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    Sunday, October 21, 2018

    It's the best feeling in the world when everything is clearly explained Android Dev

    It's the best feeling in the world when everything is clearly explained Android Dev

    It's the best feeling in the world when everything is clearly explained

    Posted: 21 Oct 2018 03:04 AM PDT

    Want to get into Android dev, but a bit scared about publishing due to Google Play policies and some of the posts I have seen here. What are the actual dangers?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2018 11:44 AM PDT

    I want to get into android development mainly for fun and not to make a living off of it but I would still like to publish a an app or two to the Play Store.

    However, somewhere down the line, I might decide to go into app development for a living and I've noticed that a good number of posts here about google disabling their accounts due to strikes, some of which were for good reason, some of which were absolute bullshit. I don't want to have a permanent disabled account should I decide to try and make money off of app development 2-3 years down the line.

    So I had a couple of questions and was hoping people here could answer:

    1. How many strikes does it take to get your account terminated?
    2. Do strikes expire?
    3. If your account is terminated, is this just your Google Dev account or your entire Google account?
    4. What's the best possible approach when wanting to publish apps so I decrease my chances of getting my account terminated?
    5. What are some common mistakes that newbie devs like me make when publishing their first app and getting a strike by Google?



    submitted by /u/Acrobatic_Astronomer
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    Coroutine channels experience

    Posted: 21 Oct 2018 11:36 AM PDT

    I'm quite comfortable with the coroutines API after 6+ months using them but I haven't dared to use Channels at all. Mainly for 2 reasons:

    • They don't yet support cold streams (they are working on it)
    • I can't understand how to use the API pass the first trivial examples

    Then I saw this talk from Roman Elizarov and the channels part blew my mind 🤯 The channels implementation seems like a very steep learning curve for me 😨 and I can probably implement the same thing in RxJava with a scan/reducer for managing state without too much hassle.

    KotlinConf - Kotlin Coroutines in Practice: https://youtu.be/a3agLJQ6vt8?t=8m5s

    The question is: Do you have experience with Channels and how was the learning experience and amount of WTF's per day?

    I'm trying to gather feedback on whether it's worth to invest time in learning Channels or it's still too early. So far my investment in the rest of coroutines has paid off very well, even investing in them from the early stages of the API.

    submitted by /u/sebaslogen
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    AndroidX, one month in

    Posted: 21 Oct 2018 10:26 AM PDT

    Is it no longer possible to see the cumulative statistics in the play console?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2018 12:44 PM PDT

    I went on the google play console today and realized that in the statistics page there is no longer an indication for the cumulative stats or a number representation for data like active installs or total installs anymore. Instead only the graph remains. Is there still a way to see the cumulative stats?

    submitted by /u/LudWigVonPoopen
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    Admob revenue decreased to half with remove ads in app purchase.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2018 03:30 AM PDT

    Hi, normally i am making daily 100x money with admob. but i decided to add remove ads option with in app purchase. after this feature my admob revenue decreased to 50x and just 2 people buys daily with 1500active user.

    I simply put isAdsActive to shared preferences and in onPurchase method I set it to false and in each activity i checked once is ads active or not, if not i did not load ads.

    Is this a shared prefences' fault (default value true) or onPurchase method called even user didnt puchase?

    I tested several times but did not catch any bug.


    code (simplified) https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QRp68GGW5P/

    app : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.suddenmate

    submitted by /u/emroo07
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    Undefined Perimeters In Reverse-engineered application.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2018 04:17 PM PDT

    Undefined Perimeters In Reverse-engineered application.

    Before I explain my question, I would like to start off by saying I do not condone the de-compiling of another person(s) application for malicious intent.

    With that said, I wanted to de-compile an android app I play so that I could find the formulas used to calculate "upgrade costs" in game. (for personal use in spreadsheets only. NOT to ever release anything publicly or pirate my findings). I took the APK file, unzipped the archive, then used dnSpy to browse through everything. Now, I managed to find a single formula written outright, though it was for a arbitrary mechanic.

    I believe to have found the formula (or part of it) used to create the upgrade cost, though I am not as experienced in coding as I should be to be taking on a task like this, I am hoping this makes sense to someone else.

    Parenthesis will be added for things I have assumed but may be wrong about.

    Attached you will see a CalcValue (method?) with "lvl" as a (parameter?). However, Searching the remainder of this file and the entirety of the de-compiled .dll files, I found no deceleration for "lvl", it is as if the lvl is being defined outside of the code somehow, (grabbing from a cloud-based server maybe, is that possible?), anyway, is there anyway I can trace or find the value of this parameter, or am I thinking about this wrong entirely and it does not work that way to begin with?

    If I had these values traced back, I could then work my way back up to the original (method?) which should eventually leave me with a working formula for how the upgrade costs are calculated.

    Any information would be much appreciated, and if this post made your head hurt as a developer due to the lack of insight and experience I seem to have, feel free to let me know to drop this process entirely until I learn more haha! Thank you in advanced!


    submitted by /u/SikkJewFro
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    Why is there no Top New Free for Play Store App?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2018 11:14 AM PDT

    Im curious about the ranking of my new app launched recently, but Im just noticed there are no Top New Free category for Play Store App but in web version.

    submitted by /u/bu5hit
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    TECNO P701 FRP Using Sp Flash Tool

    Posted: 21 Oct 2018 02:24 PM PDT

    Are Admob Interstitials loading for anyone else?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2018 01:49 PM PDT

    No idea what happened but on both of my apps I'm developing the ads are just simply not loading anymore.

    One of them I didn't even touch since a few days ago, and the ads were working then.

    Interstitial status keeps coming back as "Not Ready".

    Kind of getting tired of Admob.

    submitted by /u/HuskiesGoneWild
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    Anyone else got an App removed because the link to the Developer Page was considered an Advertisement (not labelled as such)?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2018 01:15 AM PDT

    Anyone else got an App removed because the link to your own Developer Page (on Google Play) was considered an Advertisement (not labelled as such)?

    It happened a couple of times to me already.

    submitted by /u/AndroidThemes
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    If I'm verifying in app purchases on a server, at what point should I consume the purchase?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2018 08:25 AM PDT

    As far as I'm aware, there's no way to mark a product as consumed from the admin api (java), and it has to be done through the app. If the connection drops and I consume it too early, then the user might not get what they paid for, and if I consume it too late, the user might be able to get it twice.

    submitted by /u/jolteony
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    BIND_DEVICE_ADMIN and COSU vs Play Store Policy

    Posted: 21 Oct 2018 03:06 AM PDT

    TL;DR: there seems to be no good way to implement an app with built in "kiosk mode" or "single use device" functionality and comply with the Play Store policy.

    I have created an audiobook player app for seniors. It is intended for non-tech-savvy people and one (optional but important) feature is that one can set up the device to run this app exclusively, so that the user can never exit the app and doesn't have to know anything about Android. This way a phone or tablet can become a dedicated or "single use" device.

    One way to achieve this it to use the Android features for something Google calls "COSU" - Company Owned Single Use devices. This requires making the app a so-called device-owner which is done from a computer by running an adb command. A process that is not easy to users (not the seniors themselves, but the people who get the device for them). A device-owner is then able to override the home app and initiate screen pinning for kiosk mode.

    On Android 7+ this functionality requires that there is a BroadcastReceiver protected with a BIND_DEVICE_ADMIN permission.

    Google Play Store policy has some requirements for the use of the BIND_DEVICE_ADMIN permission:

    Provide prominent user facing disclosure of this usage before asking the user to enable this permission within your app. Your disclosure must meet each of the following requirements: ...

    (you only get this detailed info when your app is removed from the Play Store)

    This is reasonable for apps that send the ACTION_ADD_DEVICE_ADMIN intent to request becoming a device admin (which is different than a device owner).

    I have no idea how to comply with this requirement for my app. It never triggers the use of the permission nor requests to become a device-owner (this can only be done with adb or with QR code provisioning during a factory reset). So how do I show a notice to the user prior to using something that I never use?

    The only way I see is to show the notice on application start because "Disclosure must be displayed in normal course of usage of your app. Your users should not be required to navigate into a menu or settings to view disclosure."

    This would obviously put off most users who just want to check how the audio player works, especially that the kiosk mode is optional. Fortunately the device-owner app doesn't have to be my audio player, so I will probably create a separate app just for the screen pinning permission management with all the appropriate explanations shown on start.

    Does anyone have an idea on how I can approach this issue in a simpler way?

    Some additional details:

    • the app does have both an option to disable the kiosk mode/screen pinning and drop the `device-owner` privilege from the settings screen, so the users are not stuck with it,
    • Google's examples for this functionality are purely technical and don't mention the Play store policy at all, nor do they give any UX guidelines on informing the user about the device-owner functionality.
    submitted by /u/cinusek
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    Recommend 3D engine for Android (not for gaming)

    Posted: 20 Oct 2018 06:56 PM PDT

    I'd like to build a stylised menu for my App, using a 3D engine. Good options for 'basic 3D rendering' on Android are not obvious, so it would be interesting to see what other people have found success or difficulty with using.

    The solution I'm looking for should ideally...

    - Present a 'Scene Graph' model, with Objects, Lights and Camera etc.

    - Be able to display 3D scenes alongside normal Android UI elements, as part of a regular Android Activity.

    - Allow me to apply my own shaders to objects (to give them either a monochrome, line-drawn or cel-shaded look)

    - Allow me to control the camera's perspective to parallel/isometric.

    OpenGL & Vulkan look too low-level to get the job done - I don't want to be building my own mesh loader at this point.

    At the other end of the scale are game frameworks like Unity which govern too much of the App and provide many features I won't be needing.

    Google Filament looks interesting but places a lot of emphasis on high-quality 'Physically Based Rendering' which might, again, be adding weight I don't need.

    JMini3D seems to be the kind of thing I"m looking for.


    submitted by /u/Darkmoon_UK
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    As a developer am not satisfied with new playstore UI

    Posted: 21 Oct 2018 10:36 AM PDT

    Recently Google rollout new playstore UI for all Android devices. Seriously it's completely misleading the user for all other details of app and developer details.

    I will vote for previous version of playstore UI. What you guys think ?

    submitted by /u/myinnos
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    GSM transmitter - can you control it through a custom app?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2018 05:57 AM PDT

    Does android devkit (and the OS itself) allow for building of apps that can fully control the phone's GSM transmitter? That is, use it to broadcast custom, user-set data for short distances?

    submitted by /u/LFGoodgames
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    Using RX in android for sequential api execution

    Posted: 21 Oct 2018 05:34 AM PDT


    I want to use RX with retrofit to execute n rest API after one another. Lets assume API be [A_1, A_n]. It means that based on the result of the rth API(let's suppose result of rth API be M_r), I have to perform some operation in main thread(Showing the result M_r into some UI view) then execute the (r+1)th API using M_r result. Other APIs(from [A_2, A_\n]) will follow the same pattern.

    submitted by /u/atulgpt
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    For the settings page on your application, did you create your own custom one or did you just use the generated one from android studio?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2018 07:36 PM PDT

    You can hit New -> Activity -> Settings Activity in android studio and it creates a default settings activity for you with example preferences and headers.

    When creating your settings activity, did you just use this and delete the example preferences and add your own, or did you just create your own settings activity from scratch?

    I'm thinking of just creating a settings activity from scratch just because it may be easier to use the same design that the rest of my application uses.

    But I'm also not sure if this is good practice. Are you supposed to make the applications settings page resemble the default android settings page?


    Another question, do you actually need to have a settings activity in your application? The only real preference I would actually need would be something like a toggle mute preference, and that's really it.

    submitted by /u/thatisit_
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    Amazon, how to simply update your APK without creating a new test

    Posted: 21 Oct 2018 04:52 AM PDT

    I'm currently trying to test IAP functionality for removing ads on my game. I have it working with Google Play but now I'm trying to get it working with Amazon.

    The only issue I'm having currently is...actually testing. I can't install the APK directly on my device because then the Amazon IAP / API functions won't work, so it needs to be installed through the Amazon Appstore (correct me if I'm wrong) to connect to my Amazon account for purchasing IAP's.

    I'm using the Live App Testing feature but it takes quite a long time to go through each time I test. Amazon also doesn't allow me to update the APK for an existing test, instead it forces me to make a new test and replace the current APK there, and then I have to wait again for it to be approved.

    This is incredibly wasteful of time. How do I simply send out an update on my current test to users by just updating the APK? I don't want to have to wait for approval each time to test my IAP / Amazon API code.

    submitted by /u/HuskiesGoneWild
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    Posted: 21 Oct 2018 12:25 AM PDT

    Hi! My admob account was suspended for the said "invalid activity". The only thing I can suspect is complete inactivity from users, or the reward ad who gives you a second and third chance. Something else that comes to my mind is somebody just trolling by pressing all the ads, in this case, how I can prevent that

    You can take a look, and tell me whats wrong: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.DirtyGames.FigureMatch

    submitted by /u/DirtyBlasion
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    Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.String android.net.Uri.getScheme()' on a null object reference. Can not figure out why.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2018 10:49 AM PDT

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