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    Thursday, December 12, 2019

    5 Essential Android Development Techniques for 2020 | Jake Lee 👍 Android Dev

    5 Essential Android Development Techniques for 2020 | Jake Lee �� Android Dev

    5 Essential Android Development Techniques for 2020 | Jake Lee ��

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 02:54 AM PST

    Can't publish my app on the PlayStore because of an infinite loop

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 03:05 PM PST

    The problem goes like this:

    My app got deleted when the policies where updated so that every app needs to support 64 bits and because I had some issues where I handled ads incorrectly. So to fix this, I decided to remove the ads and make it 64 bit compatible. When I tried to publish the new app, a warning popped up saying that it isn't compatible with every device it was compatible with before. I checked and out of the 12934 that were compatible before, there's 12933 that are compatible now. That's right, only one device isn't compatible. That one device won't let me publish my app. So I decided to do what the warning said and include the previous release in the new one (I still don't get that). And guess what? The old release isn't compatible with 64 bits! So I can't publish it that way either! So what do I do now? Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ImanolGon
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    Emulator embedded view in Android Studio 4

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 12:17 PM PST

    During the kotlinconf they showed the new Android Studio 4. Emulator seemed to be embedded in a view internal to Android Studio 4. Is this feature already present in current canary? It seems not to me

    submitted by /u/Rigus
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    Android Auto media question (NOT about video on the headunit...not exactly anyway).

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 01:26 PM PST

    Let me preface this by saying that I'm fully aware that AA doesn't allow video playback. Let me also say that, while I've been developing Android apps for nearly a decade, I've never written an Android Auto app before. I'm looking for a little advice before I waste my time starting a project something that may be impossible.

    I have a low-res Bluetooth (yes Bluetooth, not wifi) license plate camera that I mounted on my cars front plate to use as a parking cam a few years ago. It's paired to an app that I created which allows me to launch the app and immediately load the video feed. It works well, but it still requires picking up the phone and loading the app when I park, which can be distracting.

    I'd like to push the feed into a new Android Auto app. Again, I'm FULLY AWARE that AA blocks video, so I'd like to instead do a video -> image conversion and display the feed as a 3-5 fps image slideshow. No audio. No movement. Just a rapid rotation of photos. The low "frame rate" should be more than sufficient when parking a car.

    Because I'm not familiar with the mechanisms that Android Auto uses to block video, does anyone know whether an image slideshow would trip those mechanisms, or whether this type of app is even possible to write in that environment? It was a trivially easy app to develop for the phone, but I know that Google has gone to great lengths to keep video off the headunits.

    I'll be diving into the AA developer docs here shortly, but I thought the community might be able to give me a pointer or two before I get too deep. Am I wasting my time?

    submitted by /u/codefyre
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    What's going on with all this google play store hate?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 10:49 AM PST

    Hey everyone So I've taken an android class at my university and am hoping to understand what is going on with all this hate towards google play store (and apparently some accounts just being outright deleted?) can someone give me an article to read or some insight? I want to develop and publish some apps but this stuff has me kind of skeptical if I should even do it because it has a good chance of being cut.

    submitted by /u/ChimneyCraft
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    My first attempt at using Fragments - I'm a little confused as to how I'm meant to scale the layouts so that they'll fit on various screen sizes.

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 10:16 AM PST

    In the past I've always written simple apps whereby each activity is associated with a single layout. That is, the app I'm working on consists of 2 linear layouts - player 1 and 2, displaying various strings such as name and score, hi score etc... and in between those two linear layouts is a custom numerical keypad, built using a table layout, then populated with buttons. These 3 layouts are split equally, each taking up a third of the screen size vertically. I've been developing the app solely on a 10.1" tablet, the phone version will be far more condensed.

    Anyway, I now wish to make these 3 layouts their own Fragments. That seems sensible doesnt it? I will be reusing them elsewhere in the app and re-arranging them and scaling them to different sizes.

    So my plan is to first create a KeypadFragment class with a keypad_fragment xml layout. Where do I start with my design?! I have a totally blank canvas. How big do I make the keypad? Do I just drop in a Tablelayout and set it to match_parent and create a keypad which takes up the whole screen and then use some code elsewhere to squash it down to size, depending on what screen size the app is running? Or should I be setting it to a fixed, calculated size, and have to make multiple versions of the Fragment for each given screen size?

    I hope that makes sense. I have asked this question twice in r/learnprogramming and no-one has replied to me.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/RhysLlewellyn
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    So regarding the "nulling views in onDestroyView" and Ian Lake's suggestion to retain views

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 04:03 AM PST

    One one side we should null the views:


    On the other we should retain the views because inflating views is a costly operation:



    submitted by /u/MiscreatedFan123
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    From java to android

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 07:58 AM PST

    So I just finished java syntax with OOP understanding from both books and online tutorials, so my case is that I got into programming about 4 months ago, so now after I finished the basics what should I do, everyone is telling me to make my own project just anything to practice the foundations that I just studied, but how? I really don't know I'm so new to this, should I study another framework? Should I go to Android? Should I go to JavaFX? I'm so confused and I started the Udacity tutorial Android with java and I feel like it's so different from programming that I studied and it's like a ready baked code that I have to memorize not understand, should I go through something first before I get to Android? any tips?

    submitted by /u/hamohuh
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    Looking for design advice

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 01:45 PM PST

    Hello everyone

    First of all, I'm not sure if this should be posted here but it's the best subreddit I could think of for my question.

    I recently published a drinking games app which contains currently 5 games. I'm looking for some design advice because I'm not that satisfied with the design myself. But since I'm not the best at front-end I'm not really sure how I could improve the design.

    It would be very helpful if you guys/girls could take a look at the design and tell me what you think could be improved. Someone is already creating new images for the Games list view in the app, so don't worry about the images there.

    Images of the app can be found here: https://imgur.com/a/GmntbmB

    If you would like to check the design on your own phone you can download it here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=me.parastyle.dripsy

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/parastylee
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    Google Play rating calculations - a lie

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 01:31 AM PST

    My app currently has a 4.63 rating using the new calculation algorithm.

    • Average rating for the last 30 days? 5.0
    • Average rating for the last 180 days? 4.67
    • Average rating for the last 365 days? 4.64
    • Average lifetime rating? 4.72

    I contacted google support about it. They were useless. Does anyone else have any idea what's going on?

    submitted by /u/camhart73
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    Livedata updates are not reflecting in View

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 01:08 PM PST

    Hi, I've LiveData observed from the View as below.

    override fun onStart() { super.onStart() viewModel.finalLiveData.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, listChangeObserver) } // Observer responsible for updating the UI via adapter. private val listChangeObserver: Observer<List<User>> = Observer { users -> users?.let { updateUI(it) } ?: run { updateUI(emptyList()) } } override fun onStop() { viewModel.finalLiveData.removeObserver(listChangeObserver) super.onStop() } 

    though the LiveData will be null initially, it might populate when supplied with input(searchKey) from View.


    // Initiates the search with supplied search keys. fun initSearch(searchInput: String?) { // filtering happens in Deserializer() class finalLiveData = Transformations.map(FirebaseQueryLiveData(query)) { repository.getSearchList(it) } } 

    and the above method called from View as `viewModel.initSearch(searchKey)`.

    Though the finalLiveData is populated with data from the repository the View is not updated until the user taps recent apps and comeback (by calling `onPause()` and `onResume()`)

    Any suggestions to solve the above issue? thanks.

    submitted by /u/faisalmohd83
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    Only 75% fillrate on my banner mediation.

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 12:11 PM PST

    Hey, I use the IronSource mediation network for my banner ads but only getting a 75% fillrate. I use IronSource, InMobi, Amazon, AppLovin. Thought about setting eCPM floors because I have a total eCPM of 0.06$ but this will decrease my fillrate. Can't use AdMob or Facebook because I'm banned on AdMob and failed the quality check on Facebook. Is a fillrate of 75% normal? Any other suggestions how I can make money with the banner ad space in my app?

    submitted by /u/Smive
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    Getting back into Android and advice on internship?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 08:31 AM PST

    Basically I was the typical self taught dev who hopped around with new technologies and I've found myself wanting to leave web development to get back into Android. I've only done freelance work for web for many clients and I have one Android app that fetches an API for cryptocurrency that displays the most current prices. Good UI but the overall architecture was probably shit. I understand the basics of OOP but I have an eye for design.

    A company near me offers internships for mobile, web & other things. A recruiter reached out on LinkedIn wanting to get me in for an Android job but it's senior level. Should I go for their internship? I figured since I have no "industry" experience I might as well get in somewhere. To expand, I'm 29 and I am hoping this doesn't reflect poorly on the fact that I haven't entered the industry yet.

    submitted by /u/CutMyLifeIn2Pizzaz
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    To anyone that also knows iOS, what are the job prospects like for knowing both?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 06:03 PM PST

    I'm gonna be graduating in the spring and I'll be an Android dev. I've done Android for a few years with 2 internships related to Android.

    I'm considering picking up iOS but not sure if it'll actually help me in my career. To people that know both, do you get to use the knowledge of both in your job or are you usually just responsible for one.

    More importantly, do you feeling knowing/doing both contributes to a higher compensation or career progression.

    Edit: to clarify, this is not referring to cross platform. This is native development for both platforms

    submitted by /u/that_one_dev
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    Google's indexing "Bug" also responsible for large number of app and account terminations?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 06:50 AM PST

    After taking a look at a ton of posts, i was wondering if anyone has looked to see if there was a c=correlation between the indexing "bug" that is supposedly fixed and the large amount of app terminations and suspensions. I noticed a lot of apps where removed for metadata, which, is part of the indexing. We had a few apps suspended for weird words like video and 25$ dollars. One of them was a craigslist app, which seems strange since there are craigslist apps out there still.

    Here is where they use to reside:



    Just a thought

    submitted by /u/mperrault23
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    Fully scalable layout for app

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 06:37 AM PST

    First of all, this probably isn't the right sub judging by the rules, but I'll try to keep this general enough to not break rule #2.

    What would the best way be to implement a fully scaling layout for an activity, which keeps the aspect ratio of everything within it?For example: Having 4 buttons, 2 in the first row, 2 in the second. All buttons have the same width/height and gap between them. When using a ConstraintLayout you can make the buttons themself keep their aspect ratio, but not the gap between them (which is set in dp as a constraint). When the screenwidth increases, the buttons grow, but the gaps stay the same.

    What would be the way to go to achieve something like this?Also, what's the proper place to post this question?


    https://imgur.com/a/zMRx0pa this is what my mockup looks like.

    The ratio of all buttons should be the same. The horizontal gap should be x% of the button width. The vertical gap should be exactly the same as the horizontal gap. I would prefer a scalable (meaning, the less code the better) approach as similar stuff needs to be repeated across many activities

    submitted by /u/Massta666
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    Good practices when starting a new Android Studio project

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 06:00 AM PST

    Every time I start a new project in Android Studio , I go to github in order to copy the .gitignore file from there. That content gets pasted into my local .gitignore file.

    It has to be a simpler way but I don't know how to:

    1. change de default gitignre of the Android Studio - or -
    2. to execute a command line which downloads a certain file from the github

    ps: I'm using a Win10 machine with the MinGW bash installed by the git setup.

    submitted by /u/ddoleu
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    Question regarding Banner ad placement

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 05:57 AM PST

    Just a quick question, Would this not be against policy?

    submitted by /u/masabkovai
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    [Question] google play number of downloads disappeared

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 04:56 AM PST

    I recently published a game and my download count was growing quite rapidly since day 1 since i promoted it amongst friends and also ran a few ad campains. It hit 1000 in playstore console in 5 day mark and previously it showed 500+ downloads in the playstore app but since this morning it went back down to 100+. But the console says 1.1k. Is this normal? will i ever get those stats back? thank you.

    submitted by /u/assassinshadow11
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    Question: How can I set Android Studio to always create new projects in a specific path?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 12:50 AM PST

    It seems that after each time I import some project , the IDE puts new projects into the new path of the imported project.

    How can I change it, so that it will remember to always use the same path?

    Why does it even change all the time? It doesn't make sense...

    submitted by /u/AD-LB
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    Why doesn't android grant you the access to control what the OS is doing?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 07:30 AM PST

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