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    Tuesday, February 4, 2020

    Home Networking Great sub but can we get the community info updated.

    Home Networking Great sub but can we get the community info updated.

    Great sub but can we get the community info updated.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 06:21 AM PST

    Again, great sub! I started coming here because I'm about to overhaul my home network for a new house.

    Visit everyday, and like countless other subs, the same questions and answers are posted multiple times a day... "should I get cat 7, what's the best router, etc. etc."

    Response - Ubiquiti is god!

    Mods this isn't a knock on you. I fully expect any response to be "no one looks at the community info page."

    submitted by /u/Miamiblue112
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    Need some help for a test! Routing Table.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:49 PM PST

    I have a question i don't know how to answer.
    "a machine owns a routing table even if it's not a router"
    How would you answer this, it's either a TRUE or FALSE answer :).
    My knowledge is only a router have a routing table but anything can be a router... How should i approach this question?


    submitted by /u/Gilith
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    Help with router placement/ hardwiring

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:10 PM PST

    Okay, so this is probably a very basic question, I am a noob. I have recent moved my gaming PC downstairs to a different room (new baby is coming and I have been kicked out!) I am having trouble finding a way to hard wire my pc downstairs. Our router and modem is upstairs and about 20 feet diagnal on opposite ends of the house. I have been playing off of the 5Ghz wifi and recently it has started to drop out every once in a while. I can't currently move my modem because my Wife's office has an IP phone that she needs to be hardwired to for work. I cant think of any practical way to run an ethernet cord from that room over and down into the new gaming room. Do you guys have any suggestions on how to accomplish this?

    submitted by /u/Easytiger101
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    Toes in the water, A$$ in the sand!!!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:08 PM PST

    So i have been lurking here for quite some time trying to figure out how/what/why I am going to do with the new house I just purchased. Y'all had me convinced to go buy all Ubiquiti gear starting with a UDM-Pro (planning on running Unifi Protect) all the way to G4-Pro cameras.

    Here is what I am thinking for needing a home network anyway:

    1. Growing number of IoT in my house that i would like to create a separate VLAN for.
    2. Better wifi setup for roaming phones/ipads, etc
    3. home surveillance system
    4. young kids that are only going to get older and use the internet more. I want to be able to have some sort of restrictions of what they can browse online
    5. monitoring. Cox has me on a 1TB cap per month. I would like to know what eats up bandwith
    6. Cordcutting, so have more devices streaming media than before.

    My current setup consist of several hard lines and an old Airport extreme for wifi access. I know it's time to upgrade.

    I started researching alternatives to Unifi and have heard alot about pfsense, VM ware?, DD-WRT, and other things I don't understand. I'm fully capable of watching tutorials and following guides but I am not in the IT line of work, nor do I pretend to understand what all of these things mean. My extent of IT consist of me building 2 home PC's that we use to browse the web and light gaming.

    So today I was giving an old Lenovo TS140-70A4CT01WW. It has a Intel Xeon Processor E3-1225V3, 1x8GB RAM, 2x1TB 7200RPM HDDs and the old windows server software installed on it.

    After doing some serious google research on home networks and TS140, I see most people have used it to set up a NAS or plex server. While I may do that in the future I am not looking to do that currently. My thoughts were to install pfSense on this bad boy and have one bada## router. Maybe have a managed switch installed behind it with 3 wireless APs throughout the house. If I do this I was wondering if I would also be able to install Blue Iris on this machine and use it for a NVR?

    Inherently it would have to be cheaper than the $2K I have planned out on Ubiquiti gear?

    TL:DR Got a free TS140 and trying to figure out how to use it in a new home network setup, thoughts?

    submitted by /u/capw12
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    Looking for a mesh router with strong signals. Need to get 5 of them thanks to concrete walls :|

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 06:33 PM PST

    Have a three floor home. Each floor is about 1600 ft but lots but they are all concrete walls. The plan is to get two for each floor(at two opposite ends ) and one for the ground floor where it's not so important. Wherever available Ethernet backhaul will be used otherwise it will be wireless backhaul. What would you do if you were me? Thanks for your help in advance.

    submitted by /u/wildgoat
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    Wireless access point vs. WiFi extender for bridging?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 06:18 PM PST

    Looking for a wireless bridging solution for my PS4. I've been considering something like a TP-Link N300 wireless ap, but then I've noticed only WiFi extenders - something like a TP-Link AC750 WiFi range extender - seem to have dual band capability. Which option would you recommend and why?

    submitted by /u/schuey_08
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    Need WiFi extender for apartment

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 05:58 PM PST

    Just hoping for some cheaper but good suggestions for a WiFi extender.

    Moving into a basement apartment in short notice. Wifi internet is included but the router is on the floor above (which I don't have access to) and the strongest signal I will get is near my entrance which is furthest away from where I'll set up the majority of my electronics.

    My plan is to get a WiFi extender with an Ethernet outlet and plug it in near my entrance. I'll then run an Ethernet cable from the extender to my own router (Linksys ea6900) which I'll have set up in my living room on the other side of the apartment.

    I have never used a WiFi extender before and have two questions.

    1. Will this work?

    2. What would be a good affordable WiFi extender that would serve my needs. Seeing mixed reviews of the ones I saw at my local BestBuy.

    Thanks a lot

    submitted by /u/Heroz
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    Best place to get boxes of good CAT5e cable (1,000ft)?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 08:12 AM PST

    Amazon has boxes of 1000ft for about $55 after tax. I'd rather support someone else if there's another option, also I feel like they could be bought for cheaper than $55 anyways.

    Side note: very new to networking btw. And how do I know if it's indoor or indoor/outdoor wire? Every listing I look at doesn't say whether it's meant for indoor or for indoor/outdoor.


    submitted by /u/moon_d0g
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    500 Mbp/s internet but i get only 100

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 05:54 PM PST

    So i've got a 500/500 Mbp/s internet but i get only 100 (around 96) mbp/s im using CAT5E cables, the router (D-Link DIR-842) supports gigabit, my motherboard in my PC supports gigabit, i contacted my ISP before, and they told me that they are delivering 500mbps to my house, the router is new, and im using the CAT5E cable it came with, all other cables as to my pc or other pc's in the house are also CAT5E. I really don't know what to do at this point... I hope somebody here can help me, i am willing to share my screen via idk Discord or something if needed.

    submitted by /u/DDevil_Rengar
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    Thinking about replacing Ubiquity..

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 04:15 AM PST

    MY current setup is the following:

    USG3 16 port poe 2 8-port poe and 2 AC APs

    I'm a little underwhelmed by the performance of the equipment and i feel like its buggy. what i do like is the central management of the entire network from a single web portal. this is the primary reason i chose this as opposed to having to configure each device automatically or having to buy a separate wireless controller that also requires a license to keep active (cisco).

    Are there any alternatives that offer some kind of the same functionality?

    I would really like to go with CISCO AP's but it doesnt seem like you can without buying some stupid expensive controller device that needs a license.

    submitted by /u/Savva135
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    My internet speed is capped at 100 Mbps?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 11:28 AM PST

    Hello everybody, so my Ethernet is capped at 100 Mbps.

    What i have tried:

    Tried 2 brand new cables, 6a and 7u.

    Tried different router ports.

    Updating motherboard.

    Reinstalled windows, and updating all Ethernet drivers.

    Set speed duplex at auto in adapter settings.

    Checked if QoS is disabled on my router.

    When i try to take a connection test in Intel Configuration this is the response:

    Cable Link Status : Failed

    Link speed: 100Mbps. The link partner is not capable of higher speeds.

    My motherboard is B450-F
    Intel(R) I211 Gigabit Network Connection.

    What can the problem be?

    submitted by /u/poNe420
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    Any ideas why this is happening??

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 06:36 AM PST

    Last night, I had a couple of devices start dropping offline. I (hopefully just temporarily) resolved by setting a static IP on those devices but woke this AM to another 2 devices having done the same.

    The issue is that the IP address has changed by itself from 192.168.86.xxx to 192.168.1.xxx.

    My router (Google WiFi) remains with but I've now had 4 devices (1 MacBook, 1 Windows 10 laptop, 1 AppleTV and 1 iPhone) all change their DHCP IP address to 192.168.1.xxx and show the router address as When this happens all connectivity is lost for those devices since they are not in the same range as my Google WiFi pucks.

    Any ideas? Nothing was changed or added on my network by me.

    submitted by /u/ascotinpdx
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    Does cat6 need to be stapled to studs? If so, how to pull replacement cable in the future?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 04:47 PM PST

    Im in Massachusetts. I've got a few walls gutted. I'd like to run ethernet cable in a few rooms. Is it required to staple ethernet cable to the studs like romex?

    Im worried about mice chewing thru my cables. I found over 15 dead mice and caught 6 live mice during my partial demolition. Am I being resonable?

    If they chew through it, i'd need to pull new cable, using the original cable as a snake.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/cckriss
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    Router under 100$ that’s plug n play recommendations?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 10:45 AM PST

    My friends girl needs a new router she has WAN coming in from her college apartment building so a router is all that's needed. I can't be there to set anything up so it has to be plug and play.


    submitted by /u/somanii
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    Windows 10 home server - make it my router?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:43 AM PST

    Hi guys!

    Sorry if this is the wrong place, seemed like the most logical place to post. I have recently set up an old pc as a 'server' of sorts. It is running Windows 10 Pro, Plex media server and a VM for Home Assistant.

    Hardware wise it's an older AMD A8 with 8Gb ram (2gb for the VM currently).

    My question is can I replace my crappy router with some software running on this server? I can put the ISP supplied router in AP mode, whack a 4 port gigabit and a WiFi card with decent antenna in the server and hopefully have something much more reliable.

    Any suggestions or anyone have any blog posts as a start point for me?

    Any downsides to this?

    submitted by /u/IpromithiusI
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    Can someone harm me if they know my router MAC?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 10:29 AM PST

    Hey everyone, I will try to keep this short.

    For 3 months now I have some trouble with my connection. I can't reach the internet on any device (LAN/WLAN) until router restart, happens about every 30 hours. The router itself is still connected to the Internet and all devices (so it claims) but my ISP can't reach it during the time the problem occurs.

    I asked for help on their forums and one user said he works for the company (as an analyst) and could help me if I give him my router MAC adress (probably to know my account?).

    If he is actually not an employee at my ISP could he do any harm with this?

    I am really desperate to get this solved but worried to give away crucial information about my network.

    submitted by /u/lolygagging
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    Wi-Fi 6 vs MU MiMO

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:37 AM PST

    I picked up an Asus RT58U last night to replace my bricked Ubiquti setup, however on sale with it was an ASUS RT3100 AC router. The main difference between the two, was the first has WiFi 6 and 6E and OFDMA, but it's 2x2, the second one has 4x4 MU MIMO. My question is, should I return it for the AC router with 4x4, or keep it?

    Rarely do I game, and if I do I'm connected via Ethernet to the router, the most data using devices are the TVs for streaming otherwise it's mostly web browser, I don't do file transfer across the network. I'm open to other suggestions, but it has to be under $200 (without tax), and I have to be able to find it at a best buy. Nothing mesh, the Ubiquti community mentioned that unless they have dedicated hard working the speed drops with every jump away from home base.

    The house is 3000sqft 2 story, pretty open. Thanks

    submitted by /u/HillarysFloppyChode
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    Piggybacking off shared xFi Advanced modem/router with my own router?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 12:32 PM PST

    My wife and I currently live with in a shared house that has 25+ wireless devices all connected to the home xFi Advanced router. The wifi quality sucks. The strength is there but there are delays and smart tvs will buffer every so often. Our needs are pretty simple, two computers, phones, and a smart TV. I want to know if it would be possible to plug in our own router via ethernet to the comcast modem/router. Basically create my own wireless subnetwork, set it to a different channel and hopefully get more reliable wireless with our dedicated router.

    Worth doing? I'm not gonna go crazy on the router, probably something less than $80.

    submitted by /u/FunkyNedAvenger
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    Configuring Unifi Security Gateway on existing Home Network

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:16 AM PST

    Hey all,

    I need some help configuring and setting up my USG on my home network. Basically I only got the USG to help secure/protect my lab and to VLAN and subnet it off from the rest of my home network. The home network right now is just being ran off of our modem/router from Spectrum. From my understanding if I try and plug in the USG to my current modem without bridging it and doing 2 separate networks with the USG it will cause issues with double NAT. (I'm still new studying this stuff). Is my only option running both my home network AND lab network off of the USG (I'm trying to avoid buying another router or Access Points right now if possible)? Thanks

    submitted by /u/ckav11
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    Home Network Setup

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 12:09 PM PST

    Hi everyone! Not sure if you get tired of this or not but I'm looking for some advice on the best system configuration on a budget. I recently purchased a Netgear Nighthawk R8000P and had an awful experience. Barely got upload speeds of 0.5 mbps when we pay for 1000/100 with Spectrum.

    The house: 2,708 sq feet. 2 bedrooms downstairs 3 upstairs. Router and modem on the downstairs level.

    The devices: 2 playstations, 2 smart TVs, 3 Echos, 4 MacBooks, a ring doorbell and multitude of "smart plugs" as well as 3 iPads and 4 iPhones. Ideally I want to be able to stream TV in my downstairs bedroom (currently has a dead zone in the area where my bed is) at the same time I FaceTime my girlfriend, my dad gaming online, my sister streaming Netflix and my mom gaming on her iPad.

    The budget: $200

    Would it be worth it to build a mesh system or save up for one of the pricier name-brand setups? Debating going with 3 TP-Link AC1750 Smart WiFi Routers (one as the main and two set up as Access Points) and using an Ethernet bachaul to cover the house. Ethernet backhaul isn't ideal but it seems as though this might be the best bet performance wise. I work for a software company and reasonably know my way around some terminology but by no means an expert.

    I no longer have faith in Amazon reviews. Has anyone ever had faith in them?? 😂

    submitted by /u/sirgetty
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    Why can CenturyLink offer a significantly better plan where Xfinity has no equivalent?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 12:08 PM PST

    I'm looking into ISPs in my area and I noticed the lowest I can get for 275Mb/s unlimited is $90 with the renting of a router through Xfinity. But CenturyLink offers gigabit speeds that are unlimited for $65, no router renting needed. How is this possible if they are competing? Wouldn't everyone just choose CenturyLink? I guess what I'm asking is...what am I missing and what should I be wary of?

    submitted by /u/ExcallyPurr
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    Rural Home Internet Troubles

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 03:45 PM PST

    Recently Moved to Black Canyon City, Arizona. The only DSL internet option available at our address is Century Link, $49.99 for 3mbps. WISP internet isn't an option, and satellite internet isn't an option either so I've been looking into using a Mobile Hotspot for out home internet, but unfortunately can't find a data plan that is over 100gb, for our family we'll need at least 200gb. I have checked with sprint, at&t, verizon, t-mobile, none offer more than 100gb and sprint won't allow us to buy multiple plans 100gb plans to stack. Does anyone have a solution i might not have thought of? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. and again, 3mbps isn't fast enough, and 100gb of data is not enough.

    submitted by /u/BABYHlPPO
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    Monoprice Entegrade Series cat6

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 08:41 AM PST

    Is this a good deal? Shows it's 56% off but there are no reviews. I don't need F/UTP but at that price it's $50 cheaper than the standard UTP monoprice cat6 I was about to buy. Thanks!


    submitted by /u/whats_a_hokie
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    Question about modem/router placement around a refrigerator

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 02:39 PM PST

    I am building a new home and would love to place my network hub in a closet near my kitchen. The problem (or maybe not) is that this closet is directly behind the refrigerator. The WiFi signal will have to travel through the refrigerator to get to the living area.

    Would this cause a problem? Could the refrigerator slow the connection? Am I worrying about nothing?

    submitted by /u/xer0s
    [link] [comments]

    Recommendations for router with ability to create separate VLANs.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 02:27 PM PST


    I'm helping a friend who has quadruplets and a multitude of IoT devices in his home. I want to help secure his home network as he does high end banking and his kids all have several devices. Right now he only has the Xfinity XB6 (arris CGM4140COM) all-in-one modem/router. He has a 2.5 story home and only uses WIFI. There are no wired devices except for an IoT hub which plugs into the router for controlling lights and other smart devices.

    The two main goals are:

    1. Create a setup where he can have a separate VLAN and SSID for his smart devices.
    2. Find a way to get the WIFI to reach his detached garage where he doesn't want run ethernet for an AP.


    1. Budget of $200-300 USD for all equipment.
    2. Must be able to be able to create at least two separate SSIDs. One for personal devices and one for IoT. Separate IP ranges, etc.
      1. might need to create a 3rd SSID for kid devices and guests.
    3. The only ethernet port used is for the IoT hub for his lights, etc but I need a way to make the VLAN only connected to the IoT SSID if possible.
    4. Some kind of wireless mesh or extender I can put in his kitchen so he can use WIFI in the garage.
    5. Devices that are easy to update the firmware a couple times a year. I frown on remotely as I'm trying to increase security.
    6. Built in firewall that is easy to configure out of the box.

    Thanks in advance for your input!

    submitted by /u/lcourage
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