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    Wednesday, February 14, 2018

    [App][Dev] Popcorn Time alternative, Play/Stream Torrent Videos with Seek Feature. Android Apps

    [App][Dev] Popcorn Time alternative, Play/Stream Torrent Videos with Seek Feature. Android Apps

    [App][Dev] Popcorn Time alternative, Play/Stream Torrent Videos with Seek Feature.

    Posted: 14 Feb 2018 01:30 AM PST

    Now you can start watching torrent video or audio without waiting to complete download. Just add torrent start streaming.

    • Torrent List

    • Seek to any location in video.

    • URL Casting watch video on any device on same network using provided URL.

    • SD card support added

    • Start watching torrent videos or audio as you download.

    • No need to wait for download completion , just add torrent and stream.

    • Add torrent with magnet or .torrent file.

    • Stream specific file from a torrent.

    • Adjust download and upload speed.

    • Check stream status on notification.

    • Play videos with player of your choice.

    • Select download location for torrents.

    • Option to delete files after streaming.

    • Pause torrent streaming.

    Upcoming Features :


    Chromecast (Meanwhile you can use chromecast using new VLC with this app)

    Known Bugs:

    *App might not work with android 4.4 , 4.3 , 4.2

    NOTE: we do not provide any content , this app is just a tool that can be used to stream torrent videos.





    submitted by /u/hakkudakku
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    Why do all Android sketch apps suck at getting the basics right?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2018 09:20 AM PST

    Ok, I'm typing this after trying about 10 different sketch apps because I can't find what I'm looking for.

    I want a sketch app that has

    1) Infinite sketch board i.e. If I make a sketch & run out of screen space, I should just be able to scroll to add new space. (Without any initial zooming)

    2) Ability to zoom

    3) Straitening of shapes i.e If I make a circle using my finger, obviously it's not going to be a perfect circle, but the app should detect that I'm trying to make a circle & straighten out the edges. (Having to select shapes separably slows me down vastly, so the app itself should do it.)

    4) Undo, redo buttons

    None of the top apps like Sketchbook & Sony sketch as well as other less popular sketch apps have all these features. :(

    submitted by /u/downloaderfan
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    Does the Autodesk sketch app have a measuring tool?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2018 08:51 AM PST

    So, I've been using an app called the sketch app to draw for so long, but it's been really buggy, and it always was a hard time to draw with it.

    So, I decided to use another drawing app instead.

    That's when I heard about the Autodesk sketch app.

    I thought it was gonna be a great app at first, so I quickly bought the pro tools.

    It was also pretty cheap so I didn't care much for it.

    The thing is though, although it's got a lot more tools or customizability, I can't seem to find a measuring tool although I've already paid for the pro tools.

    I did unlock the ruler, but it doesn't have any numbers on it, and is just a rectangular guide to draw a straight line.

    The sketch app also had a ruler app, but it can also be used as a measuring tool.

    Is there a measure tool in the Autodesk app as well, or is there not?

    I'm using a Huawei Android phone btw.

    submitted by /u/tae_ka_pre
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    Switched back to iPhone and wanted to show some love to the apps I will sorely miss.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 10:33 PM PST

    Podcast Addict | I love this fucking app, and there is nothing on iOS that comes remotely close. I'm a big fan of the flexibility and customization options, which I know might be overkill for some folks, but I love it.

    BlackPLayer EX | I fucking love this app also. The layout, UI, the lockscreen widget, etc. There's just so much about this app that I'll miss. Apple doesn't really like competition for their music player, so I'm basically stuck with that.

    Sync for Reddit (Pro) | My favorite reddit client. On iOS I'm using Apollo now, which is pretty good, and probably the best iOS client. But it's not as good as Sync. I love the clean UI and menu layouts. The swipe gestures, particularly swiping in from the right edge to view the sidebar. And so much more.

    FX File Explorer | I really enjoyed the layout of this app. Split-screen function was great, the copy/cut/paste features were useful and nicely laid out. The file sharing via wifi or ftp was very useful, etc, etc, etc.

    Honorable Mentions:

    • Samsung Internet Browser Beta | The built-in video player alone is worth it

    • Flud | Cleanest torrent downloader anywhere

    • OGYoutube | Playing videos with my screen off is clutch. It's how I go to sleep

    • Textra | Clean design with some nice features and options

    • Swipe for Facebook Pro | Or any half decent Facebook replacement

    • XPlayer | This video player is awesome and does not get enough love

    • Piktures | A nicely designed gallery

    • Not to mention the extra Micro SD card slot with a 128gb card full of music & audiobooks.

    Because some of you might ask, or possibly shit talk me for swithcing back, here's why I did it. When I compare the pros and cons of both, and there are plenty of each, I just prefer the iPhone. Being able to jailbreak it puts it over the top for me. I'm well aware of rooting Androids and have messed around with it some, but in the end, I just prefer a jailbroken iPhone. Plus, it's very beneficial to have at my new job.

    • Side note, this sub is leagues better than any of the iPhone/iOS subs for finding new apps and getting suggestions. You all have been super helpful, thank you. Oh, and I'm not getting rid of my android, so I'll still be lurking.

    • P.S. Don't be afraid to tell the newbies to use the fucking search function to find the best Reddit/Facebook/Gallery/Camera/Insta/Twitter/Podcast/Browser/Email/File Browser/Messaging/etc, etc apps.

    submitted by /u/stackofthumbs
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    [DEV] 100 Free promo code for first ever Edru marbling paint app for android- give it a try

    Posted: 14 Feb 2018 03:31 AM PST

    Edru is a marbling paint app for andoid tablets, in order to have more edru artists we re offering 100 Free promo code for the Edru marbling paint app pro version for android- give it a try. Link to redeem the codes http://redeemco.com/g/edru-marbling-paint_inay/ Thanks


    submitted by /u/nuchnibi
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    [DEV] KeyARt, the museum app that provides you with guides in augmented reality

    Posted: 14 Feb 2018 06:35 AM PST

    Hi guys! The company where I work realized this amazing app that allows you to scan your favorite artwork and get related text and audio guides with the help of Augmented Reality. At the moment, the app works on a selection of masterpieces of 22 museums around the globe (among them the MoMA, the MET, the LACMA, the Getty Center) and the list is still growing. As an art lover I really appreciate this app, but I'm obviously a little subjective, so I would love to know what you think about it. Every comment is welcomed! Thank you in advance :)

    submitted by /u/ItalianArtLover
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    Google Play Music Anyone?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2018 05:51 AM PST

    I wanted to switch from Spotify to GPM, but I was wondering whether Google is still actively engaged in improving it, if that makes any sense. Like how many of you are subscribed to that joint offer between YouTube Red and google play music.

    submitted by /u/ThatBrownGuy10
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    Spoof Nvidia shield android device to run Sky Q

    Posted: 14 Feb 2018 01:50 AM PST

    Can you spoof a device to run apps that are restricted (app supposedly wont run on devices with a HDMI port)?

    I want to run Sky Q app (TV provider) on my Nvidia shield - it installs, opens for a fraction of a second then closes. Online someone stated Sky have blocked it running on devices with a HDMI out as Sky does not want you to run Sky Q on devices that can connect to a TV (as they have a sky multi-room option).

    Can I spoof my Nvidia shield / Open the Sky Q app within a program to spoof it into thinking its running on say a Galaxy S8? Currently I have it installed on my Galaxy S8 and it runs fine, so hoping a spoof to what would work

    submitted by /u/Noj123
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    Alternative for Xposed App Locale w/o xposed requirement?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2018 03:17 AM PST

    Looking for alternative for Xposed App Locale without xposed requirement, because I want to keep Magisk Hide functionality. So app can have root requirement, but can't require xposed.

    submitted by /u/jack1142
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    [DEV] Parenting advisor Namey Lite app that will help you in finding perfect name for your newborn

    Posted: 14 Feb 2018 05:17 AM PST

    Hi guys,

    Me and my team developed new app called Namey Lite. Namey is a new mobile app that uses the power of artificial intelligence and collaboration to suggest the perfect baby names based on your specific requirements.

    The app contains search filters like name origin, first letter, desired characteristics, name meaning and other family members' names. All in one in order to find the best baby name suggestions tailored to your unique requirements. You can choose from the top 10 names and characteristics, but have on mind that there are over 9,500 names in the baby name database.

    Some of the app features:

    • Quick Search - view baby name meaning, characteristics and origin

    • Advanced Search – use the power of artificial intelligence to find baby name suggestions

    • View Top 10 Names and Characteristics

    • Over 9,500 names in the baby name database

    • Include up to 10 names in your polls

    • Share up to 3 polls with family and friends

    • Share your polls via Email, Message, WhatsApp, Facebook, Skype, etc.

    • Save and share favourites

    • Contact Support Desk directly from App

    • Add your own name and meaning to the baby name database

    • Request amendments to the dynamic baby name database

    • Audio and Video Content

    • Upgrade to premium version by sharing App with 10 users.

    Let me know if you have some suggestion for an improvement. Would love to hear your feedback.

    submitted by /u/flacao9
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    Is there a music app like Spotify/Play that actually follows bands I like and notifies me of new releases or even concerts?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2018 05:12 AM PST

    I have to dig through "New releases" on Play every Friday or just happen to notice a new song/album has been released for the band I like. I wish I could get a push notification or something when a specific band I want to follow has a new release.

    submitted by /u/erokk88
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    New Stock Market game

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 12:32 PM PST

    I'm 17 years old and I spent the last 2 years working on an app. It's basically fantasy football...but with stocks. It's simple. Download the app. Predict 5 stocks whether they will go up or down by tomorrow's close. Compete with friends on whose stocks will perform better in the predicted direction. That's it! Would appreciate feedback, thanks.

    Stockduel Android version

    submitted by /u/Mendellla
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    [DEV] Snippit - New photo-based social media app.

    Posted: 14 Feb 2018 11:50 AM PST


    I'm currently a senior in college and on my free time I've developed a social media app called Snippit. It is a photo-based application, like Instagram and Snapchat, with the ability to post stories, chat with friends, and discover new photos.

    I wanted to create a more interactive user experience when viewing photos, so I came up with a concept called snips. When a user takes a photo, they must define an area in that picture for the user to find. Once the area is established, the user must add a caption that will inflate itself when the area is clicked on by a viewer. I wanted it to be sort of like a game of Hide and Seek; where each photo contains a caption waiting to be discovered. The area to interact with is, by default, invisible to the user, but double tapping each photo will reveal the location of the snip if the viewer becomes frustrated with the placement.

    Snippit is currently only available on Android and on versions 5.0+. I will be working on making it available to 4.4+. There are currently still bugs and crashes here and there; so, if you do happen to run into them, please let me know exactly how it happened!

    I built this app in hopes of learning Android development and the skillset that is required to create a social media application. I wanted to share my work with you and if anyone is interested, you are free to download it at:


    I'm always open to criticism and feedback, so if you have any, do not hesitate in commenting or contacting me personally.

    Thanks for taking the time to read!

    submitted by /u/rjaytea
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    Anyone else experiencing a delay in Twitter DM notifications?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2018 11:45 AM PST

    I have been experiencing a delay in Twitter DM notifications when using the official twitter app. So when I get a DM it takes a few minutes before I get a notification. Anyone else experiencing this or am I the only one?

    submitted by /u/trevinshu97
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    I want to watch mountains drift by

    Posted: 14 Feb 2018 11:39 AM PST

    I don't know if this is right subreddit but i would like to make something like this

    I have cardboard and cameras, i only need way to bring them together.

    Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/qqlj
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    fdroid and mediariver

    Posted: 14 Feb 2018 11:27 AM PST

    I've been dabbling with both of these apps as were requested on another post of mine. however I cannot get anything on them to install, download or even with the case of Media River I get nothing available to even browse through. what am I doing wrong?

    submitted by /u/superman691973
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    Videoder broken??

    Posted: 14 Feb 2018 10:41 AM PST

    I can't get any music to load up anymore. I've Checked for updates and uninstalled and reinstalled app and nothing is working.

    submitted by /u/ll-DudeChris-ll
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    Delayed bundled notifications possible?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2018 10:30 AM PST

    Is there an app that will bundle your notifications and only show them in certain intervals or certain times? I'd like to not be bombarded by notifications all the time but just when I actually have time to check them.

    Does anyone know if an app like that exists?

    submitted by /u/oarsch
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    Has anybody played Plato before?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2018 10:22 AM PST

    It's like the Android version of those iMessage games but it's made for Android and iPhone, you guys should try it out it's pretty fun.

    submitted by /u/Hace_XVIII
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    [REQUEST] App to play audio that remembers timestamp if I have to stop listening for awhile.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 05:55 PM PST

    As the title states I am looking for an app to play long audio clips that I have downloaded from the internet. I am outside the United States if that matters (which it seems to with Google Play Music).

    I have downloaded several podcast style audio clips and have been listening to them with the built in player that the Pixel uses when you access an audio file in storage and tell it to play. I became frustrated when I would continually have to find where I left off.

    I looked online and found that Google Play Music could do this. I moved the audio to a new folder that Play Music would look in and I listened for a few days. Yesterday I picked it up and listened for 10 minutes, set it down to do something else and came back to it. Play Music could no longer see, find, or play those files. It tells me nothing is downloaded.

    I looked into other apps: Winamp is not available where I am, VLC does not keep the location of where I stopped listening, Podcast Addict cannot play locally downloaded files.

    tl;dr: Are there any audio apps that can play an audio file I have downloaded and stored locally and remember the timestamp of where I left off if I want to come back to it, even if the app is closed/device is powered down?

    submitted by /u/FlanOfWar
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    Gboard or Swiftkey ?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2018 10:06 AM PST

    I was wondering what keyboard do you like best they're pretty close to the same but what's the good and the bad

    submitted by /u/Ghostcat47
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    How to check requirements of game on play store?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2018 09:43 AM PST

    I wanna play one game, it says it's not compatible, and I wanna know why.

    submitted by /u/iNejco
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    Feel like complaining about messaging apps? Tell me your story!

    Posted: 14 Feb 2018 09:30 AM PST

    Hi! I'm a PhD student on Human-Computer Interaction trying to make messaging apps cooler :P I'd highly appreciate if you could spend 5' to take my survey (during which you might even have fun). The results will help me in the design of new communication apps that focus on relationships instead of features. Thanks!

    The survey: link

    submitted by /u/NotYetPhD
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    BlackPlayer can't play wma files?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2018 05:35 AM PST

    I see that blackplayer has some music files missing, when I cross check the files with file explorer, apparently those that aren't on the app are .wma files.

    Just realized this after switching from poweramp since I rarely check my library (usually just set folders for music, and that's it). Apparently poweramp has no problem with .wma files.

    They're old songs that I never checked the format since my laptop can play them no problem.

    Thoughts/solutions? File converting maybe?

    submitted by /u/mujhair
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    [Request] App with notification at certain times throught the day (gold for best match!)

    Posted: 14 Feb 2018 09:20 AM PST

    So I have a different work schedule every day, so I can't set a set list of timers that occur at the same time every day. I have a task I have to complete every 2 hours and I want a reminder to complete said task.

    I've tried multiple apps including Todoist, any.do, and various others. Either I have to set a timer for each 2 hour period, or it doesn't allow events to repeat in hours, only days/weeks/months.

    I just want a simple app that I don't have to go through 10 steps on a daily basis to create individual alarms, I just want multiple alarms I can quickly add that I can set to repeat.

    Suggestions would be HIGHLY appreciated! And, gold for someone who finds the best match...

    submitted by /u/sanchostache
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