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    Saturday, January 9, 2021




    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 09:28 AM PST

    So this is my first post here and I hope I'm in the correct subreddit. I've been wanting to say this little story and it happened a couple of months ago when the Covid pandemic was already rampant hence we were working from home.

    So a bit of background, I am a (26F) software developer in a small private company where we specialise in custom applications. At times we receive calls from our clients [the system owners] or their users and provide them with tech support. It is important to note that since we have several systems done by different developers, some of us would be specialised in a certain system more than others, hence when the users call, we usually route it to one of the developers who implemented it.

    On this particular day, I was still setting up my laptop because I had suffered a hardware failure the previous day and the hard disk decided to go kaputt (What joy). I had just made myself some tea and was going to start the day when the phone rang and I picked it up. An agitated voice came from the other side

    $me : "Hello. This is Company XYZ"


    $me : "Hi miss, please tell me which system you are referring to, as to see whether I can help you"

    $user : "It's _____"

    $me: "I will check with someone who has access to that system as currently I cannot. Usually I take care of them but my laptop died yesterday and I'm still setting it up. What is happening exactly please?"

    $user : "I've forgotten my password and requested a new one! The new one didn't work and now I received like 5 emails from your side. MAKE IT STOOOOOOOOP AND MAKE MY PASSWORD WOOOORK"

    Meanwhile I was messaging my colleagues who I knew worked on this system whether they could give me a hand. Usually I handle this system myself but due to that hardware failure I mentioned, I couldn't be of use

    $me : "Is it showing any..error? Or messages? Maybe it would help us more?"

    $user: "YES IT IS SAYING IT IS INCORREEEEEECT. Please do help me as I have work to do and this is basically wasting my time! Why isn't my password working. Why is it so complicated to change a password???"

    I've checked with my colleagues and the developer ($dev1) who usually handles this issue hasn't come in yet

    $me : "Hi miss, Currently the person in charge of this isn't available yet but me your details with me please so that we can send you an email or call you when we have investigated. We shall try to get to you as fast as possible"

    So the user gives me her details and goes on her not-so-merry way. Meanwhile, I manage to contact another colleague ($dev2) to check whether we can check it off together from her machine since I still don't have access. We were checking logs, database errors, audit logs trying to debug the error. Not 10 minutes pass that this same user calls..

    $me : "Hello This is-"



    I stare dumbfounded at my laptop and call back $dev2 to try and help me out. Meanwhile the developer ($dev1) I was waiting for logged online and added him to the call.

    $me : "HEY I need your help, a user just called and she wants my head on a plate screaming at me as her password reset isn't working"

    $dev1: "Sure let's check"

    So we go through the audit logs and find out that she requested 10 password resets... Strange. We tried the password reset (on our accounts) ourselves, and lo and behold. It works. So we try to go through any log we can find.. server logs, check for any downtimes, error logs. Nothing. All is stellar.

    She calls again around 10 minutes later...I sigh and tell $dev1 to stay with me on the call as this wasn't going to be pleasant at all.

    $me: "Hello This is -"

    $user: "What did I tell you to STOP SENDING ME EMAILS!!!"

    $me: "Wait wait before you start shouting at me. I have a colleague who can help you and he is online. Like I said I CANNOT help you as my laptop died yesterday."

    I rope my colleague in the same call. Meanwhile we both go on Discord so we can communicate whilst one is muted.

    $dev1: "Hello Good Morning, can I help you?",

    Please note that my colleague is a male.

    $user: "Oh hello!"

    With the sweetest tone ever. No roughness, no demands, no aggression, no screaming.... Nothing. She heard a male's voice and just went cute puppy mode.

    $user: "My password isn't working! I tried telling your colleague but -"

    $dev1: "Yes she briefed me up and we are checking about it. Don't worry WE are trying to fix it but we need to ask you WHAT steps you took because we found 10 PASSWORD reset requests. That means that Either you or someone else is pressing the FORGOT PASSWORD and entering your id"

    $user: "Yes yes, me and my colleagues were pressing them as NONE of passwords wooooorked"

    So much for blaming me for sending her 10 passwords but anyway...

    $dev1: "Each time you press the button, the password will change and the system will send you a new email. Do you know that? Are you sure you are inserting the LATEST password?"

    $user "Yes I am Sure!!! I tried it multiple times but it is always showing me incorrect password. I even wrote it on a PIECE OF PAPER and typed in letter by letter but nothing is working! ohh please do help me! I'm pressed for work and this is wasting my tiiiime"

    $me: "Can you please try the process again whilst we are on the phone with you so we can catch any errors should they happen?"

    The user scoffs.

    $dev1: "Yes OP is right. Please do a password reset and tell us when it is done"

    $user: "Ohh okei! Give me a second because my computer is far away from my phone and I have to get to the table".

    Her sweet voice never falters when she speaks to $dev1

    So we hear her footsteps scuttling away whilst me and $dev1 are discussing about what could be the issue and monitoring any changes happening in the last few seconds / minutes

    $user : "I did the password reset"

    $dev1 : "Yes I can see it now, did you enter the password it gave you?"

    $user : "Yes and the saaaaaaame happened. It says the password is incorrect. What's wrong with your company and the passwords???"

    Me and $dev1 just went silent as we couldn't understand what the problem was. There were no errors. Nothing. I tried it, he tried - all worked. What could be the issue?

    $dev1: "Everything is working fine miss. Nothing is wrong from our side. Can you please send us the email you last received so we try it ourselves please?"

    $user: "Yes wait a second to get some paper and pen to write your emails"

    She scuttles off again whilst we are pondering what the issue is. Some seconds later

    $user: I am here, what are your emails?

    I proceed to spell out our email addresses and we hear her scuttling back to her computer to send us the email. Unbeknownst to her, we could still hear some of the background noise of her and her colleagues, and that's when we heard her voice, her glorious loud voice giving off the most exaggerated and surprised screech as if she has discovered some universal mystery.


    And I lost it. Oh dear reddit, I fucking lost it. I had tears streaming down my face, holding my sides trying not to fall from my chair. I was laughing so hard I nearly choked and my family members thought I was going bonkers. My colleague wasn't in a better shape but he managed to keep it more together. All that abuse I suffered from her, that morning, all that shouting, slamming of the phone, looking down on me ... Only to find her keyboard DOESN'T WORK had turned me into laughing maniacally.

    We hear her scuttling back to the phone whilst I muted completely as I was still laughing my ass off. Remember, she didn't know we were eavesdropping

    $user: "Hi, forget everything I said, the keyboard doesn't work. that's why the passwords weren't changing. when I was writing letter by letter I didn't notice they weren't working since they come up as black dots but whilst writing your email addresses I noticed!!! [She doesn't use copy / paste people]. I will tell the IT people to change my keyboard. Thank you and goodbyeeeeee"

    No apologies for her insults, her rudeness or her behaviour towards me (mostly suspecting because I'm a female). Nothing, as if nothing happened.

    She wasted an hour and a half in all...

    TL;DR - $user tries to reset password. Blames us for the incorrect ones. $user discovers most of her keyboard doesn't work.

    EDIT: The password sent by email is just a temporary and randomly generated password which will be changed upon first login with it. The actual password is safely stored and securely hashed just in case it wasn't clear :)

    EDIT2: the system has since changed and now their login is connected to an SSO they use so this password thing cannot happen again. The system was old, over 15 years and we were rewriting it. I cannot go into more specifics without giving me away but all I can say is it was a known issue and couldn't do much about it

    submitted by /u/SpaceyDacey
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    Fixing a weired problem, like a boss

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 02:45 PM PST

    $PM : Condescending project manager

    $Me : obviously, me

    I was at an entry level tech support job. It was a Monday, I woke up in a good mood and was feeling energetic so when I arrived at the company, I decided to take the stairs instead of the elevator. On the stairs I come across $PM.

    $Me: Good morning!

    $PM looks me in they eyes and doesn't reply.

    I don't think much about it and proceed the desk. An hour later, phone rings:

    $PM: Hi, I'm calling from the conference room and I have a presentation to do, what's the password for the PC

    $Me : I think it's password

    $PM: it's not working

    $Me: try anotherPassword

    $PM: still nothing

    $ME: I'm coming to check what's wrong

    $PM: Can you please send someone else, we don't have time to waste

    (He's implying that I'm not able to make it work)

    I still went to the conference room which was located on the floor just below. To my surprise, there were 5 people in there waiting and the CEO was present too. I have some anxiety issues so I started panicking.

    I greeted everyone by saying good morning and only one person replied. I typed the password and I got and error message that says "the trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain controller failed" which $PM didn't tell about on the phone.

    It was the first time I encounter this and I didn't know what to do. So I thought that if the domain controller couldn't trust the machine, then the machine doesn't need to communicate with it. I went under the table, unplugged the network cable, typed the password again and it worked! I didn't know how or why but it worked. I felt a huge relief and a confidence boost. I looked at the CEO and then at $PM I smiled and went out.

    submitted by /u/moe87b
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    For Demonstration Purposes Only

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 05:24 AM PST

    Hey, folks, Steve here again. As my name implies, I'm a slot techician, which means I fix the machines and get asked if I can rig it to win so many times, it might as well be a Friday Evening, Pre-Recorded sketch.

    Like my other stories, any names, brands, amounts, and locations that may appear have been changed for anonymity. Procedures and timelines may be changed if altering them does not break the flow of the story. Industry-standard terms (e.g. "TITO") have been left as-is.

    This happened a few months ago, so some details are fuzzy.

    It was a somewhat peaceful night so far in the casino. Calls for doors and other stupid-easy miscellany were down - so far, all save one or two calls were legitimate issues. At about 7:30, I was replacing some of the heads on the thermal printers (and chatting with $sup about the price of tea in China) when the radio crackled to life in my earpiece.

    $radio: "I need a slot tech to 2-Charlie-1501 for a patron dispute."

    $me: "2-Charlie-1501, be there in a minute."

    I knew the voice on the radio as Jenny, one of the better attendants. She was one of the better ones out there; she'd troubleshoot and do everything she could before calling us, and if she called in a patron dispute, it almost always meant one of two things: either she herself did not understand (and in such a case she'd hang around while I dug through the game rules and explained it to the patron), or she had already explained it to the patron and the patron refused to believe her.

    I set the printer parts aside and hiked upstairs to 2-CC-1501, where the patron was rambling on at her about how she saw this and how it did this and why didn't it pay her? Jenny saw me coming and stepped me aside to brief me:

    $jenny: "She says she won several times while playing this, but I can't find anything in the game history."

    I nod and Jenny goes back to deal with the patron while I check the credits on the game (zero), turn the audit key, and start doing my detective work. The game's history only goes back 20 games, so I start at the most recent and work my way back - there's some little wins here and there, but nothing on the scale that the patron was claiming - just ten credits here, fifteen there, so on and so forth - nothing out of the ordinary since they were playing 3 reels on a penny-denom 5-reel Royalty Mach 6 game.

    After thumbing through all twenty games, I turn my attention to the game's internal logs. Nothing out of the ordinary shows up, just the usual start-of-play, end-of-play, start-of-play, end-of-play, ticket print, and audit stuff. And then I notice the timestamps.

    03 Sep 19:34:36 2020 - Entered game recall 03 Sep 19:33:07 2020 - Audit mode - ON 03 Sep 19:26:51 2020 - Service Request - OFF 03 Sep 19:21:37 2020 - Service Request - ON 03 Sep 17:55:49 2020 - Ticket removed 03 Sep 17:55:46 2020 - Ticket print XXXXXXXXXXXXXX0001 $3.57 03 Sep 17:55:46 2020 - System authorization successful ... 

    ...Huh, that's over an h. I check the game recall screen's timestamps, and sure enough, the last play was a bit over an hour and a half ago.

    By now, the patron's finished their tirade, so I turn to them.

    $me: "How long ago were you playing?"

    $patron: "A few minutes ago! Can't you see it?"

    I turn back to Jenny, lean in, and softly advise her to call her manager. I hear her call for one and I go back to ticking boxes off the Standard Dispute Checklist - button test, video test, touchscreen test, the usual suspects. While I'm checking the logs one last time to make sure I didn't miss anything, Beth - the department manager on duty - arrives.

    Beth was a good manager. She took care of everyone in the department, and I'm actually disappointed she left at some point between this story and now.

    $beth: "Whatcha got, Steve?"

    $me: "She says she was playing a few minutes ago and was winning - quite a lot - and it never paid her. Last game recall says the last game played was at 5:54 this evening."

    $beth: "Okay. I'll call Big Brother1 and get them to run back the tape."

    $me: "Alright. Buttons all tested good, touchscreen's dead-on."

    Beth nodded and dismissed me, and I went back to fixing the printers in the tech shop while she did the needful.

    A couple of hours later, I see her back-of-house and talk shop with her.

    $me: "So what's the story on that dispute at 2-Charlie-15?"

    $beth: "Oh, it was the demo. Surveillance saw her watching the demo for a few minutes before she called an attendant."

    Reels turn on, electronic bells ring, and most likely, someone up in the surveillance room was laughing their butt off that day.

    1 We use a discreet codename for Surveillance when we're radioing them. We don't actually call them "Big Brother", however - that's just the anonymized name I chose for them.

    submitted by /u/SlotTechSteve
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