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    Saturday, July 28, 2018

    Dear Windows, Windows Help

    Dear Windows, Windows Help

    Dear Windows,

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 01:05 PM PDT

    When I type "control panel" into the search bar, I do not want to be greeted with your dumb new "Settings" app. I want to open the Control Panel, the incredibly useful application that allows me to do numerous things such as:

    Change the properties of devices. Uninstall programs. Change printer properties. Change network properties.

    And many, many other things that Settings either doesn't allow me to do, or is a major pain to do it with.

    So please. Get rid of the settings app and give us our Control Panel back.

    submitted by /u/the_saad_salman
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    windows 7 to windows 10 free upgrade

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 07:55 AM PDT

    hello all,

    i think there still is a free upgrade from windows 7 to win 10. im just thinking, if i upgrade my current install of windows 7, and down the road if i ever need it again because of compatibility and such, will my product key work again on either OS? or is it a one way ticket to win 10?

    submitted by /u/DioDurant
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    I have no idea whats happening and no idea where to ask, problems with a generic usb game controller

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 07:00 PM PDT

    So it used to work flawlessly, by doing nothing and then using joytokey to get it to play stuff j but now buttons are just doing weird stuff

    button 7 is right clicking, 3 closes windows, i think 4 and 5 are page up and down j


    EDIT: doubt it helps, but 2 is spacebar, 3 is enter, 4 is page up, 5 does something but i dont know what button it is (opens a popup that says "enter the url" in firefox) 6 is alt, and the stick is functioning properly

    submitted by /u/5supermarioAkaChara
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    Windows 10, no option to set a second wallpaper for second monitor?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 12:24 PM PDT

    Basically as the title says, I've tried going into the Background setting and right clicking the images, it only gives me a "set as background" prompt and no prompt to set for only one monitor.

    Edit: To anyone else with this issue, download DisplayFusion. I didn't have to do anything with the application after installing, but the option in the Backgrounds menu of Windows appeared after installing it.

    That was my fix at least.

    submitted by /u/Stolen_FBI_Van
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    [Rant] Windows hates me, Kubuntu *tried* to help

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 08:00 PM PDT

    Hehe, Trying isn't hard enough. Kde.

    I have Windows 10. It turned out to be very broken after an update. My HD gives an error of 2000-0151 and Kubuntu works just— uh— not fine. I have drivers, Firefox won't work, and now kde doesn't even load! Windows worked— uh— even worse! Settings crashed. Photos is broken. It is slow. Chrome caused the system to boot into POST everytime. And HDDScan found no bad. The only good thing is that grub boots, and not POST. So at least we can get into Grub Command Line.. go! "Uhh.. what do I do". I'd rather run fsck. But idk! The HD is failed and is only 6 years old. That is silly! I am never using a Dell Laptop again and Windows should have a Kernel Panic because they are much safer than a BSOD and can prevent things like corruption. But still Kubuntu is broken. I hope my USB isn't corrupt from my last use..

    submitted by /u/Kitten622
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    Windows 8.1 powers onto a black screen with cursor

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 08:18 AM PDT

    Whenever I power on my windows computer, it just goes to a black screen where I can move the cursor. Spamming F8 for safe mode doesn't work, and any shortcuts like task manager to Ctrl Alt delete does t work

    Edit: I reset computer to factory settings, deleting everything and that worked. Gleekbaes solution seems like it would work, too.

    submitted by /u/superaydean1
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    How do I get the slimmest windows 10 install possible?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 07:31 PM PDT

    So I'm switching to Linux, but I need to keep a Windows partition on my laptop (basically just for running Microsoft Office). What's the easiest way to re-install Windows 10 in the slimmest way possible (Removing all bloatware/necessary pre-installed apps, like Groove Music).

    submitted by /u/throwaway119284
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    Windows 10 blue screen!

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 07:01 AM PDT

    Okay so my pc blue screened about a year ago and I couldn't fix it but recently I fresh installed windows and everything seemed to be working fine. But now today it's just blue screened again and nothing is working but I don't see the point in fresh installing if it's not going to fix it properly.

    Would a fresh hard drive work?

    submitted by /u/velocityCSGO
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    Internet connection fail

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 05:32 PM PDT

    I'm new to Windows. I am using Windows 7 and recently plugged in a WiFi usb. I am not connected to the internet, so I tried. However, I am not able to connect. I put in my WiFi info and it attempted to connect, but it resulted in an error 651. It wants me to use an Ethernet cable but I don't have access to one. Please help. I can provide pictures.

    submitted by /u/lbelluche
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    Windows 7 only support partial smart-display of Unicode characters?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 07:44 AM PDT

    I just found out that Windows 7 can only smart-display Unicode characters partially. This problem doesn't occur on Windows 8 and newer.

    I don't know the exact term, but what I meant about smart-displaying Unicode characters is that no matter which font I use for the GUI (configured from the Window Color and Appearance Control Panel), if the chosen font doesn't have the needed font glyphs, Windows will automatically use other fonts which have them.

    For example, my GUI font is set to Microsoft Sans Serif. That font doesn't have any glyph for Chinese/Japanese/Korean (CJK) characters. Yet, Windows Explorer can properly display CJK characters which are on file/folder names.

    For example, this file name displays the Chinese character properly (create a new file and rename it to below name):


    However, for characters within the Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs Unicode block (character 1F300-1F5FF). Below file name has a Fire character (code point 1F525), but it's displayed as a square in Windows 7, but fine on Windows 8+:


    Depending on your web browser and system, the above Fire character may also be displayed as a square. But the character's code will still be intact if copied into clipboard then paste it elsewhere.

    I've already tried installing all of the Windows 8 fonts into my Windows 7. Replacing any existing ones. But the character is still displayed as a square. Deleting the FNTCACHE.DAT and rebooting also doesn't help.

    In a clean installation of Windows 7, the only font which has the Fire character glyph is the Segoe UI Symbol font. But even if I change my GUI font to Segoe UI Symbol, the character is still displayed as a square.

    So, is there a way to work around this problem?

    submitted by /u/jcunews1
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    What exactly are "resources"?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 04:46 PM PDT

    So I just came across a function called LoadIcon

    MSDN gives a rather cryptic description:

    Loads the specified icon resource from the executable (.exe) file associated with an application instance.

    What exactly is this function doing and what's the difference between a resource and a regular file like an image?

    submitted by /u/BubbleBassOrder
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    How to Boot into Safe Mode?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 04:10 PM PDT

    I am unable to properly boot Windows and have been told that I need to enter safe mode and uninstall a certain driver to fix this. However, when I press F8 while booting Windows nothing happens. How else can I enter safe mode?

    submitted by /u/Croeder
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    to know if you need a tablet that has cell network, you need to know if you need a data plan. a data plan is needed for very little things. how exactly to find all the tablets that has gps, but not have cell network? for use of gmaps & navigation

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 04:01 PM PDT

    1. to know if you need a tablet that has cell network, you need to know if you need a data plan.

    2. a data plan is needed for very little things.

    3. for use of gmaps & navigation

    4. how exactly to find all the tablets that has gps, but not have cell network?

    5. is there a really good site that has mutiple combinatorics filters?

    extensive reasons for why a tablet is significantly better has been outlined extensively by others

    edit: unlocked phones i guess would be fine too, having the cell network is not neccessary harmfull

    but phones may have more heat problems tahn tablets,

    does anyone know of any analysis or studies on the heat topic?

    Feel free to link to something helpful if it's more helpful

    submitted by /u/understandthings100
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    Network Drive Issue on reboot

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 03:57 PM PDT

    Ok so I have been dealing with this situation with a network drive for over a week now and am about to lose my mind.

    I have my Main Computer (Computer A). And 2 secondary computers that I have shared network drives (Computer B and Computer C).

    Computer A and Computer B are running the latest version of W10 1803 (thanks to these constant updates that sneak onto my system when I walk away for more than a hour) (Computer A is running Home and Computer B is running Pro). Computer C is running W10 Pro 1709.

    From computer A I have no issue connecting to the shared drive from Computer C even after my system force restarts by update. Though when I try to connect to Computer B's shared drive after a reboot it doesn't work. It will sit there and try to connect for a minute or so and then give me a "the network path was not found" error.

    After some time and me messing around trying to fix it (though I am never certain if my tinkering fixes it or if its just time based) it will start working again but the next time I reboot my system or my system gets force rebooted then the cycle begins once more.

    Out of curiosity I tried connecting to Computer B's network drive from Computer C and it connects with no issue.

    I am at my wits end at this point and have attempted everything I could find and don't have the slightest clue of why or how this happening. Is there any insight anybody could provide on possibly solving this issue?

    submitted by /u/SmileAsTheyDie
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    I've moved a Windows 10 install between multiple PCs (both Intel and AMD based) with no issues. Any explanation?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 03:29 PM PDT

    I need help going back to the prior Windows 10 update

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 11:22 AM PDT

    The option isn't showing up under "recovery" in settings. One of my programs that I use religiously stopped working under the new update and a simple reinstall would make it not work on project files that I'm using it in.

    submitted by /u/GreatWhite000
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    Difference between functionA and functionEx?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2018 08:56 PM PDT

    What do these suffixes mean?

    submitted by /u/BubbleBassOrder
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    Can I choose what files to not delete during a factory reset?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 02:18 PM PDT


    My computer (Windows 10 Professional, unactivated) has been acting weird lately. I have tries everything and came to the conclusion that I'll have to factory reset it.

    But, I don't want to reinstall all my games (almost 120GB!). So, that is my question.

    Can I somehow pick or choose specific files that Windows mustn't delete during a factory reset?


    submitted by /u/PowerMan2206
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    D:\windows\system32\logfiles\Srt\SrtTrail.txt error

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 01:57 PM PDT

    Even tho i only have a C: drive the error finds the disk on a D: disk? Tried to format but after some hours i get the same problem. Is my hard drive dead?

    submitted by /u/magas2001
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    I need help with file sorting guys

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 11:20 AM PDT

    I've referred to google and forums all of the web for this, and alas I cannot seem to find a solution anywhere. I come to you, my good friends in the windows 8 subreddit, in need of dire assistance.

    windows 8,(and ten, I checked) seems to auto sort folders and files in the explorer regardless of the sort option selected. is there anyway to stop this behavior and have it sort all files the same? I know this is not a problem on mac os and honestly its driving me nuts

    submitted by /u/twreck007
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    Learning Advanced Windows 7 (recommend a resource)

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 10:44 AM PDT

    Hey there! I am looking for recommendations to help me learn more about Windows 7. I'm searching for books and hitting a wall; there are too many results to sift through and much of it is either for complete beginners or way too specific in one technical area.

    What's my background? Using windows since 3.1, some programming background, some networking background, with a good grasp of most basic tasks. I also work in IT as a pharmacist.

    What do I want? I want to know more about tips and tricks, troubleshooting, administration, networking, security, more depth regarding tools included with windows. I want to take my knowledge from "pretty good" to more advanced.

    Should I be looking more towards windows administration resources? I don't want to become certified or anything; I just want to get a lot better in general at using and running windows. The resource does not need to be a book necessarily.

    submitted by /u/RiderForge
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    Does SLUI04.exe format the system in any way?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 09:50 AM PDT

    Since the dawn of time, I've been interrupted on many occasions to "Activate Windows", on a blue screen. I did some research on SLUI 04, but I'm not sure if going through the process of it will delete all my files or something. Sounds very unlikely, but I like to make 1000% percent sure of something just in case I'm an idiot (Which I am, most of the time).

    submitted by /u/Niichtophile
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    I restarted few times. now i cant do nothing my mouse and keyboard are not working or any other usb device

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 03:34 AM PDT

    And now i cant get into my pc

    submitted by /u/TheZardocius
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    Recover/Decrypt accidentally locked files

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 08:26 AM PDT

    Hello all, I've been having a bit of a problem recovering files. I have two separate computers that I use - my desktop and laptop - and have signed into both using the same microsoft account for ease of keeping things consistent. However, when using my laptop, I locked files using the windows decryption tool and would transfer them to a USB Flash drive. Due to matters beyond my control, my laptop has broken and therefore can no longer be used. I assumed that with logging into both computers with my Windows account that I would be able to simply plug in the USB and still be able to access these files from either computer, but that doesn't seem to be the case and I've had to find that out the hard way. Does anyone have any ideas on how I might go about recovering/decrypting the files from my USB?

    submitted by /u/WolfinePayne
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