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    Sunday, October 3, 2021

    Home Networking Ruckus vs Unifi AP’s

    Home Networking Ruckus vs Unifi AP’s

    Ruckus vs Unifi AP’s

    Posted: 03 Oct 2021 12:10 PM PDT

    Any personal recommendations between the two AP brands. Seems like Ruckus outperforms Unifi AP's in all categories..! Can Ruckus AP's be used without license fee and unleashed firmware? Any good tutorials/ videos out there..

    submitted by /u/azzy989
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    DOCSIS 3.0 on Xfinity even if if their list of “compatible modems” for my address only includes 3.1 equipment?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2021 05:12 PM PDT

    To clarify I'm thinking about 100Mbps or 200Mbps down. The most I can even see upgrading to is 400. Is there a technical reason that I couldn't just use a cheaper 3.0 modem? Or will they simply detect it somehow and not provide service.

    The only standalone devices on their list are the CM2000, CM2050V, and the MB8611. These are all over $150 at least what I can see.

    If 3.0 is not a option, what about a cheaper 3.1 device? Or am I stuck trying to figure out if I want to rent their device vs buying a expensive modem that might be more than the 12 month rental cost?

    Edit: I am a idiot, and did not notice the "show more devices" option. I'm looking at the compatibility website through my phone, so maybe that's why. There's much cheaper 3.0 options now

    submitted by /u/mazdaowner6969
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    How to utilize existing patch panel and wired Ethernet?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2021 05:07 PM PDT

    Hoping I can get some guidance on how to use the existing cabling set up in my new home. It looks like the prior owners have wired the home. I see Ethernet ports throughout the house, and I found what I think is a patch panel in the basement. The picture is cut off but the panel says CAT 6.


    FIOS was the prior ISP and I'm planning to set up service. I was going to get eero system to keep things simple. Once I have the FIOS ONT installed, how do I connect everything? I think I need a switch too?


    submitted by /u/Gmanji4964
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    Can I use the coaxial outlet in my room as an ethernet connection?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2021 02:40 PM PDT

    Can I use the coaxial outlet in my room (upstairs) as an ethernet connection for my pc with a moca adapter for example? , also where my internet router is located (Downstairs) there is no coaxial outlet there. However there is one in the room downstairs where I have an existing ethernet cable leading into for my tv meaning I can get like an ethernet switch so it can support the 2 ethernet connections i needed . I'm wondering even if I was to to connect up the moca adapter in that room downstairs as mentioned would the coaxial outlet connected to the adapter support my coaxial outlet upstairs in my room?

    Edit: What would be the best moca adapters to get

    submitted by /u/jm_616
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    Best option for dual wan 4g hotspots

    Posted: 03 Oct 2021 08:25 PM PDT

    My mom runs a business out in the middle of nowhere. The best available is hotspots. We just got a new netgear lm1200 that will get 30mbps+ (was getting 15ish with mifi and netgear lb1120). She wants to have a failover and load balancing would be nice so we aren't wasting one connection 99% of the time. She uses att rn and is looking at getting verizon as #2. Looking for a cheaper router that can do load balancing with fail over. Also what type of balancing would be best? I'm thinking round robin? Mikrotik hex seems nice but didn't seem like they have true round robin. Thinking about pfsense but im looking more for something efficient and small

    submitted by /u/ChargerSRT64
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    Possible to get same IP address in shared-connection scenario?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2021 07:40 PM PDT

    Hi, I currently have a Linux machine (called machine A) that's connected to my home internet via WiFi and is sharing it's WiFi connection via ethernet to another machine (machine B). Right now, however, the IP address of machine B is in a different range (subnet?) than machine A. For example, machine A's IP is 192.168.0.xx, whereas machine. B's IP is 10.42.0.xx. Is it possible to have machine B's IP address be in the same range (subnet???) as machine A without having machine B connected to the home router directly?

    (And is subnet the correct term?)

    submitted by /u/MyLemonX
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    How can I access my windows file share through my VPN?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2021 07:39 PM PDT

    I've set up an openvpn on my TP-Link Archer A7 but I can't see any local devices on it when I connect to it from outside my home network

    VPN Subnet


    submitted by /u/abacusasian
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    Modem for FTTH Fiber connection

    Posted: 03 Oct 2021 03:45 PM PDT

    Hi from Germany!

    Soon I will be switching to a fiber connection, the apartment already as a FTTH box with the fiber cable, now I need a modem to convert that signal into a signal understandable by my router, the connection will be 500 mb down/100 mb up.

    What modem do you recommend?

    I don't really need WiFi since I already have a Unifi setup.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/montogeek
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    Frontier NVG448B router - assign network to wifi client

    Posted: 03 Oct 2021 02:57 PM PDT

    Once when I was logged into the router I found a page showing all my wireless clients and what network they were on 2.4ghz 5ghz but I can't find that page again. All the manuals I can find are 2 pages long. I'm trying to figure out how to assign a MAC address to a specific wifi network, only 2.4 or only 5. It's an old Amazon fire tv stick that gets a very poor signal. I'm trying to figure out if I should attach it with a hdmi cable in case signal is blocked by the tv.

    I'm planning to upgrade to firestick 4k max but signal problem may still be there as router is in a closet downstairs and tv and firestick are in room upstairs.

    If I could find an ethernet adapter for this 2014 fire stick I could get a network hub and have both tv and fire stick connecting that way.

    submitted by /u/zitsky
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    How to split & isolate networks over ethernet? Two routers? Or?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2021 02:53 PM PDT

    I'm looking for recommendations here. I want to isolate my online activities from my peers. In my apartment, there's a combined router + modem (AT&T) but software is awful and very limited in what it can do to you(no VLAN). Usually, you can just buy a new router and flash DD-WRT or something, but in that case, I can't touch the main router, and any inconvenience will be regarded as a "messing with the internet". Convincing them to replace the main router is fruitless. They don't care about privacy or security. How can I connect the first router + modem to my newly acquired router (I have control, I can do as I want) without touching or interfering with someone else's internet? All over ethernet?

    submitted by /u/headerparabolas
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    Moca adapters for sale?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2021 06:37 PM PDT

    Anyone have moca adapters (two) that you are willing to sell?

    submitted by /u/OnlyStatus7
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    Truenas LAGG on a VLAN with Cisco

    Posted: 03 Oct 2021 06:13 PM PDT

    I got myself into a little bit of a mind f**k. I'm trying to setup a LAG on my Truenas machine with my Cisco switch but I for the life of me cant figure out how this is going to work. I know how to setup LACP on the switch but that's not the problem. The problem lies in the fact that I want that LAG to be in a VLAN because the Truenas machine is an access port. From my reading on google LACP on the switch sets up a Trunk port. Will I not be able to put my Truenas machine behind a VLAN and only rely on layer 3 routing? Maybe I am missing something entirely.

    submitted by /u/Zoey_2019
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    Communication between devices stops working - rebooting router fixes it, but not permanently

    Posted: 03 Oct 2021 01:58 PM PDT

    I recently got a D-Link DIR-2640 router. This is the only wireless router for my house.

    When connected to the network, I am frequently unable to connect to other devices - for example, I can't use Chromecast over wifi or connect to my Roku TV using my phone; or I can't connect to a wireless printer from my laptop.

    Rebooting the router will fix the issue, and I can connect to other devices again, but after a period of time - between a few hours and a day - it will stop working again.

    The devices are definitely all on the 2.4 ghz band (I disabled 'Smart Connect' on my router to make sure). They're also all able to connect to the internet - I can watch Netflix from the TV, for example, but can't connect to the TV with my phone.

    I've tried searching for solutions, but I didn't find many issues where network communication works after rebooting the router, then stops working again. Maybe I don't know the right keywords to search.

    Is there something I should be checking? A router setting I should tweak? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Rupert59
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    No Internet after Connecting Raspberry Pi (Home Assistant) to Router via Ethernet

    Posted: 03 Oct 2021 05:16 PM PDT

    I have a Netgear Nighthawk R6900 and a Raspberry Pi that is configured with Home Assistant.

    I typically have seamless internet access over both wifi bands and directly with ethernet, but as soon as I plug in my Raspberry Pi, the internet connection light goes orange meaning no internet access; it all completely dies.

    I used this same Raspberry Pi for 6 months with a previous router that was provided by my ISP at the time; I had no issues before.

    Any ideas on what is going on and/or what may need to be configured to fix this?

    submitted by /u/bdub_224
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    I can't see my 2.4g network on my Telstra Gen 2 modem - How do I see this

    Posted: 03 Oct 2021 05:15 PM PDT

    As the question states, I can't see this band, only the 5g band. I have turned off band steering, but it only displays the 5g network. I need this for my home appliances

    submitted by /u/nearly_famous69
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    Router connected to router to access device remotely?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2021 05:09 PM PDT

    I'd like to connect a router to another person's router so I can access a device connected to the secondary router. I see there are routers that can be used as "bridge", "extenders" or "repeaters" and the last two seem to be used interchangeably.

    The point is to access the device remotely, troubleshoot and adjust settings, if/when needed, while bypassing the main router for privacy/security reasons.

    Is there a better way of doing this, any preferable devices or any caveats to be aware of?


    submitted by /u/FreakCell
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    (Xbox) Can't connect to multiplayer servers when hardwired, read text

    Posted: 03 Oct 2021 05:09 PM PDT

    A friend of mine has had this weird issue for almost a year now and it's been baffling me trying to figure it out. Essentially this is the issue:

    When hardwired he can: connect to call of duty warzone servers, nhl servers, halo the master chief collection servers

    When hardwired he can't: connect to the call of duty cold war servers, connect to the halo infinite test flight servers

    When on wifi: no issues connecting to anything

    Does anyone have an idea on why this would occur? He has a static IP setup and I believe has his xbox set to DMZ or has the xbox ports forwarded. The most baffling thing to me is how he can connect to the servers when he loads up Warzone, but if he loads of Cold War he can't.

    submitted by /u/Bleafer
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    Connect Archer AX21 USB HDD to Mac TimeMachine - server credentials

    Posted: 03 Oct 2021 05:03 PM PDT

    After enabling TimeMachine via the router admin menu, after selecting the TM drive on my Mac, I'm getting the message *Connecting to Archer AX21.Local… followed by a prompt to enter name and password.

    Router manual provides no help about how to create these credentials or what to enter. I'd be grateful for any pointers in the right direction. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/real415
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    Two ethernet connections with one modem?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2021 04:38 PM PDT

    So basically currently I'm paying for my ISPs modem + router 2 in 1, it has two ethernet slots, one is connected directly to a computer near it, and the other is a very long wire (~300feet) running to a router in bridge mode in the backhouse. Now I have another modem of my own I'd like to swap it out for to avoid a fee and also see if it fixes my connection problems, but it only has one ethernet slot. So could I hook up the modem to like a switch or something so it has more ethernet slots without any signal degradation? I'm curious how much latency adding in a switch or whatever might add.

    submitted by /u/Firion_Hope
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    Any reason to not get a TP-link 24p switch?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2021 12:48 PM PDT

    I'm in the market to replace the smorgasboard of switches I call my homelab. I'm happy to spend $700 for a unifi 24 pro/poe, but why? Why not a TP-link? Just wondering how they stack up in terms of reliability. I mean, this guy is half the price. I don't require Layer 3 niceties.


    submitted by /u/Pleaseclap4
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    Powerline Adapter Slow Download Speed Only

    Posted: 03 Oct 2021 04:32 PM PDT

    I'm getting super slow download speeds with my powerline adapter but my ping is fine when gaming and I don't lag. When I'm on WIFI download is fine but I have bad ping and lag in game. Check out these pictures for more explanation.


    submitted by /u/Cole10198
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    Very specific question

    Posted: 03 Oct 2021 04:16 PM PDT

    Im a massive noob when it comes to networking… you were warned

    I have both Google Wifi mesh routers and a Unifi Dream Machine.

    My goal was to creat two separate networks, off of one modem.

    I plugged both the Google wifi router and the DreamMachine into the Modem and it worked for a little while until it didnt.

    I did some more looking around and found that you cant just plug in two separate router to the same modem.

    I unplugged the dreammachine and am now getting continuous internet interrupts over the Google Routers.

    Any help describing how to fix the interrupts and/or how to create two separate networks using two different routers using one modem.

    submitted by /u/spiceylizard
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    Upgraded internet speeds, but speeds did not change on Xbox One after multiple kinds of tests, any solutions?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2021 04:14 PM PDT

    I used to have approximately 100 download on my Xbox One last month. Upgraded to 500 ↓ recently and did multiple speed tests connected to the closest server possible and my PC got close to the 500, but my Xbox One speeds via Ethernet are still under 100 the same as before.

    How have my Xbox One speeds not improved and more importantly how can I improve them, any ideas?

    I want to make it clear that I understand I won't see the full 500 ↓, but I should be seeing a higher download speed that what I used to get before over tripling my internet speeds.

    For example paid for 150 and got about 100 on my xbone before, now paying for 500 ↓ and getting under 100 ↓ on my Xbox.

    Additionally did the tests wirelessly and got higher speeds wirelessly than wired, something is obviously wrong.

    Ideas on how to fix/troubleshoot this issue?


    submitted by /u/TheOneNinja115
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    Question about dsl jack wiring

    Posted: 03 Oct 2021 03:59 PM PDT

    I'm trying to figure out the wiring of this dsl jack in my room that doesnt work so i can possibly plug my router in here and use ethernet instead of my current moca setup for gaming. I know nothing about this stuff so be patient with me lol. The color combos on the jack are…red-orange…yellow-blue…black-blue/white striped…turquoise-pink. There are 2 unconnected wires that are like a brown/white striped and green/white striped. Is there possibly a mistake in these combinations that is causing the jack to not work?

    submitted by /u/klb55
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