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    Tuesday, April 26, 2022

    Just plug it in. Tech Support

    Just plug it in. Tech Support

    Just plug it in.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2022 11:19 PM PDT

    Monitoring was going haywire. Tickets starting coming in. Connectivity to one of the office blocks was out.

    I tried trace pings to the servers, attempting working out where the problem was. It was as if the office ceased to exist.

    Me: The building better be gone.

    I muttered to myself as I gathered my laptop and headed over to the problem building. My metrics getting worse by the second.

    Me: Who the hell are you?

    I looked in at a man, knee deep in unplugged ethernet cables in one of our main, supposedly secure networking rooms. A very lost look on his face.

    Unknown: Hey, I'm Vendor technician (VT), you wouldn't happen to know anything about these networks?

    Me: What the f$#@?

    Immediately I shouted him out of the room. Drawing the attention of the surrounding teams.

    The switches had been circularly routed and main firewall unplugged. It took a while to restore everything back to normal. Afterwards I was lead into a meeting room with a upset looking vendor technician sitting opposite head of security (HS).

    HS: Airz! Everything working?

    Me: Yeah, finally. What the hell were you doing ... Who are you?

    I looked at the Vendor Technician who had his eyes down to the floor.

    VT: I was just trying to install our mugguffin.

    Me: How'd you get into the networking room?

    Vendor technician produced a key and slid it across the table.

    Me: Where'd you get this?

    VT: My boss gave it too me.

    The vendor technician seemed nervous and sorta shrugged. I was very confused as to what to do next. Police?

    HS: I've called the sales team, they confirmed they'd asked the vendor to install mugguffin as preparation for monitoring network traffic, something to do with visualization?

    VT: Virtualization.

    Vendor technician practically whispered the correction.

    Me: Why didn't you come get approved from our team prior to installing?

    VT: I'm actually a contractor. I get paid per install. I don't really deal with the customer side. I just install.

    My mind drifted back to his lost look. Yep. Definitely a contractor.

    Me: These things require planning. We can give you a networking diagrams, unlock switch ports, how did you plan on getting this working without the basics?

    VT: I don't really have time for all that. Can you just give me back the mugguffin?

    I looked at my phone, showing the huge number of pending tickets due to his stunt. He was right. Nobody got time for that.

    HS: You should probably go deal with those tickets... Ill deal with Vendor Technician.

    Later in the day the Head of Security turned up at my office.

    HS: Make sure you fill out an incident report for the networking failure, and an incident report for the protocol breach. I'll do the access breach report and follow up how they got that key.

    Me: Oh great, so because a random wanted to avoid work, I get cursed extra work.

    Head of security laughed while walking off.

    HS: Maybe curse or a maybe blessing? Either way it is job security.

    I started filling in the reports angrily. Curse. Definitely curse.

    submitted by /u/airz23
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    Almost there.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2022 02:03 PM PDT

    Hey TFTS. LTL, FTP. TLDR at end

    so im not actually a TS person but im helping someone out with their pc so i think this short story fits. if not feel free to remove.

    the cast.

    ME; not Tech Support, but i can read and understand what im reading.

    BRO; my brother, an electrician.

    the story

    BRO: hey can you come fix my computer?

    ME: what happened?

    BRO: well i had a virus, managed to get rid of it, then decided to update all my drivers.

    ME: ok.....?

    BRO: well now my screen is locked to the lowest resolution, it wont connect to my tv, and the video driver is listed as not being installed. i went to the manufacturers website and it said my video card is no longer supported and not to use their auto-update tool, which is what i used before reading about not using it.

    ME: ok well lets take a quick look. walk over to his computer

    ME: ok so this website you have open is the manufacturers website, and yes it says your card is no longer supported...... and then it says you can download the legacy drivers here. download, install, less then 5 minutes later, resolution is fixed, tv is connected, pc needs to reboot, done

    TLDR: brother has a problem with his pc, does all the research and setup work needs me to come over to download and install.

    submitted by /u/androshalforc1
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