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    Wednesday, January 20, 2021

    Home Networking New home construction; would love some networking advice

    Home Networking New home construction; would love some networking advice

    New home construction; would love some networking advice

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 03:47 PM PST

    Hey everyone; thanks in advance for your help/time.

    I contracted on a new home recently (single family, ~2200 sqft) & want to have a clear picture in mind regarding how I want the networking laid out before I speak with the design consultant (which is where we decide on electrical stuff).

    I apologize in advance for being unfamiliar with some core concepts; this is new to me. That being said, I'm very tech savvy (I'm just not a network guy. I mention this so you have an idea for my needs).

    Basically, I want ethernet ports accesible throughout the house. I was initially only going to put them in my office & living room, but I've seen consistent advice to put them in every room, so that's likely the route I'll take.

    I'm likely going to go with CAT6, unless someone has some valid reasons for another choice.

    As far as I understand it, the general consensus of advice is this (questions in parentheses):

    • Have an ethernet jack (drop?) in every room
    • Run multiple cables to each drop (do the extra cables sit behind the wall as a just in case, or should I expose all the cables & have access to extra jacks at each plate?)
    • Terminate all cables at a centralized location (this basically means each cable connects to a "source" which is a patch panel in a closet somewhere, which is where I could connect my modem, correct? I've read people also attach their routers here, but if I'm not adding WAPs on the ceiling [don't think it's super necessary], it would make more sense to centralize my router. Would I lose anything instead connecting my router via an ethernet port elsewhere in the home?)

    Also, is it excessive to have 4 (or 6) ethernet jacks exposed on 1 panel (drop)? That's probably more than I need, but is what I'm thinking for my living room near my TV for all the consoles.

    Anything else I should know or consider would also be great.


    submitted by /u/TheBestNick
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    Connecting 2 modem/router together?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 09:16 AM PST

    Hi everyone,

    I'm purchasing a new modem/router combo to upgrade from 600mbps(ARRIS SURFboard SBG7400AC2) to 2gbps(NETGEAR Nighthawk (C7800)) The new one will be placed in the second floor as modem/router. I was wondering if I can connect the 600mbps to the new one and use it as a router in the first floor and make them work the same network.

    Edit: My setup would be second floor Nightwalk modem/router connect ethernet cable to first floor use Arris as router only (disable modem feature). And how I can do it.

    Edit: Use old device as an access point not router

    submitted by /u/dortiz9996
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    Looking to replicate a network

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 01:34 PM PST

    Looking to replicate a network

    I'm looking to replicate/create my own travel router. If you don't understand I'm trying to make what GLI has done here https://www.gl-inet.com/products/gl-mt1300/

    It runs on OpenWRT but if another OS would make this process easier I would go with that. I have a old router I'm looking to use. Could anyone tell me 1. If this is even possible and 2. Point me the direction of a good guide

    The point of the router would be for in a hotel or on public WiFi I could replicate the network and use my devices through a VPN and firewall As well as protecting my privacy.

    submitted by /u/Extraverrt
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    what causes packet loss

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 11:14 AM PST

    when im gaming in fortnite, and only fortnite, i sometimes have up to 50% packetloss. i play with a hard wired ethernet connection with 90mb average for speed, so what could be causing this?

    submitted by /u/Lopsided_Success3679
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    Wired router speed is half of modem speed

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 09:28 AM PST

    I live in student housing where they provide internet and a modem, the modem only has 1 output of internet connection so i need a router, don't know if this is the norm but its how it is done here anyway.

    The problem i am having is that my download speed is halved when I am is that my wired connection to my desktop is half though the router compared to just plugging into the modem. The router is Asus RT-AC51U Which I am aware of is not the fanciest piece of hardware. The download speed I am getting thourgh the google speedtest is just over 40 Mbps, which is again is half of what I get with a connection directly to the modem. No throttling of any kind is enabled on the router, only 3 devices are connected and generally only 1 is used at a time. Is the only solution a router switch?

    submitted by /u/PM_NOODlS
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    Will this Moca Fios setup work?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 07:59 PM PST

    So I'm moving my office into the living room and I previously had my setup as follows:

    ONT > Router > Ethernet > Switch > Peripherals. Because my ONT is my closet I have to run an Ethernet cable under my rug to the aforementioned setup. I was exploring the option of drilling a hole through my wall and fishing an Ethernet wire to my living room, But I'm certain I'll screw it up somehow. That's when I came across the MocA adapter. I'm currently using the Verizon issues G3110 router with 1gb speed. Ideally I would love to keep my speeds when I move into the new location. I am thinking of a setup as follow: ONT > Router >Ethernet > Moca 1 (bedroom) > Moca 2 (living room) > Switch > Peripherals. Would this setup allow me to maintain my speeds? From the forums I visited, the verdict seems pretty split on this. I don't want to shell out a bunch of money only for this to not work. Any advice would be amazing! Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Distinct_Fix
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    I seek your council. Cousin moving in on opposite end of property...

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 07:47 PM PST

    Hello everyone. I'm basically a noob when it comes to home networks. I have a cousin of mine moving onto our property, into a small apartment about 85 feet away (maybe less) from my xfinity gateway router thing. My step Dad wanted to run ethernet from my router then underneath the house, then to the apartment. I thought I would ask this guy at work who says he knows a lot about IT and whatnot, he said to get a repeater. That running ethernet outside or under the house was a bad idea. "Fantastic!", I thought to myself...problem solved. Just get a repeater.

    Well I did a little research tonight and apparently that's a terrible idea. So know I'm like...wtf do I do now? The gateway is in my room connected to my PC via ethernet (my pc has no wifi card or whatever). We have several family members that live on the property, but none of us really game very much, mostly just stream. The signal strength at the other end of the house isn't very great already, and when I had my wifi analyzer app open in the apartment my cousin is going to live in I didn't even see the network on that app.

    I tried doing research on my own, it seems like a few decent options are getting that google wifi three pack thing, or getting an AP and hooking up my gateway to it via ethernet and setting up the AP on the opposite side of the house near the apartment.

    Please help me out on the correct course of action here. It would be much appreciated!

    Thank You

    submitted by /u/Odolinsky
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    RT-AX89X: 10GbE Ethernet Port Troubleshooting Help Needed

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 12:57 PM PST

    I finally received my RT-AX89X from B&H the other day and have spent the morning finally setting it up, but I've hit a pretty serious snag. I bought this router so I could connect my server's 10GbE Ethernet LAN port into the 10GbE Ethernet port of the RT-AX89X to improve bandwidth and local data and storage throughput on my devices. So it's pretty important that I get this part working otherwise this router is just overpriced and useless. I called ASUS on the phone a little while ago for help, and the "solution" was to RMA the router before they could help me. I mean, come on. So below is the email I just sent them in hopes I'll have better luck this way. Maybe one of you can help me out too.

    To ASUS:

    "I purchased an RT-AX89X about four months ago and only just received it a few days ago. I've spent most of this morning setting it up, and everything seems to be working great, with the exception of the 10GbE Ethernet port which I cannot get to work at all. That's the whole reason I blew so much on this router. And since the instructions for such an exorbitantly priced router didn't even mention the 10Gb ports at all, I called ASUS tech support... and they literally had no clue what I was talking about and said I'd have to RMA it for help. That is so beyond ridiculous, and I am beyond mad about this. So hopefully this email will land with someone who can actually help.

    The situation is simple. I have a server PC with a working 10GbE Ethernet port that I would like to plug into the 10GbE Ethernet port on the RT-AX89X. The cable being used is a CAT8 cable capable of much higher speeds. I went through a ton of research before buying this RT-AX89X router that led me to believe I could use the 10GbE Ethernet port of the RT-AX89X just like any other LAN port on the RT-AX89X. It seems that is not the case.

    If I plug my PC's 10GbE LAN into one of the RT-AX89X's 1GbE LAN ports, my PC recognizes the connection with no issues. However, if I plug my PC's 10GbE LAN into the RT-AX89X's 10GbE Ethernet port, nothing happens. My PC doesn't recognize the connection, there are no lights on the router or PC, and the RT-AX89X's web interface says the 10GbE port is "Unplugged" when it clearly is not. So what am I missing here?? I should just be able to plug my PC's 10GbE LAN into the RT-AX89X's 10GbE Ethernet port like I would any other LAN port, and it should work... so what's the deal???

    I've tried everything from different cables to resetting the router to even putting another 10GbE Ethernet card into my PC. Nothing works. And I'd like to avoid an RMA. So please, help me. I have spent so much time and money upgrading all of my gear to natively work with this RT-AX89X router. I really need this router to work. So please, if someone can fix this, I'd appreciate it greatly. Thanks."

    submitted by /u/domiluci
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    Streaming question

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 07:36 PM PST

    If I have a Netflix hd stream and my tv up converts to 4K does that use more data? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/gators444
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    Limiting the bandwidth intake of a device

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 05:22 PM PST

    So my problems is the speed of the internet when my family office computer is turned on. This thing for whatever reason suck up so much bandwidth and when it's on, other device don't get access to the internet. We have updated our connection to a higher speed plan and I thought that would solve the problem but It didn't . The thing is wired and I have tried to limit it through the router setting from 60-70 mbps to 5 mbps and it seems to only let the pc get to that.....but it doesn't seems to solve the problems of when it's on it slow down all the other wireless device going from 65mbps to like 2mbps and the ping from 45 to 300 even know there's a limiter on the wired pc.....can you guys help to find out the problem here

    submitted by /u/Dada_Smurf
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    Networking Issues in Home Enviroment

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 04:47 PM PST


    I am having internet issues that are becoming too large to ignore any further. Severe inconstancy in internet availability. This could happen several times an hour where the internet will be cut out for several minutes. When the internet is working the speeds are completely adequate and I have no complaints. This happens to every device in the building (about 10-12 devices) which are all connected to the verizon G3100 router wirelessly. My theory is that the problem is external to the building where the ISP connects their network to the building potentially a faulty or broken splitter but I would love to hear your comments.

    Thank You!!

    submitted by /u/Solo_Nol0
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    ZBoost help

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 04:40 PM PST

    My father bought a zboost signal extender about 3-4 ago, but it never really changed anything I tried to move it to a window. He was also wondering if he could use any external antenna or does it need to be branded? Anything helps.


    submitted by /u/AWESOMEMAN1757
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    Mesh network speeds question

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 06:30 PM PST


    I am planning to setup a mesh wireless network at our house, and I am moving from 3x routers working as access points w/ separate SSIDS. Our house has a wide footprint & constantly switching between routers is not working well (and is a pain).

    I purchased the 2x ASUS ZenWiFi XT8 w/ two units which I plan to setup, but couldn't stomach the extra cost for the 3rd unit just yet. My question is that I already have an ASUS Lyra Voice mesh AC2200 wifi router which I was wondering if I could/should add into the two ZenWifis when I receive? Would it be worth it to extend my range? Am I sacrificing any speed by doing so considering the new system is tri-band wifi 6 etc? I've linked the products I have to help bring context & specs to my question.

    Also, I currently only have 60mb/s ISP through the cable company, but was considering a fiber option down the road.

    Thank you in advance for any suggestions or information.




    submitted by /u/Ryman526
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    Just needed to comment

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 01:28 PM PST

    The thing that cat 7/A cable (I'm speaking of raw solid core cable) is so popular in europe is mostly driven by the Germans, it's an mix of laws we need to follow. New cabling for commercial (enterprise) buildings needs to be at last ISO/IEC 11801 class Ea certified. Every single communication wire needs to be shielded and Grounded.

    Cat7 has a higher package density as cat6a STP and is much smaller in size. Cat7 is so popular that in fact it's most of the time the cheapest option to buy. If we want to buy only cat6a we have to import it from the US. (My monoprice slimrun patch cable just did a word tour)

    We install full shielded Class Ea rated keystones (E-Dat design) on the cables or use Krone LSA-PLUS punchdowns (568A because our post system uses the same color scheme since Adolf Hittler)

    I see a lot of hate against Cat7 cables and "Boooo, Cat7 does not exist and is a scam" shouting. That's 50/50 true 😂 no one uses Class F or Fa , no one uses GG45 or Tera and Cat7 Patch cable marketing promise's are in fact a scam

    But we Germans love Cat7 raw Cable

    submitted by /u/mastertryce
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    Asus Smart Connect can't communicate between 2.4 and 5 Ghz

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 06:20 PM PST

    Hey I have an Asus RT-AC3200 and I am running into a very strange problem. I cannot access devices on the other network

    eg. while on the 5.0 ghz network I cannot ping or connect to anything on the 2.4 and vise versa, however I can connect to devices hardwired.

    I have multiple computers connected to the 5.0 ghz network and I can easily access my network storage but I have to manually switch my network band to 2.4 (in device manager > my NIC properties> advanced>802.11 wireless mode) in order to print to a printer that refuses to connect to my 5 ghz network. I am ready to just get a refund on the printer and figure out another solution there but I would like to be able to have those 2 networks bridged in the router which should be possible. Is there a check box I am missing because I feel like it should be working already but it obviously doesn't currently.

    submitted by /u/Sky4k
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    Powerline vs Ethernet Ping

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 03:27 AM PST

    Unfortunately I have to move my xbox from living room to another room. In the living room it was connected with Ethernet to router so my ping in warzone was 50ms.

    I wonder If I buy 2 powerline that will be connected using the cable ethernet will I have the same ping ?

    I think I can accept 70-80s .it will be better than wifi.

    Can you suggest a model ? I need just the wire , no wifi

    submitted by /u/ignade82
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    My ethernet is limited to 100mbps, I tried everything and it's still limited.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 03:46 PM PST

    So basically I recently upgraded from a 100mbps to 200mbps internet connection but my cat 6 ethernet cable connected to my PC is giving me only 100mbps, I did these things:

    1- Set the Speed and Duplex to (1Gbps Full Duplex).

    2- Cut the rj45 connectors of the cable on both sides (the router and the pc side), and connected new connectors, didn't work.

    3- Bought a network cable tester (BS-468), tested the cable and it showed me that the cable was fine, and flashed all the 8 lights in the order(on both the tester and the remote).

    4- Tested the cable on another device (my laptop) and it gave it only 100mbps also.

    5- Connected another cable I have on the same PC and it gave me full 1Gbps so the problem is not from the PC (I guess).

    The cable is connected directly from the router to my PC.

    My PC motherboard is (b450m ds3h) and it has 1Gbps ethernet speed.

    I bought the cat 6 cable back two years ago. it's 40 meters, cut it into two cables one is 15 meters and the other is 25 meters, the one that is connected to my pc and giving me 100mbps only is the 25 meters one, the other one (the 15 meters cable) which is connected to another device is giving me full 1Gbps.

    I'm really frustrated because both the PC and the cable are working fine as I tested them all, As well as the router.

    The problem is that it would be a big hassle to change the cable as it's connected outdoor and needs big work to redo all the steps that I did before. if that's the only option left, then I would do it but I would be F***ED if it still didn't work.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Impact_Downtown
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    Access Point delivers half speed with 2.4GHz but full speed with 5GHz

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 05:56 PM PST

    Hi guys!

    I have a problem with my home connection. My main router delivers full speed with both bands but it doesn't matter which AP I connect to the main router, it just delivers half or less than half speed with the 2.4GHz band but full speed with 5GHz band. What could be the reason?

    I own a Tp-link Archer C6 AP and the main router is an Askey RTF8115VW. They are wired connected. My internet connection is 200Mbps.

    submitted by /u/OkReflection9525
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    Can I have all devices on a managed switch using 10.X.X.X connect to a router using 192.X.X.X?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 12:48 PM PST

    Hi, sorry for the basic question, but I've suddenly had to learn some networking stuff real quick.

    I have a managed switch that I need to put a few devices on. The devices must retain static IP addresses in the 10.X.X.X network. This switch needs to get to the internet using an existing router that must live in the 192.X.X.X range.

    I assume this is possible but I don't know how to start searching for this answer. My managed switch is a TP Link T1600G, so it provides Layer 2 and some Layer 3 services.

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/FatAngryNerd
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    AirPrinters over several Access points

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 12:37 PM PST

    How does AirPrint work over a network of several access points, all with the same SSID to ensure seamless roaming? From experience I have realised that sometimes it works from the access point furthest away from the printer, and sometimes it does not. Is there a way to connect a printer such that you are able to print from any corner of the house?

    submitted by /u/trojanlocos
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    Is the Alula BAT LTE a modem? Please help identify my modem!

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 09:23 AM PST

    Is the Alula BAT LTE a modem? Trying to locate my modem.

    Hi all, I bought my house 10 years ago and, stupid me, thought router and modem are the same. Also noticed that I was being charged $8/month by my ISP - it just said "equipment fee", so I assumed it was for some cable in my backyard. She, basically, I have paid almost a $1,000 for a $200 (at most) modem. I called the ISP to help identify the make and model but the kept transferring me back and forth (assume they don't want to lose the money).

    I checked this online and it says it's an Alula BAT LTE. The description says it's a "4G LTE cellular technology, remote panel programming and universal panel support". I did not see the word "modem" specifically.

    Thank you for all the help.

    submitted by /u/dayo_aji
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    I still lag when gaming with a cat6 ethernet

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 03:16 PM PST

    So for the past two years I have played using wifi extenders and connecting via Ethernet to them. One plugged into the router and one in my wall by my Xbox. When no one is in the house I get 20/30 ping/latency however this is very rare. It always changed and was very unstable. Going from 30 to 100 to 300 back to 50 etc. I thought changing to Ethernet would give me stable lower ping. However so far (plugged it in only 3 hours ago) I have not experienced below 100 ping / latency and it's not necessarily stable either. My download speeds and upload have improved and are consistent but latency is still bad. The cat6 Ethernet cable I have runs straight from the back of my router to my Xbox but is 15m long. Any suggestions for how to improve my latency as that is the most important factor for gaming and has never been good.

    submitted by /u/vTrade_Ups
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    Unifi Based Learning Materials?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 01:31 PM PST

    I'm looking to get as much knowledge as possible through a course or something similar. I have Unifi gear, and while I can manage it and understand a bit more than basic concepts, I want to master it.

    The support section on the Unifi website is a very helpful resource, and I'll definitely be referencing it often, but does anyone know of any other resources? Maybe a Udemy course or a YouTube channel (I love Crosstalk Solutions, so I've got that one at least)?

    submitted by /u/Pi_ofthe_Beholder
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    Home VOIP system

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 09:02 AM PST


    I'm new to VOIP, but wanted to know if what I need is possible.

    I have a gate intercom system that communicates across the blue/orange twisted pair of Cat5, its basically a telephone signal. This signal allows voice communication from the intercom to the house and allows a code to be sent to activate a relay for opening the gate. The gate is to far from the house to run a hardline.

    When I talked to the intercom company, I was told that the unit I bought would be able to output across VOIP, but after looking at the manual, this is not the case. Communication is handled across a phone line.

    My initial plan was to connect a router at the gate which would communicate to the house by using Ubiquiti Nanostations.

    What I was looking from VOIP was just communication from the gate intercom to the house on my internal network. It cannot access the outside internet. From what I've read this should be fine as long as I set up my own PBX server.

    So can I just take a VOIP adapter connect it to the intercom output then beam the signal to my house and use a VOIP handset to interact with the gate intercom? If so, is there a specific adapter that someone could recommend?


    submitted by /u/Rekkr79
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    HELP - First time Server Setup & CONFIG through LINUX Console with EdgeRouter (as host/server)

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 05:10 PM PST

    Hi! I am very new when it comes to Networking and I wanted to learn about Home Network and Servers. So I bought a EdgeRouter 12 from Ubiquiti. I've been reading that if you are going to work with stuff like this "you need to start getting familiar with Linux!" so I also got Manjaro running via Virtual Machine. So, what I need help with or guidance is setup. (I saw someone do this on YouTube but never explained how it was done): I have a picture that I want a friend to be able to access through his network at home through a server I made (will make) with the EdgeRouter 12.
    Did that make sense? (sorry for my English). I want to config all this through the Manjaro console.
    I know the router/switch has a user interface but I figured it would be too easy, so I want to do it through Console "config"/scripting using Manjaro OS.
    So: IP + jpg + Friend can access the IP and get the picture up on his browser at home.

    submitted by /u/Xi_Un
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