• Breaking News


    Thursday, December 26, 2019

    OnePlus Submit your bugs if you have problems! Don't just write posts here

    OnePlus Submit your bugs if you have problems! Don't just write posts here

    Submit your bugs if you have problems! Don't just write posts here

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 03:39 AM PST

    Just a reminder but if you have a problem with the 10.3 update or any update you must let oneplus know. Random posts on reddit will not get it across to them that their build is still bugged and for some really painful to work with.

    Me I have a op6t and have the ability to download the new update but wont due to the amount of bugs listed on this thread and I do wonder how many bugs are actually reported to one plus

    Call them at this number +1 (833) 777-3633 or submit a request on their website. Nothing will get fixed unless we all band together for a proper fix now and in the future.

    I will say that yes some people have the update who say it works fine but I question if they just havnt found the issue yet. If not all the power to you. The point though is that it should work for everyone

    Cheers all and let's hope to get a stable update soon

    submitted by /u/NoStars128
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    7T and 7 Pro Speck cases one-day 50% off deal

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 12:29 PM PST

    The Speck Presidio Grip cases are half off today only on Speck's website. The 7T case is $19.97, and the 7 Pro case is $22.47. Free shipping.

    I just ordered the one for my 7T. According to a youtube review, it should be compatible with the OEM glass screen protector, BUT I can't confirm that personally. I'm looking forward to comparing it to the dirt cheap cases I ordered from AliExpress.

    I think if I link out to Speck's site, the post gets auto-locked or something. Anyway, I'm not at all affiliated with Speck. Just sharing because it seemed like a decent deal.

    submitted by /u/improvius
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    My dad is impressed with the Oneplus 7pro

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 06:07 PM PST

    Long story short, after deciding between New 7t and used 7 pro for my dad present. I have able to get enough budget to buy a brand new 7pro 8gb and 256 storage. Well i gotta say it such a huge upgrade from his previous Huawei Mate 9 or 9 pro I'm not sure. He love it a lot and ask me if it cost 1000 buck. The display is just gorgeous no argue.I guess he is a oneplus fan now even though when i gave him the phone he ask me like 10 times that what the brand is and I said "Oneplus" he still said "Huawei?".

    submitted by /u/darastyle
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    OP6 - keyboard raised too high

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 12:37 AM PST

    I have a problem where after the conversion to android 10, the keyboard is raised above to leave space for the 3 gesture buttons, even though I am using swipe gestures, thus leaving that space blank, with the keyboard placed wrong. How could I move the keyboard back down a bit?

    submitted by /u/PumpKPie
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    Lag on 7T?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 02:47 PM PST

    I just got my 7T for Christmas yesterday. First, I just want to say this is an amazing phone. Seriously, upgrading from my Galaxy S7 to this is such a drastic upgrade. I've noticed one problem though. Idk if this is just me or not, but I've noticed some insane lag in some of my games. It only happens when I have the app/game open, then I minimize the app or turn off my screen, and go back to the app shortly after. When I do this without actually closing and stopping the app, it will lag like crazy until I stop the app completely and restart it back up. The main app I've especially noticed this in is Madden Mobile. Has anyone else experience this or have a fix? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Volcalic
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    What to get, OnePlus 7, 7 Pro, 7T or 7T pro?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 02:12 PM PST

    So recently my OnePlus 5 was dropped and my Bluetooth and GPS stopped working(also my Google apps wouldn't load sometimes, and my mobile data wouldnt work sometimes). So I want to get a replacement, but I don't know what model to buy. What is the best value/money phone I can buy. I don't need the absolute best phone on the market, just a good quality phone that will last me for a good while. Should I get one in the title or wait for the 8?

    submitted by /u/Stef791
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    Should I update to Android 10 on my 7 Pro?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 09:16 AM PST

    I have the notification from OnePlus bugging me to update to Android 10. I've seen all the problems it causes to others on this subreddit so I'm scared to update. Should I go for it?

    submitted by /u/Hagoogi
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    Recent apps not properly working due to Android 10?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 09:52 AM PST

    The new Android 10 swipe for recent apps is wanky... Why is it not like it was in Android 9 where it worked like if spamming alt + tab on pc, switching between the previous two apps continuously? After the update, besides the fact that you can't do that anymore, you have to swipe clockwise or counterclockwise, depending on what app you last visited, in order..that would've been justified if it didn't rearrange your app order after going onto another app.

    Example: imagine discord, reddit and twitter arranged in this order from right to left. You're browsing twitter and then you want to check a discord message... For that you have to count two swipes clockwise. After that, instead of swiping the same way, you have to go the other way around... mildly infuriating

    • Op6
    submitted by /u/PumpKPie
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    UPDATE: I switched carriers to T-Mobile and am getting the OnePlus 7T Pro McLaren Edition.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 06:43 PM PST

    Thank you to everyone who was helping me decide if I should switch from my iPhone today! I look forward to contributing to the community in the future.

    submitted by /u/NajordII
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    OnePlus 6T A10 McLaren unlock animation

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 03:43 PM PST

    So I just updated to Android 10 (OOS 10.3.0) and a bunch of stuff changed. Some for better, some for worse.

    The first thing I reacted to was the dark notifications. I liked having dark theme but white notifications (would love to have that back).

    And also, when on lockscreen my screen is slightly brighter before I unlock it. Even if I have Night Mode on. Kinda disturbing in a low light environment. Can't seem to find a way to turn that off in settings either.

    But my main problem and reason of creating this post is the unlock animation. As I have a Thunder Purple 6T I used SetEdit to change the value to access the McLaren Edition one. However now in A10 I can't find the right value. Setting it to 3 gives me no animation at all.

    Any help for my problems is very appreciated. Help me out OnePlus community!

    submitted by /u/Jekimoh
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    OnePlus 6t 8gb 128gb only £335

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 01:09 PM PST

    Just saw that the OnePlus 6t is a a huge sale on amazon uk. But the sale ends in a couple of hours. Just wanted to let anyone know if they are thinking of getting a new phone. Also the op7 regular 8gb 255gb is going for £459 too.

    submitted by /u/KobenTweets
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    Upgraded from the Pixel 2 XL -> 7 Pro 8/256 (used)

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 02:49 PM PST

    I recently upgraded from the pixel 2 xl to the 7 pro and wanted to post some thoughts.

    I will go over some of the common questions/concerns that I had when debating the switch. I was initially thinking about the pixel 4xl.


    - Better battery!! I am averaging 7.5 - 8.5 hours SOT 90hz + videos/reddit (Android9). I was averaging around 3 - 4 hours best case with my usage(youtube/netflix/spotify/reddit)

    - Better screen. It looks fantastic and is far more modern.

    - The os is very clean and functions well.

    - Very fast charging.

    - Finger print unlock is my personal preference(though i prefer it on the back like the p2)


    - Camera. I want to elaborate a little further because most people instantly shit on this camera. It is a solid option for most people. The difference will be most noticeable if you are switching from a phone with a top tier camera to begin with. The average user that had a standard phone camera will not be disappointed.

    - Curved Display. It is easy to fat finger something and ghost touch.

    Overall I am very happy with my choice. I decided to go with this phone over the pixel 4/xl because it is a far smarter decision for the money, aside from the camera.


    submitted by /u/Oh_reaaaally
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    Ok Google doesn't work

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 02:13 PM PST


    I received a OnePlus 7t at Christmas, I love it! Everything goes very well until today. Ok Google detection doesn't work anymore, screen on or screen off. Do you know how I can repair this? Voice latch is a activated.

    submitted by /u/Chieftai
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    Oneplus 6T Android 10.3.0 Hotspot 5Ghz not working

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 03:09 PM PST

    I discovered that when you put your Oneplus 6T with Android 10.3.0 in Hotspot mode at 5Ghz, it does not work and it disable the hotspot

    submitted by /u/blastmox
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    Why are there two preinstalled files apps? Both can't be disabled or uninstalled. Which one should I use?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 10:20 AM PST

    OP5T -> OP7PRO

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 02:50 PM PST

    Waiting for my 7 Pro to be delivered. Any thing I should be mindful of as a new user? Looking for tips and tricks, things I should be vary of during usage.

    submitted by /u/Zifyre
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    No notification icons in top left status bar after A10 update?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 04:55 PM PST

    Anyone else getting no more notification icons in the top left for any app after the update??

    This is super annoying, as I have no idea I've received notifications like from messenger, Twitter, unless I manually pull down the top bar and check my notifications... Is this a known bug or just for me?

    submitted by /u/blackM4mba24
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    OP7T Pro Whatsapp Background Battery Drain

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 04:26 PM PST


    I'm still experiencing a lot of issues with background battery drain with whatsapp on the OP7T Pro running 10.0.5.HD01BA. Whatsapp itself is taking up ~40% of my battery usage, with almost as much background usage as I power on time.

    I know this was an issue a few months back, and have uninstalled whatsapp several times recently in the hopes of fixing this issue. Is anyone else having this problem still, and are there any suggested fixes?

    submitted by /u/betapleatedsheets
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    Oneplus 7T praiss

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 11:09 PM PST

    Good Morning/Day/Evening Oneplus users, I am brand new to the oneplus ecosystem and I tell you what it's amazing. I am an Aussie user and I imported my phone from China to get the 256gb model. It's a beaut of a machine! I've moved from an iPhone 7 and it's a huge leap. The camera is amazing! I wish I could show off the photos I've taken with it!

    Anyway, just wanted to say hello and I hope you all are having tremendous days/weeks!

    submitted by /u/Coretothetech
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    Anyway to keep the Bluetooth volume from resetting on the OnePlus 7T?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 02:04 PM PST

    My Windows phone never had a problem, but for some reason, the 7T keeps dropping to like zero, so when i get in my car I cant hear the Google Assistant. Could this be the physical ringer switch setting that's doing it, when i turn it on silent or vibrate and its not resetting when I go back to ringer?

    Any ideas or work arounds anyone has?

    submitted by /u/Ebojager
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    Op6-battery life issues after update.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 01:59 PM PST

    Just updated my op6 to the newest oxygen OS, and my battery life has gone down significantly. Before the update I could go a whole day and still be at 30% by the end. Now I go half a day and it's almost dead. I've noticed my phone also gets hot while charging and sitting at idle. Any ideas on how to fix this?

    submitted by /u/Shadeslayer240
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    Reverting to 9

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 12:25 PM PST

    So I finally got the Android 10 update to my One Plus 7 Pro. I was really hoping it would fix the Bluetooth issue I had when using the Beta. The issue is when connecting to Bluetooth, I would get a stutter about every 15 seconds. Only way to fix it was to turn off Bluetooth, wait a bit and then reconnect. While not the biggest bug, it gets super annoying while driving. I am now going back to Android 9. This is a PSA to anyone who has that issue with the Beta, it is not fixed and you will need to do a reset again.

    Edit: After reverting to 9, I accidentally updated to 10 thinking it was a small update after the factory reset. I have no idea why, but the bug is gone now.

    submitted by /u/NickG8971
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    Camera portrait effects are gone

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 07:51 PM PST

    Since the android 10 update and camera improvement went out, the back camera light shapes are gone and i was let down by this. I would always use the circle effect to make the photo look like it was taken on a better camera. So sad to see this being removed.

    submitted by /u/JoseH04
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    Is "charging rapidly" the same thing as Warp Charging?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 07:29 PM PST

    Just updated my OnePlus 7 Pro to Android 10. When I plug in my warp charger, the lockscreen says "charging rapidly" and the battery icon becomes a lightning symbol. does this mean warp charging is currently ongoing? Or is this a bug and warp charging isn't on?

    submitted by /u/LuminousEntrepreneur
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    Is there any way i can delay notification like how it was in pie?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 07:28 PM PST

    So, the latest update is all awesome. I really liked the changes. I'm happy with almost everything. But i used to delay notification from the notification tray by swiping and holding right or left. But i don't see it in android Q. Have you guys removed it or is there something I need to enable? I liked to delay notification for 15 mins. I'm one OnePlus 6 oxygen os 10.3.0

    submitted by /u/ashutoshsoni16
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    Lift to wake to display lock screen, not ambient

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 03:38 PM PST

    OP 7T, 10.0.7. Is there really a set of parameters to lead to the simplest of all outcomes, i.e. to switch on the display and show the normal lock screen when I lift the phone? I don't want this Ambient stuff at all (it should have been a proper Always On Screen instead, but alas, we have not yet been blessed with one, as far as I can see). Thanks.

    submitted by /u/axelbrant
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