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    Monday, January 27, 2020

    [DEV][GIVEAWAY] WARM(Recover deleted messages) - 100 Promo Codes Give Away. Android Apps

    [DEV][GIVEAWAY] WARM(Recover deleted messages) - 100 Promo Codes Give Away. Android Apps

    [DEV][GIVEAWAY] WARM(Recover deleted messages) - 100 Promo Codes Give Away.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 05:22 AM PST

    Hi guys!

    Almost a month ago I've published my app called WARM and since that time I am trying to constantly improve it.

    WARM is the best app for recovering deleted messages of WhatsApp.


    1. Recover Deleted Messages
    2. Recover all deleted media
    3. Cleaner - Clean old media to save space
    4. Status Download - Image/Video statuses
    5. Direct Message - Chat without saving phone contactAll with one app for free!

    Today we are giving away 150 promo codes for WARM premium version which costs around 2$.

    Download the app from play store.

    To remove ads and unlock the full version, you can claim promo codes here.

    Promo codes for the premium version

    Please mark them as taken after you use a code.

    If you guys have any suggestions/feature requests, let me know in the comments.

    And finally, if you are an app reviewer and interested in talking/writing about our app in your site/podcast/videos etc, please DM me for any info.

    Please make sure to appreciate our effort by rating us on play store and sharing it with your friends.

    submitted by /u/anubhav87
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    Bit of an odd one, but anyone know of a good app for tracking dice rolls?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 08:59 AM PST

    Long story short, I love dice. A lot. Specifically the main 7 (d4, d6, d8, d10, d%, d12, and d20), but also some obscure ones (d3, d100). And as I love dice, I buy lots of them all the time. From metal, to resin, to marbled, to clear, to other ones. But I love rolling them even more! And I'm on the perpetual hunt for the fairest dice ever!

    So here's the question: Anyone knows of an app that can track at least the 7 main types of dice? A custom amount would be awesome to! Like how I can roll a die IRL, and record the roll number and roll value. It would be great if custom names for dice was available too. That's just me dreaming tho, just a nice dice roll number/value tracker would be nice.

    And if you're wondering, I've tried spreadsheets and the good ol' pen and paper, but it can get annoying overtime.

    I sincerely appreciate any help or suggestions!

    submitted by /u/lieutenantgame
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    Best one time purchase video editor app?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 10:49 PM PST

    I am interested in buying a video editor, as all the free editing apps don't really cut it for me as a Vegas Pro user. Are there any good video editing apps out there that are just one time purchase. Looking up on Google of the best video editors seems to get me a lot of apps with subscriptions. I'm not that interested in that payment route. I want to pay once and be done.

    Any ones to consider? Steer clear?

    Edit: I don't want an app that I need to pay a subscription for. If I wanted that I would have gotten something like Kinemaster and paid the monthly for it. However I don't want another subscription to pay for monthly.

    submitted by /u/TomZeBomb
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    Alternate for MX player

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 10:38 AM PST

    Is there any great alternate app for mx player. Play store or non play store. Suggest me some.

    submitted by /u/ayushsaxena09
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    wallabag or pocket: which do you recommend using?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 07:44 AM PST

    What's your daywise setup for better productivity?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 10:58 AM PST

    The daywise app

    submitted by /u/computerstuffs
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    Looking for a quick reminder app like three.do

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 06:07 AM PST


    I've used to love three.do app and I'm still using it even the the devs abandoned the app.

    I'm looking for replacement app with regular updates. The main requirements is the ability to create reminders really quick and also permanent notification (so they stick in the status bar when the time is come and stay there until completed or snooze) so they will not ignored accidentally.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Erda0
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    Viber un-clearable "cache" taking up too much space

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 10:58 AM PST

    I've been sending some audio recordings via viber (terrible choice, I know) and it suddenly inflated by several gigabytes. This space isn't registered in the regular android "clear cache" function

    How do I clear this space without reinstalling viber?

    submitted by /u/Dean_gadreel
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    Ported Google Apps

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 09:57 AM PST

    I have a quick question. Does Google frown upon developers modding apps to run on other devices? Like the GCam mods? I've always wondered if this was something that was against their use policy.

    submitted by /u/harrystikman
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    Audioplayer that remembers "already played" (for audiobooks)

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 07:41 AM PST

    I'm looking for a good (preferably free) audioplayer that can remember whether I've already listened to a certain track. I like to listen to audiobooks and they usually come in form of ~100 tracks - so i need a player that can keep track of what I've already listened and where to begin again the next day. Can anybody recommend me an fitting app?

    submitted by /u/AllesMeins
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    Any gallery app that categorizes faces offline?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 08:47 AM PST

    Google photos is nice but I can't use it, as there are severe data restrictions. Can you people suggest something offline?

    submitted by /u/ypsiliform
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    Side Loading apps on Sony Bravia xg70 tv

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 08:37 AM PST

    Hi y'all.

    My TV, a Sony Bravia xg70 (that last part is apparently important) has youtube and netflix pre-installed but doesn't seem to have any way to sideload or otherwise install other apps on it. Tutorials tell me to open Google Play (nowhere to be found) or use some convoluted way using ES File Explorer (which I can't do because of the above).

    Am I on a wild goose chase or is there an actual way to force this damn thing to run Twitch? The browser is a farce so that won't work either.


    submitted by /u/UD_Ramirez
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    Best app to draw or paint a picture. ( Photoshop or Paint Tool Sai look alike)

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 12:19 PM PST

    Can I have suggestion for best android app to draw or paint pictures? Same or almost the same function as Adobe Photoshop, Paint Tool SAI, Corel Painter.

    submitted by /u/andaesa
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    Best YouTube adblocker?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 06:17 AM PST

    Don't know if this is the correct subreddit to ask, but it's the title.

    submitted by /u/ChrispyCrispy
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    Any good FILM3D alternative for android?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 08:22 AM PST

    Pls help kinda desperate

    submitted by /u/xpumpp
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    Remapping onscreen buttons in-game

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 12:02 PM PST

    This is the first time I can't find the app I'm looking for by myself and it's bugging me, so that's why I've come here.

    I have recently purchased this, which basically makes it possible to play games with "triggers" in games like PUBG etc, where you're able to remap controls in-game to put under the triggers and thereby, for example, shoot or aim a gun.

    I was however wondering if it would be possible to remap (/move) in-game onscreen buttons (with some kind of app) to make it compatible with the triggers. For example does asphalt and goat simulator not allow you to remap their controls, but I would still like to do that.

    English is not my first language, so I'm having a hard time describing what I'm looking for, but I hope you understand my issue and hopefully have a solution!

    submitted by /u/a5crub
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    Wtf make sure to clear the cache INSIDE your Spotify app often.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 11:44 AM PST

    It said my user data was 8GB! I didn't even download anything. Not sure how this happened. Clearing the cache through your phone storage in settings didn't work for me but doing it through the app worked.

    submitted by /u/mywifeTHICC
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    Is there any app (alarm clock) that will wake me up when I receive messenger or instagram notification?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 07:32 AM PST

    How can I quickly access my favorite apps?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 12:46 AM PST

    What is the best app to quickly access my favorite apps so when I tap on it it can reveal chosen apps. Not looking for Floating toolbox or similar apps.

    submitted by /u/tahirtaous
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    The usual keyboard question. What have you tried aside from SwiftKey and Gboard?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 09:12 AM PST

    I tried Anysoft, loved the interface and typing was great. But I type in Spanish and English and having to constantly change it manually (even though it's just a tap) was not worth it for me. The settings menu was pretty horrible tho.

    Currently trying out Chrooma, I like the auto themer, and it's very much like Gboard so I've been enjoying myself.

    Any suggestions out there? Why are you using those?

    submitted by /u/SantiHurtado
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    Limit total screen time?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 09:08 AM PST

    I want to limit my screen time by having 1 total limit of screen time. When I look in the Digital Wellbeing app I cannot seem to find such a thing. Only to limit the screen time per app. Am I not looking clearly or isn't this an option?

    And if it doesn't exist, are there good alternatives?

    submitted by /u/Grxvyd
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    [Question] Does anyone remember those note books you could get that had alphabetical tabs in it? I am after something like that, or at least similar.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 12:28 AM PST

    My mum would like to make a list of books she has downloaded on her tablet before deleting them so she has a record of what author and book she has read. She does have memory problems and finds utilising a list does help.

    I have tried looking for it myself but can only find normal notepad function apps where you write a normal list with no other function.

    submitted by /u/notevines
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    How do I make Bluetooth headphones disconnect automatically when I put them back in their box?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 02:35 AM PST

    I've anker soundcore liberty neo Bluetooth earphones that stay connected to phone even when I put them back in their charging bix

    submitted by /u/computerstuffs
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    Bluetooth app for automatically switching between two devices

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 06:15 AM PST

    Is there a Bluetooth app which will automatically pair to one device when it's it range, then pair to a second device when the second device is powered on?

    Also, when the second device is powered off, then reconnect to the first device.

    submitted by /u/manolid
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