• Breaking News


    Thursday, February 27, 2020

    [APP SUSPENSION] Meme Generator Free - Violation of Violence policy, No example, No warning, Editors' choice app, 4.7 average rating, +30mil downloads Android Dev

    [APP SUSPENSION] Meme Generator Free - Violation of Violence policy, No example, No warning, Editors' choice app, 4.7 average rating, +30mil downloads Android Dev

    [APP SUSPENSION] Meme Generator Free - Violation of Violence policy, No example, No warning, Editors' choice app, 4.7 average rating, +30mil downloads

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:34 AM PST

    [RESOLVED][UPDATE]: The suspension appeal was successful and Meme Generator Free is back up on the market after a review. No additional explanation was given, but we assume it was just a really bad error.
    We might have overreacted, but as we've seen very similar horror stories from other developers, we felt like this had to be shared. An app Suspension is a very drastic and disproportionate measure for an error or misunderstanding. We hope this part of Google Play will be improved in the future.
    We're also thankful that Google Play's team took care of this issue in less than 8 hours after suspension. We hope similar future situations can be avoided by a friendly email.
    A huge Thank you to the entire Android Developer community, your support means a lot to us!


    Some might know our app Meme Generator Free which was suspended about one hour ago without warning and without any example of violation. The message only says: Issue: "Violation of Violence policy - We don't allow apps that depict or facilitate gratuitous violence or other dangerous activities." We don't know if it's a meme, sticker, an example or anything else. We did not receive any other explanation so we do not know how to make our app compliant if it ever gets reinstated.

    Our app was an Editors' choice app, released in September 2011, had +30 million downloads, and an average user rating of 4.7. We are all shocked by this swift suspension, and by the lack of any examples or further suggestions on how to make our app compliant. We read a lot of similar posts in this subreddit and were honestly scared it would eventually happen to us as well. We are a company that employs 5 people, Meme Generator is our main app and we love co-creating the Android app space. We'd be very disappointed and sad to shut down our company because of an error.

    We have sent an appeal, but we since we read similar horror stories on this subreddit, we're doubtful we're resolve anything trough a regular appeal. At this moment I'd be happy to speak to someone at Google's app review team so that person can tell us how to make our app compliant. We can only achieve this with some public support from our users and fellow developers. We will also share this post on Twitter and tag GooglePlayDev.

    If anyone has any recommendation on what else to do, we'd be very thankful.

    ZomboDroid Team

    EDIT: This happened an hour after pushing an update to our Beta testing group. What is also interesting is that the PRO version went through the review process and got accepted, but the Free one gets suspended. They are the same apps, one Free and the other paid.

    submitted by /u/ZomboDroidTeam
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    Particle Clock made with Flutter/Dart

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 12:48 AM PST

    Jake Wharton on Twitter

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 11:43 AM PST

    Android Studio 4.1 Canary 1 available

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:26 AM PST

    Vector Assets - Android Conference Talk

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:06 AM PST

    Is there any possibility to convert this into some kind of shortcut?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 05:24 PM PST

    Anyone having d.android.com rendering problems in Firefox lately ?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 12:42 PM PST

    onActivityCreated() Question

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 05:43 PM PST

    For Fragments that contain a UI (i.e. onCreateView() returns a valid View), is there any downside to initializing ViewModels, LiveData Observers, starting asynchronous tasks (e.g. network requests), etc in onActivityCreated() as opposed to onCreate(), onViewCreated(), or onStart() (or anywhere else)?

    The motivation for this post is the fact that the Activity Context can be null inside onCreate(), onCreateView(), and onViewCreated() of the Fragment lifecycle, but it will not be null inside onActivityCreated(). This makes it seem like onActivityCreated() may be the most logical place to do a lot of things since we are guaranteed to have a non-Null Activity Context. Notice I didn't say handle asynchronous callback results above because the Context can be null by the time the task is finished, just starting them. Is there anything I am overlooking here? Keeping in mind that onCreate() will only be called once per Fragment lifecycle whereas the other mentioned ones can potentially be called numerous times before the Fragment is destroyed.

    Please do not simply just link to the Fragment lifecycle docs as I have read them numerous times. Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/ddcpitt
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    Android Styling: Themes vs Styles

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 03:11 AM PST

    Android Developer Fundamentals Course

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 08:44 AM PST

    Hello! I have been completing the online Android Developer Fundamentals Course in order to prepare for the Associate Android Developer Certification. I was wondering, for those of you who have maybe taken the exam, if the Android Developer Fundamentals Course is sufficient enough to prepare me for the actual exam. Being a college student, I am just worried I'm going to spend the $150 to take the exam and not be prepared enough and have wasted my money.

    I feel confident with the basics of Android Development and definitely did learn quite a bit from the online course but just wanted to see what others thought! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/BootieMeat
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    I need help

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 03:49 PM PST

    so I am trying to get a working app that I can see the uid of an NFC tag using Arduino I know that there a lot of apps that do this but I need one that I can change after if anyone can help me that will be nice

    submitted by /u/_AD4R_
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    U.S. Electoral map viewer Android app that allows community prediction of the next election

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 03:36 PM PST

    I just made a major update to my election app. It now contains a "Community Projection" tab that allows users to "vote", that is, add their state-by-state predictions to the community projection. It's in the Play Store. The free version is here:


    The paid version (no ads) is here:


    And you can read about it here:


    submitted by /u/metaphyze
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    A sudden drop in app on play store

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 03:35 PM PST

    I have this game for more than 1.5 years now, it has over 1 million downloads, I was getting around 2000 installs daily, then dropped to 1200, then to 900-1200, it became steady for months, but 5 days ago, it started to drop a lot, it became less than 350, I checked an aso tool I was ranking in top 5, now all keywords have dropped like 20+ in rankings, all these downloads are organics, I never spent a dollar on this game, and it's dropping more, before this drop, I did aso, and added some keywords for the description, I added 6 localized languages like 10 days ago, but today I removed them because another developer has told me that localizations may be the reason behind the downloads drop, I checked vitals, they are the same, screenshots and icon are the same too, I just replaced one of them, rate was improving slightly, so it's not the problem either.
    I have no idea what happened, does anyone know or have any idea what could the reason be? I am afraid if I spent on ads I may end up with a huge loss.

    submitted by /u/patostar89
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    Thoughts on espresso idling resources?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 09:15 AM PST

    There's still mixed opinion on using them in application code vs other approaches. What do you use for waits in Espresso tests? Are there simpler libraries?

    submitted by /u/AaronMT
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    Is it still OK to use Google Analytics (Not Firebase Analytics) in Android app?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 07:07 AM PST

    We have an app which is still using Google Analytics.

    I was wondering, is it still OK to continue use Google Analytics (Not Firebase Analytics) in Android app?

    As, according to https://support.google.com/firebase/answer/9167112?hl=en , they are sunsetting Google Analytics for Mobile.

    But, such sunsetting is not being mentioned in https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/android/v4

    Wondering is it still OK to continue use Google Analytics (Not Firebase Analytics) in Android app?

    submitted by /u/yccheok
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    Anyone facing ui freeze issues with Studio 3.6

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 06:14 AM PST

    Hi everyone

    I have updated my Studio to use 3.6 earlier this week and it is just so awesome in so many ways!!

    But I am kind of facing some UI unresponsive issues some times, especially for larger projects, and this happens mostly after launch or during a build. I was wondering if any one else is facing similar issues, or is it my bunch of plugins which is misbehaving.

    submitted by /u/som88
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    Tips on app advertising

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 12:11 PM PST

    I have what I would consider a decent app; launched almost a month ago, used google ads for a week (spent ~25$) but only got ~13$ in revenue. After pausing google ads, I have a very low user acquisition rate (~2 per day on a good day).

    Is there any chance of getting organic traction in 2020? I would spend more on advertisement but I don't seem to break even.

    submitted by /u/0xdeadbeefx16
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    maintaining a library and an app that uses the library

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 12:10 PM PST

    My company has an Android app that does a thing plus login and contact management. Another company wants to buy a library from us that does the thing. They'll do their own contact stuff. Is it better to make the library its own separate project, or is it safe for me to just keep developing it in our app project as a module that I can build separately?

    I know this is technically possible. I want to know if it's advisable. If it's all one project (multi-module) I can make changes to the library and test without having to build it and import the new version into the app project.

    submitted by /u/TGruenwald
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    Twerking an open source app

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 12:10 PM PST

    Hello everyone, [Tachiyomi]{https://tachiyomi.org/} is an open source manga reading app. I wanted to do some changes to it and connect it to a private firebase project so that my reading data is synced among the devices. But I have very little experience in development ( almost none ) and unable to even understand the file structure. If someone can help me a little or point a few points I might need to learn for such a task I would be very thankful.

    submitted by /u/jadarsh00
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    Updating an Android App in China / Copyright Certificate?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 06:12 AM PST

    My company has been providing an Android version of their App on the Tencent QQ App Store for 2 years or so now. We have a pretty big Chinese for our product that works with the app. We wanted to update a new version and received an error saying we require a Chinese Copyright Certificate or we cannot upload the new version of the app.

    To receive a Copyright Certificate in China from what I can understand from the governments official site: http://www.ccopyright.com/index.php?optionid=1081 it seems that we have to give the government 60 pages of our source code.

    Our first reaction is obviously...what the fuck??

    After speaking with various Lawyers from China it seems "this is just the way it is"...therefore I'm wondering has anyone gone through this process getting this certificate? Was it a pain in the ass? Do you regret it?

    submitted by /u/tonofbasel
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    What is this feature called and when was it introduced?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 01:19 AM PST

    In the activity class code it looks to be possible to directly access the views from the layout so I can do


    Where nameText is the TextView id in the layout, without any findViewById... code and without enabling dataBinding or anything. So it seems its being generated automatically somewhere.

    This is confusing because I am going though some tutorials and codelabs where you need to enable Databinging and wrap the layout in a <layout> tag and use DataBingingUtil to load the layout etc to achieve the same thing that works out of the box?

    submitted by /u/makonde
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    What are your career goals?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 06:47 PM PST

    Where are you now and where would you like to be in the next few years?

    What are the main issues you have found to achieve those goals?

    submitted by /u/gabrielkou
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    Anyone has experience publishing in chinese app stores?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 07:23 PM PST

    I have a fairly popular app and would love to expand to a new market.

    I'm wondering how to go about it though. Do you have to partner with a local publisher? Or set up a chinese entity? What's the process like?

    Would love any links or resources. I'm also really curious to hear other's experiences when publishing to China.

    • How has has your experience been?
    • How's the outcome, are you seeing good adoption?
    • What service did you use?
    • How many chinese app stores do you publish to?
    • How do you manage publishing to so many stores?
    • How do you manage using play services outside China?
    • Is there a replacement for chinese stores?
    submitted by /u/ulterior-motives
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