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    Wednesday, March 24, 2021

    Simple Weather App with Jetpack Compose - #AndroidDevChallenge Week 4 Android Dev

    Simple Weather App with Jetpack Compose - #AndroidDevChallenge Week 4 Android Dev

    Simple Weather App with Jetpack Compose - #AndroidDevChallenge Week 4

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 07:09 AM PDT

    Google Play Store is a Joke

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 08:56 PM PDT


    I have a question, maybe I am stupid to understand. Why is the review time so long when apps like this:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.royaldevs.fortcustomshttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.app.new_chatare in the top new free apps getting a lot of organic traffic. What's the point of the long review when scams and rubbish are posted in the thousands daily and good apps that people developed for years are not promoted there and struggling to get organic downloads. I don't know but Google's Algorithms are a joke which is really funny considering they have endless cashflow. Humans should review the apps and reject crap like this and promote the good apps manually IMO.

    Edit: I could post thousands if not millions of links of apps like this I just wanted to show you something crazy. Look at this app and then type its name in the search bar and see what comes up:

    submitted by /u/kovachxx
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    A safer way to collect flows from Android UIs

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 04:37 PM PDT

    Firebase Remote Config: some lessons learned

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 01:50 PM PDT

    Downloads per day on Android vs. iOS for the same app.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 10:37 AM PDT

    I published my game on both platforms and I get ten times more downloads per day on Android than on iOS. Is this much difference normal? Where do you get the more downloads per day?

    submitted by /u/moonshades
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    All about PendingIntents

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 10:45 AM PDT

    Recommendations for Development Phone with IR

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 02:23 PM PDT

    Apologies if this isn't allowed but this seemed like the right place to ask. I'm looking for a phone that is developer- and cost-friendly, not a daily driver but something that will sit at home but should be easy to work with. I mention the latter because it's been a while since I worked on Android but I remember there were quirks to how manufacturers access the API. One feature I specifically need is IR as I'd like to be able to read and send remote codes. From my research it seems the Xiami Poco M3 would be good but I have never worked with one of these.

    submitted by /u/questionablecow
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    Sudden drop in installs since 18 March?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 07:34 AM PDT

    I am experiencing a drastic drop in the number of installs of my app. Before 18 March, conversion rate was 59%, right now it's a mere 27%. All countries are affected and sources (search, browse, 3rd party) as well. App looks the same on the appstore, we did not change anything. Is it only me, or Google changed something?

    submitted by /u/erdomester
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    Intercept and edit HTTP traffic from (almost) any Android app

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 10:28 AM PDT

    What is the modern way of handling asynchronous background requests now that Fragment.setRetainInstance is deprecated?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 03:40 PM PDT

    A decade ago when I started doing Android development I was using AsyncTask and onRetainNonConfigurationInstance to run background requests that would survive activity configuration changes.

    Eventually they deprecated those APIs and recommended everyone switch to a single activity architecture with headless fragments and setRetainInstance(true) as described here.

    This more or less worked fine for many years. A headless fragment survives configuration changes and if it is added as a child fragment then when the asynchronous request completes, you can access the current parent fragment (which may not be the same instance that originally made the request) and call back a completion handler to update the UI. Once the request completes you can discard the headless fragment, its existence was transient and only lived while the request was processing.

    Now that setRetainInstance is officially deprecated I am wondering what people are doing nowadays to handle asynchronous requests that correctly survive configuration changes? The docs recommend ViewModels which maybe make sense for certain data-loading tasks where the data persists once loaded (like populating a list), but seem very awkward and ill-fitting for request-response tasks (like submitting a form).

    A concrete (but very common) example:

    Imagine you have a sign up screen that takes an email address and password. When the user fills in the form and hits submit, you make an API call to a remote server to create an account. While the API call is processing, you disable the submit button (to prevent repeat clicks) and you show a progress indicator. When the API call returns, you re-enable the submit button and hide the progress indicator. If the request succeeds, you do some processing to save the user's account info. If the request fails, you show an error message.

    It doesn't feel right to shove the request and response state into a view model since both of these are transient.

    submitted by /u/n0damage
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    Solo Developers, how do get an icon for your app?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 02:27 PM PDT

    As someone who has very little artistic ability and is developing an app by themselves, what is a good way to get an icon for your app?

    I have thought about paying someone but I am not really sure how to do this In a way that ensures I legally own the image and that I dont get scammed in the process, so I'm not really sure what to do.

    submitted by /u/InsaneTeemo
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    Entry name 'META-INF/sdk_debug.kotlin_module' collided

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 01:50 PM PDT

    I have tried all possible ways to tackle this issue. And I've looked at any previous issues, resolutions, stackoverflow advises, you name it.

    Here are all the cases I've tried, no success whatsoever: - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66439933/classes-jar-already-contains-entry-meta-inf-module-name-debug-kotlin-module - https://discuss.kotlinlang.org/t/running-into-issue-with-entry-name-meta-inf-module-build-type-kotlin-module-collided/19690 - https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines/issues/1064#issuecomment-742172419

    I've tried below, and then replaced with pickFirst(), still an issue: packagingOptions { exclude "META-INF/*.kotlin_module" exclude "META-INF/rxkotlin.properties" exclude "META-INF/rxkotlin_main.kotlin_module" exclude "META-INF/kotlinx-io.kotlin_module" exclude "META-INF/atomicfu.kotlin_module" exclude "META-INF/kotlinx-coroutines-io.kotlin_module" exclude "META-INF/rxkotlin.properties" exclude "META-INF/rxkotlin_main.kotlin_module" }

    This problem is persistent with: - Android Studio 4.1.3 - Android Studio 4.2.0 Beta06 - Android Studio 4.3.0 Alpha 11

    Here is a link to a simple project which fails and logs the error: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gjju5mv97h7uwwr/temp.zip?dl=0

    The project is done with lib modules in folders outside of the main project one. And I am using kotlinx serialization and coroutines in all of them.

    I've tried to make the sample as dummy as possible. It just includes references between library modules, and kotlinx and coroutines, to replicate the issue in my real project.

    When you open the sample for the first time, it will most likely work. Please close it at least once, and after opening, make sure you do: - Sync project with Gradle files - Build > Clean project

    In the 2nd or 3rd attempt after restarting the project, you will start seeing the error, and then no more successful compilation.

    I've opened an issue with Google, but this may or may not be reviewed soon. https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/183632446

    I welcome any ideas how to resolve this problem. A deadline is looming and I am running in circles with this issue for 3 days already.

    submitted by /u/dimitar71
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    Things I Misunderstood About Kotlin Coroutine Cancellations and Exceptions

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 06:18 AM PDT

    Random emails asking to host apps in your account

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 01:19 PM PDT

    Anyone else get random emails to host someone else's apps in your Google play developer account in exchange for some weekely or monthly payment? It seems sketchy as fuck so I delete all these emails, just wonder who else get these.

    submitted by /u/thedrizzle2099
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    While doing MVVM you use Use Cases?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 01:07 PM PDT

    Hi i'm a Junior Android dev and i often get confused with all the diferent ways of doing the same things. And i dont know which one is a better option.

    Yesterday i red this articule about Use Cases on Android and i have some doubts


    The app i'm working on right now dosent have Uses Cases, Like the Viewmodels just consumes the repositories.

    After reading the article I understood the importance of separation of concerns but using repositories and viewmodels already do this, right?

    So i'm asking if you use UsesCases in your proyects.

    submitted by /u/PegsTheEmitter
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    What happens to Httpcanary I can't find the app on PS?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 09:13 AM PDT

    I am using Httpcanary for the past 2 years and it really helps me a lot I can't find the app on PS does anyone knows what happened to the app?

    Httpcanary Logo

    submitted by /u/Null_Execption
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    Broken Search engine

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 12:14 PM PDT

    Google, fuckduckgo, yahoo, etc all instantly close before I can type anything, but I can use tor just fine. Have reset multiple times and phone is up to date

    submitted by /u/psychidelicate
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    Android Style Guide

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 02:38 AM PDT

    I created a Style Guide for Android Kotlin Development taking resources from various places. Please let me know if I can make any changes to make it better. Star the repository if you like it and feel free to contribute.

    Only suggestion that is not welcome is to use Spaces instead of Tabs😅

    GitHub Repository

    submitted by /u/Darkaran0
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    Firebase crashlytics receiving logs from unkown apps

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 11:02 PM PDT

    So I have registered only one app in the firebase project and had been receiving crash logs only related to that app. But recently I have noticed that I am getting crash logs from other apps as well, which I don't own, these logs also show that app version is higher than the version released on playstore. Could someone please help me in figuring out why is this happening and how can I avoid it?

    submitted by /u/dattebayoguy
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    App privacy policy and automatic play store crash reporting

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 04:19 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I have a question regarding the privacy policy for my application I want to publish. I am an experienced android developer, but I don't usually publish by my own. This would be my first one in a long time after gdpr became active.

    My app is actually free to use, does not need any permission (not even network) and I do not collect any data nor do I use crash reporting services.

    BUT, what is about the automatically collected data from Google's own crash reporting (ANR etc in Play Store). To my knowledge the user has to opt in and I have no option to turn this off by myself.

    Do I need to include this into my privacy policies? How do you handle this?

    (I am aware that there can't be any legal advice)

    submitted by /u/JacksOnF1re
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    Best android development tablet in 2021

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 04:02 AM PDT

    Hello everybody,

    I should propose the purchase of an Android tablet to the company I work for, with the purpose of app development.

    To be honest, I don't know what are the key features that a development-tablet should have...

    Perhaps an easy unlocking of the root permission and guaranteed updates to the next versions of Android...

    Anyway, any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/limdev92
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    Is there a website where I can use shared code for components?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 06:58 AM PDT

    I'm new to the android development and this semester we are supposed to make a android app. My question is whether there's a website where people share their code and other users can use it. Similar in web development. Mainly for some style components like buttons, slide bars etc. Don't want to reinvent the wheel.

    submitted by /u/panveduci
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    For those on-business trip programmer,How to make an intelligent travel app which consists of Considerate travel reminders、Weather forecast and Push messages,so that your partner can enjoy the cherry blossoms in the best possible and romantic way?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 02:42 AM PDT

    I think I've reached my peak as a beginner and not improving as much.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 05:43 PM PDT

    I started learning Android development in my spare time about a year ago. I've learned a lot. I understand the fundamentals. I'm fairly up to date with the latest trends and technologies. I'm familiar with most of the Jetpack libraries. But lately, I feel like I'm not learning or improving my skills as much. I find myself stuck with creating the same old basic MVVM apps that fetch and cache data from an API, then display the items on the RecyclerView.

    I tried doing custom views and complex animations involving MotionLayout, but I find the learning curve for those is high for my skillset. So here I am feeling like I've reached a plateau as a beginner. And the only way to improve is to land a junior position and work on a real-world app and learning from the seniors.

    Did anyone go through something similar when they first started?

    submitted by /u/parkneiter
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