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    Saturday, April 25, 2020

    OnePlus Why I'm returning my 8 pro (detailed list)

    OnePlus Why I'm returning my 8 pro (detailed list)

    Why I'm returning my 8 pro (detailed list)

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 02:07 PM PDT

    After using the 8 pro for a little while, I have mixed feelings, but ultimately decided it's not the upgrade I want from my Pixel 2XL. There are many things I like and many I don't, so I'm going to break them down and explain why this phone isn't worth it for me. Hopefully this helps someone debating getting the new phone.

    The screen

    Starting out with a mixed bag. The 120hz refresh rate is nice and is noticeably smoother than my Pixel 2XL, but isn't as revolutionary as I thought it would be. I'm a PC gamer and use a 120hz display every day, and in that scenario, more refreshes makes a Huge difference. On a phone screen, I categorize 120hz as a nice to have, but I frankly would just as quickly buy a 90hz phone as my next upgrade.

    This is the first phone I've had with curved screen edges, and I'm not a fan of them, but probably not for the reason you expect. On my Pixel 2XL, I get lots of accidental presses when using one-handed, but I don't on the 8 pro. I like OP's edge-press detection. The screen's visual performance on the edge, however, is not what I was expecting (maybe that's my fault). The pixels of the display always emit their light perpendicular to the body, so along the edges, it's like looking at the phone at a 45 degree angle. It's dark and the colors get shifted. And when watching videos, the darkness on the top and bottom is always there unless you're watching a 21:9 movie.

    Screen color and the defects: yes my phone has the green tint, uniformity, dark bar defect, and it's noticeably distracting for me. The Gboard theme I use has a dark grey background and I like my brightness around 30% indoors. The green tint irks me and I don't think this $1000 phone should have this nuisance. Other colors, specifically at 60%+ brightness, look really good. Disclaimer, I'm coming from a Pixel 2XL, infamous for having a poor OLED.

    Some more quick screen notes: It gets bright. Really bright. I've loved using the phone in well lit rooms and outside. And in the dark it's good too. I use Boost as my reddit app, and in the blackest dark theme there is. On my Pixel 2XL on lowest brightness, the pixel response time was really bad and text would smear across the screen when scrolling. Not one the 8 pro. Probably the refresh rate demanding better pixel response time, but scrolling on black backgrounds has been great.


    There's not much to complain about with the design of this phone, all things I could live with. The camera bump is huge and the phone sits like a ramp when it's on a table. I have the black version, and it's a subdued design, not flashy whatsoever. Fingerprint magnet though, but I was prepared for that. The ring/silent slider is clicky and firm, and as someone who never takes their phone off vibrate, I'm confident it'd never switch on accidentally like it did on my old iphones. The hole-punch camera is fine, I stopped seeing it after an hour. But it is still weird to not have the time set perfectly in the corner. Overall, I like the design choices on the 8 pro and would like to see them in a smaller device (of equivalent features).

    Size and weight

    This was the most surprising thing to me. I am 6'4" and have quite long fingers, so I was looking forwards to getting a bigger phone. But this isn't it (for me). The 20:9 aspect ratio makes the screen really tall, and from a normal one-handed grip, I cannot reach the top of the phone with my thumb, much less the top left corner where so many menu buttons are located (and normally I'd swipe from the left edge to open those menus, but the curved screen makes that really difficult when using gesture navigations). The height also makes the balance in the hand wonky, because when I'm holding it normally, ~40% of the weight is above my grip.

    And the weight. I was not prepared for the weight of the 8 pro. The phone in the hand feels about 50% heavier than my Pixel 2XL, I'm not sure what the spec sheets say about that comparison. Using the phone for an hour with one hand makes my wrist feel strained and aches afterwards. I realize that there are many reasons and explanations for the weight increase over my Pixel 2XL: it's glass backed, it's bigger, it has a bigger battery. For me, however, the size and weight of the 8 pro is a downside and I'll stick to smaller phones in the future.

    Features / other

    I like having an in-screen fingerprint reader, but I dislike OP's particular implementation. When the phone is sitting, you need to wake the phone with a tap, button press, or lift to activate the scanner's scanning. I'm not sure how that works on other phones, but it makes getting into the 8 pro feel slow, for a phone all about speed. Also the scanner itself is slower than my Pixel 2XL's, but it's usable.

    I've missed the always-on display more than anything else form my Pixel 2XL. I know that OP is working on it and that there's apps that give you that feature, but it's a sorely missed feature for me Today, and those apps are too janky for me to run, personally.

    Oxygen OS is great. It's way more customizable than the pixel launcher and feels great to use. One thing is that there's a noticeable delay between clicking the volume buttons and the slider appearing on screen. Little nitpick.

    The speakers are also good. Coming from the Pixel 2XL, which has balanced, if not a little quiet, stereo speakers, I was slightly impressed by the 8 pro's stereo solution. The earpiece emits more of the high pitches and voices in videos, but volume balance between it and the bottom speaker is good. It gets loud, but the sound is abrasive past 75% and I would sound quality bad past 90%.

    Wireless charging. Just yes. My next phone must have this feature because it's fantastic. (Tangent review of the 30W wireless charger, the thing is audible from 20 ft away and reviewers who said it was quiet in their review, idk what they're talking about. If this is next to your gaming PC, it'll be heard, but tolerable. If it's next to your bed, you'll be using that bedtime mode in the settings.)

    I went into motion-smoothing expecting to hate it, but I can't say that I do. I've come across one instance where it incorrectly inserted a frame after a cut and it was jarring, but it works well enough and if you want that look, this does it just fine.

    The phone gets warm-hot during use. Just watching youtube in bed this morning, the back shell became warm to the touch, but it's not dangerous levels for light use. If you use the wifi hotspot though, it will literally cook itself. Using the Oneplus switch app to copy my stuff over made an overheating warning pop up, and the phone forced the cpu to thermal throttle, disabled the hotspot (fitting name, actually), and lowered brightness to compensate. I don't see it being a problem in day to day use, but possibly in the long-term with battery longevity.

    While writing, I noticed that when I shake the phone from the bottom it sounds like something is moving around the camera array. Maybe it's OIS, but this shouldn't happen.

    I didn't touch on things that aren't important to me or that I am not qualified to critique, like the cameras, 5G, etc.

    Concluding thoughts

    I was really excited to get this phone. I watched videos about it every day until it arrived at my door. And I really wanted to love it. But it doesn't feel like an upgrade from my Pixel 2XL, it feels like a side-grade. I had an idea of what I wanted in my next phone, like wireless charging, a big, bright display, and 120hz. Using the Oneplus 8pro showed me what I don't need/can't tolerate in a phone too: the tall 20:9 screen, a heavy package, no always-display, etc. If the smaller Oneplus 8t reifies these issues, I'll consider that in the future.

    So far, Oneplus support has been good for me during this return process, but from what I've read on this subreddit, ymmv.

    I just find it sad that this phone didn't live up to the brand mantra. Never Settle is so catchy, but for me, what the 8pro provides comes with too many compromises to justify the $1000 price tag.

    I'm not hating on the phone or the brand. I think it's a good product for someone, just not me. I hope this overview helped a prospective buyer, and I'll be in the comments if you want to discuss anything. Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/n7_trekkie
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    7T or 7T Pro McLaren

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 05:58 AM PDT

    Which is better and why? They seem similar on paper but the McLaren doesn't have a notch which is my preference.

    submitted by /u/phero1190
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    I created a simple macro that sets refresh rate to 60 Hz while in Battery Saver mode on 7P/7T/7TP

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    So I think that it would be nice of OnePlus if refresh rate could be decreased while in Battery Saver mode. There is no such option unfortunately. However, I thought of a solution.

    Some of you guys probably heard of forcing 90 Hz refresh rate on devices utilizing this feature. It requires simple ADB command. I thought why not use exactly this to set screen refresh rate via MacroDroid (or Tasker, I am sure it's possible there as well, but I am using MacroDroid).

    The macro is extremely simple:

    • it uses Battery Saver enabled/disabled trigger

    • it runs the command that sets the refresh rate using WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission

    Just make sure that MacroDroid or Tasker has the required permission. You can learn how to grant it here:

    For Tasker: https://tasker.joaoapps.com/userguide/en/help/ah_secure_setting_grant.html

    For MacroDroid: https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/macrodroid/granting-write_secure_settings-permission-via-adb-t2923.html

    You can download the macro I made here (for MacroDroid): https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1wJrkkhgXm9fQDduK0utu1PfiemdW40m6

    The "oneplus_screen_refresh_rate" can be followed by three values:

    0 - means force 90 Hz

    1 - means 60 Hz

    2 - means auto 90 Hz

    So, depending on if you use forced 90 Hz or not you may change the value that I set for myself (I use forced 90 Hz).

    The refresh rate goes back to 90 Hz (auto or forced depending to your liking) after disabling Battery Saver.

    Hope some of you guys find it useful. I don't know how about the 8 serie but it should be something similar.

    submitted by /u/Godecki
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    Yeah my screen has done this 3/4 times now.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    My non-professional, day-to-day OnePlus 8 Pro camera test on a mostly cloudy day

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    Imgur Album Here


    I upgraded from a OnePlus 6 and wanted to see the differences in day-to-day photos. I'm definitely not a professional, and I used the stock camera app. Many pictures are taken while walking or without much preparation, because that's how most of us take pictures in our day-to-day lives. We just open the camera and click. I didn't edit any of these, and I didn't adjust any settings except I enabled Macro Mode in several shots, and I also tried to use 48mp in some pictures, but the camera app always reverts back to 12mp for some reason when you close and reopen the app. HDR is on by default, so I left it on.


    Overall, from my perspective, outdoor shots don't look any better than on the OnePlus 6. I might have been able to notice a slight difference had I taken comparisons, but it's certainly not a night-and-day difference. I don't think this is a camera problem so much as we've reached the era of "most smartphone cameras are pretty good". I've noticed from indoor shots that the 8 Pro is much better with low or unfavorable lighting, but if you're taking a walk and see a cool building or whatever, it's going to be about the same no matter what you use.

    On both phones, I wish it did a better job with background detail. You'll see on pictures like this one that it absolutely destroys the fence in the background. Is this a OnePlus problem or a smartphone problem? Both the 6 and 8 have had problems with this type of image.

    However, the macro lens is phenomenal. I'm not sure when I'm actually going to use it, but it does a fantastic job of letting you get as close as you want. If you ever find an interesting plant or perspective, this is pretty cool.

    submitted by /u/mouthofrandom
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    Slight green tint improvement via OTA, OOS 10.5.5

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    My 6 is screwed

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    I dropped it this morning pretty hard on its face. It had a case so nothing broke, but the screen has been deteriorating pretty fast.

    5 minutes after I dropped it

    2 hours later

    RIP 8/2018 - 4/2020

    submitted by /u/herbertportillo
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    OxygenOS 10.3.3 update for the OnePlus 6 and 6T brings April 2020 patches

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 05:12 PM PDT

    OP8Pro Touch Lag/Screen Sensitivity

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    It's very,very bad. Any ideas what could be causing this? It's making the phone awful to use.

    submitted by /u/Ghostdr1
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    Google 3.5mm to USB C adapter's DAC or OP7 Pro internal dac?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    Just bought the dongle to listen to music in my car. Is there an option to passthrough the dongle's DAC and use phones converter?

    submitted by /u/cloudninexo
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    Returning my 8 pro and buying a 7 pro.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 07:17 PM PDT

    I hope've decided that I'm returning my 8 pro and just going to purchase a 7 pro. With the screen issues and the extra amount of cash for such few features, it just doesn't seem like a good value to me. I'd much rather have a 7 pro with an uninterrupted display with no screen issues, a lot of Dev support, and 95% of the same features as my 8 pro. The only thing I'll really miss is wireless charging. So if anyone has a 7 pro or two for sale lmk! My dad is also returning his 8 pro and doing the same thing :)

    submitted by /u/loganandreoni
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    Bought the 7T

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    I'm Soo glad I bought the 7t over the 8 / 8 pro. Got it for a great price and the phone is so god dam good. The screen is amazing the battery is amazing, the features everythin! Also the fact that the 8 pro is having problems is just the cherry on top.

    submitted by /u/aamz123
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    OnePlus 8 Pro Battery Life

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    Curious to hear from those who have had theirs for a few days. Specifically at 120hz and QHD but all configurations welcome. I took mine off the charger around 10am this morning at 100%. Currently at 38% battery with 3hrs sot.

    submitted by /u/HokageLLJ
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    OnePlus 8 Pro Battery Life at forced 120hz via ADB + auto-switch resolution

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 06:11 PM PDT


    Getting ~ 8hr SOT currently. The 8 Pro has amazing battery life!

    submitted by /u/WackyDrago
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    7t Pro Pricing

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 08:56 AM PDT

    Morning all,

    I'm looking at getting a new phone and will probably be deciding between a Pixel 4a and a 7t Pro/7 Pro. My main question is how does oneplus pricing work? Ive heard many people say they dont often drop price. A 256gb 7 Pro is currently 669 on amazon.. Any ballpark idea of how long until it drops in price?

    submitted by /u/roundtree
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    Low Brightness "Green Smudge" Fixed in OxygenOS 10.5.5

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 08:43 PM PDT

    I updated my 8 Pro to 10.5.5 today and seem to have the smudging problem just about completely gone. There's a very slight orange tinge but I can only see it if I really look. Edge touch sensitivity seems to be a lot better too.

    submitted by /u/pchambers89
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    7 Pro, 7T Pro, or 8 Pro?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    I'm looking to upgrade from a OnePlus 3 next month as a birthday present for myself. I love the look and specs of the One Plus 8 Pro (all 3 actually), but from what I've read from you very compassionate OP fans, the 8 Pro just doesn't seem like that worthy of an upgrade from a 7 Pro or 7T Pro. Especially with the amount of complaints/problems that are erupting, I'm not sure about dropping £800 on the phone.

    I've been looking at the 7 Pro and the 7T Pro as well as options, and the 7T Pro might be the choice for me. It has extra storage and RAM with the slightly better CPU than the 7 Pro. Stuff like 120Hz display and wireless charging just don't feel like that big of a thing for me, especially coming from a OP3 lol. To be honest with you, I'd probably keep the 8 Pro at 90Hz most of the time (if it had the option, why is it 60 or 120...) just to extend the battery more.

    I'd like to hear some of your opinions on the 3 phones :)

    submitted by /u/AntM16
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    [The Lab] - OnePlus 8 Pro Review

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    Which one should i go for? OnePlus 7t , Oneplus 8 or OnePlus 8 pro?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    I have a oneplus 6 right now , I'm going to purchase a new phone coming month on EMI. I mostly stream Netflix or youtube , I don't game , I'm heavy on social media and battery life. Which one should i go for considering I'm gonna use it for next 2-3 years. All these options because in EMI it won't matter much. 7T is available for $461. 8 is available for $553. 8 pro is available for $725.

    submitted by /u/heavyhustle1
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    OP5T no updates in sight - Custom ROMs recommendations

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    I know Android 10 got confirmed as last mayor update but there were no recent news updates for the 5T, AFAIK.

    I would like to ask if somebody got some ROM recommendations with hassle free updates and no mayor bugs = daily driver like the last 2 years with Oxygen OS.

    I know Lineage OS is quite big and stable but it's still on Android 9 as far as I know. The most liked and commented ROM on XDA is Pixel Experience.

    I would like to have a stable OS with security updates + (fast) mayor updates for the next 1-2 years. My guess would be Lineage OS... Maybe someone knows better and would like to show me the way.

    submitted by /u/MiHiii
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    OP 8 PRO: Edge problems...

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    Hi there, i just got my OP 8 PRO and i am happy with the phone overall but something bothers me... If your screen is white like when you browse through amazon or read some article online, the edges become a greenish grey type of color. That really hurt my eyes tbh. Do you think there is something they can do through software to fiy this? Or do i have OP with a error screen or something? I hope there is someone who can help me.

    submitted by /u/BoBillyBanana
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    7Pro wide angle video!

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 07:37 PM PDT

    Would love to see an option for 4K 60fps with wife angle video. I know it's not a big deal but I love the wide angle camera on the 7 pro. It does have an option for 4k but without the 60fps footage comes out pretty bad.

    submitted by /u/IRISHWOLFHD
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    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    Anyone know if it's possible to combine / stack the student discount, with the trade in voucher?

    submitted by /u/redfrank1879
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    Oneplus 8 Pro sold out in official shop

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 06:58 PM PDT

    Is there any news if the availability of the 8 Pro in the official shop will be updated anytime soon? (especially for the german shop)

    submitted by /u/vefas37
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