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    Minecraft Tech Support Tech Support

    Minecraft Tech Support Tech Support

    Minecraft Tech Support

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 07:54 PM PDT

    My youngest has become obsessed with minecraft. We started off with me buying/ downloading/ installing the game. Then he needed my help modifying something, then my help again explaining what "mods" are, then my help again finding and installing mods, etc etc etc. Now at least a few times a day he wants to show me something he made or ask for my help when something goes wrong. I have assumed the role of minecraft tech support for our household.

    Over time he needed me less and less and now only needs my help downloading things or moving around files on the hard drive. I've forbidden him from doing that himself (malware, accidentally deleting system files, etc).

    A few weeks ago he called me over to show me a mob he made. I watched him for a while then waddled to the kitchen and had this conversation with my wife.

    Me: Our son is becoming an expert at Minecraft. Right now he's making a new thing called a Mob.

    Wife: Oh that's nice.

    Me: Isn't it though? He's still working on it. He wants me to watch when he plays it for the first time.

    5 minutes pass.

    Me: You should see what he's doing. He's changing all kinds of specifications regarding timers and perimeter settings and behaviors and such. This is complex for a 7 year old. He's almost done.

    Wife: All right. I'll come over as soon as I'm done making this roast.

    5 minutes pass.

    Me: He tried to release it and something went wrong. Right now he is troubleshooting it! Trouble! Shooting! It!

    30 seconds later.

    Me: And he's not doing it in the GUI, but in the command line interface!

    Wife: Oh okay. I'm almost done with the roast.

    5 minutes pass.

    Me: He's finished! And he released it into the world! It works! It's amazing!

    Wife: I'm glad he got it to work. You seem very happy.

    Me: I am! Our son has made fire! Fire that moves around and tries to kill you! He is a genius!

    submitted by /u/dave999dave
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    Don’t trust and don’t verify...

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 05:10 PM PDT

    This may get long so there may be a TL;DR at the bottom, but maybe not (or maybe it will be snarky... who knows). Also, I'm not an English major. There will be grammatical and spelling errors... probably.

    In the summer of 2016 the company I was working for was acquired by another. We will call my original employer XYZ Corp and the acquiring employer ABC Corp. During the acquisition process my fellow support folks at XYZ Corp ($Coworker, $DBA, and $Me) discovered ABC Corp's entire operation was being supported by 2 very new support folks. One ($Goober1) had been with ABC Corp for about 2 months, the other ($Goober2) about 2 weeks. For reference, at this time I had been with XYZ Corp for about 8 years, $Coworker for about 10 years, and $DBA for about 20 years.

    The "good news" was $Goober1 was "trained" in the extensive IT policies and procedures of ABC Corp for about 2 weeks by the last of the "old guard" from ABC Corp. (The "old guard" of ABC Corp left in rapid succession after being disenfranchised with the leadership at the time, not that I blame them.) Immediately after XYZ Corp was acquired it was decided that $DBA would be in ABC Corp's offices almost every day "helping" $Goober1 and $Goober2 get back on track as $Coworker and I were extremely busy collecting data and verifying documentation for the annual XYZ Corp PCI-DSS Level 1 Service Provider assessment.

    A month or two after ABC Corp acquired XYZ Corp it became apparent that ABC Corp did not have "Read Only Friday" policy in place as there was usually a change in their environment pushed to production around 3pm on Fridays that broke "everything" and we had to fix it since $Goober1 and $Goober2 were usually worthless. In hindsight, I should have been more wary about getting to 4:30pm on a Friday without an issue popping up. Unfortunately, at the time I was blind sided.

    On this Friday I get a frantic call from $DBA stating that external emails are not able to be received or sent at ABC Corp.

    $Me: "Hey $DBA, what's up?"

    $DBA: "$Me, something weird is going on. We can't send or receive any external emails from ABC Corp's email server."

    $Me: "That's weird. Let's do some digging."

    I look up the MX records for their email domains and find what the IP address of their email server should be. I take a look at their firewall and determine there is traffic coming from the Internet to that IP, but nothing leaving. I then try to access the internal IP the traffic is being directed to, but I can't get any response.

    $Me: "Hey, $DBA. It seems like the email traffic is making it through the firewall, but has nowhere to go once through. It's trying to go to this IP address. Any ideas?"

    $DBA: "Oh no. Oh no, no no!"

    $Me: ...???

    $DBA: "I was looking for an unused server to use as a development server in this office so I asked $Goober1 what this unlabeled server was used for. $Goober1 said it wasn't used for anything and it could be wiped. So I wiped it."

    $Me: "Did you plug a monitor into it to verify what $Goober1 told you?"

    $DBA: "... no. But I've now discovered the server I wiped hosted 2 VMs. VM1 was the email spam filter and VM2 was the proxy for OWA (Outlook Web Access). Can you... can you change the firewall to send emails direct to the Exchange server while I try and unfuck myself?"

    $Me: "That's a really bad idea. We don't know if or how this Exchange server has been hardened and it's not in the proper VLAN."

    $DBA: "Just do it please. I need to see what I can do to get this other server back." ::hangs up::

    A minute later my boss ($CTO) gives me a call.

    $CTO: "Hey I got a call from $DBA. Sounds like something happened at ABC Corp. Can you just do whatever you need to do to help him out?"

    $Me: "I just needed your approval. Will do."

    By this time it's about 7pm and I've just done the needful made the necessary changes to allow mail to flow into & out of the Exchange server without the email spam filter. My phone then rings and it's $DBA again.

    $Me: "Yo, $DBA. What's up?"

    $DBA: "Yea, I didn't get anything off this server back. I did find the installation files for the spam filter so I've got that installed and running, but I can't find any backup of the configuration."

    $Me: "Let's take a look and see what we can see."

    $DBA and $Me take a look through the config and see some settings that are obvious, but some that aren't.

    $Me: "Does ABC Corp have support for this spam filter $product?"

    $DBA: "Yea they do, but $product support just closed like 5 min ago. They open again Monday."

    $Me: "Great. Well, email is working now. I'll leave it up to you to get $product configured and let me know when it needs to go back into service. Hey, what are you doing about the OWA proxy?"

    $DBA: "Not doing anything about the OWA proxy for now. That's a problem for another day. I'll let you know when to switch things back."

    $Me: "Will do. Have a great weekend."

    $DBA talked to $product support on Monday and we had $product back in service by Tuesday. When I left ABC Corp in 2018 the OWA proxy was still not set up. I wouldn't be surprised if it's still not setup.

    TL;DR: $DBA trusts and doesn't verify. Creates emergency for me and I have to work late on a Friday.

    submitted by /u/thisIsChode
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    Family Tech Support can be fun

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:50 AM PDT

    This is from June of 2018 and I felt y'all would appreciate it.

    I got an email from my 96 yo Mom saying she needed a new plumber's friend because she was having a hard time clearing a clogged toilet with the one she had. It was one of the hard rubber ball type that are hard to push and better suited for muting a trumpet.
    I whipped out my Good Son cape and said I'd be over around noon so we could also go to lunch. I zipped into action and jumped into the trusty Subaru. I went to HoDep and picked up my favorite type of plunger that is plastic and corrugated. I find them far easier to operate. They didn't have the cool one with the container they live in, so I went with the regular model.
    Plunger in hand I was off across the bay to apartment 444 , Good Son to the rescue!
    Once there I handed the new plunger to Mom so she could try it out and see that it was easier to use. Normally The Good Son would just fix it, but he is also supporting Mom's independence and letting her do things herself when she can and wants to.
    The new plunger worked like a dream and was a flushing success! The WC in the apartment is smaller than the clothes closet so I stayed at the door. I did see the water flowing nicely in the biffy, it was spiffy.
    Next up was getting ready for an adventure for lunch and other errands. There was a check to deposit at the bank and we needed to check the mail at the old house. In that process we needed to find the Blue Placard for parking. Mom had not seen it for a few days. We looked around and did not see it. In the search process mom also mentioned that the Jitterbug cellphone was missing. Many places were searched and then a text was sent to my sister to see if she had any good info or if any of those had been left in her car. She allowed that she had put the Blue Placard in the Green Bag. I looked and low and behold there it was in the bottom. Cool, one item located.
    Mom was beginning to think she may have dropped the phone from her vest the that morning when she and her neighbor (my high school stagecraft teacher) went for a walk.
    We decided to give that up for now and go to lunch. We gathered up the Blue Placard, the Green Bag, the check and other items and headed for lunch.
    We went to a nice Peruvian place in the new Emeryville Public Market. I had the Adobo bowl and Mom had the Quinoa salad. Mom was going to reward her Good Son by paying for lunch, but she realized she had left her bum pack with her wallet at 444. The Good Son paid for lunch.
    After a tasty lunch we mounted up in the Subaru and headed out, but since she needed to do some banking she was going to need the wallet. We proceeded back to 444.
    Leaving Mom in the cool garage in the Subaru the Good Son headed back up to the 4th floor where 444 is to get the bum pack with the wallet.
    The Good Son is 59 and had just had lunch. He decided not to pass a chance to pass liquid so he stepped into the small WC with the now free flowing fully functional biffy.
    It was there that he solved two mysteries in one swell foop!
    He figured out why the toilet had not been flushing smoothly and also located the Jitterbug cellphone. Good thing they don't fit in the neck of an American Standard commode.
    It is a Good Thing that we got the all risk replacement program from Greatcall for her Jitterbug phone. The new one was delivered in a week. They did not want the old one back.

    submitted by /u/mbrenneis
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    Fixed her issue in five seconds

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:05 PM PDT

    So I work for my local cable company and had this nice lady call in today, our exchange went like this.

    Lady: Hi I just set up the cable box for my mom, I believe I did it right but I'm not getting a signal.

    Me: Alright I'm going to see what I can do to help you sends hits

    She started talking about what's going on for a bit until the picture comes on

    Lady: Oh my god it just went on did you do something.

    Me: Yep just sent some hits to the box, sometimes needed with new equipment.

    Lady: You are awesome at this, I'm glad I ended up with you as the rep I got. You made my day, thank you.

    It really makes me happy when I get customers like this.

    submitted by /u/SpookyMimikyu
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