
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    Question about dual monitors and dual videocards

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 10:18 AM PST

    I'm thinking of getting a video card from one of my friends. My onboard gpu has an hdmi out, as well as VGA, which suits me well, since I have my monitor Dual screened with my TV. One feature I really like, and want to keep, is that my hdmi feeds audio directly to my TV as well.

    My friend's video card only has DVI outputs and a mini display port. That's fine for my monitor, but not for my TV.

    So, my questions is, is it possible to use my friends video card, for all the heavy lifting etcetera, but still use my onboard hdmi out to dual screen to my TV?

    Or is it really just one or the other?

    Do I have any options to be able to use the power for gaming, and video editing, but still send audio and video to my TV?

    I'm thinking I might be able to get a DVI adapter, and send the audio separately, but one thing I really like, is for instance, on VLC, I can go in and select to send just the VLC player audio of that window to my TV. Which is really great. But I would only get that with a digital connection.

    submitted by /u/Akoustyk
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    It seems like windows itself cannot download anything.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 02:59 PM PST

    I'm having issues with downloading any app from the windows store, it just gest stuck on "Downloading [app name]...", and windows will not download updates, it just says "download pending" other applications like Chrome are able to download things, so it's not an internet problem. Does anyone else have this issue or know of a fix?

    submitted by /u/Rhovanind
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    Does anyone know a way to disable the BitLocker, not being an administrator?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 04:53 PM PST

    Does anyone know how to have desktop wallpaper slideshows transition smoothly even when in fullscreen mode of an app?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 08:08 PM PST

    The title may seem to be asking something strange, but I'm currently using an app called peek through which makes my other applications transparent, i.e. onenote, so that I may enjoy all my nice wallpapers as I'm writing notes in class.

    I like using the fullscreen feature in onenote, however this causes the wallpaper slideshow on my desktop to transition abruptly rather than smoothly, which I don't find visually appealing. Is there any way to change this? E.g. some kind of registry value I can alter.

    submitted by /u/Pishamentian
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    Can’t get rid of segurazo

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 04:20 PM PST

    Help, it doesn't uninstall or show up in control panel. If I try to delete it asks for administrator access and then refuses to give me a chance to provide it.

    submitted by /u/FriedChikkn
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    Best Antivuris Tool/Software

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:48 PM PST

    Hello all,

    I'm looking for the best antivirus tool/software that's not mega expensive but will keep me secure and safe and will do the job. If you have any any questions, please ask.

    Thanks all!

    submitted by /u/HazzaRatters
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    Help with Xbox Game Pass Files

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:38 PM PST

    I was installing a game from Xbox Game Pass for PC, and my computer shutdown. When I restarted the computer, the game had stopped installing, and was not shown in the queue or anywhere. When I tried just to re-download the game again, it said that now there isn't enough space for it to install. I didn't download anything else or change anything between the time it stopped and trying to re-download the game. I have deleted all my games but files from the game are still in my storage and aren't shown. How do I access and delete these?

    submitted by /u/Vikingscout_
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    Windows server 2000 itanium beta

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 09:42 AM PST

    Hi, I have an early itanium system and was wondering if anyone had ever seen copies of server 2000 ia64 beta.

    Ive seen record of its existence but not heard of anyone finding a copy.

    Earliest I've seen was "server advanced limited edition" for ia64. Which Wikipedia claimed to be server 2000 but its built on the nt 5.2 kernel...

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/q3w3e3
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    Changed permission and screwed everything up

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:12 PM PST

    Long story short, I thought the final thing I could do was change permissions for entire C drive. Well, now I can't open my start menu, i get parameter is incorrect when trying to open nvidia control panel and I get recycle bin is corrupt on C drive error. I've tried to reset NTFS permissions but still no luck, also when I open up a picture on my desktop it says "this app didn't start.

    any help please? im fearing that my only solution is a complete reinstall.

    submitted by /u/germanaagun
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    Unusual Transition Windows 7 to 10 - Not sure how to proceed

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 10:28 PM PST

    Latest Update: Seems a lot of people are thinking I want to back up the OS drive. Nothing could be further wrong. I want to WIPE Windows entirely off the OS drive, and than, if at all possible, install a fresh, new clean copy of Windows 10 professional.

    Update: the files on my second drive ARE backed up. I just don't want to mess with the drive itself, or lose my connection to it when I re-install.

    Also, I realize this will not take 4 days. Installing all the apps I need for business and personal will probably take a day, and I plan to relax the rest of the time.

    I may (or may not) have a unique situation, and would sure appreciate some advise on how to proceed. I currently have a mid-range gaming rig running Windows 7 professional (retail). Had every intention of re-installing Windows 7 on this machine (never mind the reasons why), on December 31, 2019, but those plans got canceled.

    Now I am stuck doing a Windows 7 re-install, AND needing to upgrade to Windows 10 Pro, during the same general time frame (at least in theory). Yeeesh! I have the below questions, and would appreciate any other related advice.

    1. What if I want to re-install Windows 10 in 2 years. What are my options?
    2. Will Re-installinng with a clean install of Windows 7 (have discs) give me a clean install of Windows 10? Is there a better way to do this? (I have read the clean install FAQ on MS site, but not sure if it applies to my situation.)
    3. Which is better to buy...USB or Download. I'm technically savvy, just a bit late to the party.
    4. I have a 2nd drive (first computer ever with this feature) and do NOT want to screw it up. My entire professional and personal life is on that second drive.

    Note: I work from home, and am planning on taking 2 weekday days off in about 2 weeks, to have a total of 4 days to deal with this. I hope to do this mid-way through Februery, or at least before the END of the month. I'm one of those weirdos who like to plan out things like this, so I will not actually be doing the re-install until I am sure how this is going to go.

    submitted by /u/Indigo-Shade
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    Implementing a "terms of use" to a Windows 10 work station

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 12:47 PM PST

    I don't know if this is the right subreddit to ask, but at my work I'm implementing a guest station in our library, and my boss would it to have a terms of use on the public account. So a PDF document would come up as soon as the user logs in to the account (a standard account with no password but limited write abilities), and the user would not be able to do anything on the computer until they click "I accept the terms of use", which the timestamp would be saved into a database (probably an excel file or .txt on the computer). Does anyone know how I can implement this?

    submitted by /u/Kingofawesome13
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    Anyone else noticed that the Windows 10 Search Bar text has changed?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 06:45 PM PST

    I have noticed on some PCs at work that the "Type here to search" box has changed to say other things on some PCs such as "Search", "Start your Search", "Search the Web and Your PC", etc. Has anyone else noticed this on their PC? I am used to seeing the "Type here to search" and I thought the other ones were strange. It doesn't have anything to do with the version of Windows they have, as they are all the exact same PC on the same build of Windows 10 Pro.

    submitted by /u/garrettb214
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    Windows 10 Media Creation Tool Upgrade?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 09:34 AM PST

    I have a Windows 7 code that I'm pretty sure is a genuine one. However, if it turns out the code was a bootleg one, what happens when I get to the activation screen after the installation is done but the code doesn't work... can I revert the install back to windows 7? I'm concerned because I have a ton of crap on my PC that I don't want to mess around with. I also have a ton of assignments coming up so I can't have a broken PC lol. (Of course I'm gonna back up my documents before hand)

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Tresceraline
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    Complete mem dump

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 01:20 PM PST

    Has anyone ever did a complete memory dump, then transferred it over to a Linux distro to be analyzed with volatility? If so, what are the steps you took to do a memory dump?

    submitted by /u/SnxE13
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    Variable refresh rate

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 04:38 PM PST

    Do you guys turn variable refresh on ?


    Ryzen 2600 Gtx 1070 Gigabyte GA-B450M-DS3H mATX 16 gb ram 3000mhz


    submitted by /u/alphaleteX
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    Windows Action Center Notifications limit

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 12:29 AM PST

    Does anyone know if there is a way to increase the number of notifications in Windows Action Center above 20? There is no way to do it in settings but perhaps someone know how to do this programatically? If not can anyone suggest an alterative maybe 3rd party app that can handle more desktop notifications?

    Thank you Redditors!

    submitted by /u/CheapVinylUK
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    Sound constantly disappears on an external audiocard

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 10:58 PM PST

    Hi. Pls help solve the problem. Have PC (Windows 10). An external Tascam-122 mk ii audiocard is connected to it via USB (there is no external power supply, only USB from the computer). Every one or two hours, the sound from card is crashes and disappears. I pull out and insert the USb cable back - it works again. I tried to reinstall drivers many times. Previously, the card was connected to the laptop and there were no such problems. When the sound disappears, the red light on the card does not light up, as happens when it loses connection with the PC, which hints that the connection does not disappear, only the sound (looks like its some kind of software conflict).

    I tried and it did not help:

    - Connect the card to a USB hub with my external power supply

    - USB 2.0 and 3.0. In the power supply settings I disabled the shutdown of USB

    - Turn off all other sound sources

    There was no problem when I started working with this card on this PC, the problem appeared after a couple of months. I need your advice, cant fix. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Tony_Viz
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    Windows 10 install completely dead!?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 12:45 PM PST

    I've been losing my mind for a while now at trying to install windows 10.

    After a lot of searching online I found someone who has the exact same problem, they wrote an in the Microsoft help page but didn't get a fix.

    Can anyone work out how to fix it.

    Windows 10 Article

    submitted by /u/Jake_Sun
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    Panasonic ToughBook won’t boot in normal mode. Ideas?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 09:43 PM PST


    My work is in the process of upgrading all computers to Windows 10. I upgraded a Panasonic ToughBook to Windows 10, and later realized panasonic stopped making drivers for the model, so nothing would function. I tried to use the revert option in the Settings of Windows 10. It appeared Successful, but not completely.

    Here's the part I can't figure out. If I try to boot the laptop in normal mode, I get a blue screen that says some things and then disappears before I can take a picture. However if I try to boot into any type of safe mode, it works fine.

    Anybody have any fixes or similar experience?

    submitted by /u/bookandrelease
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    Windows will not display correct Lockscreen image at startup.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 08:00 AM PST

    I recently tried "bleachbit" because of the controversy around avast and there connection to Ccleaner. It cleaned up alot of files. I used windows Disk cleaner before using it and it was still able to get rid of 2 gigs of files past what windows built in program was able to get rid of.

    The downside is now when I start my system it shows the default image on the lockscreen. Not the image I have set to a lock screen and sometimes it just shows a blue background. No image at all. Other than that the PC seems to be running fine. No malfunctions. No errors. Once I log in and then sign out again; then, it shows my correct lock screen image. I have checked every setting I can think of. I already posted this in tech support and I did not get much response. and I have changed my lockscreen image to about 4 different images hoping one of them triggers something in the system. I was hoping someone that really knows windows can tell me what file might have been deleted or what setting I need to change back. I have already done a /sfc /scannow and /scanhealth. Both came back fine. No errors in computer manager. It is just an annoyance. I figure if I can find the folder or file that it casing the problem I can just tell bleachbit not to touch those files. Manually cleaning my drive is annoying. I have the process written down. But, annoying.

    submitted by /u/Techdesciple
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    Windows 10 Sandbox Internet connection

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:02 AM PST


    I recently got a tipp on reddit about a forum but when I wanted to visit it I got the message by Google that it has stopped my from accessing this website because I may be harmful to my PC.

    Therefore I want to protect myself against this and access it through a VM and since Windows Sandbox is the native VM I wanted to use it. But my problem is, I don't get a internet connection - maybe to protect my real system (?).

    Is there a way to set up a secure internet connection without the risk of infecting my Host in case this site gives me a bad virus ? Or do you reccomand another VM which includes a secure internet connection ?

    submitted by /u/d3crypti0n
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    RAM Usage

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 06:56 AM PST

    Hey everyone how ya doing? I wanted to know how much ram your windows 10 64 bit os generally uses sitting idle. I have 8 Gig RAM and its using 31%. Why does windows 10 use so much!!?

    Edit: Fixed some spelling mistakes.

    submitted by /u/SnxE13
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    How do Windows 10 license keys and the media creation tool work?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 06:55 AM PST

    I have several Windows 7 and 8.1 computers that I'd like to upgrade to Windows 10. I have the license keys for all of them except for one Windows 7 computer. That one is a legitimate copy of 7, but it belonged to a family member and I don't know where the key is.

    On the Win 7 computer w/missing key, I upgraded to 10 using the media creation tool. First I created a USB install drive, then used the creation tool to do an upgrade. The upgrade completed and 10 is installed and activated (was this a fluke? I thought the free upgrade period has long since passed). Great, but I have a few questions about how things work going forward:

    1. Is the USB drive a generic Windows 10 install media that I could use to install 10 on any computer, or is it somehow tied to that particular Win 7 computer?

    2. To reinstall Win 10 on the Win 7 computer (if I need to rebuild the system in the future), will I need to enter a license key (presumably the original Win 7 key that I can't find)? Or will it talk to the mothership and determine that that hardware has already had an activated copy of Windows? Do I now have a "digital license"?

    3. If I upgrade, say, the Windows 8.1 computer to Windows 10, is it possible in the future to reinstall 8.1 using my original install media and license key? Or does that license key transform into a Windows 10 key that won't work for 8.1 any longer?

    submitted by /u/Spacey_G
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