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    Monday, January 27, 2020

    Linux Is Linux more secure than Windows and Mac? How does it ensure safety and privacy?

    Linux Is Linux more secure than Windows and Mac? How does it ensure safety and privacy?

    Is Linux more secure than Windows and Mac? How does it ensure safety and privacy?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 09:30 AM PST

    One of the majoe reasons why I'm interested in Linux is because I am highly dissatisfied with many features of Windows 10. I've heard great reviews about Linux but I'm still skeptical. Wouldn't Windows and Mac be more secure since they have closed source system instead of open source? How does Linux ensure security and user privacy?

    submitted by /u/masha-kasha
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    What environment should I install on my Linux machine?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 06:38 PM PST

    Gnome : looks nice (eats a lot of ram) Xfce : looks ok (nice if modified a bit) i3 idk never tried it. kde (windows ptsd)

    What's you fav? What do you recommend?

    submitted by /u/69shaolin69
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    How does one qemu?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 10:38 AM PST

    Here are the details.

    I have an x86 host (ArcoLinux (Arch based) AMD A12-9720P RADEON R7 16GB) and I want start a qemu instance of an armhf based linux distro. I also want the graphics to work.

    Every single tutorial I've tried has given me either a "Guest has not Initialized the Display (yet)" on the VM or nothing at all.

    Please help, feel free to ask questions.

    submitted by /u/oshaboy
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    I went through 3 failed attempts in Pass and now I cannot copy or show my passwords in my password store.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 10:11 AM PST

    As the title suggests, I ran through 3 failed attempts at entering in my master password when trying to copy a password with Pass via command line. I have the master pass written down on paper but was too lazy to retrieve it. Now I can no longer copy or show any of my passwords and I'm afraid I will not be able to access them.

    I've tried rebooting and running init again.

    Any help would be appreciated!

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/BoricThrone
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    I want to add or remove every package I manually install with pacman to a file to keep a record of user installed software

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 08:04 AM PST

    Hey guys, in case the title isn't as clear as I think it is, what I want to achieve is a record of all user installed software in a file somewhere in my home directory.

    So let's say I run

    pacman -S somepackage 

    I want to automatically append a file with 'somepackage'

    Likewise, if I run

    pacman -R somepackage 

    then I want to automatically delete 'somepackage' from that file.

    Ideally, to prevent the file getting cluttered with duplicates and generally being a mess, I would like to check somehow if 'somepackage' exists in that file or not, and act accordingly.

    I'm having a little trouble with what to put into the script, and how to exactly write the alias in my bashrc file.

    The alias I am thinking can be something like this

    alias pacman='pacman && cat something to file' 

    However, and correct me if I'm wrong, this will ignore the arguments I give pacman. It will be like running

    pacman cat something to file 

    Any ideas that can help? I've researched this and can't seem to find anything other than basic alias tutorials and forum posts asking how to run pacman to install from a list of packages that are in a file. Maybe I'm not searching for the correct keywords or something.

    Thanks in advance!

    Edit (progress):

    I have started my script and it now looks like this:

    #!/bin/bash USERPKGLIST='$HOME/Software/user_package_list' PKGNAME='history | tail -n2 | head -n1 | awk \'{print $4}'' # Check if PKGNAME exists in USERPKGLIST if [[ grep "$PKGNAME" "$USERPKGLIST" ] then echo "$PKGNAME already in $USERPKGLIST. Did nothing." else cat $PKGNAME $USERPKGLIST fi 

    Not too sure about the condition in the if statement, but at least i now know how to get the argument I need (package name) from the pacman command, given that it was the last command run.

    Now I am just having issues with how to write the alias so that it doesn't affect the arguments to pacman and runs my script after the pacman command.

    Edit 2 (Solved): Heres what I did:

    1. Added this script to $HOME/bin which is in my $PATH
    2. Gave it appropriate permissions to be executable
    3. Added this line in my .bashrc:

    alias pacman="$HOME/bin/nameofscript.sh" 

    Obviously anybody can name their script whatever they want.

    submitted by /u/promitheas17j
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    Learning python on Ubuntu terminal VS Code problems. What is the best place for chat advice?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 11:44 AM PST

    Trying to learn python and Ubuntu running python in terminal and Visual Studio Code getting errors... and expecting lots of minor inexperience problems this week. What is the best place for chat advice on freenode.net or discord etc?

    submitted by /u/free-don
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    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 03:13 AM PST

    Good morning, everyone. I am currently looking into switching from Windows 10 to Manjaro. I understand that it is one of the best operating systems for gaming. I am an avid Star Trek Online player, I am wondering if anyone could provide me with information about transitioning to this OS and how to make it viable for gaming and also some of other programs I use. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Jazri_Dax
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    A weekly summary report generated on CentOS7 server using aureport says there were over 11,000 "crypto events" in the past week. What does it mean?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 08:54 AM PST

    I have checked other logs such as login attempts, command histories of all users on the server but see no suspicious activity. My questions:

    • How to identify if someone is cryptojacking my server?
    • How to stop current activities?
    • How to avoid future attacks?
    submitted by /u/gratpy
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    Poor performance RX 590

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 02:21 PM PST

    Hi, I recently reinstalled Linux after doing some hardware upgrades and one of which was a new RX 590 (Just before the 5500 XT was announced -_-) and the performance seems to be a lot worse then a GTX 1060 3GB I used to have a while ago. I'm running Linux Mint 19.3 with kernel 5.3.0-26 with this mesa version: Mesa 19.3.2 - kisak-mesa PPA

    submitted by /u/Bullpep
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    USB drives not working

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 10:16 AM PST

    Im running Linux Mint off of a 128gb usb drive on my PC. I can't access any other drives aside from this USB drive and my two internal SSDs. I don't think the hardware is broken as it works fine in windows and all my drives show up in BIOS when I go to choose a boot drive. I've checked drive manager and lsusb command, no other usb drives show up (i have another thumb drive and an external usb drive that should be connected).

    submitted by /u/MrRedBeard77
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    Help a noob choose distro

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 07:33 AM PST

    it will be my first attempt to use linux and see if it can be a good substitue for Windows. Im looking for something stable, it wont be for gaming, just university connected things like using Android Studio, a lot of WORDlike documents and watching stuff. It would be nice if it had "non free drivers " as I have Intel integrated graphics and AMD gpu and I like to switch between them sometimes.(Its a laptop) Im not into Arch as Im more familiar with Ubuntu like distros.

    I heard a lot of good about elementary OS, it looks nice, but im a bit worried about long Times between update (does it really matter? Im not into newest stuff)

    submitted by /u/silent_call_for_help
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    Trying to import a CA root certificate into the JVM trust store

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 12:57 PM PST

    Starting off by letting you all know that I am a newbie on this!

    I have two files that were given to me to add to the trust store to allow our Java application to talk to a fax service. One is api.fax.crt and the other is api.fax.ca.

    I have been adding the certs to the servers in the following manner:

    cd /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ aws s3 cp s3://BlahBlah/temp/api.fax.ca . aws s3 cp s3://BlahBlah/temp/api.faxa.crt . sudo update-ca-trust sudo service tomcat restart 

    This does seem to work but it sometimes takes ten minutes to work and some times it takes hours. By working I mean that it lets the code using it communicate with the end fax service

    I read up a bit and found that I should probably be installing these in the JVM trust store.

    I tried the following:

    cd /usr/java/latest/lib/security/ aws s3 cp s3://BlahBlah/temp/api.fax.ca . aws s3 cp s3://BlahBlah/temp/api.fax.crt . sudo keytool -importcert -noprompt -trustcacerts -alias faxage -file api.fax.com.ca -keystore /usr/java/latest/lib/security/cacerts -storepass blahblah sudo keytool -importcert -noprompt -trustcacerts -alias faxage2 -file api.fax.com.crt -keystore /usr/java/latest/lib/security/cacerts -storepass blahblah sudo service tomcat restart 

    Doing it this way I have never been able to connect to the fax service.

    Is there a better way? Should I be adding this to the Java location or the ca-trust location? Should I be adding both the ca and crt files? Why might I be having the delay before it works in the first example?

    Thanks all for any insight!!!!

    submitted by /u/ernievd
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    Yes / No box instead of password prompt?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 12:44 PM PST

    Is there a way to make SU prompts either in gui or terminal prompt for a yes or no confirmation rather than typing in a password? I'm thinking something similar to UAC in Windows.

    submitted by /u/InvalidBootDevice
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    Windows popping out slightly more than window decorations?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 06:37 AM PST

    I really have gotten the Sweet theme for KVantum, and it's nice, except for how all of my windows pop out slightly, here's some examples. I'm using KDE Plasma with Arch Linux.

    submitted by /u/Th0u
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    Dual booting the question of dividing - need of advice

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 12:35 PM PST

    Hi, I'm wanting to expand my experience with Linux (I use it a bit at school) by having a dual boot between Win10 and Manjaro (a friend recommended it to me). As my first SSD (250 Go) was full, I decided to by another one of 1 To capacity (so cheap nowadays). But I was wondering how to divide them, can I do 500 Go exclusive Win10, 500 Go exclusive Manjaro (on the biggest SSD) and the additional 250 Go shared between the two OS ? Even if I think I will use mostly Linux, it feel a bit unfortunate to have one OS with 250 To capacity, when the other has 4 times more. Thank you in advance :)

    submitted by /u/Nemrhon
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    Issues with NVIDIA driver update (Mint 19.3 -- Cinnamon - GeForce GT 610)

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 07:58 AM PST

    A week or so ago a kernel update broke my graphics driver and I had to boot from the previous one. It's been fine since then as long as I remember to boot from the right one.

    Today a new NVIDIA update appeared in the Update Manager so I assumed they'd fixed it, but now - after installing the update - the driver doesn't work on either kernel.

    Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/ForestLimit
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    Is Linux not working or am I just incompetent?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 11:31 AM PST

    I've already posted here twice within the last week, but my god the last week has been a wild ride and I just want to tell the full story here in case anyone can relate or help my fix this problem.

    It all started when I was trying to play Cities: Skylines on my laptop with Linux Mint. The game kept freezing and crashing and when I managed to get it to work it only barely ran. I looked it up and apparently the game can have trouble telling weather it should use the integrated graphics or the dedicated graphics card. I can't remember what I did but I ended up with a new issue; only my external monitor was working. The laptop monitor was now a black screen with the exception of a little underscore looking thing in the top left corner. I looked under display settings and only the external monitor seemed to be detected. I could press CTRL ALT F1 to use that monitor but it prompted me to login with a text interface and nothing I typed in worked. I asked here about what to do and someone suggested purging Nvidia from the system. Both monitors were working now! Although it was using the nouvou driver. Just have to reinstall Nvidia and... Same problem. Alright well that didn't work, let's try something else. Reinstalling the window manager? Bad idea. My laptop will no longer boot to Linux, or maybe it does but just doesn't show up due to a broken window manager? Whatever, I don't care. I'm sick of this, just gonna reinstall.

    Ah! Fresh new Linux Mint 19.3 Cinnamon installation. Cut to a few days later, the problem has returned, only the external monitor works, this time completely out of the blue. Reinstall, things are back to normal... Untill the problem returns a 3rd time, although not as severely. Linux on will actually still boot, although logging in results in the infamous "Black screen with a cursor problem." Usually I'm able to fix this by going into the Grub menu, advanced options, recovery mode, then repair broken packages... But I can't get into the Grub menu. I've tried pressing escape, C, shift, and F1 (with and without holding function) and nothing will let me in the grub. I am at a loss as to how to continue.

    I've had your standard Linux troubles over my past year of being a Linux user, but this one takes the cake. I could just reinstall Linux (again) but I think the problem would return again. So what now? Is Linux not working or am I just incompetent? Has anyone else had this by issue? Is there another distro that is no more friendly with Nvidia?

    I just want to use my computer. Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/sudopinkstar
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    Which Distros support freesync?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 11:21 AM PST

    Hello guys which distros support freesync? I know Ubuntu does I have tried enabling freesync in Manjaro but failed miserably.

    submitted by /u/killallthattry
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    How can one open new terminal as root with a command running on it?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 07:10 AM PST

    Let's say I type a command in one terminal like ScanTime

    Then it opens four terminal in root with sudo nmap, sudo ping, sudo .. running.

    Looks doesn't matter, for now I am using pyautogui and it just works.

    submitted by /u/69shaolin69
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    Not booting after Mok Management

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 10:03 AM PST

    Today I could suddenly not boot up into Linux, so I did a bunch of things that didn't work, then I finally got something in the BIOS that said MINT (I dual boot Linux Mint alongside Windows 10) and now it keeps throwing Mok Management at me, and it doesn't boot when I say continue to boot... What did I do wrong and how do I fix it???

    submitted by /u/NetsuDagneel
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    I have a primary SSD with Ubuntu and a HDD as well. In windows I moved my desktop, downloads, etc folders to the HDD (using symlinks I think?). Is there a way to do the same for Ubuntu? Basically how to move the home directory to the D Drive?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 09:57 AM PST

    I tried a few methods online but they weren't successful, and they fucked up my system enough for me to say fuck it and just do a fresh install.

    Disclaimer: I tried these before realizing that my HDD was mounted as read only. Now it is in read-write mode. I realize that this probably makes a huge difference, but I still am too wary of trying those methods again (doing a fresh install at this point would be a bit annoying).

    So can someone recommend a method other than this?

    submitted by /u/Alert-Investigator
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    How to hide contents of file for others

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 09:08 AM PST

    I have some important stuff in a file. Say "ADC.tcl". The content should not be visible to others except myself. How to do that?

    submitted by /u/raviivar478
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    So a true noob here..

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 08:19 AM PST

    So as stated I am a true computer/linux noob. Recently my harddrive in my laptop died so I bought a new one. Then I started looking into linux and was wondering if I can put it on my new drive instead of dealing with windows. Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/friendlyneighbor665
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    does LXDE provide performance boost for a high end system?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 07:25 PM PST

    im going to build a PC with a 2060 super and a 3.6 ghz processor. would i notice any difference if i use 2 different DEs, say, Gnome and LXDE? would i have more stable or higher frames on one than the other or would there be negligable to no performance difference between the two on that hardware?

    submitted by /u/anaggrivatedturtle
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    Cant find .local in wine

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 09:18 PM PST

    I've been trying to use nexus vortex on linux and i cant find my hidden folders like .local.

    i've tried to enable show dot files on wine cfg under drives but i get the following:

    wine: Read access denied for device L"\\??\\Z:\\", FS volume label and serial are not available.


    Edit: distro is solus

    submitted by /u/awesomescout123
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