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    Friday, June 1, 2018

    Duplicate icon, non-functioning - virus? Android Help

    Duplicate icon, non-functioning - virus? Android Help

    Duplicate icon, non-functioning - virus?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 05:43 PM PDT

    So, I've had Tumblr on my Samsung Galaxy S8 for a little while. I do use Verizon carrier. I am also using Nova launcher.

    Recently, I noticed there's two of the same icon.


    The normal Tumblr app, to the right, and to the left, one that's slightly different. The normal one, I can access it, change it, and delete it. The weird one says "Permission denied" when I tap on it, has no way for me to delete it, but it does allow me to move it around and rename it.

    My partner said it sounds vaguely virus-y, so I figured I'd come here and ask around and see what people think.

    Edit: Little update, my 23andme app was doing it too, so I'm starting to think Nova is causing this. I'm uninstalling both apps to see what happens.

    Edit 2: Seems to have resolved with a reinstall. Maybe I jumped the gun posting here, lol. I think Nova wigs out some of the apps when they decide where to go.

    submitted by /u/feathersofviolet
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    Is it worth it to root a phone just for adblock?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 08:48 PM PDT

    I've try apps like AdGuard and Dns66 but it is not the same. I also don't like to have lots of apps running in the background...

    In other phones at the end I always root them and then install adaway and I love it. But right now, it would be the only thing I would install if I root and I am not sure if it is worth while.

    submitted by /u/TotalRickalll
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    Is it safe to uninstall chrome

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 12:29 PM PDT

    I never use it so I don't see a reason to keep it. Is it important to my device? Will my device not be able to run if I uninstall it?

    submitted by /u/NatekNC
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    WhatsApp's notification problem after update

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 10:50 AM PDT

    The notification that "WhatsApp web is currently active" was always annoying. I had to swipe it out about 3 times a day.

    I updated my android a few minutes ago and now I can't swipe it anymore, so the notification light is on.

    Is there anything I can do?

    submitted by /u/herrwaffeleisen
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    Trying to download an app called tweakbox apk

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 09:49 PM PDT

    Hi, so i recently just switched from an iphone 6 to a oneplus 6. And it just came into the mail this morning. I was downloading a few apps and one of my most used one is called tweakbox. It's an app used to install other apps like spotify++ and moviebox. But for some reason when i tried installing the app from chrome, it woudn't let me open the app after it finished downloading. Can someone help me. Also, if needed for reference, im currently running on oxygenOS 5.1.0

    submitted by /u/Huaziah
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    Help dealing with compatibility of GCam Mod on my LG Stylo 3 Plus

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 09:45 PM PDT

    Hello all! Does anyone know if GCam mod is supported on the LG Stylo 3 Plus? I tried downloading it and it said not compatible but it claims to work many Nougat devices. Do i have to uninstall normal GCam before installing that or no? I'm on an LG Stylo 3 Plus with Metro PCS on 7.0

    submitted by /u/hulk9712
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    Any music player compatible with Poweramp's .m3u8 playlists?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 12:59 PM PDT

    I'm currently using AIMP, but it doesn't serve my purposes well.

    submitted by /u/brown_nigga
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    My screen doesn't turn on when there are notifications.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 09:19 PM PDT

    Mine is asus Zenfone Max pro m1, and whenever there are notifications, my screen doesn't turn on. Yes, I did go to the app settings and enabled turn the screen on, and yet it doesn't turn on. Are the other asus Zenfone Max pro m1 users having this issue?

    submitted by /u/Misanthrope-_-
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    Remove voicemail notification from Note 8

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 09:15 PM PDT

    My Note 8 won't let me clear the "new voicemail" notification without listening to the message. When I look at the notification settings, all options are grayed out (only for the voicemail app). I don't use voicemail, anybody who needs to reach me will either call back or send a text. Is there any way to remove the voicemail notification?

    submitted by /u/TrippyYppirt
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    Can browser popups/redirects/ads screw you?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 09:13 PM PDT

    Click the wrong thing, redirect loop, yadayada, stuff that would make me shit my pants if I still used Windows. Can you simply clear the app data and everything is fine? Do I need to keep play services enabled to prevent malware from spreading outside to other apps/the system? (I'm not rooted, I just don't use Google apps.)

    Should I bank/shop on a seperate browser just for that specific purpose and have one browser for dicking around online? Sorry - new to Android. Thanks.

    Edit: Android 6.0.1

    submitted by /u/zeuxsx
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    Why does voice dialing require web and app activity?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 11:36 AM PDT

    On my phone the Google app handles voice dialing duties. It refuses to work if the "web and app activity" setting is disabled in my Google account. This irritates me, because I do not want to give Google permission to collect my web and app activity, and it seems unnecessary for voice dialing. All I want it to do is search contact names that are stored on my phone.

    I have tested this with the latest version of the Google app, as well as the old version 5.10 that is included with my phone. Both versions demand the "web and app history" permission before they will perform voice dialing.

    Is there any way around this, or alternative voice dialing solutions?

    submitted by /u/captnkerke
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    Android Messages conversations won't stay archived

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 07:49 PM PDT

    I have been having a problem for some time with Android Messages. In the past I was always able to swipe a conversation away to archive it. That still works fine. The problem is that the archived conversation comes back to the main screen after some time. I can't say exactly how long it takes or what causes it to come back but they all eventually do and it seems like they come back at the same time. This is not how it used to work. Once archived, they would stay that way until I either sent or received a new message.

    I have tried to reboot phone, close the app, force stop, clear cache and data, and uninstall and reinstall. None of those did anything to fix it.

    Anyone else have this problem or any solutions?

    I have a OnePlus 3 running Android 8.0.0 (OxygenOS 5.0.3) running stock on T-Mobile. Android Messages is version This problem has existed for at least 8ish months. I don't recall exactly when it started, but certainly before the most recent OOS update.

    submitted by /u/Spaumi10
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    Custom ring tone for text messages on a Pixel 2?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 12:16 PM PDT

    Maybe I'm just missing something stupid. I have an MP3 I'd like to set as a custom text message ring tone for a contact (I'm using Textra as my text messaging app). How do I go about adding this MP3 as the ring tone?

    submitted by /u/-RYknow
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    Pixel - Ok Google not working

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 06:52 PM PDT

    I'm currently on Android P but this wasn't working with Oreo either. I have a ton of google home devices so I didn't really notice but my phone will not respond to ok google/hey google. My mic works fine. I can hit the button and say anything.

    I've disabled and re-enabled it. I've re-setup voice match but it just does nothing. Won't wake from screen lock or even if I'm in the assistant app. Any suggestions welcomed. Thank you

    submitted by /u/SergeantHindsight
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    LCD screens on phones and tablets

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 06:45 PM PDT

    Is it just me, or are LCD screens getting worse every year? I'm posting this because I've seen/had lots of tablets and phones, which I returned. They had lots of bleeding, also blue light on white and uneven coloring (white). My Nexus 5x from 2015 has a perfect screen. My older LG G3 also had a perfect one.. but my Motorola G6 (for example), both of them had bad screens..

    Is there something wrong with quality control?

    submitted by /u/SKF21011993
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    How does the OS decide which contacts/numbers go into the favourites dialer/phone app?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 03:41 AM PDT

    Just curious to know because its dynamic. I haven't added any but it keeps changing every now and then.

    submitted by /u/wildgoat
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    My Google Pixel freezes when downloading (~85%) any of the GTA apps and reboots

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 08:15 AM PDT

    Absolutely maddening. I have cleared cache and data of the play store, I have 8+ gb remaining in storage. The phone grinds to a halt and reboots with 100% success rate. No error message. Please help

    edit: GTA III seems to be alright, but SA, VC, and LCS do not work

    submitted by /u/roussin_
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    Mini SD not working

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 05:34 PM PDT

    So I have a 16GB SanDisk miniSD that I can't get to work. When I put it in my phone (Moto G5 Plus) I get the error "Unsupported Format." It then asks me to format the miniSD as either Internal Storage or portable media. I've tried both options. It will progress to 20% before crashing and giving me a "command volume partition disk" error.

    Is there anything I can do? I've tried other cards and this card works fine in other phones. Unfortunately I don't have any way to connect the card to my PC.

    submitted by /u/lemonl1m3
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    What adblock app should I use on my android device?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 06:49 AM PDT

    I've used StopAd, Adguard and Adclear but they don't seem to work at all. What should I do?

    submitted by /u/SpectrumSSS
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    Help an Apple guy convert to Android

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 11:23 AM PDT

    Been an apple guy for years and finally decided to ditch them for android. I am however, having a tough time adjusting. I am liking android and the customization but there are some features I miss about iOS and have been searching high and low for solutions. Here are a few tings I am struggling with and maybe you can help:

    1. Double tap to go to top of the page.

    2. Swipe left or right to go forward and back a page

    3. Clickable phone numbers in websites.

    4. Google Assistant is very inconsistent when using "ok, google". Sometimes she hears me but most times she ignores me, especially in lock screen.

    5. Why does it ask me constantly to choose a default app to open something if I have already set it?

    6. Reminders that actually have an alarm and are persistent until I dismiss or complete it (Ability to click to remind later). I need to be able to do reminders with google assistant so I am not sure if third party apps have full integration.

    Thanks in advance for your time.

    submitted by /u/StuffaYouFace1
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    Lock screen buttons gone intentionally?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 02:46 PM PDT

    I couldn't find anything on this while searching, so I'm wondering if it's a bug with my installation, but the two lockscreen shortcuts at the bottom of my lockscreen are missing. Is that a feature of Android P?

    submitted by /u/mrandr01d
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    Stop google from storing voice.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 02:45 PM PDT

    I turned it the voice storing to my email off but keep getting this message. "Your audio will be sent to Google to provide speech recognition service. A transcript will be shared with this app." How do I turn this off?

    submitted by /u/EMStrauma
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    Android 8.1 issues...

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 01:21 PM PDT

    Hey Reddit, I've had a few issues with Android 8.1. Firstly, the battery life is much worse than on 8.0. Secondly, whenever I watch YouTube, in dark spots of the video, there are blotches of pixels. Do you guys have any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/totallynotbrendan
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    Can I get Facebook Messenger to stop peeking? I would just like to play a video or game without part of my screen being interrupted.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 04:58 AM PDT

    Since Oreo I have been bothered with Messenger peeking onto the screen with every message I send. I have been through all the settings and nothing I change stops this from happening aside from turning off notifications all together. On Nougat I was able to manage this at a system level, but thanks to Oreo we are no longer able to do this.

    So I try Messenger Lite, sure enough I can change notification priority. Why is this? I cannot figure out any logical reason why the stripped down version of an app would have more useful settings. I hate using the lite version because I can't tag people in a chat, or respond to messages.

    These are the settings I have with Messenger https://imgur.com/QBoa5BI

    And here you can see the extra settings I get with the Lite version https://imgur.com/VqH3Foq


    Notice how I can change the importance level? Am I missing something? How can I get Messenger to stop peeking?

    submitted by /u/atistang
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    Help! How do I use Odin to flash my S9+ (model is SM-G9650) to the Hog Kong version?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 01:53 AM PDT

    I have downloaded Odin and the the Hong Kong firmware and I'm need help flashing it. I looked it up on XDA forums but found many answers and I am confused. What is the best way for me to do it without bricking my phone? It's a Chinese version.

    Edit: the model is also dual sim

    submitted by /u/Im_Not_Relevant
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