Home Networking VPN to my home or expose services to the internet - Pros and Cons? |
- VPN to my home or expose services to the internet - Pros and Cons?
- New Construction - Need Networking Assistance
- Bridge mode ISP modem
- Home mesh wifi
- Cant create shares in unRaid?
- Are there any routers with WireGuard support built-in yet?
- Insanely Confusing/Frustrating Upload Speed Issue
- Ethernet switch to wall jack?
- EdgeRouter X Port Forwarding Problem
- How can I build a home network to connect my devices while using a campground's wifi?
- Cox gigablast quality and price matching?
- Where are you placing patch panels, switches, routers? Do you have a network closet at home?
- Mellanox ConnectX-2 FW Question
- Can't connect to my Virgin Media router?
- Moving to a bigger house - trying to figure out my networking options
- Help setting up home network and access points with multiple routers and switches.
- VLC TV App: Can't find my local storage volume
- How can I have a more stable connection while playing online games?
- Is gig internet worth it?
- Internet on device drops when downloading large files via torrents
- Powerline adapter causing odd noise inside of wall.
- [help] hello I have a dray tek vigor2760n router .
- Would it make a big difference?
- Wireless only issues
- Setup for a 1,300 Sq. Ft. home
VPN to my home or expose services to the internet - Pros and Cons? Posted: 16 May 2019 10:26 AM PDT Hi, Im a total rookie on home networking and Im slowly building my network. I have couple of servers, NAS etc. I also have a pi-hole at home that filters DNS in my network. Now Im thinking about what the best way is to setup my outside-of-home experience. I think the easiest and safe way is to create a VPN server at home that allows me to connect from my mobile phone back home through VPN - then have the traffic routed through my local pi-hole, access to my local nextcloud and NAS. Is there any disadvantage in doing this? The other option is to just open the services I want, like my nextcloud, to the internet and connect to it through https when Im outside the home. But since Im no expert yet I feel that this would be a more unsafe way to start opening bunch of ports and apps to the outside world, or? What advantages / disadvantages is there with these two methods? Also last question. is there a way in the method 1 so that I connect with my phone to my home through VPN, then route the trafic through pi-hole to filter ads and bad DNS enquries, and then make it run out through the VPN provider that I set up on my router at home. That way when I use the internet on my phone from outside home I can reach the nextcloud at home with VPN, filter my DNS at home through pi-hole, and then surf the internet with a encrypted VPN provider at the same time.. Possible? thanks! [link] [comments] |
New Construction - Need Networking Assistance Posted: 16 May 2019 05:02 PM PDT Hello! I'm having my first house built, and met with the builder today to go over where I wanted Ethernet and Cable jacks. Just wanted to post here to make sure I didn't miss anything, and the locations I gave them will work for what I want to accomplish. ISP will be Spectrum, which seems to use a cable modem (either provided or I supply my own). I will not be getting any cable TV. See pictures here of the layout and where I specified to have Ethernet and cable jacks installed. Here is what I plan on having in each room: - Study: Desktop PC, will need single wired Ethernet connection - Great Room: TV, AV Receiver, PS4 and Xbox, 3 will need an Ethernet connection - Upstairs BR #2: Nothing at first, but eventually TV, AV Receiver, PS4 and Xbox will move up here, 3 need Ethernet connection. Once these items are moved up to this bedroom, Great room will have just a TV and maybe streaming box, will need one Ethernet connection Current networking equipment I own: - Motorola surfboard cable modem - Trendnet 5GHz Wireless Router with 4 ethernet ports (+ 1 for connectivity) - 8 or 16 port switch (can't remember off hand) So will this work? I'm thinking initially, modem plugs into the cable jack via coax in great room. Wireless router plugs into modem via ethernet. TV + PS4 + Xbox all plug into router via Ethernet, 4th Ethernet on router goes to Ethernet wall jack. Switch goes where home run is in garage, great room Ethernet plugs into switch providing internet connection, and Switch connects to Study and Bedroom Ethernet runs, providing those Ethernet jacks with internet. When I want to move equipment upstairs, scenario stays the same except Modem and Router live upstairs. Am I missing anything? Eventually I might look into a mesh WiFi setup, but that would be down the line and as an addition to Ethernet, not a replacement. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 16 May 2019 04:39 PM PDT Hello i was wondering this; if i set my ISP modem to bridge mode and connect a TP-LINK router to it, the IP address that the ISP gives me is attached to the modem or router MAC ID? If i changed the router device the ISP would still be able to recognize me again and asign the same IP if i am still in the lease time or it would asign me into another network? Also in the TP-LINK control panel it says my PUBLIC IP is for example and the default gateway is This default gateway the router has it's the modem IP or is directly connected to the ISP router? Thanks. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 16 May 2019 04:01 PM PDT I want to get a decent wifi signal in the lounge room at the back of my home to stream videos. The modem is at the front of the house, with a Ubiqiti access point 35m away. I was looking at a D-Link Covr 3-pack to replace the current setup at a good price. Will this be enough? Any help would be greatly appreciated. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 16 May 2019 08:56 PM PDT I just booted up unraid for the first time. Created an array with two drives just to test stuff out before moving my other drives over. When I go to create a share, I put in a name and click create share but then nothing happens. Looking at online forums shows others having this issue, but there aren't any answers that I can find. [link] [comments] |
Are there any routers with WireGuard support built-in yet? Posted: 16 May 2019 12:01 PM PDT |
Insanely Confusing/Frustrating Upload Speed Issue Posted: 16 May 2019 02:36 PM PDT I've been dealing with an issue regarding my upload speed in recent weeks. I'll get right to it.
I simply don't understand why this issue is occurring, and I'd love to find a solution. Any and all questions, comments, or concerns are welcome in this highly frustrating period of my life. Thank you. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 16 May 2019 08:29 PM PDT My current setup is internet > modem > switch > network drops throughout the house. I currently have one drop in a room where I want to hard wire two devices: a desktop and a raspberry pi. Could I plug a small switch into the wall jack and then plug in my desktop and pi? Would the network slow down or this cause any issues? I only have one drop in the room and am torn between which one to hardwire. [link] [comments] |
EdgeRouter X Port Forwarding Problem Posted: 16 May 2019 08:11 PM PDT Hello, I'm in the process of attempting to forward some ports for server I'd like to host. The issue I'm having is whenever I check if the port is open they all list it as being blocked however all my metrics are showing the packets traversing the firewall and being translated by NAT so I'm not sure where the hiccup is! I've quadruple checked all the IPs/Ports and I'm still having trouble finding the issue. Does anyone have experience with EdgeOS who can assist? Thanks! Pictures of the configurations through the GUI: https://imgur.com/a/UX8K6id both are generating metrics but all websites say the ports are closed. [link] [comments] |
How can I build a home network to connect my devices while using a campground's wifi? Posted: 16 May 2019 10:15 AM PDT We are full-time RV'ers and are currently staying in a campground with public wifi and no access to seek out our own internet service from a provider. At our last park we were able to set up our own internet service as the park did not have wifi. We have 2 Amazon Echos, Fire Tv, Phillips Hue LED lights package, and our phones and computers that need to be connected. Is there a way for me to create a secure home network where all of the devices listed can be connected and use the park's wifi as internet access? I do not have any home networking equipment since I rented the modem/router from our previous ISP. Therefore what equipment would I need to achieve a home network? [link] [comments] |
Cox gigablast quality and price matching? Posted: 16 May 2019 04:09 PM PDT Wasn't sure where else to ask this. First, does anyone have experience with cox gigablast service in Las Vegas and average speeds? I was also wondering if anyone has had any luck getting them to price match/data cap match CenturyLink fiber if they are both offered in the area. Going to be moving soon, and my current isp has no data caps. Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Where are you placing patch panels, switches, routers? Do you have a network closet at home? Posted: 16 May 2019 07:51 PM PDT Hello all – Where are you deploying your patch panel, switch, etc.? That's one of the last conundrums I've got regarding having a bona fide home LAN installed. Do you have network closets in your homes? That would be neat, but I don't know if it's possible in the homes I'm looking at all. I'd probably get a 6U or so wall-mount rack. I'd like a sideways mount so I can see front and back, but I don't know where I'd find the room. I don't think the homes I'm looking at have basements. Relatedly, what are your thoughts on a surge protector for the panel, switch, etc.? I've had a surprisingly hard time finding any serious data on surges and the need for surge protectors. The journalists and bloggers who rate surge protectors never seem to cover the obvious ground of whether they're needed, with any data on frequency and magnitude of surges and whether surge protectors are effective against the observed surges. I'm also having a hard time communicating with home builder staff on whether there are RJ45 jacks and Cat 5/6 cable in the new homes, or how to add them. These are staff at new-build communities. They generally don't know what I'm talking about. I've only found one builder that includes wired LAN cabling (Cat 5e in that case). I wish wired networks and network closets were a standard thing. [link] [comments] |
Mellanox ConnectX-2 FW Question Posted: 16 May 2019 04:01 PM PDT Hi everyone, recently I've been having issues with my Mellanox ConnectX-2 card where it just spams my switch with a lot of spanning tree queries and gets the port blocked. After a lot of research, I found that the firmware on it could be the issue and I need to update to a newer one. My problem is I have the files to generate the BIN file, but following the instructions at this link https://forums.servethehome.com/index.php?threads/mellanox-connectx-2-firmware.14350/#post-137727 I get the following error. I have looked up what mic binary image creation tool is and only something for Linux shows up. But pretty much every thread I've seen has people creating the bin file under Win10. So what is it I need to install for this to work? PS C:\Program Files\Mellanox\WinMFT> .\mlxburn.exe -fw .\FW\fw-ConnectX2-debug.mlx -conf .\FW\MNPA19_A1-A2.ini -wrimage firmware-image.bin -I- Generating image ... -E- Image generation failed: -E- mic is not installed on this machine child process exited abnormally Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Can't connect to my Virgin Media router? Posted: 16 May 2019 04:00 PM PDT I disabled 2.4ghz and enabled 5ghz because apparently it's better for gaming. Now I can't connect to my router at all?? [link] [comments] |
Moving to a bigger house - trying to figure out my networking options Posted: 16 May 2019 01:47 PM PDT Hello all, First of all, thank you in advance for any and all assistance, I am having a difficult time wrapping my head around all the networking options. I would consider myself knowledgable with tech, and not so much with networking. I will be moving into a new house in a month or so that will be a big upgrade (3000 sqft), and the networking options are a little overwhelming, so I want to get a sense of what the community thinks. There are 3 floors - I will likely have my Plexserver in the basement with my theater room (ability to direct play is essential). The new connection will be 400 Mbps. In my current setup, the wi-fi in the master bedroom is kind of junk (so I run a very very very long ethernet cable from the basement to the bedroom). I have a Nighthawk X6, so for most things, I am good (although with the router being in the basement, it's not idea, but was where the cable drop ended up, and I needed more hardwiring in the basement for my server/gaming setup). I also have a Netgear AC1750, that I had tried using as an extender, but again, I am kind of a failure when it comes to networking (then it went into flashing mode and I never reset the firmware). The hard part is that I would want some wired connections in different parts of the house for my plex server, gaming, etc. I've been trying to figure out if paying someone to hard wire the house would be worthwhile (but then I still need AP's / mesh system, so then that is double the cost). But, then I see info about Ubiquiti (AP-Lite vs. UniFi), vs Mesh Systems (Orbi, Eero, etc.). I don't know that I get the difference between these systems. It seems like with something like Orbi, I can use it, but then have the option to hard wire into the system - does not seem possible with Ubiquiti APs? Plus, will this "hardwire" be the same as if I was plugging directly into my router? Maybe I am just getting confused at the terminology for what I need (I did look at the /r/HomeNetworking glossary, but still has my head spinning). Then I read reviews on some devices, and they said Ethernet Backhaul was important, and that only Eero had it, so, kind of at a loss. SO - With my two current routers X6 and AC1750, what should I do (Mesh, Ubiquiti, Keep what I have and buy some sort of extender/powerline/etc.). Thank you! [link] [comments] |
Help setting up home network and access points with multiple routers and switches. Posted: 16 May 2019 07:31 PM PDT I'm not 100% sure what I want or how to do it as I'm a complete idiot in networking and don't know a lot of terminology to google it but I can learn so if I'm pointed in the right direction I could figure it out. I'm wanting to set up a home network but I want to make sure I don't bottle neck something unknowingly or cause instability. I currently have gigabit internet with the isp modem/router combo, more on that later. The rest of my home has cat6 cables throughout running from a 8port switch connected to the Combo router, I'm not sure if it's managed or unmanaged. In my gameroom I have another 8 port switch to connect the consoles to. All that is upstairs and I have no network devices downstairs because I don't want to waste my money on something I won't need or that'll cause issues. But I'll need a couple 8 port switches or 4 port not sure yet for wired devices and a printer. I also need another WiFi hotspot downstairs because I have dead spots. Will the switches cause any bottlenecks or issues in performance? Should I get managed network switches for any part of the house? I want the WiFi to act as one connection and network, I have a router but it makes a separate WiFi connection when I set it up. I have been thinking about getting a mesh network but I'm not sure if that's what I need. I also want to add network storage to access remotely if possible. I have been reading about the isp modems lately and their security holes. Is there something you would recommend to circumvent those security holes? [link] [comments] |
VLC TV App: Can't find my local storage volume Posted: 16 May 2019 03:44 PM PDT Some months ago I plugged a USB stick in my router (Speedport Smart 1) and used it as a network storage. I copied some small video files from my Mac to the storage and from the VLC app on my Sony Smart TV I could see the usb stick/network storage under "local networks", open it, type in the user and pasword, and could play my videofiles. And I loved it because it replaced my "connect externale drive, copy, disconnect..." routine Yesterday I got a new router (kinda same software but new hardware, newest version. Its the Speedport Pro) and set it up like in the old router. But the VLC app on my Sony TV cant find the network storage.. What could be the reason behind it and is there a solution? There is no way to manually type in an adress like smb://... and I dont want to. I want the app to find it under local network as it does with the old router :o [link] [comments] |
How can I have a more stable connection while playing online games? Posted: 16 May 2019 07:13 PM PDT Hello, I'm new to this sub so not sure how appropriate this question is, but maybe someone can help me out. I have had a ridiculously high ping while playing online PC games and am curious if there's anything I can do to stabilize my wireless connection from my PC to the router. The problem (I believe) is that I have 6 people living in the same house as me all using the same bandwidth I have gotten suggestions for an Ethernet cable, but in order to install one of those, I would need to plug it into my computer and then run the cable down 2 stories to the router in the garage. That isn't exactly do-able. Is there any wireless option I can use/purchase that can stabilize MY computer connection without interfering with everybody else's? I don't know too much about internet connection terminology or products that can help, so if anyone has any tips/advice that would be great! Thank you. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 16 May 2019 09:38 AM PDT Hello, Me and my Fiance are about to move into our new house, and Xfinity is currently offering a great bundle deal for 400 Mbps and 125 channels for 100$ a month, or they offer 1gig and 125 channels for 110$ a month. Now the difference is only 10$ and its very enticing to want the bigger speeds. But do we need them? Will our router support 1 gig? We currently own Nighthawk Pro Gaming XR500 wifi router. We do a lot of streaming, between Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Firestick. He does online gaming with his PS4 Pro. Overall we probably have around 10+ devices on the wifi at a given time between iPhones, Smart TVS, MacBooks. We also plan on renting our spare bedrooms for airbnb and med students. I just wanted to know what y'all think. Thank you :) [link] [comments] |
Internet on device drops when downloading large files via torrents Posted: 16 May 2019 06:06 PM PDT Hello, I have two devices on my network, a Windows 10 desktop and a new Synology NAS. I recently got Gigabit internet from Charter Spectrum to my new house, and I have an Arris DOCSIS 3.1 modem and a TP-LINK unmanaged switch (That has gigabit on all 5 ports). When i download games on Steam, things seem pretty good. It downloads really fast, and no disconnects. The same thing when I download things from my browser: fast speeds, no disconnects. However...when using a P2P method for downloading (such as utorrent/qbittorrent/deluge) on my computer or NAS, weird things happen. At first, everything seems normal. But after about a minute of downloading a large file, my internet (only on the device downloading, the rest of my devices are fine) crashes. The speed drops to zero, and I can't browse websites. Sometimes, the internet will come back up automatically after about 20-30 seconds. Other times, i have to restart my computer to fix this problem. The Charter people were out, tested the connection, replaced all the coaxial coming into my house and into my modem, no dice. I've tried directly from two different modems to my computer, same issues. I've tried lowering my connections in multiple torrent applications to 1, 5, 50, etc. I've throttled the speed to never go above 20 Mbps, still the same problem on larger files. I have lowered the MTU on my network adapter to a number that packets don't get fragmented, this didn't work either. I'm very concerned about this, because i can't download anything without my internet crashing through a torrent application. Any ideas on what to try next? [link] [comments] |
Powerline adapter causing odd noise inside of wall. Posted: 16 May 2019 02:18 PM PDT So I have a Powerline adapter plugged into an outlet in the basement and the other end plugged in upstairs. When I run a speedtest using the AP that is plugged into the Powerline adapter, there is a very loud sparking kind of sound coming from the wall behind the outlet in the basement. It also gives off a burning smell. I am afraid that using the adapter will cause a fire. Does anyone know why this might be happening? Thanks. [link] [comments] |
[help] hello I have a dray tek vigor2760n router . Posted: 16 May 2019 03:55 AM PDT [help] hello I have a dray tek vigor2760n router . We have had technical out once as are internet just drops ( not for an hour ) more like 5 days at a time when the tecnition came out he told us all he was there to do was test the lines he Can NOT touch the router or he cold be sued .so he did his test said yes it's not connected but there is a signal there he also tested the home phone line (by testing each line on its own ) after he left we tried a different dsl cable it worked for a period of time it is acting up again and we have another date for another tecnition to come out Dose anyone have any ideas what would cause this .thinking about just getting a new router if the test comes back on ok on the master socket not sure what to go for tho I think what we pay for is 50 dl and 20 up mb https://imgur.com/a/QFOiHAo [link] [comments] |
Would it make a big difference? Posted: 16 May 2019 01:59 PM PDT I have a homenetwork that has the cable coming into the Arris 8200 modem. Then an ethernet cable from modem to an Asus rt-AC86U. Then I have an 80ft cat 7 cable from main router to my wired Access Point (Asus RT-AC68U). Two weeks back my RT-AC86u crashed and had to go back to Asus. In it's absence I moved the AC68U upstairs and changed it from an AP to the main router(and it has worked just fine. OK-Now the confusion. Asus has sent me a brand new AC86U and always looking for the path of least resistance, I was thinking of just leaving the AC68U as main router and using the more powerful AC86U as the new Acess Point. I know this is just laziness on my part but does anybody think I am going to sacrifice a bunch of power doing it like this? I would really like a knowledgable answer for this. I get nervous whenever I start messing with good working routers-I am afraid of messing things up. Thanks Guys [link] [comments] |
Posted: 16 May 2019 01:52 PM PDT I'm having some issues with my home network that worked fine for a long period of time but has now started deteriorating. I'm rather computer literate but not in IT or anything like that but generally have no issues getting around computer things and built my own pc a number of times. Anyways.... my internet connectivity stopped working a few weeks ago. At first I thought it was my old router so I replaced it with a nighthawk (not sure of model number will update when I get home but I don't think it is relevant) I couldn't get the router to connect to the internet and was still having issues so I upgraded my modem as well, which still created issues. I can hardwire directly to the modem and my internet works fine and at roughly the speeds I pay for. But I cannot get wireless to work anywhere in the house. Even when I use my wired pc connection and enable hotspot in windows that doesn't work as well. I checked the channel traffic with an app since I just got a new neighbor but I don't appear to be on the same channel as anyone around me. I sense that maybe I have multiple firewalls running somehow or something else is blocking the signal. My connection strength is strong and I can connect both to the new router and the hotspot but I just have no internet. Any advice is appreciated before I pull all my hair out. Also, any extra information that could be useful, please let me know. I'm lost and don't even know where to start to diagnose the issue. ISP is Comcast. Thank you! [link] [comments] |
Setup for a 1,300 Sq. Ft. home Posted: 16 May 2019 05:31 PM PDT I am pretty lost when it comes to networking and I've tried to research as much as i can but I'm still pretty lost and some advice seems a little old so if theres solid advice already posted i apologize. Anyway, i need a router/modem setup for a 1,300 sq. Ft. Home with 5 people. I use a shitty surfboard gateway so I'm sure anything would be better. My speed is currently 75 down and 10 up. I will probably upgrade to no more than 150 but most likely 100 down. With 5 people there is a pretty heavy use of streaming services (netflix,youtube, etc. ) and 1 uses a gaming console frequently. There are 3 floors so i think ill probably need access points as well. The biggest problem is intermittent connection and it doesn't reach every spot in the house. I'm leaning towards a ubiquitous setup ( i think thats what its called ) since it seems to be a package kinda deal which seems easier but again i do not know. My budget is $200-$300. Any advice is greatly appreciated even if its something small or obvious since i know next to nothing about home networking. Thank you. [link] [comments] |
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