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    Thursday, July 5, 2018

    Follow up: customer who says they'll pick up their desktop but never did, 1 year later they call and want to pick it up, still don't Tech Support

    Follow up: customer who says they'll pick up their desktop but never did, 1 year later they call and want to pick it up, still don't Tech Support

    Follow up: customer who says they'll pick up their desktop but never did, 1 year later they call and want to pick it up, still don't

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 10:36 AM PDT

    So a little over a year ago I made this post (TL;DR customer drops off a pretty high end gaming rig for a new HDD and fans, I contact them about 2 dozen times that it's ready but they never reply and don't pick it up). Well a few days ago the customer calls me and asks if I still have it, I won't lie so I say "I still have it but as a reminder there is an additional $160 storage fee as well it has had some use" (I kept it an additional 2 months before actually using it encase they came and wanted it back). They say "that's fine and we will be by in 15 minutes to grab it", they asked for my address but they never showed up and I never got an email or phone call asking to reschedule.

    I gotta give it to a few people who called it on the original post and said I should expect a call in about a year asking for the computer back.

    submitted by /u/ultrasuperman1001
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    "Did you hit 'Print'?"

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 11:43 PM PDT

    no doubt this will be a familiar story to many, perhaps all.

    More than once I have been called over to the $SacredJapaneseMount/SubcontinentalTermForPhotocopy (hereafter $FX) with "hey, $harrywwc, can you come look at the printer please?"

    lock screen (winkey+L - paranoid, even in an office of 6 people) and walk the 10m to the $FX multifunction printer/copier/scanner/fax/coffee-maker - dang! I wish that last option were true!

    $me: wassup?

    $they: I sent a job to the printer 5 minutes ago, and it's still not printed.

    $me: hmmm...

    Log on to the main console, check the jobs queue, look for failures... Nothing, nada, zip. Wander back to my machine, unlock, and do a quick 'test print', re-lock (told you, paranoid!), back to the $FX - yup. it works.

    $me: hmmm... Let's check your machine...

    we wander the 6 or 7m to their machine, to see the cursor neatly hovering over the "Print" button in MS-Word.

    $me: click the "Print" button

    they do, and we hear some noise from the printer

    $me: fixed

    tl;dr - incidental exercise teaching (l)users how to print

    submitted by /u/harrywwc
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    I lost all my data!

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 01:51 PM PDT

    I've recently stumbled upon this gold mine of a subreddit, love it and is super relatable. First post, hoping I won't be making a lot of mistakes. I work in the tech support department for a company that sells everything (this should be hint enough) So, here goes, a short and a face palm inducing incident that happened to me a few weeks ago.

    Me: Hey, thanks for calling tech support, how may I help?

    User: I am having some issues with my streaming device. I'm not able to access the home screen.

    Me: Okay, let's try something, we'll do a power cycle of your network and also, sign out and sign back into the device.

    User: Still the same.

    Me: Alright, let's go ahead and do a factory reset, this will erase all your data and revert it to factory settings.

    User: Okay, how do I do it?

    guides user to the correct page for the reset

    a few minutes pass and the device boots up

    Me: You should now be seeing a page that should be asking you to register/sign in, put in the correct login and hit "continue"

    user does it and is now able to access the home screen without any issues and browse through the content

    User: Why do I not see the apps I downloaded?

    Me: Its cause we did a reset, it erases your data and reverts your device to factory set up, you can redownload the apps you've downloaded from the store.

    User: But I shouldn't have lost my data.

    Me: As I mentioned, a factory reset erases your data gets interrupted by user

    User: You're no help, I want to speak to your supervisor.

    me, slightly annoyed and gets my supervisor on the call

    Super: Hello user, this is super of the floor, me told me you've had an issue with your device and did a factory reset to fix it.

    User: Yes, that's correct. But, now I've lost all my data, that shouldn't have happened.

    super goes ahead and says the same thing I did

    Super: A factory reset erases all your data and reverts it to factory specs. You can go ahead and redownload the apps from the store.

    User: Oh, okay.

    submitted by /u/rorossi
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    "You lost my data"

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 10:19 AM PDT

    I wasn't tech support. If anything with the companys website came up with the callers I had, my job was to connect to TS.

    Our menu ("press X for Y") made it rather clear that my line was not TS.

    Caller, without so much as a "Hello" starts screaming at me.

    C: "Your webside doesn't show my data!!"

    Me: " Uh, are you logged in?"

    C: "No."

    I'm still in awe that he didn't see a problem with that and am very proud of myself for daring to ask that. Edit: Formatting

    submitted by /u/JaschaE
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    A series of unfortunate failures

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 12:22 PM PDT

    LTL, FTP, apologies for any formatting woes, etc. I think it has been long enough now to tell this silly little story without implicating the guilty.

    Let's roll back to early-middle-ish 2000s. I worked as an operator slinging tapes and running batch programs at a fairly small data center in the middle of nowhere, or rather, across from a cow pasture. It centralized some IT functions for one to two dozen remote businesses. It's a tiny two story building with just enough room for some raised floor and maybe ten offices for developers and engineers. Said engineers are terribly protective of their jobs equipment, refuse any access that might lead to us learning anything above our station, and regard our station as monkeys with wrenches and tape drives. Sadly, I haven't had a whole lot of better experiences with upper level engineers.

    $me - tape monkey that pays attention to detail
    $coworkers - my fellow ops team and witnesses
    $maint - electrical monkey
    $eng - one of many superior beings that demand we never touch their stuff

    The Setup - on my last work day during a weekend shift, we start getting a couple of power alarms on the facility panel. This place took their reliability seriously enough to get a UPS system, closet full of batteries, generator, the full kit. The alarm indicates some electrical noise. Nothing critical. Alarm recorded to be passed on to $maint during the work week.

    The Plot - I come back in after a few days have passed. Facility power still has an alarm on it, I follow up with management and get notified the UPS has a fault and vendor will be in today. Work goes on, as usual. $coworkers are running the usual morning backups. Vendor shows up later in the morning, $maint in tow to supervise.

    From what I pieced together later, it went down like this. The UPS was put into bypass and worked on. The vendor found a faulty capacitor that was the cause of the dirty power alarms. Capacitor replaced. In theory, fine, right? Well, I don't know how electrical is supposed to work, but they didn't test the replaced capacitor. In fact, they just tested it... by throwing the switch and taking it off bypass, $maint nodding the whole way.

    It worked. For ten whole seconds. Then the whole building went black. Everything. Every light, every server, every router, phones, workstations, the big db system, all dead.

    $coworkers jaws hit the floor. I perform the facepalm required by cliche.

    This isn't even the part that kills me.

    The Punchline - Our team takes a few minutes to get our shock and laughter out of the way. We definitely choose not to wander over and pester $maint or vendor, figuring all the important people are about to descend in storm and fury soon enough, and we're safer over here with a quieter day ahead of us.

    Surprisingly slowly, one of the developers finally comes in to see what's going on, checks with us, gets our brief summary, then goes over to pester $maint. $eng comes in shortly after and beelines over to me.

    $eng: What happened?
    $me: Vendor was working on the UPS, I'm not sure of the specifics, but clearly something went wrong.

    And then, with all the assurance of someone who has clearly not taken enough stock of the situation...

    $eng: We need to send out an email.

    He was three long steps from the completely dead email server, and surrounded by our clearly nonfunctional workstations, and in the dark because the lights were out.

    I don't recall if I gave him a beat to reconsider that, or if there was a grand spread of arms to take it in, because my mouth simply overrode my brain, and just spouted a flabbergasted...

    $me: "On WHAT?!"
    $eng: blink, blink, 180 spin and hasty retreat back to office

    $coworkers, like a good troop, waited for him to get through a door and then fell over laughing.

    The $VP comes in two minutes later and outlines a plan for us to call out and notify all our remote customers of the failure as soon as the phone system, likely the quickest to recover and easiest to verify, can boot back up. I get, in hindsight, that $eng really wanted some way to reach out... but, no, it still just breaks my brain.

    Vendor managed to find a third part to swap in and data center was repowered maybe 15 minutes later. Once we could, remote offices were contacted ASAP to let them know why all their apps were down and would continue to be down a bit while we got everything checked out. I was not talked to for insubordination or pointing out the obvious, this time.

    submitted by /u/Radhil
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    The ghost monitor

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 12:22 PM PDT

    $Me: Hello my name is X how can i help you?

    $User: I cannot see the emails i open in outlook

    $Me: Ok sure let me remote in your computer

    $Me: I do not see the problem... your mails are opened from what i see?

    $User: I don't see them!!!!

    At this time, i notice they are all on the right sided monitor.

    I move one email on her left side monitor.

    $User: Nice i see one now. How did you do it?

    $Me: Do you have 2 monitors?? They were on your right side monitor.

    $User: I have a single monitor...

    I go in her monitor settings and disable this "second" monitor...

    $Me: Can you test it now please?

    $User: Nice it works! I can see my emails!

    Not 100% sure why she had a second monitor setup that doesn't actually exist but this call was kinda funny :P

    submitted by /u/Floofyboy
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    "I'm missing messages!"

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 07:43 AM PDT

    LTL, FTP. Our customers connect to a terminal set up by us where they use basic applications like Office 2013.

    M = me.
    U = user.

    U: "Hey M, could you remote in to my terminal? I'm missing messages in a folder in Outlook."

    I connect to his terminal and open his Outlook window.

    M: "What folder should it be in?"
    U: "This one." He puts the mouse on top of the Deleted Items folder.
    M: "You deleted something and now you can't find it?"
    U: "No no, I put it in there and now I can't find it!"
    M: "You put it in there? By deleting it or?"
    U: "No! I dragged it in there, I didn't delete it."

    The Outlook applications are set up to delete everything in Deleted Items when it's older than 30 days.

    M: "How long ago did you receive the messages you are looking for?"
    U: "I don't know.. about a month or so?"

    Here I started to explain him that the Deleted Items folder is something that he should only put stuff in he doesn't need any more. I created a new folder for him below his Inbox and hope he learned from his mistake. Apparently he never needed to reuse an old message so he didn't notice them getting removed.

    submitted by /u/StayHoarding
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