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    Wednesday, October 31, 2018

    FREE comprehensive course to learn - Android development [beginner to advance] Android Dev

    FREE comprehensive course to learn - Android development [beginner to advance] Android Dev

    FREE comprehensive course to learn - Android development [beginner to advance]

    Posted: 31 Oct 2018 06:40 AM PDT

    Hi All,

    We are building a platform to educate people on emerging technology. We have already started with some of the courses including Android, Python, Machine Learning & AWS Cloud.

    The thing that we are focussing is right structure to the platform so that anyone can easily create videos and share the knowledge.

    One consideration that we have is there is a lot of online resources already. Would anyone be interested in this?


    submitted by /u/iamarmaan
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    As someone familiar with Java and new to Kotlin, I just stumbled upon this site, and it is on point with what I wanted to know

    Posted: 31 Oct 2018 08:34 AM PDT

    Dealing with GDPR consent or no consent at all and just serve non-personalised ads?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2018 01:52 AM PDT

    How did you manage GDPR? I implemented it in my apps but when i launch the app and i see a wall of text i get bored and get bad opinion about the app. After all I just want to use the app, i couldn't care less about some wall of text for something i can't avoid.

    So i started testing other apps in my category and i realized that most of the apps don't have any consent form. Which made me think..

    What if i just use non-personalised ads in EEA and skip the annoying legal stuff?

    What do you think about this? Did you implement some consent form? How did you deal with it?

    Edit: honestly it seems easier and cheaper to use non personalised ads in EEA than to spam users with walls of text and then serve some personalised ads if any users contents

    submitted by /u/Sabroan_
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    How do you open a Google sample repository from GitHub in Android Studio if it contains multiple apps inside?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2018 08:45 AM PDT

    So I want to analyze this repository:

    For example, it has these subfolders, which contain build.gradle files:

    Then under android-testing/ui/ there's
    This folder alone has like 10 subfolders which all have build.gradle inside them so they are all separate apps.

    Also under android-testing/unit/ there are 3 subfolders that contain build.gradle.

    So I understand that I can open all these folders that have build.gradle (and an "app" folder) inside them as separate apps in Android Studio, but can you also somehow open this whole top folder "android-testing" in Android Studio to have it all in one place and then select which one of these apps you want to build? There are maybe like 20 apps overall in this folder, so is there no other way than to open each one as a separate project?
    How is it supposed to be done? How do you dear Android gurus do it?
    EDIT: Alright, guys, thanks to the help from /u/itpgsi2, I figured it out!
    1. do git clone https://github.com/googlesamples/android-testing.git as usual
    2. then open this "android-testing" folder in Android Studio
    3. then in the right bottom corner it says something about android frameworks detected and that it recognized manifest files, so you can click OK on that, I'm not sure if this is important
    4. then let's say we want to build the app under /android-testing/runner/AndroidJunitRunnerSample
    5. so inside this folder we will use the gradlew file (each app has its own gradlew file), we achieve this by going in the terminal inside Android Studio into that folder so that we can execute that specific gradlew file
    6. now if I just run ./gradlew here, I get an error "SDK location not found. Define location with sdk.dir in the local.properties file or with an ANDROID_HOME environment variable."
    7. so do as it says, you can create local.properties file (still in the folder of that app, so /android-testing/runner/AndroidJunitRunnerSample/) and add your android sdk folder: sdk.dir=/home/your_user/Android/Sdk (or alternatively set that ANDROID_HOME environment variable, I'm guessing this means in the .bashrc file)
    8. now with that we can immediately run: ./gradlew assemble, which will create an apk in the folder /android-testing/runner/AndroidJunitRunnerSample/app/build/outputs/apk/debug
    9. or we can run: ./gradlew installDebug, which installs it on the device (notice that this also creates an apk in that output folder if you need it and also notice that this command doesn't open the app as is usually the case, but it does install it and you can see that a new icon appears on the device).
    EDIT 2: Well shit, now I realized this doesn't really make source code files recognized as java files and they are just raw text, which means my problem still remains: how can I analyze the source code as I usually can when opening a single app with all the IDE goodies. This procedure above is only good for building.
    EDIT 3: It seems marking a folder as sources root (right click on for example /android-testing/runner/AndroidJunitRunnerSample/app/src/main/java and Mark Directory as Sources Root) somewhat solves this problem and methods and all that are mostly recognized, but there are still some problems, such as the R symbol not being recognized and also the package com.google.common.base isn't recognized (where the heck does that come from?, I'm guessing from guava, so it seems dependencies are somehow still not connected)

    submitted by /u/SignalCash
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    New York Developer Events

    Posted: 31 Oct 2018 08:07 AM PDT

    Leveraging AAC to manage ExoPlayer state

    Posted: 31 Oct 2018 06:46 AM PDT

    AndroidVeil - A library that let you implement skeletons and shimmer animation for veiling layouts and recyclerView.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2018 04:42 AM PDT

    Cheaters don't like being caught :]

    Posted: 31 Oct 2018 12:32 PM PDT

    Best way to get unique hardware ID?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2018 04:06 PM PDT

    Best practice seems to avoid hardware IDs, but I haven't found a better alternative or much documentation on how to do it when required. Most of the guides say "Never do this and this should never be required", so I'm looking for a sanity check on this idea to make sure I'm not committing Android heresy.

    I'm working on a Kiosk app that uses Android tablets. My company owns all of the hardware, and I'm looking to make an app, put the app on an image, and flash that image to all of the tablets. The kiosks gather data, and I want to be able to tell which device the data came from. Not all of the kiosks will have internet access.

    I tried using TelephonyManager with getDeviceId(), but the tablets don't have mobile capability, so that wasn't feasible (oops).

    I'm thinking about using ANDROID_ID, but as far as I can tell, if I install the app, then flash that image to all of the devices, they would all have the same ANDROID_ID, so it wouldn't be a useful way to differentiate the devices. They hardware is all identical.

    MAC address doesn't work because not all of the kiosks have wifi.

    So the current plan is to use the much-maligned getSerial() with android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE. I'm not too worried about the permission because I can just grant permission before I flash the image, right?

    Is there a better way to do this that I'm not thinking of?

    Thanks all.

    submitted by /u/Aleriya
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    Help with legacy code refactor approach.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2018 02:55 AM PDT

    I have been tasked with rewriting the login component of a particular app. Being probably the first activity created this activity has grown over time and is +3000 lines, a proper god class! It also extends from a base class to get some additional stuff.

    The new design involves using tabs for different login types.

    Being new to Android dev I have looked at the viewpager and have created the following:

    TabbedLoginActivity Tab1Fragment Tab2Fragment Tab3Fragment LoginTabPagerAdaper

    I have started on Tab1Fragment and copying code over but have become quickly overwhelmed. A lot of stuff will be common to all 3 tabs, dialogs, recievers, error handling etc...and some more specific to a given login type (tab)

    so before the login activity had one view with a lot of direct references to view items, now this common code I'm thinking of putting in the tabbed activity but obviously it won't have the corresponding view references.

    I have looked a bit at architecture patterns (maybe they didn't exist when all this stuff got created ;) ) is this where something like MVP would suit? To have some kind of controller to manipulate child fragments from the tabbed activity?

    I've basically disassembled the engine and am left starring at a bunch of parts on the garage floor!

    I don't wanna have just repeated code in each fragment.

    Any help, guidence, links gratefully received.


    So the new design

    submitted by /u/cuddlydictator
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    Where's the best place to learn how to build a rudimentary (text-based, two or three page) app?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2018 03:06 PM PDT

    I can already code in HTML and C++ self taught

    submitted by /u/cottonstokes
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    What do you think about the CTR ?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2018 02:58 PM PDT

    Pref Fragment Keeps Recreating

    Posted: 31 Oct 2018 10:40 AM PDT

    Firstly, sorry if I should not ask this here, but I'm having a slight issue.

    I've created a preference fragment (preference fragment compat) and it is the third tab of a bottom navigation layout. When switching to the tab, the page reloads (looks like it disappears and reappears) and the set summary is reset. Is this because I'm putting it as a tab in bottom navigation?

    submitted by /u/rayano24
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    What is your favorite API's json response structure?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2018 10:04 AM PDT

    Typography - How much manual adjustment do I need?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2018 05:59 AM PDT

    Do you manually set things like letter-spacing, line length, line height and paragraph spacing? Or is this auto-set by just determining font-size and typeface?

    As a side note, is there a framework or something of the sort to help with typography? Or do developers usually just do it with native code?

    submitted by /u/MERAXNA
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    Im Looking for a good android kotlin book 2018

    Posted: 31 Oct 2018 04:19 AM PDT

    Any sugestions?

    submitted by /u/brunohams
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    Asking user for time zone

    Posted: 31 Oct 2018 12:28 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    So I am making an alarm app for an assignment and for some reason I have to let the user choose a time zone. I was wondering what the best approach would be. I attempted to create a spinner for them to select from but I can't get the options to appear in the drop down. Would it be best to ask for a city and then select the right time zone? Or is there a simpler solution?


    submitted by /u/RoyRodersMcfreely
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    Intermediate java programmer looking to get into android devolpement

    Posted: 31 Oct 2018 03:33 AM PDT

    Hey guys I'm studying information systems i took 2 courses of java and im looking to become android developer and i don't know where to start and what courses to take ? if you have any suggestions on courses or anything either paid or free courses i don't mind

    submitted by /u/mooodii7
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    Facing difficulty with Android Dev since 2 Years

    Posted: 31 Oct 2018 09:33 AM PDT

    // Start Rant

    I try to get into Android Development, but I just am not able to.

    I'm experienced in JS, Python and know the workings of Java.

    But this android development just makes me all disappointed.

    So for that reason, I learnt React Native. It went well, until the Plugins there started to break and cause a lot of trouble.

    The layouting there is pretty simple, and things just work.

    But when it comes to Android Dev,

    There's just too many things to do, before I can even get a simple swiping component done.

    However, in react native or such, I can simply import a library and populate it with data.

    Now there may be real reasons to why its done so in Android

    But theres some Dagger and Singleton Models, and I get confused.

    // End

    So how and from where do I learn the actual proper guide with best practices that allow me to get better at android dev and not scared away?

    submitted by /u/darkermuffin
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    افضل تطبيقات تنظيف الهواتف

    Posted: 31 Oct 2018 03:28 PM PDT

    KotlinConf 2018 Recap

    Posted: 31 Oct 2018 12:46 AM PDT

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