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    Saturday, April 25, 2020

    Teacher tells me that she doesn't need drivers for device, ends up needing drivers Tech Support

    Teacher tells me that she doesn't need drivers for device, ends up needing drivers Tech Support

    Teacher tells me that she doesn't need drivers for device, ends up needing drivers

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 09:18 PM PDT

    Tldr at the bottom

    So im in high school, but it happens to be a trade school. I'm in a networking/technical support program there, and us students are sometimes sent down to assist teachers, albeit without admin/Telecom permission, to help teachers and staff with various technical issues. These can range from desktops having no internet access to a bad DVD drive. It helps us a lot with the troubleshooting and support process, which is nice.

    Recently, my school got these touch screen TV things that I think ran some version of Android, but could be used as a second monitor, and we have about 5 of them total. Think smart board but higher resolution and with no projector. We were also, prior to lockdown, hit by a nasty ransomware that had the entire school district down for a while. After the issue was resolved and we were given a prompt lesson in imaging (not that we haven't learned about it but it's nice to have hands in experience), we had decided to finally upgrade to windows 10, which would cause lots of problems down the line...

    Anyway, after the upgrade, a teacher with one of these new TVs was having trouble getting it set up as secondary display for her PC, and she wasn't the only one. One teacher, however, had a new PC from the district. And his TV worked, so I went to see how his was set up after failing to troubleshoot and correct the issue. And I had tried everything, from new display adapters because these pics don't have HDMI, only DP and VGA, to using the built in VGA on the TV. I asked specifically if she had any drivers installed or any software for the display on her PC prior to the ransomware at all, about 5 different times. She was adamant that she did not.

    The setup I went to inspect also did not appear to have drivers either when looking through the files and asking him. He said he plugged it in and it worked. Odd. I honestly didn't know what to do, and I feel like I failed. I legitimately questioned whether I should be in the program at all it if I had missed something obvious.

    A few weeks later, I get sent around the building to fix a few DVD drives and swap a sata cable. I end up at a computer lab with a corrupt OS on the teachers PC. And as I was marking everything down to report back to my teacher, I saw the lady who's TV wouldn't work, and she mentioned she got it fixed. I asked what the issue was.....

    Drivers.... Telecom installed drivers....

    I put on my customer service face and said "glad to hear it."


    Teacher insisted she did not need drivers for external smart display of sorts.... Ended up needing drivers

    Edit: I thought that, since the touch screen feature hadn't been used on these at all that maybe it'd be fine to plug and play as a second display, almost like a GPU without drivers that you don't use to game.

    submitted by /u/LurkerPro_0
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    Accurate Reporting is Hard

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 11:24 AM PDT

    The top half of this I'd forgotten I'd already written about: Trust, but Verify. Basically our Security team did more dumb this week and I wanted to vent about other times they were terrible. Below is the update to my first tale.

    Thanks u/zybexx for pointing this out.

    After Windows Updates, Security came to us about one of their monitoring tools. They claimed almost 600 machines were running outdated versions of the tool, and another 200 machines were missing it outright. I first point out that their console can push updated version of the tool out and update itself, so they need to figure out why they weren't updating. And I also immediately question their numbers, asking if we can be given access to the console to check for ourselves. We were denied. Management considers the PCs missing this software as IMPORTANT, and as such, this was TOP PRIORITY, and that we needed to focus on this, with daily meetings to follow.

    We spent the rest of the first day trying to confirm the number of PCs missing software. We suspect they are probably wrong and want to see how many we think we need to fix. We don't even attempt to install the tool on any PCs, nor do we get a list of what we think the accurate number is.

    The next day, in the meeting:

    SecTech: Great job guys. The list is already down to 125 machines!

    Me: Really? That's interesting, we didn't touch a single PC on that list yesterday.

    SecTech: Really?

    Me: Really. So how did your numbers change that much? Let us see the list.

    We took the list and compare it to the previous day's list. Almost 150 machines from the first list are not on the second. And another 75 are new to the second list.

    Management: Ok, clearly there are issues with their reports. They will get them worked out and give us the new number.

    After a week, they gave us a new number. 30. 30 machines missing the tool. And for once we confirmed their report with our numbers. Our manager finally believes our numbers first now.

    submitted by /u/TheRubiksDude
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