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    Sunday, December 5, 2021

    Home Networking How to create mesh network or spread network around home without havi multiple SSIDs

    Home Networking How to create mesh network or spread network around home without havi multiple SSIDs

    How to create mesh network or spread network around home without havi multiple SSIDs

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 04:08 AM PST

    I have a microtik router and a net gear range extender/ ap for wi-fi throughout my home, but i have to change networks depending on where i am in the house

    Is there anything i can do with my ISP router, the micro tik router, and the range extender?

    I am mildly comfortable with the backend setup of home routers but am no pro.

    plz help

    submitted by /u/Henarei
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    Patch panel and network recommendations

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 07:24 AM PST

    Hi all,

    We will be moving into a new construction home soon. Officially there are two shielded cat6 cables running to central ceiling on the first and second floor for wireless access points that come with the house. These cables run back to a LeGrand structured media enclosure in the media room.

    Unofficially there are mostly unshielded ethernet cables running to every room, the corners of the house, and the front and back doors (3-4 of these cables are shielded). These are behind the drywall (and soffit for outdoor) already and will be exposed after closing. They all terminate near the structured enclosure and will also be pulled into there after closing.

    A few beginner questions that I would appreciate help on:

    1. There are 38 total cables. I would like to terminate them in a patch panel. Is this the best way to go?

    2. Since there is a mix of shielded and unshielded wiring which panel would you recommend? Any advice or resources on properly grounding the shielded cables?

    3. The home will come with a 12 port ruckus switch. I will obviously need something with more ports and POE capability on 8 ports. What switch would you recommend? Ideally I would like to set up VLANs at some point so this capability would be nice

    submitted by /u/Old_File2004
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    Resources for learning networking

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 11:19 AM PST

    Hello everybody.

    I'm coming from software background and I would like to start learning things on networking. One guide I read and liked it is this one and I was wondering if you have in mind articles/courses/books that really helped you understand networking concepts using real life examples, exercises etc.

    submitted by /u/netpumber
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    Easy entry to 10g?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 08:40 AM PST

    So I install residential fiber internet. We're moving towards 10g speeds. The number 1 question I get from customers is how to do 10g networking. I get that the prices aren't exactly great but are there routers that support 10g for a reasonable price? Google searches just bring up routers or switches with 10x1g ports or other similar wrong answers. Any help appreciated

    submitted by /u/Awavian
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    I am looking for 4G LTE Antenas

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 04:09 AM PST

    Hello guys,

    I have a Huawei B535 4G LTE router with two SMA ports for external antennas. I am looking to buy two antennas but nothing big as I don't have much space and it will be used in my room so I would like to know some suggestions?

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/serieoro
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    A better backup solution

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 05:31 AM PST

    Good day all, I'm looking for some advice on a better solution for my home network backup needs. Here's what I have currently:

    - Raspberry Pi4b with a Samba server running.
    - External hard drive attached with all my important files on it connected to the Samba Share. This drive came from an older Windows system though (before I switched to Linux Mint) and it is formatted as NTFS so it's not ideal.
    - A second external hard drive that I use GRsync to copy everything from the first external drive periodically so that I have a backup. I do this manually. This hard drive has been formatted in exFAT.

    It seems kinda complex, or convoluted. Is there a better way? I'd love to hear it.....other than buying a fancy expensive NAS unit like a Synology or something.

    submitted by /u/ourkid2000
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    Network access control app recommendation!

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 04:30 AM PST

    Not distinct if I'm using the right word, but I used in the past the Verizon FiOS app and now am using the Netgear Orbi app to control access the Wi-Fi network for devices, principally family members laptops.‍ I have found the FiOS app to be just OK and the Orbi app to be very subpar. Is there a app that this sub recommends for ease of use in controlling access to the network? Here is a sketch of my network https://imgur.com/a/EvLJZ4v

    submitted by /u/mcteasenabh
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    Can I Still Connect Devices Via Ethernet in a Mesh Network?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 10:29 AM PST

    I plan to use a Deco X20 3 Pack Mesh/) system in my 3 Story house.

    Please see this link for a diagram of my setup: https://imgur.com/a/45AtRGL

    The main Deco node connects to the ISP provided router. (Each deco node has only 2 Ethernet ports)

    The deco node on the first floor is connected to the main node on the second floor.

    I have a computer and 2 consoles that I would like to connect using ethernet but I'm not quite sure how this would work as there are free wouldn't be any ports available on the main node.

    I thought I could connect the computer/consoles to my ISP Router via ethernet but would this even work? Would adding a switch somewhere be a better solution?

    submitted by /u/SVG28
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    TP-Link AX Router Question

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 10:27 AM PST

    The TP-Link AX11000 is on sale at Costco for $250, which is a similar price to their AX6000 ($240) and AX6600 "GX90" ($250).

    Since they are similarly priced, I am wanting to purchase the best of the 3, but the specs are so convoluted and I cannot seem to find any definitive resource that has done thorough testing regarding range, performance, packet loss, etc.

    I'm wondering if they are trying to get rid of their stock of AX11000 routers because they haven't been selling well or are the older v1 hardware. I suppose my conflict would be whether to buy such a router given such a circumstance.

    I am in a house and currently own an Archer C9 (AC1900) placed on the second floor. Range does drop on the first floor towards the edges of the house. At this point, my router is 6 years old, so either of the 3 routers would be an upgrade for me.

    submitted by /u/das427troll
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    Can i seemlwssly change one asus router to another or will I need to run the setup process on them whenever they're swapped?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 02:35 AM PST

    I'm using an Asus ax82u at the moment, and will be running some tests to compare it to an ax86s a little later on.

    For the 86s, will I be able to just plug it right into the modem or will I have to do the same steps I did for the 82u. Once I've done the setup of necessary, will I then have to do the same yet again for the 82u or can I just plug them both in as needed following that point?


    submitted by /u/TedderFace
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    How to monitor outgoing and ingoing traffic on home network

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 10:03 AM PST

    Hi all,

    I want to monitor my outgoing and ingoing network traffic on my home network but I have limited knowledge in networking , I can do the basic stuff to connect stuff, set up mesh networks etc. I work as QA engineer hence my curiosity in networks and cybersecurity plus Mr.Robot :) . I have noticed that sometimes I get the notification on chrome that there is unusual activity on my network. I know that Linux is used for most the networking stuff , I have previous experience with Linux from my university.
    Are there any app that monitor my traffic , anything in the command promtp etc. Can you provide me any suggestion ? I am open to all possibility even setting up a Linux machine.

    Thanks to anyone willing to help!

    submitted by /u/OrthodoxCrusader95
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    Blocked Client has internet access

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 12:31 PM PST

    I am not certain why this is.

    I have a Ubiquiti UDM router. In the Network controller I blocked this laptop. I expected that the laptop would still be able to talk to other clients, but not talk to the Internet. But, it can reach the Internet for some reason.

    The IP address of the laptop is, which doesn't show up in my list of clients in the corresponding Network panel. However, the laptop does show up, grayed out, with the little "blocked" symbol next to it as is expected. The MAC address is the same.

    I've confirmed that the laptop is connected to my wireless network.

    I do have a raspberry pi on my network.

    So these are my questions/confusions:

    • Why does the laptop have internet access?
    • Why doesn't the laptop show up as being connected to my network?

    Thanks for your help!

    Network Controller version 6.5.53 UDM Firmware version 1.10.4

    submitted by /u/quintios
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    What Wifi Mesh system should I buy?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 12:27 PM PST

    I'm trying to purchase my inlaws a wifi mesh system and I'm having some trouble deciding which to purchase. I really don't wan't to break the bank here so I'm looking for something ~$150 or less. I don't really need something top of the line and speed wise (they only have 75 Mbps service anyway but I do want something reliable and that works well. It seems like half of the reviews for some of the affordable ones are citing security issues, connectivity issues, or requiring setup using a third party app coupled with security issues.

    Looking to the experts here if someone could recommend a budget mesh system that just works without compromising security?

    submitted by /u/ragingbull311
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    CAT6 vs Cat6a

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 12:21 PM PST

    I am running ethernet cable in my house and had planned to run cat 6a cable. However, upon ordering and receiving my cable I realized that I must have been in a hurry and accidentally order Cat6. So, my question is if I should return and re order or if I should just use the Cat6. I was looking into it and it seems that if all of my runs are under a certain distance they are effectively the same. I think my longest run will be like 100ft. Maybe 115ft. So, am I clear?

    submitted by /u/jam_313
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    Mesh wifi roaming

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 12:17 PM PST

    I have Fritz router and repeater connected with ethernet cable. My phone (mi a3) supposedly support v and k standard - i can see that letters in description in router by phone name. But it's connected with ac wifi while on 5ghz or n while on 2.4ghz. So I am not sure about that.

    When it is switching from router to repeater then i can see wifi icon disappear for like 2 seconds. I thought that seamless wifi roaming won't do that.

    Anyone have more info about this?

    Mesh is turned on, everything is on auto/default settings, except wpa3 is turned on.

    submitted by /u/ok2017
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    TP Link Deco Wifi 6 as primary router

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 12:15 PM PST

    I'm moving into a house and was thinking whether I could get away with having the deco as my primary router. Traditionally I've always used some dd-wrt based router but see that the Deco has a router mode that seems pretty self sufficient. I was thinking of connecting the main Deco straight to the FIOS ONT and then output to a switch connected to the rest of the house. Any downsides to this?

    I haven't actually moved into the house yet and am just in the planning phase for networking now.

    submitted by /u/taybul
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    Need help with buying a device to strengthen wifi

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 08:23 AM PST


    I would be glad for some help. I read a little bit about networking, but I'm not sure which device do I need to buy in order to strengthen my WiFi signal in my room.

    The situation is the followed:

    I have a laptop which I use to connect to the internet using WiFi.

    Router sits in the corridor and the signal reaches most of the house perfectly, besides a big portion of my room (maybe because it is blocked by the kitchen/fridge and the signal cannot pass through the wall? Some small portion of my room, which is not blocked by a room has access to the WiFi but on a lower signal strength)

    My room has a LAN connection ready, which means I can connect directly to the router. I will do this in the future, but for now I need a device that will connect to the router and let me use WiFi as well in my room (I do also need a WiFi for my Smartphone...).

    I've read about a couple of devices, repeaters, range enhancers etc. I am not sure which one fits in my situation and what do I need to search for.


    submitted by /u/DoubleR1003
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    Tp-Link Archer GX90/AX90 vs Linksys Velop MX4200

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 12:02 PM PST

    It's time to upgrade my router. At the moment I have a 200Mpbs internet plan (but I'm getting a lot more than that), mostly Apple devices. The best routers I can get were I live are:

    • Tp-Link Archer GX90
    • Tp-Link Archer AX90
    • Linksys Velop MX4200

    I read online that GX90 and the AX90 are mostly the same routers but the GX90 has a different look and UI and both of them have better performance than the Linksys. On the other hand the Linksys supports HomeKit and I'm way in the Apple ecosystem.

    Right now I'm buying a single node but I'm planning to buy another node to improve the WiFi coverage in the future.

    A deal breaker to me is that I would like to control how my non-HomeKit IoT devices access the Internet and my local network and could find online if those routers have the ability to configure that.

    I would like to hear your thoughts and recommendations on the routers above. Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/forneta
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    help needed in de-bricking a tplink archer a7v5 router

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 11:55 AM PST

    I had installed OpenWRT on my Tplink Archer A7V5 and tried to flash DDWRT from OpenWRT web interface. Agreed, I did not do my due diligence and have ended up bricking my router.

    When I switch on, only power led comes on after a brief flash of all LEDs. Usign the Power button and reset button, I am able to put it in recover mode for a TFTP transfer (i.e the power LED and the double arrow led turn on)

    I am using Solarwind TFTP with address etc.. and the TFTP does show that file transfer has started.

    But after a few seconds, the msg "dropped as the peer did not respond." pops up.

    Any thoughts what next steps I can take.

    submitted by /u/2mnyq
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    Mesh WiFi vs CAT5e in new home

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 11:55 AM PST

    18! Just moved into a new house and saw that each room was wired with CAT5e. I'd love to hardwire my gaming computer, Xbox, NAS/Media server, and clients for what it would be steamed to (Upstairs TV with Plex). My brother swears by Google Mesh WiFi as each hub has an ethernet port, or am I better off long term wiring everything to a small patch panel with the router feeding that providing WiFi?

    submitted by /u/alliancen7
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    Mesh WiFi 5GHz Channel no internet but 2GHz Channel fine

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 11:05 PM PST

    Hi guys,

    My home mesh WiFi system is displaying some odd behaviour, and I'm looking for some help to understand the problem, and solve it. My current set up is shown below.

    Incoming fiber connection (from ISP) - Router (supplied by ISP) - Ethernet cable to Deco M4 Router (Mesh) - Wireless signal to second Deco M4 unit.

    I am aware that using both my ISP supplies router and the Deco M4 Router at the point where the supply cable (fiber optic) enters the house is not ideal. However, when I bought the Deco M4, I had not considered that it doesn't have a fiber optic port, hence my above setup. Despite this, it works well enough, but the issue that I have is that the 5GHz channel of the Deco M4 WiFi Network doesn't have internet, whereas the 2Ghz channel works perfectly. Might somebody understand why this is so, and what about my setup I could do to change that? Overall suggestions to improve my setup are also welcome.

    Thanks in advance all.

    submitted by /u/Embarrassed_Peace_41
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    Need help with forwarding ports

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 10:59 AM PST

    I am trying to forward some ports for games. However, it seems that I have two different IPs. My Ip which I can find out via the cmd command "ipconfig" is different than for example https://canyouseeme.org/ or https://www.wieistmeineip.de/.

    I strongly suspect that this is the reason why I can't foward ports for my PC, which I reach via http://www.fritz.box/.

    Is there any way I can fix this problem?

    submitted by /u/Kamilo-Kamilo
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    Amplify alien wifi 6 router

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 10:53 AM PST

    Maybe a noob question. Networking is not my area of expertise.

    Does anyone know about amplify alien router? If I connect my network external drive home media to one of the ethernet ports will I be able to access my data locally or does amplify alien router send all data from connected devices out to their servers first and than back to the router so I can access my local drives from my my other room? If that's the case I guess my other question is, can their servers see me stream my local Nas drive data using vlc or plex media server for example? I used to have asus router with USB port that I had my external drive hooked up to but that was problematic because the drive would randomly drop from the network. So I'm looking for a different solution and I've read that Nas drives are a better solution but fear that if the new amplify alien router I have sends all local data out to the cloud for example before sending it back to me to access my own local Nas drive would skyrocket my 1tb data cap from my isp really quick. I can just use my old asus router with USB port as my local streaming router but then that be inconvenient to have to switch my TV wifi to the old router when I want to stream my local media.

    My Goal : to stream my local network drive through my router without the router being a cloud based service where my data has to travel through a middle man just to be accessed in my living room from my bedroom.

    submitted by /u/JOAT209
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    Need a little help deciding the best path to upgrading my small apartment wifi

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 10:47 AM PST

    Right now I've got a TP-Link Archer C7 v2. It's been going strong for 5 years now or so through various first and third party firmware, but it's showing it's age. Sub gigabit broadband (300/20).

    I've made a small diagram to show my current setup. The router location is a must, because it's a pain in the ass to power it and wire everything from any other location.

    I'm trying to decide between:

    • just going for a decent AX router ap switch combo

    • sticking with the C7 and getting a good AX access point (I don't mind wiring that up)

    • getting some sort of AX mesh setup.

    • ubiquiti everything /s

    The latter two options seem like overkill for 700ish square feet, but the connection in the bedroom, even on 2.4ghz is pitiful.

    I've just realized I could put add a switch in the middle which would make wiring everything a little easier, but then I still want the AX wifi.

    Oh and the bottom device is a work device that must stay wired and on a separate vlan, so a switch won't work for everything.

    Sorry for all the edits, but I should add it's a bit hard to ceiling mount stuff as I've got popcorn ceilings (ugh).

    Looking at an Omada setup. An ER605 + OC200 + EAP660 HD + TL-SG2008P would run about $543. I am wondering if I could get away with the TL-SG1005P instead, or just find plugs for the wifi and cloud controller.

    Since I'd be using only 1 AP, it seems like it would be simpler to go with a consumer mesh setup.

    submitted by /u/JRR_SWOLEkien
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    Rough cost of running Ethernet diagonally up and across a two story house?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 10:46 AM PST

    Moving into my mothers house and going to live on the second story on the other side of the house from the router which is on the ground floor. 2000sqft house. Just wondering on average how much it would cost to run a single cat6 cable up a wall and through the 2nd floor to my eventual new room. Every place local wants to come over and give me a quote, I know that's probably going to be the most accurate place to get an estimate, but I just want to know roughly what it would be without disturbing my mom.

    I'm also going to be putting in a patch panel and a mesh network for better connectivity, I can do that myself; I don't think I have the ability or the willingness to try and fish a damn Ethernet cable across the entire house. But I do have the willingness to pay someone else to do it for me if it's not god awful expensive.

    submitted by /u/cav754
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