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    Saturday, April 25, 2020

    A data wiping solution for Cisco devices? Networking

    A data wiping solution for Cisco devices? Networking

    A data wiping solution for Cisco devices?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 11:34 AM PDT


    The company I am currently employed are paranoid about security to the point that they would prefer paying someone to dispose old switches instead of donating/selling them for cheap.

    I was wondering anyone may know of a data wiping software that works on routers/switches.

    Alternatively, i was thinking of downloading some open source text, like 10 articles and writing each one to the startup config. This will make configuration restore impossible for a hacker.

    submitted by /u/nicolaidesnikos
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    Do GPON NICs exist?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 11:26 AM PDT

    GPON networks normally end with an ONT device, which is normally an embedded Linux device with a bridge interface, bridging an Ethernet interface and the optical GPON interface. In this way the GPON interface is exposed as an Ethernet device to the router. All of this is often embedded in a SFP module.

    Now, do "pure" GPON network interface cards exists, for example in the form of a PCI-e card? With such device I'd be able to connect the GPON fiber directly to a router, which will also act as a ONT, without an intermediate device.

    submitted by /u/catrame
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    Sophos XG Firewall - SQL Injection and RCE Vulnerability Announced Today

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 04:13 AM PDT

    Guide or baseline to choosing which interfaces to add netflow to?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    Our new program is including 50 netflow sensors in our network monitoring. I have been assigned to choosing which Interfaces to add netflow monitoring to.

    Right now, I am putting it on the core links, WAN, trunks between our distro switches, and some servers. I need to choose which interfaces would be critical to adding netflow. Was wondering if anyone could point me in a direction for guidelines and best practices into choosing these interfaces?

    submitted by /u/OneDirtySlipper
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    F5 in the cloud ... why?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    For those that use F5 in the cloud ... why do you do it? My org is really leaning toward just using AWS ALB/WAF in place of our current on-premise system. I'm trying to understand why this may or may not be a good idea. Is F5 even the best for hybrid if we don't end up going with AWS?

    submitted by /u/SrirachaPizza
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    what setting to allow internet acess for two ethernet ports?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 03:55 PM PDT

    my wifi router doesn't work when plugged into the modem directly so am wondering what settings I need to change in windows to allow the router internet access via the two network ports on the pc. Bridging the connections doesn't work as it disables internet access. this is only a problem after they sent me a different modem , worked fine connected the normal way previously.

    Currently have the pc connected to the modem , and the router connected to the other lan port on the pc

    submitted by /u/ravenshaddows
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    Difference between transport and ip transit?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    Hi. I'm currently working in a ISP company, I'm new here, when we talk about our own ISP (all using optical fiber), I can't see the difference between transport and ip transit, I'm a little confused. Could somebody help me to understand these concepts from an ISP perspective please?

    submitted by /u/pereira_
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    Metageek 50% off promotion

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    Now is a good time to pick up some Metageek software. Their Pro stuff is 50% off. I just picked up Eye PA essentials bundle for $400.

    submitted by /u/docmn612
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    Has anyone done a password recovery on a Shunra VE?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 12:36 PM PDT

    I have one of these in my lab which I haven't used in 4 years. For the life of me I cannot get on the web interface. I've tried the default username/password of storm, and every commonly used password ever used in the lab. There is a reset button on the front that I've tried hitting once, and holding down with no results. I've googled it a ton and can't find anything useful other than the default username and password of storm. This is going to drive me nuts.

    submitted by /u/DudeImTheBagMan
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    Difference between disabling the 2.4 GHz network in a Cisco WLC and disabling 2.4 radios in APs ?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 04:45 AM PDT

    I've been seeing conflicting info on the web. I hope you can clarify.

    The following steps will disable the 2.4Ghz Network in a Cisco WLC

    1. Wireless > 802.11b/g/n > Network; 2. General; 3. UNTICK 802.11 b/g Network Status 

    This command will disable the 2.4 GHz radio in an AP

    config 802.11-abgn disable [AP NAME] 

    What is the difference?

    Is the disabling the 2.4Ghz Network enough? or will the radios in the APs still be on and broadcasting some kind of frames to the air?


    submitted by /u/hombre_lobo
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    Anycast & Corporate DNS; also, querying root-level servers directly?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 01:38 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I've got a couple of DNS-related questions for you all.

    1. When you're hosting multiple authoritative name servers for your enterprise - perhaps in primary/backup or active/active data centers - would you typically anycast them to one logical IP address? Or can you register your domain as having multiple authoritative servers?

    2. if you can have multiple authoritative servers, how does the TLD server decide which one to route requests to? Are there assigned levels of priority? Is it round robin? Are there any health checks involved?

    3. Typically on your corporate DNS servers would they query all the root-level DNS servers directly, or do they need to route through your ISP's DNS servers / public DNS servers such as

    Sorry if these are stupid questions, I'm just trying to understand a bit more about how DNS is configured both on the enterprise side as well as the TLD & root sides. I've searched online and I can't seem to find any answers to this question beyond just the basics of DNS.

    submitted by /u/Azarias59
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    Server with DS Lite network

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    Hello ! Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask but I am quite new to it and don't really know how to solve my problem. So I have a Dual Stack lite network with a public IPv4. So for exemple a game server people can't connect to me except with for exemple hamachi. I can't do any port forwarding so this isn't the solution. I was thinking of hosting it on a VPS but if I could avoid it and host the server on my pc. Same problem if i ever had a NAS i wouldn't be able to connect to it from an ipv4 network (If I understand correctly) Thanks for any help !

    submitted by /u/Ba-sho
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