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    Monday, August 26, 2019

    Weekly "who's hiring" thread! Android Dev

    Weekly "who's hiring" thread! Android Dev

    Weekly "who's hiring" thread!

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 05:45 AM PDT

    Looking for Android developers? Heard about a cool job posting? Let people know!

    Here is a suggested posting template:

    Company: <Best Company Ever>
    Job: [<Title>](https://example.com/job)
    Location: <City, State, Country>
    Allows remote: <Yes/No>
    Visa: <Yes/No>

    Feel free to include any other information about the job.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Weekly Questions Thread - August 26, 2019

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 03:57 AM PDT

    This thread is for simple questions that don't warrant their own thread (although we suggest checking the sidebar, the wiki, our Discord, or Stack Overflow before posting). Examples of questions:

    • How do I pass data between my Activities?
    • Does anyone have a link to the source for the AOSP messaging app?
    • Is it possible to programmatically change the color of the status bar without targeting API 21?

    Important: Downvotes are strongly discouraged in this thread. Sorting by new is strongly encouraged.

    Large code snippets don't read well on reddit and take up a lot of space, so please don't paste them in your comments. Consider linking Gists instead.

    Have a question about the subreddit or otherwise for /r/androiddev mods? We welcome your mod mail!

    Also, please don't link to Play Store pages or ask for feedback on this thread. Save those for the App Feedback threads we host on Saturdays.

    Looking for all the Questions threads? Want an easy way to locate this week's thread? Click this link!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Considering open sourcing my app

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 01:01 PM PDT

    I'm the developer of an Android app called Notifyer. It's done OK in the past, well over a million downloads and still plenty of users and new downloads.

    However I never get round to working on it anymore due to new job and hobby projects. It has in app purchases and ads but these don't make anywhere near as much as when it was better maintained.

    I think it could be a very nice project for someone who wants to work on an app with a decent sized user base. It's also a great app for learning about Android as it goes into some slightly more advanced areas (multi process, content providers, widgets etc). I would love to see it modernised with jetpack libs, kotlin etc. Plus fixing some long standing bugs/crashes. And obviously new features and improvements would be very welcome.

    Regarding the app revenue, the options I'm thinking about are:

    1. Remove all ads and in app purchases, making it completely free.
    2. Keep IAP and ads and donate any money it makes to a charity decided by contributors.

    In the beginning I would be quite active in terms of being the main github maintainer and all the Play Store stuff. But if someone were to really take on the responsibility for keeping Notifyer alive then I would happily give them permissions to do this stuff themselves.

    Any advice most welcome.

    Anyone who is genuinely interested in getting involved, let me know.

    submitted by /u/tompratt
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    On Android Studio, how can I choose to always run on all connected devices

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 07:54 AM PDT

    On Android Studio, how can I choose to always run on all connected devices

    I've noticed on the new versions of Android Studio, it was now split inside the combobox:


    Is there a way that single clicking on the build&run button (the one that looks like a green "play" icon), it will always run on all devices/emulators that are currently running&connected?

    In the past, at least, when you have a different set of emulator and/or devices, and you press the build&run button, it showed a dialog that you could choose to always remember your choice, so that you will be able to press it again later to do the same thing. I even had a hotkey to do it myself.

    Now, however, if I press the button on the new version of the IDE, there is no dialog, ever. And it doesn't remember what was chosen before. That's why I'm asking if it's possible, and maybe I've missed it somewhere.

    EDIT: OK, people don't really understand that the UI has changed. There is no dialog. Here's a video to show what I mean.


    submitted by /u/AD-LB
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    The Effective Kotlin book is already available!

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 11:56 PM PDT

    What happened to /r/Android?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 02:09 PM PDT

    Reddit's message on the subreddit page says that it was removed due to spam.

    Sorry for offtopic post

    Edit: Seems like a major Reddit glitch since quite a few other big subs got banned as well

    submitted by /u/MSTRMN_
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    Preprocess stuff as part of a Gradle build

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 01:27 PM PDT

    I've look around and I haven't found a simple solution for this. I assume this might be a common thing so I thought asking here if anyone had to solve this.

    How would you preprocess/generate a resource with Gradle?

    Some examples of things that should be possible to do:

    • Encrypting/obfuscating some data in the raw folder.
    • Creating a sqlite database for bundling inside as a resource.
    • Creating XML files from queries to a local SQL database.

    All these want to create a resource that gets included in the final APK. I don't want to commit to git an obscure binary file, I'd like to integrate generating this file into the build. How is this normally done? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/niqueco
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    What is the best emulator of Android 4.1 for my old slow laptop?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 01:09 PM PDT

    Please, name the emulator with its version. I need it for testing my apps. Do not suggest me Genymotion because I can't install VirtualBox for using it.

    submitted by /u/coolguyoleg
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    RecyclerView Move and Select - which gestures to use?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 01:49 PM PDT

    I'm using RecyclerView, SelectionTracker and a class based on ItemTouchHelper.Callback to show lists of items. However I'm unsure which gestures to support for:

    • Moving an item by dragging

    • Selecting an item or range (and starting ActionMode)

    It seems like the standard way of doing each of these is a long press. But of course both of them can't be a long press.

    I could put drag handles, but it's not obvious to the user what they do. I could put selection boxes or icons, but they just clutter up the screen.

    Another possibility is that long press does a selection (or multiple selection) then a subsequent drag gesture moves, but that's not very intuitive.

    Is there a standard way of supporting both of these functions without adding things to the screen?

    submitted by /u/kiwi_in_england
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    Scanner SDK Recommendations & Gotchas

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 12:54 PM PDT

    I want to add a document scanner to my mobile app that ties into my PHP ERP.

    Does anyone have any experience and/or recommendations that they could share?

    submitted by /u/greenbay_12
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    Is this a new rule ? Cuz as far as i know the file can be hosted in a subdomain and there is already some services that provide it ?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 04:05 AM PDT

    How long does it take to respond to a Permissions Appeal Form?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 09:32 AM PDT

    So 12 days ago I submitted an appeal because the app was rejected while no longer using send and receive sms permissions.

    Still no word from google. Anyone with experience on this?

    submitted by /u/devmobi
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    What type of questions do you think the interviewer should ask to get a good insight about the developer?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 03:28 PM PDT

    I asked the same question in /r/iosprogramming

    You can check it out here if you happen to be a ios developer and have something extra to add. Sorry I posted here latter but I guess it is kinda fitting considering that android apps used to get updates after the iOS apps were released. I don't know if it is still true.

    submitted by /u/reddituser135
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    Need help with refusal of my app update

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 10:51 AM PDT

    I just received an email warning me that my last app update was refused due to violation of the family policies (probably due to their new family requirements).

    This was the given reason:

    Metadata: First level links

    Any links provided in your metadata must be compliant with Developer Program Policies. To resolve this issue, please remove non-compliant links and/or remove any inappropriate content displayed on these linked pages. For more details, please read through the Metadata policy.

    Seems straightforward but problem is, there is exactly zero links in my app metadata.

    The app isn't published yet but I can share the description. It's in Portuguese (and the app is only available in Brazil) but it's easy to notice there are no links in it.


    The only issue I can find is the mention to the word 'link' in the description, but it's just a word, not an actual link. To give you context the app is a game collection manager and for each game in your collection you can add related content like a picture of a password screen or a link to a walkthrough on Gamefaqs, but all these content are user created, the app itself comes empty and you need to add your games and content yourself.

    That's the section that contains the word 'link':

    Não importa se seu guia é uma imagem com mapas, um link para o detonado online ou um vídeo passo a passo, tudo isso fica guardado a um gesto de distância em seu smartphone.

    And this is the English translation:

    It doesn't matter if your guide is a drawing with maps, a link to an online walkthrough or a step-by-step guide in video, everything is kept safe and one gesture away in your smartphone.

    I'll remove this instance of the word but other than that I can't even imagine what the issue was. It only happened after I changed my app to conform to their new family policy rules indicating my app has content that can appeal to children (it's after all an app to keep your game collection).

    submitted by /u/dancovich
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    GitHub - district0/ZoomX: Tool to log all network calls in a suitable format.

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 03:52 AM PDT

    How to make buttery smooth Interfaces on Android

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 05:31 PM PDT

    /r/android is banned?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 02:15 PM PDT

    what the hell is going on???

    submitted by /u/jakejakejake86
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    Can anyone mod an opensource JS app for our community of volunteers? should be 30mins and it'll be a huge boost to our efforts to create more peace and well-being in the world.

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 01:52 PM PDT

    Here's the app to modify: https://github.com/discourse/DiscourseMobile

    Here it is in the play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.discourse&hl=en

    We'd love someone to help create new and android and iOS version of 2 near identical apps.

    1) When a user logs in it asks them to enter the URL of a discourse forum. We want to skip that step and go direct to our forum at: https://publichappinessmovement.com

    2) Please remove/hide the browser bar

    3) Please add this image as the new image for the app on a mobile phone. Or this one if that's too small

    4) repeat but the with the app loading https:// brightertomorrowmap.com for a project helping local people to better support people who are homeless nearby, which our community built using similar code.

    We'd love an android and iOS app for each.

    When done just post here and i'll give you access to our Github to upload it there.

    This creates a fully functional app which takes us forwards a huge leap. Its so easy because we built our website into discourse using it as our platform's backend. Users see our website, but the app just see's a forum and everything is hooked up. we don't have any app developers in the community right now, so this would be a great step forwards.

    Can you help?

    submitted by /u/roamingandy
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    Simulating a bluetooth device to test an application

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 11:55 PM PDT

    Hello, devs!

    I'm trying to debug an application which I use for listening to my music DSub. The problem is that, with Android Pie, there's something about the application that does not send the metadata to my car and, thus, I cannot see what I'm listening to (I know the songs, but I want to see them in the car's screen).

    Also, that means that I cannot start/stop the song because something is not working properly.

    I don't want to go to the car each time I have to test it, nor I want to spend time in my car with my laptop testing it and draining the car's battery.

    So, do you know if I can simulate something with a Raspberry Pi, or an Arduino, or even using a Mac laptop's bluetooth and turn it into a receiver to see what data is sending the application and, thus, debug it at home?

    It sounds bizarre, I know, but I didn't find anything (or I didn't search properly, too).

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/adolpwned
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    Best practices for encrypting firestore database

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 06:52 PM PDT

    With a large Firestore database, what are some good tools and best practices for encrypting the (potentially millions) of files sitting on the Firestore server?

    Not really sure where to start or if anyone even does this, but would like to hear some ideas.

    submitted by /u/ImHiiiiiiiiit
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    How are you suppose to handle services in MVVM?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 07:16 PM PDT

    I know this is highly dependent on the service so lets say you have an android service working with data, putting it in the model layer of your app. If that service were to interact with a data base or communicate with the view how would you go about doing that while following proper MVVM?

    submitted by /u/That1guy17
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    Proper way of synchronously check on internet connection and handle rxJava request with LiveData?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 10:42 PM PDT

    This is how my structure looks right now:

    • ViewModel fires RxJava
    • onSuccess data is fetched and cached in SQLite
    • onError cached data is shown

    Problem: If there is no connection user waits for cca 5 sec before onError is being shown (only first time) before cached data is being shown

    Possibly solution:

    • ViewModel has NetworkState LiveData
    • Fragment is observing NetworkState and inside that observer is observing data requested
    • NetworkState is emitted
    • Data request is being sent
    • Data is being handled depending on NetworkState. If there is no network cached data is shown, if there is, remote request has been sent
    submitted by /u/KisniDan
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    Help with Samsung Note 8 video

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 03:41 AM PDT

    Can someone give me a sample raw video from their Note 8. The video only needs to be a few seconds long.

    I am trying to see why one of my apps is getting a lot of bad reviews lately from Samsung owners

    One of the latest bad review came from a Note 8 owner who told me that his videos don't work. Of course he did not help me resolve anything.

    I could not find sample videos online except from YouTube but since YouTube does some transcoding behind the scene I don't know if the format is from Google or from the device.


    submitted by /u/VarolOkan
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    Backtrace Error Reporting

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 06:28 AM PDT

    Join Backtrace at DroidCon NYC - Booth 3 and learn how to find, prioritize, triage and resolve your Android application crashes, faster. https://www.backtrace.io/for/android @droidconNYC.

    submitted by /u/P_Williams-Backtrace
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    Google Play Store Not Updating Install Counts

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 05:55 AM PDT

    I ran an advertising campaign for one of my app and got 1.5k+ installs. That was like 12 days ago. Till date 650+ uninstall occurred. Play store is showing 500+ installs for more than 2 weeks. Will they gonna update this install count to 1k+ or the app need to have 1k+ active installs?

    submitted by /u/ashik72
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    Looking to hire a perf expert to help with recycler view performance

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 11:20 PM PDT

    I built Writeaday as quickly as I could, which means I was plenty scrappy in my implementation. Now I'm raising my hand and in a resigned voice, am asking for adult supervision. Anyone who has experience picking up a new codebase, investigating perf issues, and delivering perf improvements in under a month - I need your help.

    Writeaday is a journal app that displays a recycler view as its main screen. People use Writeaday to dump their thoughts and in the process they relieve their emotional/mental stress. Especially in this day and age, it's not that easy to find products that help users rather than spawning off new problems for them. I'm unfortunately running into performance issues which is hindering the ability to help these people easily journal. If you can help, I'd love to chat either in the comments or in a direct message.

    submitted by /u/honnetatamae
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