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    Friday, June 1, 2018

    OnePlus 3D printed Oneplus 5T camera bump to prevent it from rocking

    OnePlus 3D printed Oneplus 5T camera bump to prevent it from rocking

    3D printed Oneplus 5T camera bump to prevent it from rocking

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 10:45 AM PDT

    OP6: navigation bar white/grey instead of transparent when using dark theme. Anyone know how to fix this?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 01:49 PM PDT

    For example right now Reddit is dark but the bright nav bar is searing my eyes.

    Edit: http://imgur.com/7RZg4f2

    submitted by /u/diego-d
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    So cool that OnePlus added face unlock to OnePlus 3 this last update!

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 03:32 AM PDT

    I think it's amazing that OP added face unlock to a two year old phone. It's also so stupidly fast...very nice.

    submitted by /u/EmilioPotato
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    5t vs pixel 2 xl

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 05:43 PM PDT

    So I'm close to pulling trigger on either the 5t or pixel 2

    But before that does 5t has these convenient features whether through custom rom or magisk module which present in pixel?

    • Always on display (please no third party app), I prefer something native and not a lockscreen overlay
    • Always listening ok Google
    • Fingerprint gesture
    • Smooth scrolling, overall responsiveness, no stutter (not fast animation!!!!) As the pixel

    Price wise they are close for me but 5t has a narrower body and faster charging and better battery. Don't care about camera.


    submitted by /u/coconutxyz
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    Oneplus 6 slow motion example

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 05:21 PM PDT

    Installed OxygenOS on my new OP5T but it wont connect with the google apps.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 12:53 PM PDT

    First time Oneplus person after a disappointing 3 or so years on a Samsung S5. I bought a 5T that had HydrogenOS on it, then following the instructions on the Oneplus website I installed OxygenOS. For what ever reason it will not connect to the GApps, even though it is connected to the internet via wifi.

    Are there any guides that follow the Oneplus instructions and do not use a TWRP?

    submitted by /u/Alexander_bike
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    Wait for the 6T or 7, or even 7T?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 08:06 PM PDT

    Hi, I've owned a 3T for a little over a year now, and won't really be able to afford the 6 until a time when the 6T would soon come out. Then begs the question, because I don't want to get screwed (like I feel that OnePlus 5 owners did..) buy the 6 and then have the 6T come out, with an outstanding feature like the bezel jump from the 5 to 5T. Or, at that point do I just wait for the 7? My 3T is all battered up, so I'm in need of a new phone, but that's where I'm stuck.

    Also, I love cameras, so I've been thinking about getting the Pixel 3XL, but $950 is much different from $580, and I don't know if a few features would justify that almost $400 price jump.

    submitted by /u/RileyLacy
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    Included OP6 TPU case came torn - Oneplus Support refuses to replace

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 11:28 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    Got my OP6 a few days ago and I'm thrilled with it. I'm not, however, thrilled with oneplus support. The smoke colored tpu case that is included in the box came with a tear at the thin part where the alert slider cutout is. Support is of no help:

    Hello ###,

    Good day!

    We reviewed your chat history with the previous about your replacement request.

    We do apologize but we don't process replacement for the "Translucent case" that comes inside the box since it's for FREE. It's included in the package and it will protect your device back cover from scratches. Thank you so much for understanding.

    Please let me know if you have any questions. We will tagged this ticket as solved. Thank you.

    Best regards,Christian

    My phone call to support was met with a similarly obtuse response. I actually like how minimal this case is and would love to use it like I did with my OP3T, but it seems like my only recourse here is to return the whole phone to get a new case, which seems pretty absurd.

    Is anybody not using theirs? I'd be happy to take it off you (I'm in the US). Thanks!

    submitted by /u/orgasmic_waffles
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    Found this while doing some stuff on my OP6 (Doesn't exist yet)

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 02:31 AM PDT

    Thanks, TPU case....

    Posted: 31 May 2018 11:45 PM PDT

    I never drop my phone. I hate people who do. Who drops their phone? It's a portable computer, be careful, idiot.

    This morning, it was me. I was the idiot. Dropped it from a wooden stairs freaking hard. It looked like it hit every step, bouncing and slamming HARD. There she lay, my precious 3 month old 5T, after 2,5 tumbling seconds. Face down on a hard floor.

    Heart racing, €500 poorer in my head already, I picked it up. NOTHING! Not a scratch. Thanks, free tpu case!

    submitted by /u/cas-v86
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    Feature requests and twitch bug op6

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 02:19 PM PDT

    I love the OnePlus 6. It just arrived yesterday and after upgrading from a OnePlus one, it's fantastic.

    The only thing I miss is being able to double the status bar to turn off the display. I used the feature soooo much on the one and now it's not here on the 6. I know you can enable double tapping on the home screen but that means you have to exit out of the app first. When I use the phone on a table, double tapping the status bar was 10/10. Not a deal breaker but would be very useful.

    Another feature on the one that I used was changing what happens when you swipe down on the status bar depending on what side you did it on. The right side would pull it all the down and the left would pull it down partially like on the 6 (or vice versa). This is a very minor thing but would be another appreciated addition.

    The last thing is the alert slider. It would be cool if you could switch the direction it switches. For example, up = ringer, down = silent. I don't know why that isn't the default since that matches the way the volume buttons work. (up = loud, down = silent). This is an even more minor thing but would be a great addition to the phone.

    My last thing is a twitch bug I'm noticing. Not sure if it's the phone or the app or the network but every few seconds the video stutters while the audio is fine. My OnePlus one didn't have the problem on the same network. It does this on every stream I've tried so I'm led to believe it's the phone.

    All in all the phone is fantastic 11/10. I love it, these are just a few things I think would be nice additions/improvements to make it even better.

    Update: tested twitch on my home wifi, did the exact same thing.

    Also, another feature I miss is being able to switch which Wi-Fi to connect to without going all the way to settings. Used to just be able to open the quick setting and tap an arrow or something to choose another one.

    submitted by /u/Goatgarien
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    [POLL] Would you be interested in a Oneplus tablet?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 02:18 PM PDT

    I'm in no way affiliated with Oneplus, and I know they have stated a couple of things about tablets and why they haven't made one. But personally I would love a high performance tablet with OxygenOS.


    Let me know what you think ;)

    submitted by /u/niek265
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    OP6 extra camera theory

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 08:12 PM PDT

    I've been thinking about the cameras on the 6 and I think the additional camera might get additional functionality. I think OnePlus really wanted to get the phone on the market and they were planning on introducing additional functionality that hasn't been perfectly implemented yet. If you think about the basis of OnePlus they try to pack as much as possible into as cheap as possible. Would they really include an extra camera sensor for no reason? I know it does portrait mode now but I think they'll be dropping a bunch of new features for the camera app next update.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/ryan5685
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    Waiting for 6T or not?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 08:04 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I want to buy a One Plus phone in September, but I wasn't sure if I should wait for the 6T or just buy the 6 right away?What do you think will be improved? Will it be worth more than 30$(In Canada) more? Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/MrWhitex75
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    (I'm going to need a quick answer because low battery) Got sand in charger hole (OnePlus 3) more info below.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 07:42 PM PDT

    So I was at a volleyball court with sand and I got sand in the charger hole. I was able to tap it out and use a toothpick and can't see any grains, even with a flashlight. But when I go to plug it in there's a grinding feel and a little resistance. I'm too afraid to force the charger and I don't know what to do, any advice?

    submitted by /u/Griff_Rad
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    Question about the silk white version

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 03:47 PM PDT

    So I know it's not released just yet but I've read in different places that it's a rose gold on the trim and other places saying it's just gold

    I was wondering if anyone here knew exactly which it is? If it's rose gold I'll just order a midnight black but seeing as I currently have a white and gold iPhone I definitely want to keep that look up!

    submitted by /u/genesis-92
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    Nokia camera 8 with pro mode: exceptional improvement in photo quality [OP5T] !

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 07:29 PM PDT

    Lack of symmetry of curves

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 07:24 PM PDT

    When hiding the notch or when using the apps in non fullscreen mode or watching videps at 18:9, oos applies a software curve to the screen at the top to match the bottom. But the radius of curvature of the top and bottom curves are totally different andwhen watching videos particularly, it seems weird. I hope oneplus can fix this by increasing the radius of curvature of the top curves.

    submitted by /u/Slimy_Ranger
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    Oneplus 6 - Best screen protector on Amazon US?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 09:33 AM PDT

    I bought this one http://a.co/8mjESsD but it kind of looks bulky. Any other suggestions?

    submitted by /u/pppaaassseeeiii
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    For those who really need car connectivity, after a lot of experimenting, I have found the most recent, stable OS with reliable Bluetooth car connectivity and GPS is Lineage OS 7.1.2.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 06:10 PM PDT

    Hope that helps someone.

    submitted by /u/N0T_WH0_Y0U_THINK
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    I love my OP3T

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 06:00 PM PDT

    Just a post to weigh against all the OP negativity. I love my OP3T.

    Picked one up about 6 months after release, upgrading from a dying HTC M8. It's been fantastic and my rooting, romming and other mobile trickery knowledge has gone through the roof.

    I'll be for sure going after the OP6T in November, but only because I have an itch for a current gen phone.

    Thank you OP.

    submitted by /u/imsplashing
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    Finally Fixed Bluetooth and Wifi Issue

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 01:41 PM PDT

    One of the last two updates fixed a vexing Bluetooth issue that I've always had with OnePlus phones. I've owned the Oneplus 3, 5 (for a week), and 5T. There has always been a problem for me where Bluetooth would stutter and drop as I reached the edge of my WiFi range. I have dogs and always use Bluetooth headphones for walks so I would experience this every day. The phone would try to hang onto the Wifi connection causing my Bluetooth to stutter and skip for a decent range (3 or 4 houses) before finally disconnecting. The only solution for me was to disable WiFi.

    Now when I reach the edge of my WiFi with the 5T, there's a brief blip and then the connection is solid. This was my main complaint since I use bluetooth headphones a ton. Haven't recently tried on the 3 yet.

    Needless to say, I'm quite pleased. :)

    submitted by /u/TeeHeeHaw
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    OnePlus 3 with Car Stereo

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 05:24 PM PDT

    Can anyone confirm if the bug that prevented car stereos connected to OP3 (and many other android handsets) via Bluetooth from pulling through song information has been fixed with the latest update?

    At the moment, I'm having to stay on Nougat as it was the the last OS that didn't have this bug.

    submitted by /u/N0T_WH0_Y0U_THINK
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    Has anyone played Hearthstone on the OP6 yet?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 05:20 PM PDT

    Does the app fill up the entire screen? I currently have a Pixel 2XL, and since the phone launched, Hearthstone has run at a weird aspect ratio that cuts part of the game off, and leaves a weird black area off to the right of the screen. I was wondering if it looks fine on the OP6?

    submitted by /u/Photoman9988
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