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    Monday, October 22, 2018

    Google Photos keeps deleting my NSFW photos Android Apps

    Google Photos keeps deleting my NSFW photos Android Apps

    Google Photos keeps deleting my NSFW photos

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 04:25 AM PDT

    Google Photos loves to delete most of my NSFW pictures, videos and gifs, most of them were memes (featuring mostly nudity and vore), nothing featuring real life gore or something illegal.

    I doesn't send them to the bin, it just deletes them without warning, it doesn't delete anything on the bin tho...

    I don't have Google Photos synced to the cloud. I have checked 5 times.

    Edit: just to clear things up, in airplane mode i don't get deleted my pictures over night when I download them again, it's not like I get these back.

    submitted by /u/Greppim
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    Bestflix – best app for Netflix fans

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 04:04 AM PDT

    Hey, guys! I'd like to introduce a new app we created for Netflix fans, called Bestflix. It's useful and practical, and has some social networking features. It's free, easy to use and currently for US only.

    • It has a complete calendar of ALL movies and TV shows, while even the official Netflix app only contains the most popular ones
    • You can customize the calendar based on your favorites, and get timely updates on premiere dates, renewals, etc.
    • Most importantly, users can leave comments and post video reviews for every show or season
    • Soon we'll be adding more fun and useful functionality, such as creating mems and gifs
    • Users can friend each other, follow other comments and see what other users are watching on Netflix

    Constructive feedback would be awesome and greatly appreciated! If you have any questions, feel free to ask away!


    Kind regards,


    Netflix fan and Bestflix co-creator

    submitted by /u/saynez
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    Unknown android apps that are actually useful

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 09:13 AM PDT

    Hi everyone. So I saw a post on this sub the other day where someone asked about android apps that not many know which are ACTUALLY useful (some examples were vancedtube, OGinstagram, etc) but seems like that post is deleted. If its not a problem, can you name some apps that you use on your phone? Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/thatfemaledj
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    Anybody knows an app that would simply give me the option to put text over a video? For memes purpose.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 07:35 AM PDT

    Is there app that can change the default actions of navigation bar keys?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 07:09 AM PDT

    Read - Between the Lines

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 10:46 AM PDT

    Hey fellow Android enthusiasts!

    I just released readbetweenthelines.app, a little utility app to train myself (and others) to read faster by using peripheral vision. For more on the app and the speed reading technique used, please read this intro: https://medium.com/chronstruct/introducing-read-6419825807af

    I hope you try it and find it helpful in getting through your long To-Read List. Please let me know what you think!

    Side note: Half of the reason I like this app is for showcasing the many things Android can do, and iOS can not. It is an app that overlays the screen, has a Quick Settings Tile, and a persistent notification for controlling it. This is not possible on iOS.

    submitted by /u/chronstruct
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    Notepad app that understands what .LOG means?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 09:35 AM PDT

    [REQ] A music player app that can access MY google play music collection

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 04:03 AM PDT

    I currently use google play music, its fine. I also use phonograph, its fine.... Just wondering if there is one app that is a mostly music player (like (phonograph) but can stream my bought/uploaded google play music collection as well. Like how file managers can access my google drive.

    submitted by /u/robneymcplum
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    What's the most comfortable keyboard app (typing-wise, without prediction) you ever use?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2018 10:18 PM PDT

    I borrowed my friend's phone to reply for a message, and the keyboard oh GOD so smooth, so easy to type in, I hardly make any mistake. I think her app is TouchPal or something, default keyboard in Oppo device.

    Then I go back to my phone, using Simple Keyboard (since I like the simplicity.. heh) and it's somehow very different from my friend's. I make a lot of mistake typing on it.

    Is it because of screen size difference? her phone is a bit smaller than mine.

    submitted by /u/mujhair
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    What open source lauchers are there?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 12:22 PM PDT

    What open source lauchers are there? Which one do you prefer?

    submitted by /u/BWJackal
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    Tapatalk alternatives?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 12:19 PM PDT

    Any good alternatives existing (Play Store or XDA or F-droid). Would imagine that there are (as 1000+ weather apps and messaging apps)...


    // Timo

    submitted by /u/tjsuominen
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    AskAndroidApps: Pomodoro app with most feature

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 03:34 AM PDT

    Can you guys suggest most functional pomodoro app, which automatically logs tasks, breaks, provides stats, etc.

    I don't care about the looks.

    submitted by /u/desi_boys
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    Can't delete the conversations in the Messages stock app

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 11:48 AM PDT

    Each time I delete a conversation it reappears.. I tried to delete the app data and I also sent a feedback in the official website.

    submitted by /u/SpaceKraken420
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    Free/Paid (Non-Subscription) cross platform to-do list

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 11:32 AM PDT

    Any recommendations for a free/paid (non-subscription) to-do list that can sync between iOS and Android which is comparable to full-featured subscription based apps like Tick tick, Any.do, Todoist, Wunderlist?

    submitted by /u/SpecificOutcome
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    Android encryption

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 11:04 AM PDT

    I red few articles about encrypting my phone...Basically it means to put some kind a code/PIN on it.

    So, if I don't go through encryption process in settings, but I do set a PIN at phone restart, does that makes my phone encrypted?

    Pls explain like to a child :)


    submitted by /u/zono8
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    App shortcuts

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 07:03 AM PDT

    When I first got this phone, Huawei Honor 7x, a lot of my apps had "hard press" shortcuts. Google keep "new note" Google docs "new sheet". Maybe after updates they're no longer there? I want them back!!

    submitted by /u/tobyhowl
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    Social media slideshow viewer?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 10:48 AM PDT

    Is there an app that lets you view instagram, Facebook, Tumblr photos in a slideshow?

    submitted by /u/Rekdon
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    I just updted my very first Android game, it's looking great and it would be awesome if you could check it out. Click the post to see the link. Thanks!!

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 10:48 AM PDT

    Launcher with Freiquently Used Apps

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 09:25 AM PDT

    I had to recently reset my Moto X Pure and thought to consider a new launcher. Microsoft Launcher has a feature that fills the home screen with frequently used apps. Frankly, I'm not a fan of moving apps around getting them just right, etc. Reminds me of Windows 10 and how the apps are not in any real order

    Is there a launcher that can make one home screen only the apps you use the most other than Microsoft Launcher? Even an auto-sort of the home screen would be helpful. Thanks.

    Edit: Bah, title spelling.

    submitted by /u/kbchurch
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    Best free sampler/sequencer for android?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 08:45 AM PDT

    Looking for a good free sampler/sequencer for android that allows me to use my own samples (ofc) and load midi sequences that I created on my computer. Any recommendations?

    submitted by /u/Grauschleier
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    [DEV] Wake-up Animation in Android Lockscreen' app

    Posted: 21 Oct 2018 10:08 PM PDT

    I am Seattle-based indie developer working with NYC-based artist. Seattle is a different kind of city: people over here like Indie games (Anyone been to SIX during PAX week?) and love Comic art: we got Emerald City Comicon, SakuraCon and more.

    This app has been influenced by both: it is built with art by Stephen Najarian, an acclaimed Fantasy Art painter, and is structured similar to a mobile game in that users can add additional content/animated segments of their liking to the basic, standard one .

    While it falls into Live Wallpaper category and installs/activates much like one, it won't play a continuous animation loop, which we all know can drain battery and be distracting at times. Instead, the "Big Idea" here is: - the app plays a brief, new animation segment every time user wakes-up/logs into the phone. We take advantage of the fact--using it for good, artistic fun--that there is a brief, idle transition after a user is authenticated and Launcher just starts dishing out icons on Homescreen; we see it as a valid timeslot to play animation or some other content to entertain, inform etc. "Dude that's very cool" said Najarian upon getting early prototype on his phone.

    Here is a promo video: https://youtu.be/fxiBjH9MQl0

    It still hasn't been released as we continue polishing final features. We would love to hear what you guys--and gals--think of the concept: -Injecting a bit of Fantasy Art animation into something prosaic like Waking a phone/authenticating user?

    If anyone would like to test/review pre-release beta, hit me up and we'll arrange something.

    Thanks Reddit

    submitted by /u/skreenr
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    The best apps to make my tablet fast? And what system apps can I delete?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 08:02 AM PDT

    Hi all, I know this is asked a lot, but I need to know if the apps fit my specific device. I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab E 9.6 SM-T560 European Model running Android 4.4.4. I'm looking for any apps that can help increase performance. Not trying to sound like an entitled prick, but I'm just saying I generally trust Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS) with my privacy. FOSS are nice, but I understand most apps aren't in that category.

    I also don't know which System Apps I can delete without messing something up. I don't use…any of them, I think. So don't let commonly used apps stop you!

    submitted by /u/InformalInternal
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    Music library/player app that reads WMA metadata?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2018 11:04 PM PDT

    I've got a bunch of old music I pulled from CDs over a decade ago using Windows Media Player which are WMA files. A lot of Android players will play them, but can't read the metadata so the organization is all messed up. Does anyone know of any music library/player apps that natively read WMA files? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/mnemonikos82
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    USB Mass Storage mode toggle

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 07:30 AM PDT

    I intend to use my phone as a external drive to run portable apps and I was wondering if there any app that would let me toggle between USB Mass Storage mode and MTP mode without root.

    submitted by /u/martinkem
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    Calendar app that helps LIMIT the number of appointments

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 07:29 AM PDT

    Hi there, to combat burnout I'm trying to find a calendar app that would help me limit the number of appointments I can make. For example, I can only book 1 appointment in the weekend, only X appointments during the week, etc. Bonus points if it's a shared calendar. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/pufferowl
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