• Breaking News


    Saturday, December 28, 2019

    Home Networking 5ghz band on my wifi has become unreliable. Drops out constantly, connections don't hold for more than a minute, phones/tablets/laptops connected to it are losing battery at nearly 10 times normal.

    Home Networking 5ghz band on my wifi has become unreliable. Drops out constantly, connections don't hold for more than a minute, phones/tablets/laptops connected to it are losing battery at nearly 10 times normal.

    5ghz band on my wifi has become unreliable. Drops out constantly, connections don't hold for more than a minute, phones/tablets/laptops connected to it are losing battery at nearly 10 times normal.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 09:06 AM PST

    Netgear Router R6700v2.

    Any ideas? I've tried rebooting, turning off the 5ghz signal and back on, checked wifi analyzers... stumped here. Router is only a year old.


    edit: thanks again for all the replies and help here! Going to try all of your suggestions this weekend and see what works. Cheers.

    submitted by /u/sandmandj
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    IoT THREAT WATCH 2020!?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 04:45 PM PST

    Hello all, apologies in advance for the simple question.

    With all the buzz regarding security concerns with smart home devices, I'm just curious about what could happen.

    What is the specific risk (or risks) in using these devices? I was sitting in a parking lot earlier today, trying to get some work done, and I noticed "FAMILYROOM-TV" was an SSID nearby. It was wide open, and I thought "oh snap, this person's an idiot." But since my IT skills are very apprentice level, I couldn't really think of what an evil person would actually do with that.

    My thought was use a packet analyzer and do something nefarious with the traffic...but what would they do? If the person is making a bank transaction on their PC, isn't it encrypted anyways? (provided https is at work)

    I've been working pretty steadily on pursuing a future in IT and it bothers me a lot that I don't know the specifics here. It seems like it should be simple, but I'm not sure.

    submitted by /u/OffTheDollarMenu
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    Help figuring out how to get additional ethernet socket connections via mesh or extenders or ?? (UK)

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 06:07 PM PST

    Hey - I'm currently trying to figure out the best method for me to get some additional ethernet points in other parts of my house. This is because I have a couple of devices which need to be hard-wired in.

    I've been looking at either wi-fi extenders that have additional wi-fi extenders - however my house isn't big enough to require the wi-fi extension, I already get 200+mbps when using wifi all over the house

    Additionally looking at mesh wifi solutions with ethernet ports - but again same reasoning on the wi-fi speeds.

    Otherwise I know could set up AP's I think? But not sure what I would need such that I'm not going overkill.

    And finally - just going for the more permanent solution of getting someone out to try and fit ethernet panels and wire it properly through the house to the requred areas... as you can see I'm really struggling to pick one solution here!

    Current set-up:

    • FTTP/FTTH (UK - BT) 300Mbps DL 50Mbps UP
    • Have been using some powerline adaptors for a while but they only hit 50dl/50up
    • Today I have tried a better powerline kit hoping to get much closer to 300, but only reached 75
    • The FTTP modem and router is located in an understairs cupboard

    Ideal scenario:

    • 2/3 ethernet ports located in living room
    • 1/2 ethernet ports located in study
    • Each of these able to get much closer to the 300Mbps limit

    Thanks for any help!!

    submitted by /u/Connor-Dragon
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    How to mount in a structured wiring panel?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 12:22 PM PST

    Hello I plan on mounting this switch into a Legrand structured wiring panel. But what hardware do I use to mount inside? Specifically what fits in those holes?

    I've been searching online for a while and can't find he solution.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/ShigglyB002014
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    How am I meeting the Xfinity data cap?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 10:39 AM PST

    I have been having problems with my hone network that makes no sense.

    We have been approaching Xfinity's data cap of 1000 gigabytes (1tb). This makes absolutely no sense at all. My original impression is that we had been streaming in a higher resolution than 1080p, but none of our devices support 4k and we don't even pay for Netflix 4k or rent 4k movies on Amazon.

    What os causing us to approach the data cap? We average out to be using over 30 gb per day, which sounds impossible.

    Current network hardware: Google Wifi tri-access point Arris modem (owned by us) Netgear 5 port ethernet switch TP link outdoor access point TP link powerline adapters 2 Fire TV 1080p sticks connected to 55 and 65 in TV 1 roku box 6 amazon echo devices 1 security system 2 blink security cameras.

    Any help or ideas is greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/jy3030
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    IP Qos configuration help

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 12:15 PM PST

    Hello all, recently i bought a new router and i need to configure QoS to limit the bandwidth on devices at home, but can't understand how to do it. My previous router had a Bandwidth control setting and it was simple just put the IP of that device and max up/down bandwidth. on this new router I have QoS Queue and QoS Classification rules that i don't know how to configure.
    I have included screenshots if anyone can help me figure out how to do it.
    QoS main page: https://imgur.com/a/1tbdCbp
    QoS Queue: https://imgur.com/a/AtoFW3v
    QoS classification: https://imgur.com/a/COfBg9g

    submitted by /u/half_introvert
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    WiFi extender with Netgear PowerLine ethernet

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 06:36 PM PST

    My router is in a rather unfortunate spot on the first floor of my house, leaving most of the basement lacking WiFi reception. My brother's room is in the basement, so a while back we got Netgear PowerLine ethernet adapters for his PC and he's been happy with the speeds he gets. Now, we'd like to add a WiFi range extender in the basement for the rest of the area to have coverage. Really, I want something that takes the already-existing ethernet-over-power and broadcasts it as WiFi, but I'm worried I'll end up with a repeater or something that just rebroadcasts the WiFi signal it receives (which is pretty bad and wouldn't be a big help) and doesn't use the ethernet-over-power system. Is anyone familiar with Netgear Powerline products that could advise?

    submitted by /u/cmhainje
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    Youtube restricted mode working while off

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 08:06 PM PST

    I don't really know where to post this, so I thought I would post this here

    Currently, the Youtube Restricted Mode is working while it says it is off. Pretty much any video's comments won't load due to " Restricted Mode has hidden comments for this video." I tried turning the restricted mode on and then off to see if it would fix the problem but that didn't work. I tried turning on the "lock" feature to lock restricted mode in the browser, and then turn that off again, but that didn't work. However I did switch browsers and the comments were visible again, so I don't really know what the problem is. Thanks!

    P.S My parents have been really cracking down on parental controls recently and my guess is that this has something to do with them.

    submitted by /u/S0XKS
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    I need help resetting my netgear n300 router.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 08:03 PM PST

    A little backstory: I purchased years ago and my mom needed a router so i have to her and when i called them to get it set up the said i had to pay for help. They mentioned something that it's self generating an IP address and not the one from my modem. She said i would have to reconfigure the router. I was wondering if i could just factory reset it?

    submitted by /u/clarkkent34
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    How to Setup Home Network with both VPN Tunneling for and separated VPN Privacy?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 11:12 AM PST

    Before Reading: I am unsure how to explain my proposed network configuration concisely and clearly so I made this diagram in hopes to better illustrate and explain what it is I am trying to do. This is a crude attempt.

    I am looking to upgrade my home setup. I have a supermicro server and raspberrypi running various services (unraid, cups, etc). I am trying to add two new capabilities:

    • Remotely access devices via VPN tunneling (from my other house or when traveling for work)
    • Add optional browsing Privacy VPN-enabled Wifi for mobile devices

    I currently have a Linksys WRT1900ACS router tied to a Unifi AP which can have OpenVPN as the server, some devices and a server running raid and other services. I initially wanted to enabled wifi on the router and put VPN on it; however, enabling OpenVPN server on it forced the entire network to be under the slow VPN. So I realized I must separate this so users who want the VPN encryption can connect to that Wifi otherwise connect to regular commercial VPN for faster internet. I have a TPLinkR600VPN and it can serve as a VPN Server for tunneling using IPSEC and other protocols. I planned to use this to listen incoming requests when I try to connect remotely. Not sure how this works in theory but I also do not know what device to get to tie all these (Privacy VPN router with Nord/Express, regular AP and VPN tunneling router) together.

    Can someone provide their input on this? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/litepotion
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    Smart TV clogging up the network

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 07:54 PM PST

    Cable internet 100/5 Netgear 300-N router, everyone on wireless

    Haven't had any issues for years up until my family started using the smart TV in our living room to watch Netflix. We previously had issues with Netflix until I went into the settings for our account and changed the playback speeds. But now the same issue is happening where that TV streaming Netflix causes huge interruptions for everyone else. FWIW, that TV is the furthest device from the router, probably a good 100-120 feet away.

    When I'm playing a game on Xbox and they begin streaming, my ping jumps up to 250-300 ms or more and it's extremely unplayable. When I do a speed test on my computer, my ping/connection actually returns to normal on my Xbox, until the test is over. No idea what this means but I thought it was worth sharing.

    I have a basic understand of networking but I've never messed with the router settings or tried anything like QoS because I'm afraid of making things worse. I've debated just asking the cable company to install their 2-in-1 router/modem and let them configure the network for us.

    submitted by /u/cj832
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    New Modem, No internet

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 07:53 PM PST

    Internet and WiFi was working fine, but it was time to get a new modem. So I replaced current modem with new modem. Modem is compatible with my Xfinity; I successfully activated it with a tech support through phone. But after connecting it to my router, all my devices are able to connect to the WiFi; but, all my devices say there is no internet access. Even when I connect an Ethernet cable from router to computer, still no internet. Since it didn't work, I brought back my old modem just to have some internet, but now this doesn't work either, so I have no internet whatsoever (using phone data to post this). Any ideas?


    Modem: Netgear cable modem CM400

    Router: Netgear Nighthawk R7000

    submitted by /u/AndyThe222
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    Advice with APs

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 07:50 PM PST

    I could do a Ubiquti AC LR connected to my nighthawk and turn off the wifi on the nighthawk. Or buy a sub $34 4 port switch and and the AP and use that, which would give me the best results? I was looking at a tp link smart switch, but how does this differ from a switch? Also would I need like a USG or something? A set up that is reliable and fast that can handle many iot and regular devices is preferred.

    submitted by /u/HillarysFloppyChode
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    how to set these rules in my router.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 12:14 PM PST

    Howdy folks. Looking for a bit of port blocking help. What I want to achieve is to set a rule or rules in my Asus RT-AC68U Router to achieve the below, but on my router for my XBox One. The settings below are to block the ports on a PC in Windows Defender (obviously :) But I need a rule to block them on my Xbox and cant seem to figure out the way to do it on the router.

    1. Open Windows Defender Firewall and click Advance settings
    2. Click Outbound Rules
    3. Right-click Outbound Rules and click New Rule...
    4. Select Port and hit Next
    5. Select UDP, paste or type 6672, 61455, 61457, 61456, 61458
      into the Specific remote ports section and hit Next
    6. Select Block the connection and hit Next twice
    7. Name the rule whatever you desire and hit Finish
    8. Right-click the new saved rule and hit Disable Rule

    Can anyone assist? I know it involves Port forwarding, but there is more to it.

    submitted by /u/DabsSparkPeace
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    New condo purchased but I do not have a cable plan. Can I remove the coax amplifier and go direct to modem from street?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 07:17 PM PST

    Recently purchased a 3 year old condo that has coax in all the bedrooms/living room. I have the gig internet plan with Xfinity and no cable package. Currently the coax coming in from the street goes into an amplifier then gets split to all the rooms. Can I remove the amplifier and go direct from the street to the modem?

    Photo of amplifier

    submitted by /u/battmurns
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    [Buying Advice] Looking for a Mesh Wifi solution with multiple switching ports

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 07:16 PM PST

    Based on my setup I am looking to replace my current old asus mesh setup with something (current is 1x AC66r, 2x AC68R - so two mesh devices and one non-mesh wireless bridge). This setup allows me to wire connect to a couple of devices next to the cable modem (demarc), create a bridge and have a wired connection to a switch in my homelab, and hardwire a few wireless cameras with less than spectacular wifi range via the garage. In summary, wifi mesh system at demarc, another in garage for cameras, and bridge to my lab. There is no backhaul between the devices.

    So I will need three mesh nodes.

    With my current setup, the bridged connection is a bit iffy at time, and the two routers in mesh setup do not provide adequate range and reliability for the kids wifi, a couple of tvs, and the ring doorbell. I have been using an additional access point plugged into the router serving as a wireless bridge, however it has its own SSID, making things a bit more confusing for my family.

    I want to upgrade to something more modern that will hopefully provide better coverage.

    Are there any modern "whole home mesh" systems that have more than one network port? I am also assuming that these newer mesh systems still function as a bridge so that you can plug a switch into the lone network port on each secondary node.

    Bottom line I want three devices, and two of them need to function as bridges as well. I want one SSID for the entire home. I would prefer more than one port per device --- and I am not excited about needing additional switches for all my devices.

    Any thoughts for a good solution for me.

    submitted by /u/BigBearChaseMe
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    Campus Internet Barely Working for Me

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 06:25 PM PST

    I live on a college campus with gigabit ethernet and it's been great so far but recently I've noticed that late at night, the internet is very slow and spotty while still saying I'm getting gigabit speeds and <10 ping. Now today, for the first time it's been partially out all day. It's really weird because I'm able to access certain websites like google.com and speedtest.net (after it loads for about 30 seconds) and I'm even able to be in a discord server with my friends where I can type to them and see when they're talking in a voice channel but I can't actually talk or hear them. (Discord says "RTC Connecting" then goes to "no route" when i try to connect). I've tried changing DNS servers, making sure IPV4 and 6 are enabled, and setting the proxy server to automatic, all with no success. I called the front desk of my building but they said all they could do was put in a work order because no one else has reported a problem. I also tried calling Cox, the ISP for my campus, but they couldn't help because I don't have access to the modem and that there are no outages in my area. The only thing I can think of is a faulty ethernet port. Any ideas or suggestions? Thanks

    submitted by /u/eWOOD29
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    Super dummy struggling with fios/moca

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 06:01 PM PST

    To preface everything, I have a PC and a couple consoles in my basement. The router is two floors up on the 2nd floor. The ONT is located above that in the attic (I'm not sure if this is important, but the less I need to go up there, the better.) Now honestly, wireless performance isn't that terrible. But I just don't feel like I'm getting the performance I want when I compare it to how much I'm paying for internet. I started researching powerline adapters but upon reading that they were very inconsistent, and also knowing that my basement is probably on a different circuit than where the router is, it would probably actually be worse than wifi.

    So, I did some research on moca adapters, and me being the idiot I am, I went and spent a shit load of money before doing further research. I bought two of these. I follow the directions for the first one, everything is fine, and then I set up the second one, and the Coax light does not go on.

    So I do some troubleshooting and get a bit overwhelmed by all the possible things that could be causing it. So I have a couple questions.

    1. One issue being the splitter(s). I have the coax line going in, with the adapter and the router connected to the out. I did do this with a moca compatible splitter, but I saw suggestions on other forums about there being other splitters elsewhere causing an issue.

    2. Mostly to be being an idiot, I did not realize that the router Verizon provided me basically has a moca adapter built in, so I only needed one. I followed the directions on DSLReports.com and the second adapter would still not "link" although I could have been an idiot and did something wrong.

    3. This goes back to my ONT. As far as I'm aware, it's connected to the router via ethernet. Some of the tutorials I skimmed through mentioned messing with router settings and I noticed under my network properties that under coax the status was "Cable Disconnected" I'm not even sure if this matters at all but I know that would involve calling the ISP and having them switch it/having someone come over.

    As you can already tell, I'm not a networking-savvy person and I ended up giving up (for tonight) as I got really frustrated and tired. I'm wondering if anyone that has experience in the same situation that I'm in can explain in the most ELI5 way possible the process done correctly and the problems I might be encountering so my peanut brain can comprehend it

    submitted by /u/dr0n96
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    Compare Linksys Velop to Netgear Orbi

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 05:51 PM PST

    I just set up a Linksys Velop system for my in-laws. I like that it does not have 2 different SSIDs broadcast for the 2.4ghz and 5ghz networks. You just connect to your network, and the router handles the connection type.

    Is the Netgear Orbi the same way? I'm thinking of upgrading to the Orbi AX system.

    submitted by /u/shapiror06
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    NetGear RAX40 Issues - Help

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 05:35 PM PST

    I can't change any settings on my router. I try to change the SSID and password then hit apply. It says updating settings and when it's done nothing changes. How do I fix this?

    submitted by /u/ToxicFatee
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    Gaming setup??

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 05:21 PM PST

    So I'm currently in the process of setting a tv up in my room. My gaming systems (PS4/Xbox) are set up currently in the basement. I am on the second floor and have been wondering what the best route for this would be (if there even is one)

    I've looked into Cat 5 HDMI

    Wireless HDMI (haven't heard anything good about these)

    Or just running a extremely long HDMI from the basement to the bedroom.

    And I'm also assuming I would need a "Magic Eye" or some sort of IR receiver going from the TV to the gaming systems right?

    Any feedback will help. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/ClkCox
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    I have a really old fios cable/internet router I need to swap, I got a new internet router but it has no coax any modem I can use or should I get an moca adapter

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 05:20 PM PST

    I got a new router because my fios coax/internet router needs to be replaced. It does not have coax of course and someone suggested a modem but I also saw they have a moca adapter but not really sure how well they work. Which would you recommend?

    submitted by /u/blushade
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    MoCA Chipsets and DIY Gateways/Bridges

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 08:32 AM PST

    Hi all,

    I've cut the cable, and I still have coax in all rooms in an apartment. I have access to the splitter box that runs coax to every room in the apartment, but I am not using it for any reason.

    Since I'm in an apartment, I would prefer to not use wifi in all rooms (lots of interference with neighbors), and I've recently found out about MoCA.

    However, lots of the MoCA devices are pretty expensive, and it seems like there should be a cheaper/easier way to turn all these coax drops into MoCA to Ethernet bridges, rather than using $70+ endpoints for each room (I've got 5 locations that I'd like to enable).

    Is there a dev kit or software defined standard that can run on an ARM or STM32 platform to achieve this? If that doesn't exist, would it be worth developing the product and launching it on kickstarter or similar if I could do it for $10-$20?

    Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks!


    submitted by /u/bobthedespot
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    Internet speeds

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 01:21 AM PST

    Internet Speeds

    I live in a rural town where it is extremely difficult to get internet service. I just recently went with a local based company since they are the only ones locally offering WiFi. They are charging me around $90 a month for 10 mbps speeds of internet. At first I thought it was good because it was just a few bucks above the 5 mbps for $80. But then I got started talking to my friend in another town and he's getting around 500 mbps for the same price. If I'm getting ripped off what can I do. I want to keep the WiFi since it's literally the only option I have where I live.

    submitted by /u/austinboo98
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    We have a seriously old Verizon router and are looking to get something new to connect our home.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 04:45 PM PST

    I ordered the new Google Nest wifi without realizing I'd need a modem as well. We live in 1200sqft townhome, Router lives in the basement (sigh...) but no coverage issues (phew!). Open to returning the Google WiFi or keep and get a modem to support it. Ideas/advice?

    Thank you all who are much more competent than I in advance for sharing your wisdom!

    submitted by /u/msm41
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