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    Tuesday, January 29, 2019

    My new PC Build will not turn on Tech Support

    My new PC Build will not turn on Tech Support

    My new PC Build will not turn on

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 09:21 AM PST

    Every time I turn on the PSU my NZXT H500 Case's power button gets a white ring around it but that's it: no fans spin, no display on the monitor, no sign of anything working. I'm new to building so I have no clue what to do.

    I think it may do with the PSU not hooked up correctly. There are two slots that say Peripheral/SATA, should they both be plugged. I've taken pictures in case anyone can figure it out from that.

    Power Supply


    Hard Drive

    Also my video card does not need/ have a slot for extra power so the PCIe 6+2 isn't needed, I don't know about the 4+4 CPU

    submitted by /u/Prince-Hakeem
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    Windows Explorer hangs when I right click and create a new folder

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 06:35 AM PST

    Today when I tried to right click on my desktop to create a new folder my windows explorer would hang. After clicking around awhile the desktop will turn white and then reset itself.

    When I tried using whatishang.exe to figure out what was going on it gave me "Remarks: * The program hangs in a single system call. You can look in the call stack and stack data to find out which API function cause this hang." and a bunch of other things that I don't understand. Can anyone help me out with this problem? I tried using a virus scan and a spyware scan but nothing helped. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/kidsparks
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    Melting coax cable (outside of house)

    Posted: 28 Jan 2019 08:44 PM PST

    So we have had problems ever since maybe mid August. The cable and internet would occasionally go out. First the ISP replaced a wire outside that squirrels apparently chewed up. Next they replaced our modem. And then the third time they came out they replaced the coax cable that leads from outside to inside I believe (not entirely sure but I know it was a coax cable). He said get an electrician to check out the house. So we had one come out and he said everything in our house is safe and that he would rewire some things to his personal preference but that he doesn't think our house is causing it. We then called the electric company and they ordered a new wire to replace the one from the pole to our house. They claim they tested something outside but I watched and I didn't see any testing. I only talked to the guy who checked out the wire. Every thing I see says get this checked out ASAP as it can be very bad. Wondering if anyone else has had this problem? Also what could I do since it seems like I've done everything I can? I plan on calling the electric company tmr and having another crew sent out to throughly check everything.

    submitted by /u/Diaper_Dave
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    Possibly broke my usb-c port on Galaxy S8

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 12:05 AM PST

    So I was poking around getting the lint out of both my audio jack and usb-c charging port and I was able to fix the audio jack, but now my phone wont charge.

    I'm not sure what happened but most likely I poked or scratched something I shouldn't have. I can post pictures if necessary.

    What is my next move? Should I order a kit to open my phone and replace the port? Or is it better to pay someone to repair it? I'm out of warranty since I bought my phone about 18 months ago. I do have GeekSquad protection on it though.

    If it's not incredibly dangerous to my phone for me to crack it open myself I think I would be more willing to go that route. I would probably end up cancelling GeekSquad in that case.

    EDIT: I just tried once again and it is now fast charging as per usual.

    submitted by /u/rigadoog
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    Unknown Web Credentials from pgp site in Europe?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2019 03:21 PM PST

    Unknown Web Credentials from pgp site in Europe?

    I accidentally came across Credential Mgr and found the following in web Credentials:



    Whois pgp.g5e,com gave me :

    pgp.g5e.com - G5 Games - World of Adventu......

    Following instructions from a different post here, I googled the unknown site and got


    a Quickdiag.txt file in French ( no I dont) Near as I can tell it was generated aug 17,

    3rd or 4th line down : Contact : http://www.sosvirus.net/

    FYI I do use BD total security. and NORDVPN (for the moment) I did login to a couple of european servers a while back but.... ??? Looks like someone was playing a GAME? Also, the quick diag i scanned referenced HP laptop...not me.

    So what do I have here? Ive never even heard of Cred Mgr let alone web creds. or windows creds-those I recognize however. So Delete these 4 enties and hope its not left some back way into my system?

    Appreciate ANY help you might be able to give.


    Drifty Donn

    Want the QuickDiag.txt file? I scanned w. BD and MAlwarebytes.

    submitted by /u/driftie69
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    GPU repaste question

    Posted: 28 Jan 2019 03:17 PM PST

    Hi Everyone,

    I'm repasting my GPU but the existing thermal compound on the heatsink looked like it was put on in a specific way... I usually just put the paste directly onto the GPU die but I wanted to check if there is any other place I needed to put it. I put the images below!


    pictures on imgur

    submitted by /u/randycool279
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