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    App Feedback Thread - July 10, 2021 Android Dev

    App Feedback Thread - July 10, 2021 Android Dev

    App Feedback Thread - July 10, 2021

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 06:00 AM PDT

    This thread is for getting feedback on your own apps.


    • must provide feedback for others
    • must include Play Store, GitHub, or BitBucket link
    • must make a top level comment
    • must make an effort to respond to questions and feedback from commenters
    • app may be open or closed source


    • must give constructive feedback in replies to top level comments
    • must not include links to other apps

    To cut down on spam, accounts who are too young or do not have enough karma to post will be removed. Please make an effort to contribute to the community before asking for feedback.

    As always, the mod team is only a small group of people, and we rely on the readers to help us maintain this subreddit. Please report any rule breakers. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    How I made beautiful screenshots for Google Play (Developer experience)

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 05:44 AM PDT

    Adopting Jetpack Compose - Joe Birch

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 08:38 AM PDT

    Is a strike against your developer account permanent?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 12:49 PM PDT

    I asked this question a week ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/androiddev/comments/od0pxl/does_the_play_store_allow_you_to_publish_an_app/

    It was about publishing an app the the Play Store than had an APK inside it with an old targetSDKversion. Everyone told me it would get suspended. So I submitted it to a review process to be sure and it got suspended. I read that this counts as a strike against my account. Is this strike permanent? Is there a way to undo it? Also I'm speculating here, but Google said that "Suspensions count as strikes against the good standing of your Google Play Developer account." which got me thinking that maybe they also punish you by lowering the search rank of your other apps on the Store.

    submitted by /u/HiDiNoWro
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    Stuck on Bluetooth Headset Issue

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 01:44 PM PDT

    I have a app which basically have VoIP functionality. Everything is working without any issue. But when user connect bluetooth headphone sometime user unable to hear any audio and sometime bluetooth headphone's mic not catching the voice. Spent couple of days still 0 progress. I am using a third party library for VoIP( https://www.agora.io/en/products/voice-call/ ). It gives a callback when ever audio route changes. And when I hear the route is BLUETOOTH Headphone then I basically uses Android's audioManager to route audio to Bluetooth Headphone. I am doing like this 1. Setting Mode to MODE_IN_COMMUNICATION 1. am.startBluetoothSco() 2. am.isBluetoothScoOn = true

    The problem is sometime it's working and sometime(most of the time) it's not.

    Here's the issue's I have faced till now:- 1. On same device sometime it works and sometimes not. 2. Sometimes the whole audio is gone and Android device's volume become very low then I have to restart my device. 3. One some device it's works only the first time

    I am a newbie in BLUETOOTH I don't even know why we have to set Mode and also what mode to use where etc. Any helps or any reference will be very helpful. Guys please help me

    Thank You

    submitted by /u/QuietShock
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    JavaFX application to resize images and add them into folders automatically. It is a powerful Cross-Platform tool for Android developers.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 07:41 AM PDT

    JavaFX application to resize images and add them into folders automatically. It is a powerful Cross-Platform tool for Android developers.


    To help Android developers resize their images to support different Android devices, I have created JavaFX application to resize images in only one easy click without changing their quality, and add them into folders automatically.

    GitHub | Medium

    submitted by /u/Marwa-Eltayeb
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    Announcing r/AppDemos, a subreddit dedicated to the developers that want to showcase their apps. Only native reddit videos (max 3 mins) are allowed

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 04:48 PM PDT

    Most of the programming subreddits have tight rules when it comes to showcasing our work as developers. Self-promotion is highly frowned upon, and for good reason. Therefore I think we need a dedicated subreddit r/AppDemos solely focused on self-promotion of personal projects (web or desktop apps).

    How to post an app short video demo

    This subreddit will help users quickly discover new apps that can make a great difference in their lives. Videos or Gifs (max 3 minutes) that showcase applications or games. Please provide a text description in the comments, including a link where the app can be accessed. Introducing yourself and your plans would is indicated. Adding information tooltips in the video is highly recommended. Don't waste demo time on trivia. Text posts, link posts, and image posts are not allowed. Only native Reddit video. Only short format. DON'T ASK FOR MONEY!

    submitted by /u/VisualCoding
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    Platform or tools for gathering feedback

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 04:22 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, my first post here. I would love to hear what tools you use for engaging with your app testers (gathering ideas, discussing bugs, perhaps even sharing test apks)

    submitted by /u/ock88
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    Did someone reverse engineer my app?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 11:13 AM PDT

    Hey everyone. Long story short, I have an app on the Play Store with Firebase integration mainly for events. Recently (within 1 month), I am seeing weird events being sent to Firebase that are in a different language.

    For example, in my code:
    I see events like FiveStarWeapon3 which is correct, but then I also see events like FiveStar武器3which is totally in a different language.

    My app has no localization at all, plus the part that changed is actually hardcoded as a String in the code, so I don't think it's anything to do with localization. My first suspicions are that someone decompiled my app and started distributing it, but would love to know if this is really the case!

    If that is the case, a follow up question I have will be - will Firebase accept events from an app with different package name, assuming the person who did this also changed the package name?

    Anyone encountered similar situations before?

    submitted by /u/Zarrias7
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    Open Sourced NIDS(Intruder Detection Systems) on Android

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 09:00 AM PDT

    Hi guys, i want to create an android app that will act as a GUI for SNORT NIDS(or Zeek,Suricata) so that network administrators can monitor SNORT((or Zeek,Suricata) ) from their phones. How would I go about doing this ? Is kotlin a good language for this project ? Which IDS is best suited for this project ? Would appreciate any input !

    submitted by /u/packetMilk
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    Alternatives to sceneform?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 07:10 AM PDT

    Recently google deprecated scene form. Are there any other better alternative to it apart from unity's ARFoundation. The problem with unity is its very slow to debug and develop and my lack of familiarity is causing issues as well. In recent I/O google did introduce new AR features but how can we implement those if they have deprecated Sceneform and not provided any other alternatives? Does anyone know if google is going to come up with a new alternative next year or so?

    submitted by /u/BraveEvidence
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    Announcing Android’s updateable, fully integrated ML inference stack

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 11:15 AM PDT


    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 08:30 AM PDT

    Hello, I am creating an app of multiple restaurant ordering. Where categories of different food items are shown. There is an admin app where I manage restaurant and its menus. Now I have set the database like this

    RootDb |-Restaurants //a collection |-restaurantid (which is restaurant username) |-MenuItems // subcollection |- All other properties of restaurant Now from Menuitems |- menuid |-all properties of menu

    Now, I have implemented all the features of the app other than the categories, I didn't think of setting the database accordingly for getting the data quickly whenever user clicks on category.

    I have to check all the restaurants then inside them I need to get the items from "MenuItems"

    please help me how can I get the category items from every restaurant with a query

    Note: there are many restaurants added with there own menu.

    submitted by /u/PutEmbarrassed9376
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    How can I build experience ?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 12:15 AM PDT

    Almost all openings I see for android development are senior level roles. And based on my geographical location I really don't think I will be able to find junior level roles . Right now I am currently somewhere between a beginner and intermediate . How can I build experience without working for a company ? So that on the long term I can be fit into a senior developer position.

    Any help is appreciated , thanks in advance :)

    submitted by /u/100thRedditAc
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    Recreated my first application Recipedia in Flutter to learn about the framework. Originally I had created it in Java when I was learning Android App Development in 2017.

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 12:19 PM PDT

    Payment pending for larger purchases

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 03:08 PM PDT

    Hi all, I have a big discrepancy in Payment Pending status for my Google Play subscription product between smaller and larger purchases.

    I have monthly subscriptions for US $19.99 per month. In the past month, 3 of 42 of these monthly subscriptions got stuck in Payment Pending after the free trial ended.

    I have annual subscriptions that cost US $119.88. In the past month, 19 of 41 of these annual subscriptions got stuck in Payment Pending! Many of these have been stuck there for 2+ weeks and they do not resolve themselves over time.

    My suspicion is that a higher payment amount is causing banks / credit cards to flag the purchase. Does anyone have recommendations on how to resolve these payment pending, and whether it is indeed the purchase size that is the problem?

    submitted by /u/speakeasycommunity
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    Android Dex Loader Illegal Access Error

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 02:13 PM PDT

    Greetings Guys.

    Hope you are doing fine.

    I have an application, which at runtime can install plugins as extra features of the app.
    Those plugins, are APK files which the Main app Load's using Dex Loader

    W/System.err: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: Illegal class access ('com.feature.Demo' attempting to access 'kotlin.LazyKt__LazyJVMKt') in attempt to invoke static method kotlin.Lazy kotlin.LazyKt__LazyJVMKt.lazy(kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0) (declaration of '...) 

    Also, If anyone can explain to me how the DexLoader works.

    What happens If I have Dex1 with the following classes (com.feature.A, com.feature.B, com.feature.C) and I have another Dex2 with the same Classes ? (assuming both are loaded using DexLoader)

    submitted by /u/butritxheladini
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    Looking for someone to help me with developing an app idea

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 04:45 AM PDT

    I had an idea for a social-media based app. I am a software engineering student who has taken a module in mobile development but for a relative-novice like me this would take forever so looking for help. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Ambi-Phoenix1
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    Developers Alliance Issues Statement Challenging State Coalition Antitrust Lawsuit Basis

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 09:14 AM PDT

    I need to create several views like buttons, textview and other views in runtime when button is pressed from button sheet and remove them once button sheet is collapsed. What might be good practice for it?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 12:03 PM PDT

    I have a activity for an image editor with multiple buttons where serveral buttons are related to other buttons and actions . I have sort out these options for use:

    1. create a buttons group layout in xml and inflate that layout in the view.
    2. use jetpack compose side by side with my traditional layout and like populate the buttons and things I need with jetpack compose. (seems lot complex to me)

    So, What might be good use case here? And what is the best way to manage the UI views State like destroy it once another button is pressed or button sheet is collapsed?

    PS: I'm using kotlin and view binding.

    submitted by /u/coder_the_freak
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