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    Sunday, August 25, 2019

    Best way to save state of checkboxes? Android Dev

    Best way to save state of checkboxes? Android Dev

    Best way to save state of checkboxes?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 04:52 AM PDT

    Best practices for asking users to accep Terms of Service

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 12:21 PM PDT

    From the Google policy:

    Apps that contain or feature UGC must:

    require that users accept the app's terms of use and/or user policy before users can create or upload UGC;

    What's the best way to present this to the user? Pop-up with webview and "Agree" button?

    submitted by /u/ImHiiiiiiiiit
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    Three times as many "Users lost" vs "New users acquired" in Google Play Developer Console

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 03:02 AM PDT

    Hi there, I'm the developer of an app called OpenDocument Reader. It's been quite popular in the last years and racked up millions of downloads. However, the rate of users uninstalling the app seems to be increasing although reviews are better than ever before. According to the Google Play Developer Console dashboard the app has lost three times as many users ("Users lost") in the last seven days as it managed to acquire ("New users acquired") - we are talking about several thousands here, so this is starting to worry me.

    Previously I tried to tackle this problem by keeping an eye on the reviews to see what users are looking for, but by now there are only a few negative reviews left (there have been much more in the past!).

    So my question is: did you ever see a similar trend for one of your apps? How did you investigate what's wrong if reviews are not telling you much about it?

    submitted by /u/TomTasche
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    How to avoid the three days wait time for publishing a new release

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 05:38 AM PDT

    Like many others here, I had a wait time for three days or even more to publish beta releases. I now managed to get it back to the usual 30 minutes. How?

    • Go to Play Console
    • Go to App Content
    • Set the app to be designed for age group 13+, not lower
    • Accept to have a "not designed for children" badge on your Play Store entry

    Done. New updates now get pushed as fast as usual.

    submitted by /u/MrStahlfelge
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    Another security alert

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 01:06 PM PDT

    So I have read here in Reddit that Google is going hard against some devs for fairly minor violations, test reading through this report


    I feel like the bad guys do get away with a lot. I know that I pointed out some bad apps which are still on the play store.

    Of course I no longer waste my time and Google's if they ignore some helpful pointers.

    I would like to see things improve but I don't know how we can help Google if Google ignores us on many fronts.

    submitted by /u/VarolOkan
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    Android Services

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 04:20 PM PDT

    Hey, I want to share an article I wrote about services. I've seen many new Android devs struggling with this and documentation while it's really comprehensive it's also quite extensive and can be intimidating, so I wanted to explain them in the most concise way I could.

    Let's Talk about Services

    submitted by /u/Struka9
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    Tips and guide for non-US attending AndroidDevSummit for the first time? conferenace, accommodation, what to do in the area...?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 05:46 AM PDT

    Draw a hollow arc android

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 05:39 AM PDT

    Draw a hollow arc android

    How do we create a hollow arc in Android as seen in the image? The color needs to be dynamic since it is determined based on a response from a network call.


    The paint method only support three types i.e. fill, stroke and stroke and fill.

    Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!!

    submitted by /u/androiddevforeast
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    Recyclerview swipe notifyItemRemoved background

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 02:24 PM PDT

    I want to implement a swipe to remove recyclerview functionality, which works fine.

    I struggle on having a smooth fadenout using notifyItemRemoved with a RED background like the actual Gmail app has.

    I found this: https://github.com/nemanja-kovacevic/recycler-view-swipe-to-delete It works good, but has an issue: https://github.com/nemanja-kovacevic/recycler-view-swipe-to-delete/issues/4

    Is there any good solution out there which works? I found nothing else and the android developers documentation sucks like always.

    submitted by /u/danieldaeschle
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    How to make buttery smooth interfaces on Android

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 01:27 PM PDT

    Are you facing app publishing delay even for exsiting developer account?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 08:47 AM PDT

    I just post an exsiting app update, via beta channels after few weeks of hard work :)

    5 hours had passed and the update is not delivered to my beta users yet.

    I just came across this news - https://www.xda-developers.com/google-play-store-approval-new-apps-time/

    But, it mentions 3 days approval process will only happen on new account.

    I was wondering, have anyone of you published exsiting app to beta channel update, yet still experience this delay? How long it would take?


    submitted by /u/yccheok
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    App wants permission to stuff I'm not comfortable with, but won't work without it. How can I get around this?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 02:59 PM PDT

    Sorry if this is the wrong place for this, but I have a camera security system, and they moved to a new app. However the new app wants permission to: Phone Calls, Storage, Record Audio, and Location.

    It's disgusting that they want access to this when I just need it to remotely view my cameras. I refuse to give it access, however it won't work without it. Is there a way that I can get around this? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/EnoughSky
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    Can i use material design icons from google as app logo ?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 10:43 AM PDT

    I have published an app on playstore with it's logo from one of the google's material design icons am i violating any guidelines ?

    submitted by /u/braceritchie
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    Android app with default top & bottom padding

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 10:16 AM PDT

    Android app with default top & bottom padding

    We have an android device with default header & footer. As per need, our app must fix between this header & footer. So all the pages, modals, popups of the app must have top & bottom padding to fit within that container. In a clear way, is it possible to set padding to the whole android app? (Ref: Below image)


    submitted by /u/prabakarviji
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    Best practices for creating apps with alternate payment methods (for placing on your website) ?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 12:09 AM PDT

    For devs who want to add more payment methods to their app (in part to avoid paying 30pct cut to Google), what are the things to be careful of to avoid angering Google (if you also have a compliant app on Google Play).

    Since whenever you add other payment methods to your app, it immediately becomes a non-compliant app (you cannot place it on Google Play for instance).

    Since we already know that Google does not like that the same website you have listed on Google Play should have an easily reachable webpage that has a non-compliant APK (can lead to app ban). Presumably Google doesn't want apps to make it easy for users to go to a website and then download the non-compliant version.

    • should a developer then have a separate website that is isolated from the one listed on Google Play - for holding any non-comforming APKs ? Not going to go into whether this is overreach by Google from Google Play to what could be an identity of a company i.e. their website (that is another discussion).

    • should a non-complying APK use different package name then as well ? This is a secondary question which I don't recall has been asked before.

    Because if an APK that has same package name and signing key - that APK can easily be side-loaded over an existing app (that was originally downloaded from Google Play).

    When Google algorithms (Google Play Protect) later find that a "legitimate" app from Google Play has been updated with a compatible APK (so user was able to update easily), but that now has non-compliant behavior (uses additional payment methods) - could that taint that package name in Google bot's eyes (and lead to an app ban for the compliant app on Google Play) ?


    General discussion on the emergence of fluid "policies" in automated companies

    Many of these kinds of questions are not explicitly telegraphed to developers, yet Google internally already has a view on these. But because there is a standard practice of security by obscurity i.e. the Google practice that they cannot reveal how they rank and do other things - because then they would be "gamed", similarly Google could already be ranking APKs based on the behaviors I described above.

    Is there some legal obligation on Google's part to inform developers of policies, so they are explicit ? Of course, Google will claim that since most of their policies are policed by bots, and these bots are working on ever changing AI heuristics, that they cannot realistically be telegraphing them - aka they don't have a specific policy set in stone, but it changes according to whatever seems to work best with bots at a time.

    While we do not know this, the scenario where Google has to change policies all the time to tune their bots is entirely believable.

    The question then becomes that if Google needs such leeway, there should be a comparable remedial step as well (when the bot goes wrong). Not going into the related question of whether use of bots that implement unstated rules is a fair use of bots or not (that is another discussion).

    submitted by /u/stereomatch
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    Play Console's Acquisition data delay����

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 07:42 AM PDT

    Anyone else experiencing a data delay of experiments and acquisition of free apps. It is missing since 20th Aug.

    How long did it too in the past if someone remembers!

    submitted by /u/t22-90
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    Android Tech List

    Posted: 24 Aug 2019 11:13 PM PDT

    I am an Android dev trying to get up-to-date with industry standard app development practices and current trends. Here is what I have so far:

    Design pattern: MVVM Language: Kotlin Dependency injection: Dagger2 Database: Android Room Rest client: Retrofit Image loading library: Glide

    Please update the above or any other libraries you use which you think are crucial for your Android development.

    submitted by /u/anilmaddala
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    Why you should consider redux as your new app architecture

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 11:46 AM PDT

    Subscription expiry date

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 04:34 AM PDT

    Hi I'm using this library anjlab in app-billing v3 to manage subs in my app. However I can't find how to get the expiry date of the subscription. Also whenever I call getSubscriptionTransactionDetails() it always return the first purchase. Please can anyone help me out with this issue?

    submitted by /u/MysteriousPlantain
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    Android Chat Bot

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 04:15 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, I just made an android chatbot app that is still in the prerelease phase. I spent a night training it by my own but I found out that I need your help. PLEASE download the app and help me train the chatBot, It's not a virus and here's the code source.

    submitted by /u/_ouss_
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    app.ads.txt and Github Pages

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 02:19 AM PDT

    I use Github Pages to store my privacy policy for apps. Can it be also used to store the apps-ads.txt file?

    submitted by /u/drunkmax00va
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    Please help : App-ads.txt ?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2019 07:21 PM PDT

    hello everyone ,

    as the title shows, im really confused about this app-ads.txt thing ... google says that the deadline to set up the file is 27/08 and i havent done anything about it yet .

    i dont have a website or a domain to upload the file to its root, and i really dont know what i should do .

    please some explanation or guidance would be really helpful ...

    Thank you all

    submitted by /u/aminelias
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    Best option for complex mobile business app

    Posted: 24 Aug 2019 06:07 PM PDT

    We have a mobile warehouse management system with a large number of complex data entry forms, data grids with easy sorting, filtering, paging, etc.) written in .NET CF for Windows Mobile. Since MS abandoned Windows Mobile a long time ago, we need to rewrite this app for Android industrial data-collector type devices.

    The current app uses old-style WinForms forms, which works very well for this type of app (=a high density of textboxes, dropdowns, grids, etc. with very little fluff between the controls) that the user needs to see and fill out without scrolling up/down).

    Even though we only need this for Android at this time, I would still prefer something cross-platform if possible. We looked at Xamarin, but could came across issues creating the needed screen layouts (amongst other issues), so dropped that.

    What are some good options out there that might be a good fit for this type of app?

    submitted by /u/Laban7
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