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    Wednesday, February 26, 2020

    OnePlus Significant improvement in battery life with developer option.

    OnePlus Significant improvement in battery life with developer option.

    Significant improvement in battery life with developer option.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 04:46 PM PST

    So the other day I stumbled on the App Wifi Multi/Broadcasting filter option that turns off some of the data apps send and receive while phone is in standby. Holly shit, did it reduce the drain in standby mode on my OP7P. Got home at 70% today instead of 55 From your post his has been an issue for a lot of folks who are forgetful about charging, so I wanted to share.

    submitted by /u/David_the_Zippy
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    I miss my baby....

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 04:16 PM PST

    My OnePlus 7 Pro is in the mail for repairs and as such I've had to use a backup iPhone XS a friend was generous enough to let me borrow.

    Appreciation aside, fuck this phone!

    The restrictions of iOS, the stupid FaceiD, the non-intuitive and outright infuriating touch/swipe controls, the less than ideal battery life, etc...

    Opening the 1P7P was satisfying: click/tap the screen, check notifications if you like, and to open, place your thumb, and bam. Like magic.

    FaceiD? You have to tap the screen/click the power button, and then nothing. It has to authenticate you and then you're free to unlock the phone, or not, with a swipe.

    If I'm awakening my lock screen, I want to either check notifications and/or open my phone.

    OnePlus 7P is a simple two step process for all of the encompassing options.

    Fucking iOS is a two-step process to get to a possible next step that you might not want, but you need FaceID to do even if you don't want to, etc...

    I was raised on the Razr, and spent 10 years with iOS singing its praises before I was skeptical about switching to Android this past year.

    Once I get my OnePlus7 Pro back, I will never even look at another Apple product.

    The fucking notch too?! Ugh, Apple you've fallen a long way from your trailblazing past and I'm happy to have this experience to know once and for all that iOS is NOT for me.


    submitted by /u/Ganjisseur
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    Does oneplus still collect data like crazy ?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 01:36 PM PST

    I've found a couple articles but they are mostly from 2017 and 2018, nothing recent. A huge deal was made about how they collect everybit of information they can , even when you turn off/on the screen . The app that was responsible according to one article was something called "bugreportlite' , which I can see on my oneplus 6 Android 10 .

    I know they have the "join the experience program " option , but apparently there's another "stream of data" that you can't turn off. Anyone have more info on this ?

    submitted by /u/edyshady96
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    OnePlus wins GSMA award for Best Smartphone

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 06:46 PM PST

    From Discover on Google https://www.gizchina.com/2020/02/26/gsma-announces-best-smartphone-award-oneplus-7t-pro-wins/

    The 7 series was such a game changer for OnePlus. Good on them.

    submitted by /u/IncredibleCO
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    New update on OP6T broke my phone

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 06:15 PM PST

    My OnePlus 6T updated while I was asleep and utterly rendered my phone almost useless. I cannot access my images/videos in my gallery, it just simply says that it's not there. I can't even view them through other applications as they crash and close when I attempt. The images are still there as my storage still recognizes them. This is unacceptable. I also cannot update any apps in the Google Play Store including core Android/ OnePlus ones. Also not a big issue but my colors are extremely desaturated, I do not have night mode of any alternative color switching modes on, I checked so what the hell is going on? I need this phone for my business and now I'm completely locked out.

    submitted by /u/DarthSceledrus
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    Where the hell is Android 10 for 5T?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 02:12 PM PST

    They promised for February no? We nearing March!

    submitted by /u/Yengechkoeufte
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    PUBGM on 7T or 7T Pro

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 06:33 AM PST

    Anyone playing on either of these devices?

    I've upgraded from 6T to 7T which I ended up exchanging for the 7T Pro but the game is horrible to play now due to input latency.

    The 7T seemed great and ran the game well but the input latency felt far higher than on my 6T which was a shocking disappointment. I tried everything I could including a factory reset and clean game install. I tried multiple sensitivity and tweaked all settings but it just felt horrible trying to do the basics.

    Tracking moving targets is far more difficult. Sniping and precision aiming is a nightmare! I can't even track up close targets with a red dot as it just feels loose and unconnected. On my 6T is felt precise and you could snap to targets far more easily.

    Any pro or semi pro players using this device without issue?

    I exchanged the 7T for the 7T Pro and it does feel a little better. I prefer the aspect ratio and again the game runs well but the horrible input lag is still present.

    I'm thinking about jumping ship. I've had the 3T/5T/6T/7T and now 7T Pro and have moved a good few people to the brand but I've had enough.

    It even feels laggy when trying to play a simple pool game. It's far more difficult to line up shots as I move past the correct angle and over compensate when I try to adjust.

    I'm short it feels like driving a car with loose steering. You get somewhat used to it and adapt but it still feels like a bag of shit vs nice precise steering!

    submitted by /u/iDLe76
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    Question about having the OTG storage option enabled.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 05:44 PM PST

    I'm just a little confused. I have an OTG dongle and I plug an external hard drive into it and it shows up in my storage options on my 7t. It shows up whether or not I have the OTG storage option enabled or disabled.

    what is the purpose of the option? I noticed it mentions it being shut off after 10 minutes of not being used anyway.

    submitted by /u/BigGayGreenAlien
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    okay i have a crazy idea.....

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 01:40 PM PST

    hear me out for a second so every phone from 2018 on ha had no headphone jack well why doesn't oneplus come out and put the headphone jack back in the phone? that would blow up it would be on every tech page. it would be everywhere it would shock the tech world. tell me what you think in the comments.

    submitted by /u/dertder25
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    Is this a good deal? OnePlus 6T 128gb for $160

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 06:40 PM PST

    I found a guy selling an excellent condition OnePlus 6T 128GB on Craigslist nearby. He's asking $160 USD. He bought it direct from the OnePlus website. It comes with a "Moment Photo Case" (with no lens included)

    He upgraded to a Pixel 3A and that's why he's selling the phone. It comes with the original charger too.

    submitted by /u/anon911911
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    Having issues sending GIFs through text message after recent update. Tried restarting phone but no dice. Help is appreciated

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 06:36 PM PST

    Battery icon hide WiFi

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 01:32 PM PST

    If your battery is full and have the circle icon, the wifi icon gets hidden. With the bar icon it doesn't. I don't remember this happening before


    submitted by /u/Diego74965
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    Protective screen cover 7T

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 10:32 AM PST

    Got the one that come with my phone on at the mo, it's a bit scratched n stuff so want to get a new one. What do you recommend? I've looked on amazon and a lot of the reviews seem a bit shit. Got loads of help with headphone advice on here so thanks for that went with Samsung galaxy buds.

    submitted by /u/sjwb91
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    should i wait

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 10:27 AM PST

    i know this has been asked a lot but i really don't know. i've been wanting to upgrade for a while now but i'm torn. i really like the look of the 7t pro mclaren but it's quite very pricey for me so the 7 pro will do. but now that the 8 pro is being leaked (not sure how true the leaks are but let's just say they're real) i don't know what to do

    firstly - i hear the difference between 60 and 90hz is quite noticeable and beautiful. does the same apply for 90 and 120hz? is it a noticeable change? i'll be upgrading from an iphone 7 so will the change from 60 to 120hz be a lot better than 60 to 90hz?

    secondly and most importantly for me - price. the 8 pro release will mean a price drop for the 7s, but by how much? and how much will the 8 pro cost in pounds? thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/h4ge
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    Oneplus 6T updated to latest beta 34 and RCS in messages beta stopped working.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 04:23 PM PST

    It was working right before the update, I turned battery optimization off for messages beta but it still just says connecting, connection in progress.

    Any ideas?

    Edit: I can verify now it works on LTE (AT&T) but as soon as I switch to wifi it breaks it.

    submitted by /u/BigCam22
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    Oneplus 5 ROM with Most Features

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 12:31 PM PST

    I won't ask something as silly as "best" ROM, but which (stable and all working) ROM has the must customization and features available?

    submitted by /u/wrathfulmomes
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    Make lock screen not light up for unimportant notifications?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 12:27 PM PST

    I have my OnePlus 6 (running Android 10) set to only show important notifications on the lock screen. But I've noticed that the screen will turn on for every notification anyway (ie. the screen lights up, but nothing's changed on the lock screen)

    Is this a bug that I should submit or am I missing some setting?

    submitted by /u/theChoffa
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    Dropped 7Pro, speakers quiet now

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 12:12 PM PST

    So I dropped my 7Pro into a small pile of snow earlier today from my coat pocket and now the volume of both speakers is distorted and quieter. Has the rattle/crackle sound of a blown speaker. Is there anything I can do myself to repair the phone? First time I've ever dropped this phone so not too happy it's broken, especially since it was in a good case. Everything else is functioning fine.

    submitted by /u/ete203
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    When you want a 7 Pro but can't find it anywhere? How?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 07:12 AM PST

    Like the title says. I want to get myself the 7 Pro for my birthday in early march, but I can't find anywhere to get the damn phone. Their website says out of stock for the US, and those Amazon ones seem sketchy. I want it to work with AT&T in the US, and all the phones on Amazon say 'international model' or 'Chinese model.'

    Can someone please turn me in the right direction? The phone seems like a gem, but even buying it is difficult. I just want to buy a phone. How hard can that be?

    submitted by /u/ambitious_rainbow
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    Enable USB Debugging/ADB 5T

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 12:03 PM PST


    A 5T is currently on a lockscreen and the screen is unresponsive, i plugged a dongle and nor keyboard or mouse work, it's quite frustrating and I'm not sure how to proceed

    submitted by /u/spikehamer
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    Type C headphone plug heating

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 03:31 PM PST

    So i am using Bullets headphones on my 7T, but when i plug the headphones the plug get warm after a while. It is not an excessive heat, but it gets slightly warm from the first day.

    Is it normal ? never had a phone without headphone jack, so i dont have any idea.

    submitted by /u/sagacieux
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    One Plus 7T Dual-SIM Dilemma

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 03:17 PM PST

    I have a new One Plus 7T phone.

    In SIM1: Visible

    In SIM2: Red Pocket (AT&T).

    Voice, SMS, and data are all set to SIM1 (Visible).

    This is my problem:

    When I startup/restart my phone, the Red Pocket (in SIM2) is the first SIM that is up and running, the phone automatically sets the data to SIM2.

    By the time the Visible (in SIM1) is ready, only voice and SMS are assigned to SIM1 (Visible). I always have to reassign data to Visible (SIM1).

    I did not have this problem with a Pixel 3a (Visible-SIM1, and AT&T prepaid eSIM).

    submitted by /u/mcd320
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    Is this green tint at a certain brightness level normal?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 10:51 AM PST

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