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    Monday, July 12, 2021

    Linux What does the computer actually run when loading the kernel?

    Linux What does the computer actually run when loading the kernel?

    What does the computer actually run when loading the kernel?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 10:34 AM PDT

    Alright, this is going to be a bit long, but if you have any knowledge of the low-down linux stuff please bear with me and help me out if you can.

    I'm trying to figure out just how the Linux kernel loads, from grub - from the sparse sources I can find (the documentation of the kernel kinda seems to skip over that, but then again I'm not very good at reading low-level documentation) it seems to load a partial image into memory then give the kernel the location of the rest of it.

    My question is, how does it pass control to the kernel? It has to tell it to run something, somewhere to take over the system - the boot process is done, mini-kernel loaded into ram, it just needs to pass control to the actual system if Im understanding correctly. Is there a file from the image loaded into ram somewhere it starts?

    Hopefully I've phrased this correctly - if it helps, I'm trying to make my own kind of basic kernel, trying to figure out how existing ones work since I'll be loading on an oddball system that doesn't have efi or arm, and would rather do some with a custom kernel than write a full-on x86 emulator for it - it'd also give me more experience with low-level Linux.

    submitted by /u/NeetMastery
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    Wifi on mint stopped working

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 08:15 AM PDT

    Wifi about a day ago suddenly stopped working and it does not show any wifi signals. My wireless network adapter is a Tp link Archer t4u and has worked up untill my laptop stopped connecting to the internet and when I tried to compile its drivers I got a Make error number 2. And also when I boot from a usb I can connect to the internet.

    These are the commends I used before my laptop stopped connecting to the internet:

    543 showfigfonts 544 fig fat 545 clear 546 pig 547 cowsay 548 retromonitor 549 sudo apt install cowsay 550 cd 551 wget https://github.com/Swordfish90/cool-retro-term/releases/download/1.1.1/Cool-Retro-Term-1.1.1-x86_64.AppImage 552 chmod a+x Cool-Retro-Term-1.1.1-x86_64.AppImage 553 ./Cool-Retro-Term-1.1.1-x86_64.AppImage 554 a 555 crt 556 sudo crt 557 cd scripts 558 bash crt 559 clear 560 cowsay yo mama gay 561 exit 562 sudo apt update 563 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa 564 sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 565 sudo apt update 566 sudo apt install nvidia-driver-465 567 sudo apt install libvulkan1 libvulkan1:i386 568 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kisak/kisak-mesa 569 sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 570 sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade 571 sudo apt install libgl1-mesa-dri:i386 572 sudo apt install mesa-vulkan-drivers mesa-vulkan-drivers:i386 573 exit 574 sudo shutdown -h now 575 usb 576 sudo wifite 577 sudo airmon-ng stop wlp2s0mon 578 reboot 579 sudo iw list 580 sudo inxi 581 sudo inxi -Nn- 582 sudo apt install bcmwl-kernel-source 583 network

    It started some where around 574 and 577

    submitted by /u/Divergentcube
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    Which one should I install?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 07:18 AM PDT

    Hello there,

    I am an amateur web developer and a security enthusiast who has bought himself a new laptop with Windows pre-installed. I plan to use Windows for gaming while a Linux distro for my coding and other personal stuff( since I will do stuff that might result in malware on Windows). I used to daily drive Ubuntu in my university days. But I want to try something different, maybe Elementary OS, Kali Linux and Fedora.

    1. What should I select ?
    2. Are there any other OS's that I should look for ?
    3. If possible, a guide for dual booting a Lenovo ?
    submitted by /u/stephennedumpally
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    How do i start a terminal with multiple processes on a different workspace? Ubuntu 21.04

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 08:50 AM PDT


    I managed to install and configure Spotfyd and Spotify-TUI. Everything is sweet, however it would be excellent if i could start everything at system start in the background on a different workspace so i can just super+pgdown to that terminal/workspace. Maybe i have to start spotifyd as a systemd service and write a script to start spotify-tui at logon(also added to systemd?)?

    submitted by /u/BazsiBazsi
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    I want to install linux to an IMac 5.1

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 08:05 AM PDT

    I normally use my USB-Stick (wich is running ventoy) and just boot into an ISO, but on this Mac it doesn't work, it just shows an underscore line, thats it. I tried it with Arch, Solus, Lubuntu and Guix. Same result every time. I thought maybe it's the architecture, I tried x86_64 and i686 btw.

    I appreciate every help :)

    submitted by /u/Raverfield
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    What are some good security practices for Linux distros?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 08:01 AM PDT

    Hey folks! I'm fairly new to Linux and have been using Pop_OS! for a couple months now.

    One of the reasons I switched to a Linux distro was that it is supposed to be safer and this is something of great value to me.

    I used to us Norton back when I used Bill Gates' shitty product, but it doesn't run on Linux as far as I know. That said, what are some good security practices for Linux distros? Are anti-virus software necessary?


    submitted by /u/Bjern98
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    Is it difficult to play video games properly on Linux distros?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 02:55 PM PDT

    More specifically will I be getting the same FPS as I would on Windows 7, or will it decrease? (or perhaps increase?) I don't have a gaming PC, at least not by today's standards, which doesn't bother me since I play mainly singleplayer fps games from the mid 2000s - early 2010s, so I don't see the point on spending a lot of money on a better gaming PC just to play source engine games.

    My PC has a Core 2 Quad, 8 gigs of DDR2 RAM, and a GT 710 (2 gigs DDR3). It currently uses Windows 7 although I was planning on installing Linux Mint on it. So would I be able to get all the drivers for the GPU without a problem? I know people use wine and proton to play their games on Linux and I'm not sure how that works since I never used Linux, but would that hinder performance? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/brucinhobegins
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    Installed a version of Debian GNOME with non-free firmware and it's the most bloated thing I've ever seen in my Linux life. All I wanted was Debian stable with non-free firmware and the core version of GNOME with just the absolute basics. How do I do this? I'm going crazy over here.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 07:50 PM PDT

    I absolutely love the workflow to GNOME but I was downright disgusted with all the crap it threw in to it and passed off to make it better. There was 3 full pages of apps already installed. There was something like 15 games, 4 consoles (3 for if I learn an Asian language lol), character conversion apps, not to mention the whole LibreOffice suite (no hate on any of this I just know where to find it and don't need it installed already). I downloaded the iso from this Debian website, and I don't know if I should just reinstall fresh with another iso you guys suggest or if I can uninstall all the bloat somewhat simply and without leaving a bunch of residual packages and stuff left behind. Like I really want to wipe off GNOME and all related apps completely from my computer and reinstall the core version of it, but that's being trickier than I thought.

    Any help would be so greatly appreciated. No offense but Debian's official documentation is kind of lacking from my point of view and this feels like should be way simpler than it is being. I'm sure it will make sense with a little explanation. :-)

    Edit: I'm trying to become one with the console and so there's really hardly any GUI apps I want unless they are core apps or needed for anything to do my learning web development. Maybe a file explorer and that's it, like I'll download Firefox, VSCode and all that on my own.

    Edit 2: I figured it out! I really appreciate the help because I learned a lot about something that was puzzling me for some time! But as a plot twist I'm going to do a minimal install of Ubuntu LTS until I get a little farther in my Linux journey and after Debian 11 comes out. I think Debian is the better, more mature choice, but I'm honestly not that smart about this stuff and I don't know if I'm ready to leave all the guides and documentation that have been provided for Ubuntu. I think I would like to get a little better at personal sysadmin and Linux knowledge before switching to a server-first, professional-grade distro. Sorry if this disappointed anyone, but I'm sure I'll be on the Debian train soon enough.

    submitted by /u/ManInBlack829
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    Does MATE use X server?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 08:37 AM PDT

    I just installed Debian 10 with MATE on a touchscreen tablet with a pen. When I put in the Ubuntu liveUSB, I was able to use xinput --list to show my active input devices, so I know the pen registers as a separate input from finger touches. I need to tweak settings for these, but on Debian, I get bash: xinput: command not found

    So is it just an issue of xinput not being installed, or am I running a different display software altogether? I feel foolish for not being able to figure this out. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/gatsbythegerbil
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    Is it okay to have 2 os on one PC?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 06:57 AM PDT

    I wanna build this setup:

    1 SSD is for Windows 10 (and maybe one game for fast loading)

    2 SSD is linux (mint) for work as a developer (maybe some programs such as spotify etc)

    3 HDD is for games (win10 runs), fl studio, adobe, etc.

    Will it affect on the pc performance? Is it okay if I use linux daytime, and windows evening time?

    P.S. sorry, couldn't choose the right flair

    submitted by /u/WhaleMus
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    Gaming on linux

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 01:22 PM PDT

    Hi and thanks for your help in advance.

    I have an old gpu (amd r7 240) and I have trouble running games from steam and in general with lutris that I used to play on windows. I checked and my gpu is vulkan compatible. Also I use Manjaro

    My thoughts are that I did something wrong with the vulkan installation.

    The only games i managed to lunch is portal, portal 2, euro truck simulator 2 and gmod

    Any other thoughts or similar experience?

    submitted by /u/kostaszaxos050
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    Disable power draw from nvidia GPU

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 02:58 AM PDT

    I'm trying to set up a NAS for my parents, and have sourced an older PC to use. I'm just wanting a relatively low power, headless linux box. I got it all set up and configured great, but as soon as I took out the GPU it refuses to post. Motherboard is a P7P55D-E LX which unfortunately REQUIRES a GPU to post (I've been through almost every setting in BIOS and various forums confirm this).

    I have an old GTX560 that I'm happy to leave in there to get the machine to post, but I know for a fact it uses 10-20W more power even when it's idling and nothing plugged into it. But I had a thought, is it possible to either disable that specific PCIe slot, or blacklist the nvidia/nouveau drivers in a way that turns the card off completely, I.E. NO POWER DRAW from the GPU at all.

    May not be possible, but any thoughts/ideas would be appreciated, thanks! :)

    submitted by /u/robca402
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    Is it possible to re-install a distro without erasing my stuff?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 08:05 AM PDT

    I have recently updated to Pop_OS! 21.04, but haven't like it. I have a bootable flashdrive with my old 20.10 version, which I loved. Is it possible to re-install that version of Pop_OS! without losing my files and extensions? I'm okay with downloading apps again.


    submitted by /u/Bjern98
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    Can't download updates, Fedora 34 in dual boot with Windows 11

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 05:29 AM PDT

    NAS using SMB Share can read but not write (Raspberry Pi OS Lite)

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 09:05 AM PDT

    So I've referred to a few different guides on how to do this, but I've not quite figured out how to make this work. The short version is I've gotten the Pi to be accessible via SSH with the IP only (hostname connections aren't working but I'll fix that later) and I can connect to the share in Windows 10 and read files with no issue, but if I try to write I get "You need permission to perform this action." Note: I am purposely doing this the hard way (via terminal only) for the sake of learning how this works on the back end of things.

    Here's what I'm using:

    • Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+
    • Raspberry Pi OS Lite (terminal only, Debian based)
    • 3TB HDD formatted as exFAT (would this be an issue or should I make it ext4?)
    • The test user for this share is named "pi"

    The goal is to make this NAS accessible via multiple users with different permissions (some can write, others can only read).

    I think the issue is coming from the fact the /mnt/shared folder isn't owned by "pi" and is owned by root. When I do a "sudo chown -R pi /mnt/shared" it gets "operation not permitted". If I try either by root or by pi I get the same error.

    Just in case this isn't the issue, this is my /etc/samba/smb.conf info:

    workgroup = WORKGROUP [Share] comment = NAS Share path = /mnt/shared browseable = yes writeable = yes read only = no public = yes guest ok = yes create mask = 0644 directory mask = 0777 hide dot files = false force user = pi Also tried this one (among others): [Share] comment = NAS Share path = /mnt/shared browseable = yes # writeable = yes read only = no public = yes guest ok = yes create mask = 0775 directory mask = 0775 # hide dot files = false # valid users = pi 

    I've tried different directory masks and create masks, but no luck. Also, I don't want to use "force user" as a permanent thing, the main goal is to make this work before I try and mess with permissions.

    I am very new to doing this, and my last project was just getting Arch Linux installed to a VM which was useful to understanding what I need to do this, but frankly I'm stuck.

    TL;DR: I torture myself with creating a NAS via command line with a Raspberry Pi.

    submitted by /u/Technopath47
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    Trying to install bodhi linux 32bit on a 12yo laptop that's currently running on windows7 and Zorin Os lite on dual boot. Whenever I try to install it I get the bodhi logo for a while then this appears, help and advice would be appreciated, also will this distro meet my expectation for web browsing?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 11:30 AM PDT

    a question about Contact on Nagios core ?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 03:13 PM PDT


    I did install mailx to send emails when I have issues on my Nagios Server the thing is it's only sending to the email I did configure on contacts.cfg !

    I know that the email in contacts.cfg is for all the machines I want to monitor on Nagios but what if I want an email only for a specific host ?!

    I mean I want to have like a contact details for a specific host how can I do that ?

    I really need your help , thanks a lot

    submitted by /u/Zurattos
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    Fedora 34. Possible to clone my main drive while using it?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 06:14 AM PDT

    Linux newbie. In Windows there's something called Volume Shadow Service (VSS) that allows a clone of the drive to be created while the drive is in use. Is there anything like this for Linux? If yes, which cloning apps can do this?

    Can this somehow be done using a VM?

    I want to clone my main drive (Fedora 34 on BTRFS) while I'm using it.

    submitted by /u/ch3nr3z1g
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    Do you suggest from these Kubuntu, Arch Linux or Almalinux for home usage?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 07:25 AM PDT

    I would like to switch from ubuntu to new os . Which one do you suggest?

    submitted by /u/Free4Tutorials
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    Overwrite my laptop kernal

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 02:56 PM PDT

    I have a chromebook running chrome os and I was wondering knew how to replace the os with linux? whenever I look online i keep finding ways to dual boot ubuntu linux through crouton, but I am trying to make the entire os linux with gnome DE. Any ideas on what I can do?

    submitted by /u/Certain-Scarcity-749
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    Windows 10 to Linux Mint

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 02:54 PM PDT

    Eight years ago I ran on Linux. I knew everything but life happened and I am at square one again with computers. I have a new laptop given to me and an old one for experimentation that I'm going to try to get working. It's going to take time as all things do. As long winded as that was here are my two questions I couldn't find straight answers to. How hard is it to revert back to windows 10 without a disk and is there a way? Second, my goal is designing software for other OS systems (preferably mobile). Are most programs available on windows ported to Linux and can anyone see unforseen problems?

    submitted by /u/Privacy_Advocate_
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    How can I get my test boot USB back to normal use?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 02:22 PM PDT

    The title almost says it all. I tested some distros with live USBs, and I want to look at other ones aswell. I used "rufus" to make the USB bootable, but how do I get it to work just like before, so I can "reuse" it for other distros or for "normal" use?

    I hope my question is not super dumb and that my grammar and spelling isn't to horrible to understand, English is not my main language.

    submitted by /u/Schmafael
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    Difficulty writing iso image

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 02:11 PM PDT

    I'm trying to write an iso file to a flash drive, but I'm having issues doing it. I've tried xfburn, brasero, and etcher; xfburn tells me there are no burners currently available, brasero says there is no discount available, and etcher gives "no polkit authentication found."

    I'm using Linux mint and i3wm (which I stumbled into but kinda like). I'm going to use another computer to write the file, but I'd like to figure out what this issue is.

    submitted by /u/Wisp_the_Wandering
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    Help exporting a variable with Special characters

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 01:31 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, I'm trying to figure out how to export a variable that has special characters. I am doing this through Jenkins but I'm guessing it's still a linux question.

    I am calling a function that retrieves an array with a username and passwords and then I am trying to set the elements in the array as evironment variables.

    for example say the function returns this array:

    output = [testuser, Ks=45\/h6&Ty] then i try to set export username=${output[0]} export password=${output[1]} i keep getting Ty command not found 

    I have a feeling its because of the special character "&". Does anyone have a tips on how i can get past that pesky export? Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/AngleMan
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    .deb file Internals & How To Install them In Linux [Noobs]

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 01:23 PM PDT

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