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    Monday, September 24, 2018

    The box we all have Tech Support

    The box we all have Tech Support

    The box we all have

    Posted: 23 Sep 2018 03:53 PM PDT

    As a bit of a back story I have "the box", you know the one. We all have it, a box full of cords and adapters that we hoarde collect because we might need them.

    Well my mother hates cords and cables because they are messy. For the longest time "the box" was her nemesis. She hated the box and the box hated her. About 4 years ago she snuck the box into the pile of stuff for a garage sale and sold it. The entire box gone in seconds. After the garage sale is done and I am back from helping a friend set up some furniture in their new apartment she hands me $10 and says the box of cords sold.

    I was very confused and then run to my room to find my box missing. Needless to say I was annoyed. Little did we know the box would have its revenge. About a week later she comes to me asking if I had a USB to micro USB cable for her phone. I reply very calmly with a smile, "let me check my box". She then frowns and says oh. The next day she asks if I had a power cable for her monitor that she decided she wanted to use after letting it sit for 4 months. I reply again with "let me check my box", this struck home my point I guess because she has been an avid defender of the new box ever since.

    This brings us to last week.

    My grandmother finds one of my boxes (yes I have multiple now) in her garage and sets it with garage sale stuff. (My family lived with my grandparents and my mother still does as they arent as spry as they used to be). I was outside moving stuff into position for the sale when I hear my grandma and mother arguing quite loudly. I wander in and find the two standing over a box yelling at eachother.

    Mother: DONT YOU DARE SELL THAT BOX IT IS IMPORTANT Grandma: ITS A BOX FULL OF CABLES AND ITS TAKING UP SPACE Treedon: I could just take the box over to my place Grandma: FINE

    Grandma then stormed out of the room and I stuck the box over in a corner by the stuff I was taking. A few days later my grandma calls asking if I had a power cable for her laptop since hers broke. Lo and behold there was one in the box.

    TL:DR Dont mess with "The Box" it will get revenge

    submitted by /u/treedon270
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    Removing the old homepage

    Posted: 23 Sep 2018 06:51 AM PDT

    Working in the IT department of a University can be very ... special on some days.

    Normally I do infrastructure stuff, server administration, etc., the equivalent title would be "Senior Systems Engineer", but in times of need I also man the 1st level helpdesk.

    In comes an eMail:

    Mail from student:

    I need to delete the shitty homepage I made for a course. Please help me.


    please provide your username or your matriculation number so we can verify your account.

    Mail from student:

    I am no longer a student, but my username was $oldusername. Please delete the homepage, it is embarassing me.


    I can see your account has been automatically deactivated 6 months ago and the homepage was already deleted at that time.

    Mail from student:

    But I can still see the homepage! Please delete it for me.


    I can assure you, there is no homepage left on our servers. Please describe what you do, when you are able to see your old homepage.

    Mail from student:

    You clearly are incompetent and don't want to help me. I will send an email to your superior to get this taken care of.

    I shrug internally and close the ticket. Not my problem anymore. But deep inside I know what will happen ...

    Mail from student to boss:

    I need to delete the shitty homepage I made for a course. Please help me.

    Mail from boss to me:

    Here is a mail from a student needing support to get his/her homepage removed.

    I merge the new ticket to the old ticket, and start over again:

    Answer to student:

    I can only assure you again , there is no homepage left on our servers. Please describe what you do, when you are able to see your old homepage.

    Mail from student:

    Fine. I go to Google, then I type in my name and then it shows the homepage.

    (Funny how the google search bubble works. When I typed hin her/his name into Google, I didn't get his old homepage on the first two pages, for him/her it seemingly shows up as first hit.)


    Dear Sir/Ma'am, we at $uni don't control the contents of the Google search engine. All your data including your old homepage has been removed from the servers at $uni. Any remains or traces of them in external services like Google are beyond our influence.

    Mail from student:

    That is absolutely unbelievable, I demand that you remove my homepage from the Internet!


    Dear Ma'am, Sir, there is nothing we at $uni can do here. If your homepage is still listed in the Google Search results, you need to talk to Google to get this removed.

    Mail from student:

    NO! You provided the homepage, you need to remove it, I demand it or I will sue $uni!


    Dear Sir/Ma'am, I am going to refer this ticket to our legal adviser, you will hear from her in the next week about your options in this case.

    I move the ticket to the queue of our legal department and hope to be finally done with this. Thankfully, this time this was the case.

    The last thing I heard was that the problem solved itself after another 3 weeks because Google removed here homepage from their index.

    submitted by /u/OweH_OweH
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    The Raging Hover Mom

    Posted: 23 Sep 2018 01:09 PM PDT

    Working in the IT department of a University can be very ... special.

    First a short description about how the onboarding of new students here works.

    After the successful immatriculation the student-to-be is sent his documents, containing a map of the campus, an initial personalized timetable for the first two weeks of orientation, his student ID-card (which doubles as prepaid payment card) and a letter with his IT userid and a password to activate the account.

    The letter contains an URL where you put in your userid, the password in the letter, have to acknowledge some legelese stuff and set yourself a new password, to be entered twice (as is usual).

    Not much more complicated than signing up for a GMail or Outlook account, even simpler because the userid is pregenerated for you.

    With this explanation out of the way, let's start the story of the Raging Hover Mom:

    Some time before the start of the semester, the student-run helpdesk is unstaffed at the moment, because of semester break (those lucky bastards), so yours truly and another collegue are manning the front lines of the 1st Level Helpdesk.

    In storms RHM:

    RHM: I need to talk to someone in charge of the IT stuff here.

    oweh: Good day, how may I help you.

    RHM: We are having problems with this account stuff, we can't get it to work.

    oweh: Okay, could you please provide me with your student ID card and Government ID?

    RHM: Student ID card? No, my son has this in his wallet, he is a new student here from next semester on.

    oweh: Then he needs to be either present in person or I need a letter of attorney from him allowing you to do business in his name.

    RHM: Why has this be this complicated? I am his mother, I have rights.

    (No, mother, your son is of age, you don't have any more rights than I do.)

    oweh: Sorry, but I have my instructions and I can't break the law just for you.

    RHM: Hmpf, ok, I'll get him from the car.

    (What? Why not bring him with you to begin with?)

    10 Minutes pass and RHM and her Very Shy Son enter.

    RHM: OK, VSS, give the man your student ID and goverment ID so we can get this over with.

    VSS sheepishly hands me the documents, I verify he is he (and I see they are from half the Republik away and I wonder if his mother is going to live with him here) and the state the account is in. It is still inactive and there haven't been any attempts to activate it.

    oweh: (talking directly to VSS) So, please describe the problem you are having.

    RHM: We went to this website, entered the information and it always says "Account unknown" and after 3 attempts it blocks us.

    oweh: (talking directly to VSS) I see, but my systems shows no attempts at activating your account.

    RHM: This is impossible, I tried to do this for the last 2 weeks, since we received the documents!

    oweh: (gesturing to VSS) In that case, please follow me to our self-service kiosk here, and try to activate the account with me observing so I can see first hand what is wrong.

    VSS tries to stand up, his mother motions him down again and gets up herself.

    (Oh boy, this should be a grown-up man, starting to study at a university.)

    We go to the kiosk system and I watch her opening the activation website and putting in a different username than the one on the letter.

    oweh: Sorry Ma'am, you can't just input any username, you have to use the one from the letter.

    RHM: Why? I can't accept that! I want my son to use the usernames I selected for him! Make this work!

    oweh: I am very sorry, but the IT systems here don't work that way. You have to use the username we provide and there is no other way. Also, because by activating the account, your son is entering a binding contract between him and the university, so it really should be him doing the activation and not you.

    VSS: (starting to rise from his chair) Mother ...

    RHM: VSS, you don't talk, I am talking to the clerk here. (Raising here voice) Sit down!

    oweh: Ma'am, if you start shouting I have to ask you to leave.

    RHM: Don't tell me how to talk to my son! Now: are you going to create this account thing the way I want or not?

    oweh: Sorry Ma'am, I cannot do this.

    RHM: Hmpf! Come VSS. We. Are. Leaving! We have to think about you studying here if everyone is such an incompetent moron.

    oweh: Ma'am, I must ask you to leave now.

    RHM gestures her son to get up and get on, does a 180 and huffs out of the building.

    VSS does a standing sprint start out of the chair and leaves trailing his mother, but not before flashing me a pained and forced smile and a shrug.

    oweh needs to sit down and take a deeeeep sip of his now luke-warm coffee.

    submitted by /u/OweH_OweH
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    The endless VM

    Posted: 23 Sep 2018 10:21 AM PDT

    Working in the IT department of a University can be very ... special.

    These are the chronicles of the endless VM, unfolding over several years, reconstructed from the archives of the holy ticket system:

    March 2008:

    $Head-of-Dept: Hey oweh, we have a new project at $dept and need a Windows Server 2003r2 VM for that. Admin will be $person1.

    I provision the VM from a template and send a mail back to $HoDept and $person1:

    oweh: ok, here is your VM, instructions on how to use it are at $url and $person1 has been given all necessary permissions. Have fun!

    February 2009:

    $person1: Hey oweh, I have this VM here and I need instructions on how to access and use it.

    (Looking at the VM, is was never booted and is still in its initial state.)

    oweh: Sure, instructtions are at $url. But since Windows Server 2003 r2 is quite old, would you like a newer Windows Server 2008 VM?

    $person1: That would be nice.

    oweh: OK, I deleted to old one and provisioned a new one with Windows Server 2008 for you. Have fun!

    Oktober 2010:

    $HoDept: Did you already provide a Windows VM for $project in $dept?

    (This time I needed to jog my memory by looking at the ticket system what this was all about. The 2nd VM was also never booted and is also still in its initial state.)

    oweh: Yes, twice, $person1 has access.

    $HoDept: oh, $person1 does no longer work in $dept. Please get in contact with $person2 for this VM.

    (Oh boy ... I remove $person1 and add $person2 to the permissions.)

    oweh: Hello $person2, you got access to a Windows VM for your project. Instructions are at $url. But since Windows 2008r2 is the current release and new project should normally use a newer version than the VM currently has, would you mind if I provision a new 2008r2 VM for you?

    $person2: No problem, the vendor even recommends using Windows 2008r2.

    oweh: Here you go, have fun!

    April 2012:

    $New-HoDept: We have some problems with the Server for $poject and $person2 is on vacation. Can you look at it?

    oweh: Sure, please give me a moment to aquiece acquaint myself with the situation.

    (You guessed it, the VM was never even powered on and is still in its initial state. Was zur Hölle?)

    oweh: Yeah, the VM is totally unconfigured. I don't know what you have been using up until now, but it sure wasn't this specific server.

    $New-HoDept: Interesting. Please add myself as Administrator for this server and remove $person2.

    oweh: You got it! Instructions are at $url, have fun!

    (It was later discovered that $person2 ran a mockup of the project on their laptop which had died during their vacation. But nobody could have ever used the software for anything serious because it was more shell than anything usable. So everyone must have just logged in, seen the mockup dashboard and called it a day, without realizing there wasn't anything else there.)

    June 2015:

    $person3: Hi, I am the new admin for the project VM, can you give me access?

    oweh: Of course, let me run that by $New-HoDept. (Cc'd)

    $New-HoDept: Yes, $person3 is the new person for the project, please give her access

    oweh: No problem, $person3, you have access and the instructions are at $url. But since the systems is still on Windows 2008r2, hasn't been used ever and Windows 2012 is the current release, would you like a new VM with the most recent Windows Version?

    $person3: No, the vendor doesn't support 2012 at the moment.

    oweh: Right, have fun!

    March 2018:

    In the light of Spectre, Meltdown and whatnot, we do a security analysis of all VMs, mailing all admins which may have vulnerable systems on their hand.

    The VM for the project of $dept lights up like a Christmas tree. At least it seems to have been booted, has a correctly configured IP and is online.

    oweh: Hey $person3, your VM seems really unpatched and vulnerable. Please report back to us on how to remedy this or we will be forced to take your system offline in 2 weeks.

    $person3: (Automated response): "Hi, I am currently on maternity leave and don't know when I well be back at work. Please direct all inquiries to $New-HoDept."

    (I sigh heavily internally.)

    oweh: Hey $New-HoDept, what is the story about $person3, the project and the VM for it?

    $New-HoDept: Oh, the project has been cancelled, the VM is no longer needed, please just delete it.

    submitted by /u/OweH_OweH
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