• Breaking News


    Friday, December 27, 2019

    [DEV] App dev here - bringing some major updates to my automated Reddit wallpaper app Android Apps

    [DEV] App dev here - bringing some major updates to my automated Reddit wallpaper app Android Apps

    [DEV] App dev here - bringing some major updates to my automated Reddit wallpaper app

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 02:11 AM PST

    It started as a personal project since I was unsatisfied with the other wallpaper apps on the Play Store, and took this as an opportunity to improve my programming skills. I've been working on the app for almost 2 years now, and since then I've improved many parts of the app as I learned more about app development and programming.

    The app is designed to be battery-friendly and transparent, you won't notice it running until your wallpaper changes. You can set the app to update your home/lock wallpaper every 'x' min/hours, and it will use your selected subreddits to get random images from them. I've loaded it with image-processing features and post filters, so you can get specific wallpapers exactly how you want them. The algorithm is very meticulous, you should never see the recent wallpapers twice and the images will be the highest resolution for your screen size.

    Here it is on the Play Store

    I'll stick around for any questions, feedback or suggestions.

    A few screenshots of today's update:



    • Automatic wallpaper updates
    • Multi-subreddits
    • Subreddit list presets & recommendations
    • Dim/Blur/Crop image effects
    • Hot/New/Top post sorting
    • NSFW/upvote filters
    • Wallpaper history log & download to storage
    • Shortcuts & widgets, Tasker integration, gestures
    • Network and low-battery restrictions

    ... and many more

    submitted by /u/Chibichuba
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    [DEV] Multi-purpose app to help students organise their marks and courses, calculate averages and WAM, analyse and track their progression with graphs, evaluating marks for hitting milestones, and more

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 06:14 AM PST

    Hi all, I built this app a few months ago and have been pushing update through ever since to try and make this an all-in-one app that manages all your marks and course progression during university students' degrees. I personally needed something to log and track everything without wasting time building spreadsheets and trying to get numbers from calculators, so I'm sharing this instead which does all the hassle for you.

    It includes:

    • Weighted Average Mark (WAM) calculator that determines your WAM all your study terms, as well as an overall WAM
    • Log of all your marks within your courses that can be ordered based on your term, mark ranking or name, as well as the corresponding mark level (fail, pass, credit, distinction, high distinction)
    • Graphs highlighting trends of the change in your average WAM and the accumulation of your assessment marks separately
    • The ability to determine what mark you need in an assessment to reach a milestone for a course
    • The option to extract a mark from the total course mark if its not provided to you (some universities won't provide marks for final exams so this can help find it for you without grinding through a calculator)
    • Option to make an account and store your marks/progress online

    Download Unicore here

    Unicore aims to handle all the small annoying things after you receive marks and give it all in an organised and visual way. Any feedback or suggestions are welcome!

    submitted by /u/CyberScopes
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    VPN Choice

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 10:24 AM PST

    Hi. Help me choose a VPN. I am confused between ExpressVPN and NordVPN. I mainly use VPN for changing country in Netflix. Sometimes I download through torrent but that's not the main use. Something I noticed was that ExpressVPN was not able to change the currency of the Playstore in-app purchases but NordVPN gets it done easily. Is that something any of you tried??? Give me feedback.

    submitted by /u/jaypatel149
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    Major widget updates to All Clear (US) [DEV]

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 05:59 AM PST

    I've recently updated the widgets in my weather app by popular demand and added a Daily forecast widget.

    All Clear Weather is my hobby weather app that focuses on clear communication of weather data.

    The app can also participate in experiments like using your barometer to cooperatively use crowdsourced weather data as a new potential data source for weather models. This type of data is supported by recent science papers showing that phone barometer data can be successfully used to improve forecast accuracy in some cases (paper link). And to support this kind of science I keep the sensor portion of this app open source. You can also see an animation I made of some surface pressure data in Florida as Hurricane Dorian approached the coast this summer. People using All Clear submitted that data, I matched it to US NWS radar data so you can see the context.

    There are other experiments in the app too, like using photos of the sky to try to automatically determine the weather in outdoor photos!

    Sorry the app is only for the US at the moment. I'm trying to expand internationally but it turns out global weather data is expensive. There are some free/cheap sources (like yr.no) but they're not exactly easy to work with.

    Data in the app currently comes from US NWS / NOAA.

    Let me know what you think, especially about the new widgets! Cheers!


    submitted by /u/cryptoz
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    Weather widget?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 10:07 AM PST

    Anyone know of a weather widget just like the one in the Google discover page? Just like the one at the top with the same details?

    I'm guessing KGWT or something like that.

    Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/TheBobbyJohnson
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    Using Hermit to access Reddit

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 09:21 AM PST

    Hey fellow Hermit Redditors, any useful guides to using hermit to access Reddit? In particular, I'm having difficulty (1) using search within any particular sub reddit, (2) commenting on submissions, and (3) sending a pm to individual users.

    With search, Hermit shows two search areas, I'm not sure which to use or how they differ.

    With the commenting or pm issues, I cant seem to find the options to use the.


    submitted by /u/Cartesian_Circle
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    Need alternatives for OGInsta+

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 05:47 AM PST

    [DEV] Break CODE - New Free Puzzle Game

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 10:36 AM PST

    Link to game https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=apps.devpa.breakcode

    Break CODE is a cryptography logic puzzle game, where you have to decipher or cipher and get the word or the code depending on the levels you are playing.
    Enjoy and train your brain solving these puzzles.

    submitted by /u/davepa15
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    Alternatives to Swiftkey and Gboard?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 08:14 AM PST

    Are there any actual alternatives to these? I've used both interchangeably for years, but the predictions have become abysmal.

    Gboard by far has the best keyboard and swapping languages is preferable on it. But the predictions this last year have been God-tier bad, to the point of me spending more time correcting swipes, than swiping.

    Swiftkey was marginally better, but for all their "it can predict your language" appraise, it can't predict shit. Work and life sees me use Danish, German and English interchangeably, and despite worrying nothing but English for hours, it'll suddenly get stuck and insist on German, in the middle of sentences. I could understand at the start of a sentence, but a German word, suddenly, in the middle of English? I'd rather just go back to manually swapping.

    Also, it straight up refuses to write "was" half the time. Forcing me to manually type w-a-s. The point of a swiping board disappears, when it won't let you swipe -_-

    Even the above text has swipe errors in practically every sentence. None of these boards were this bad a year ago, so I'm assuming the AI has been updated based on whatever. But it's rendered the apps borderline useless.

    Anyone know of any alternatives?

    submitted by /u/Onomato_poet
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    MinimaList to-do list app

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 09:57 AM PST

    I used MinimaList to do app in iPhone and sadly it wasn't available in android. But today when I was surfing I found the app finally is available for Android. As the app name it is very minimal and great. (งツ)ว

    submitted by /u/sree7492
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    How does Netguard work?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 07:35 AM PST

    I recently tried to block the internet access to all of my apps that shouldnt need it. Im using Netguard, but I checked Glasswire today and some apps that are blocked still conect to the internet sometimes..

    Does Netguard starts with delay when the system boots up? So whenever you turn your smarpthone on those apps are able to conect to the internet for a short amount of time? Thats the reason? And so.. is there a fix to it?

    submitted by /u/haslaNz
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    App to make calls to landline phones via WiFi/data?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 09:17 PM PST

    Hello, I'm looking for an app that can let me make calls to landline phones and cellphones (without internet) using my WiFi/data. Currently I'm using Google Hangouts with Hangouts Dialer, and the call rates are pretty cheap and call quality is decent, though I was wondering if there are better alternatives.

    submitted by /u/corevx
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    Web Browser with Bookmark Bar?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 11:29 AM PST

    On the desktop chrome I love the bookmark bar. I would love something similar for my Tab S5E. Maybe with the option to force a user-agent or force Desktop page loading. I have seen new tabs showing bookmarks or recent sites. Also bookmark buttons. But not a bar with instant access to your bookmarks. Anyone know of a app with a bookmark bar?

    submitted by /u/Takenover83
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    [DEV] Anti-theft Application Feedback

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 11:07 AM PST

    Hi all! Hope you're having a great holiday season.

    I'm building an android anti-theft app. Yes, I know there are already quite a few available. Still, there are things that they lack, and I plan on implementing them.

    I figured it's worth the effort to gather some feedback at this point. And to do this, I started with a google form: https://forms.gle/ZawLJrH7hK2caKgq6 that I'm hoping you will find short enough to fill.

    Yes, filling the form won't immediately benefit you. However most important app's features are going to be free. And the questionnaire will help tailor the app to the your needs. Also, paying to get responses means that there will be people who fill forms as their side hustle, so it is optimized for maximum profit for them, not necessarily for the most thoughtful feedback.

    What do you think?

    P. S. As far as I understand the rules, this post doesn't violate them. However if it does, please feel free to tell me so, and I'll be glad to fix it.

    submitted by /u/ch3rn0v
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    App for graphs

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 06:34 AM PST

    Is there any app which can make the bar graphs, charts, scatter plots etc etc data related stuff which is found in R / dataisbeautiful ?

    submitted by /u/Se7enX07
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    An app to script the deletion of messages?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 09:53 AM PST

    Basically I get a bunch of test text messages (essentially spam but I get paid a little for it). All the spam message follow the same general pattern so I'm wondering if there is an app I can use to write a script to delete messages according to a defined pattern?

    submitted by /u/Quiet__Noise
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    Messenger contact colours?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 02:01 AM PST

    I held on to the old (pre-dark-mode) messenger app as long as I could but today I had to upgrade to a new device with the new version preinstalled. I hate the missing ability to colour-code my chats, it's important to me. Is there any app that can do that for me? Either as an addition to Messenger or as a replacement for it?

    submitted by /u/ReadWriteSign
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    How do I make the Google play store work on my kindle?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 08:58 AM PST

    I have a kindle fire hdx 3rd generation. It's rooted and I have the kitKat​ version​ of the google play store installed on it. But the play store won't open. Can I fix this?

    submitted by /u/ASPyr97ga
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    Expense and Budgeting app

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 07:44 AM PST

    Hi guys! can you recommend an app that has: *No ads and is free *No in app purchases *Has recurring transaction function *Chart /Graph I don't mind if I have to input all transactions and if it has no features in linking to bank accounts. I solely need an app just for transaction purposes of my own finance.

    submitted by /u/shitpostingfoureyes
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    How much free storage space does a typical Android or IPhone user have? Looking for stats that I cannot find!

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 07:31 AM PST

    I can find info on how much storage space the average smartphone has in total but not on how much free space the average user has (which is more important to me in knowing how many users will avoid my app because it is too large).


    It sounds similar but a related question that I'd like tthe answer to would be 'what percentage of users have more than 500mb free storage space available on their phone?'

    submitted by /u/atreeon
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    Is their an app that submits an "entry" like this example?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 07:12 AM PST

    For a project in my stats class, I've been logging vehicles in the city. I've been using Microsoft Excel to do the logging by selecting the attribute and then it submits an "entry" as shown in the below image:


    While somewhat effective, it can be impractical to take my large laptop everywhere I go. I was hoping there is an android app that can submit "entries" in a similar manner.

    I understand there are tally apps that will allow you to count the number of say cars and perhaps a more advanced tally app that will let you tap if you see a car and also tap if you see a red vehicle. The problem with tallying that way is it doesn't combine the attributes so although I'll be able to demonstrate what % of vehicles are cars and what % of vehicles are red, I won't be able to demonstrate what % of cars are red.

    Also my teacher is asking to demonstrate the methods we used to log the information so going to 25MostPopularCars.com will get me an F.

    If you know of an app that can help me with this, even if it can only somewhat help, I'd greatly appreciate the info.

    submitted by /u/MagneticPotato92
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    [request] can anyone recommend an ebook reader.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 03:07 AM PST

    can anyone recommend an ebook reader with decent themes (such as the one found on moon+reader free version) and with the capability to sync books and the current reading position.

    I read books on both my tablet and my phone. When i am at home i use my tablet to read and when i am outside i use my phone. Right now i am using moon+ and i manually sync the reading position on both my devices. I would like to know if there are any apps that have this feature.

    submitted by /u/the_confused_citizen
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    Viper4Android Versions?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 06:29 AM PST

    Still confused as to whether to get Fx, Fx Legacy, and/or xHifi. What's the difference? I need to get audio modification library right?

    submitted by /u/LoudCommentor
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    [Help] How can I use both intra and Netguard together with socks5? I don't want to upgrade past Oreo or root.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 08:46 PM PST


    Merry xmas. Have a wonderful new year!

    submitted by /u/DP11117
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