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    Monday, July 12, 2021

    Inexpensive 1/10/25Gbe layer 3 switch? Networking

    Inexpensive 1/10/25Gbe layer 3 switch? Networking

    Inexpensive 1/10/25Gbe layer 3 switch?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 09:07 AM PDT

    What options are there for inexpensive layer 3 switches that can handle ~24 10/25Gbe SFP+/SFP28 ports?

    I currently run the core of my network on an old Cisco 6506E. I've got 6 10Gig downlinks to various buildings, 5 1Gig downlinks to smaller buildings, and a 10Gig uplink to the rest of our campus. The 6506E has run great for over a decade, and I have spares for every part in it on-hand, so we can keep running on it for a while. (We rarely break 4-5Gigs on the uplink). We use OSPF for exchanging routing data with campus, but it's not many routes, as everything goes up our single uplink, the OSPF is most useful when campus wants to null-route a single IP due to security concerns. I expect pretty much any device we get can handle the small routing tables we'll get over OSPF or iBGP. We won't be consuming the full Internet table.

    I'd like to have a plan in mind for 25Gig, in case we end up with a user or building who starts saturating our 10Gig uplink. That would also allow me to uplift individual buildings to 25G as needed. Ideally, I'd find a 24 port 1/10/25Gb switch with OSPF and BGP support for under $5k. That would be cheap enough that I could buy two or three, and either keep a cold spare, or setup some basic redundancy where we have redundant fiber.

    What options are there at this level? At the super-low end, Microtik/Ubiquiti have 10/25Gig routers, but they have no switching hardware at all, so I'd have to add a 25Gig switch and then do a bunch of short 25Gig cables between them. Dell has the S5224F-ON, which looks like it's just what I'm looking for, but it's been a while since I used Dell networking gear. For those of you who have units from the Dell 52XX-ON series, are they reliable, and have they met your needs?

    Are there similar switch-routers from other vendors at this price point that I should consider?

    submitted by /u/fengshui
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    AnyConnect RSA questions

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 04:19 PM PDT


    Got a fun one. Is there any guide or help on doing AnyConnect on a cellphone and having it auto autenticate using your RSA application. This would be so our users can either open the VPN application once or have it load up for applications that need to use the VPN?

    The automated RSA part is the fun part which I cant fully find any info.

    submitted by /u/wraithscrono
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    Device Inventory & Management System

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 04:41 AM PDT

    Can anyone suggest a good device inventory and management system? We have a ton of devices with almost about 700 servers and 20k client devices, plus other networked devices. The network has sort of organically grown over the years and only those there when it started have a real sense of the totality of resources we have.

    We are looking for an application that can essentially scan the network and detect all the devices, and possibly periodically scan for new devices and prompt to have them properly identified and tagged if that has not already been done.

    We have a lot of 3rd party devices within the estate, as well as both inbound and outbound VPN connected devices, and will like to make sure we can authoritatively identify all devices in the network at any time.

    I've looked at Manage Engine and Spiceworks only cursorily , SolarWinds might be on the table but I'm open to suggestions from anyone with experience on things

    submitted by /u/AdhesivenessShot9186
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    Nublet question: why would you want to set up DHCP on a router vs using the DHCP feature of a server environment?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 03:20 PM PDT

    So I'm still new to IT and I'm still getting used to everything in a real world scenario, I know at least on Cisco routers you can set up DHCP on them, but you can also do the same through Windows Server (at least, I would imagine you could do it through a Linux environment too). So now what would be the benefit of setting up DHCP on a router when you could have it all on your DNS server? Or would that just be something for smaller environments that aren't able to have multiple servers?

    submitted by /u/Fred-U
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    TIL: Cisco software updates for Catalyst 9000 switches are free (only requires a Cisco account)

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 03:08 PM PDT

    The Cisco Catalyst IOS Software Update Program (formerly the "IOS Software Update Policy") was put in place to complement the Enhanced Limited Lifetime hardware Warranty (E-LLW) offered with Catalyst 9000 switches.

    This Program allows customers using a valid Cisco.com ID to receive the following:

    ● Free critical updates:◦ Free critical updates are available to the original customer for up to 1 year after announced end-of-support. These critical updates maintain the compliance of the Software with published specifications, release notes and industry wide compliance.

    ◦ Free vulnerability and security updates are available to the original customer for up to 3 years after announced end-of-sale.

    ◦ No support contract is required to obtain these software updates.

    ● Free major and minor releases:

    ◦ Free major and minor release updates are available to an original customer moving from one release to another within the same perpetual license level (i.e. Cisco Network Advantage or Cisco Network Essentials).

    ◦ No support contract is required to obtain these releases.


    submitted by /u/tristanrhodes
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    Question About Layer 2 Adjacency

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 05:53 AM PDT

    Is there a way to make a layer 2 adjacency across a campus that is already using a 'routed access' campus design if this requirement was suddenly needed?

    What are the options if this were to be a converged infrastructure?

    submitted by /u/smartiedude
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    Dell VLT compatibility with Cisco

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 02:00 PM PDT

    We're deploying two Dell S4128F-ON switches. I'd like to configure VLT between the two Dell and have an uplink on each of those switches go to a single Cisco 9407 with no VSS. Is this possible with a standard ether-channel between the Dells and the Cisco? Essentially, is a traditional ether-channel supported over the VLT between the two Dells? Both sides, Dell and Cisco, will be running rapid-pvst.

    I've tried looking through Dell literature, but it seems like most examples and whitepapers show the Cisco sides running VSS or vPC on Nexus (which to me stipulates multiple chassis on the Cisco side)

    Thanks for any insights!

    submitted by /u/FF2PacketPusher
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    Future of embedded 5G in commercial products?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 01:51 PM PDT

    Do you think that commercial vendors will start embedding 5G connections in things like medical devices?

    Based on my reading of the specs, it seems like this would be an attractive way for vendors to support direct connectivity to their cloud-based software environments without having to rely on their customer sites to support network connectivity. Instead, the vendors could include pre-configured 5G connections on their devices and have customers pay for it as part of their service contracts--the instruments would then only require power connections at the customer site. Depending on how widespread this is, it seems that this strategy could eliminate the need for a lot of networking jobs especially in small to mid-size businesses.

    I haven't really heard anyone else talking about this, so am I off-base here or actually seeing what's next?

    submitted by /u/OhhhhhSHNAP
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    Transceiver EEPROM Flasher?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 01:41 PM PDT

    Anyone ever try one of these cheap flashers for reading/writing transceiver EEPROMs? Do they work?
    We sometimes run into odd ducks in the field that are picky about transceiver compatibility, and it would be really useful to just have some spare generic transcievers on-hand and then flash them to whatever brand as needed on the spot. But only if it actually works. Anyone ever do this?

    e.g. 01: Fiber Mall EEPROM Programmer Box Supports SFP/SFP+/XFP/SFP28/QSFP+/QSFP28 Transceivers & DAC/AOC Cables

    e.g. 02: Cloud Programmer for SFP/XFP/QSFP Optics | GIGALIGHT

    submitted by /u/VeryStrongBoi
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    Resurrect edgecore 4610-54P switch?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 01:41 PM PDT

    I picked up a edgecore 4610 off ebay. None of the ethernet ports will light up. The management ethernet port will light up, but I don't see anything coming across the port. I found something for a different edgecore switch saying default ip is No joy there either. (tried and 1.10 also).

    There is a greeen error code on the screen that never changes from "0 0". I'm thinking maybe there isn't an OS on the switch but I don't know these well enough to know if the usb console won't work without and OS or not.

    Any ideas? I shot an email to support to see if they're willing to help me out. I cracked open the case and see something that looks like it could be a serial jtag connector. Port is labeled conn1 or something. I can't make out on the picture I took and these thing has a crazy amount of screws on the top of the case.

    Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/spikefishjohn
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    Restructuring network

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 06:25 AM PDT

    Good morning,

    Where I'm currently at we have a strictly hub and spoke network with a Cisco 6513 core that houses several VLANs with fiber connections going out to individual buildings connecting to catalyst switches. We've started to look into connecting the other buildings to each other rather than just to the core so we can have some more redundancy in our network. How would I accomplish that with our current set up? Set up policy based routing so when one link goes down traffic flows out the other? Would that require using routers instead of depending on the switches?

    submitted by /u/BuffaloOnAMotorcycle
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    MFA for AnyConnect Issue

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 09:47 AM PDT

    Hi Folks,

    I'd like to test Azure MFA for anyconnect by setting up a new tunnel-group and giving it SAML authentication.

    Currently we have a primary tunnel-group called (and aliased) 'anyconnect'. Users connect to it by connecting to 'https://sslvpn.companyname.org'.

    I then create a new tunnel-group called 'anyconnect_mfa' with SAML auth, aliased and with a group-URL 'https://sslvpn.companyname.org/anyconnect_mfa'.

    The issue is that as soon as I do this, when anyconnect connects to the standard 'https://sslvpn.companyname.org' url, I get the SAML auth popup, instead of the old username/password box.

    What has caused the new tunnel-group to supersede the old one?

    I'm assuming there's something fairly basic I've missed.

    submitted by /u/dunkitando
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    Connecting fiber between a 1G SFP and a 10G SFP, will it work?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 08:19 AM PDT

    I've got a fiber handoff from an ISP that is using a 1G LX SFP module. This connects over SMF to my 10G LR SFP module on my core switch. However, they don't seem to like this situation, which begs the question: does this work? Or do both ends always need to be the same module type?

    submitted by /u/datapointzero
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    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 07:43 AM PDT


    We currently have two locations A and B, each as a 1Gbps MPLS link and there is also a 1G P2P. Each line is an independant connection and we want to provide some resiliency for the external facing services. Would we need to use an active public DNS service that provides failover public ip addresses, for example, the public IP addresses in site A can be presented on the WAN link for site B in the event WAN link A fails.

    Can the service provider do anything over the P2P ( this is where I get confused as the P2P is unmanaged but could be converted I believe to a managed line simply by the addition of 1G + capable routers at each end. Can this link then act as a failover to site B for the public ip addresses for site A in the event of a failure ?

    submitted by /u/Whambamvandamme
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    Does Arista even support PIM dense-mode? If not, why wouldn't they support it?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 07:23 AM PDT

    I'm working on vEOS routers for a multicast project. I think that implementing PIM dense-mode would be more efficient, but I can't find any commands for it and the documentation doesn't mention it. Would there be any reason for them to not support dense-mode? Cisco even supports sparse-dense mode so I don't quite understand what's going on here.

    submitted by /u/ChromedCat
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    IP Address Reputation? (ISP)

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 06:28 AM PDT

    My company recently acquired an IPv4 block. I don't know much about other than it hasn't been advertised/used on the global Internet in awhile. This is apparently resulting in an issue where all end-users on this block are complaining that they can't reach certain video on demand websites (connection refused in a browser). We ruled out the usual network level stuff and finally reached out to one of the sites in question. They tell us our "IP's are bad" and referred us to their 3rd party 'IP-address Reputation' service who refuses to help unless we pay for their services. When we declined, our block's 'reputation' on their site sank even further.

    Is there some trick resolving this sort of thing, or are these mafia-type tactics an accepted practice?

    submitted by /u/brodie7838
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    Data Center - Physical Design Best Practices

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 04:15 AM PDT

    Hi All

    Is there any books, courses, whitepapers etc that you'd recommend around the physical design for network equipment in DCs?

    I've seen a couple highlighting keeping the network rack in the middle as much as possible then branch out but I'm not sure if thats just referring to the cores then our to top of racks or includes firewalls/wan links etc.


    submitted by /u/ultchin
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    How to access Juniper Evaluation Images

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 08:59 PM PDT

    Hi! Currently trying to learn JUNOS. Im wondering if there is an way I can access the vSRX / vQFX trial images without purchasing a juniper product? When i try to download the evaluation licenses on my account, it pops up the you dont have permission and wont let me download it

    submitted by /u/deathewillcome3
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    Ixia IxNetwork vs IxANVL

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 11:00 PM PDT

    As far as I know, both products can simulate networks with many nodes (switches or routers).

    The IxANVL analyzes conformance to different RFCs and standards for protocols. On the other hand, IxNetwork claims that it can check the "functionality". Can I test the OSPF feature of one router using IxNetwork without IxANVL? Or I need IxANVL too?
    Actually, IxNetwork can do performance tests too and I think no one wants to spend a large amount of money to buy another Ixia product if it's not necessary.

    submitted by /u/azi199
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