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    Saturday, October 26, 2019

    HTC What is the closest I can get to an HTC M7 in 2019?

    HTC What is the closest I can get to an HTC M7 in 2019?

    What is the closest I can get to an HTC M7 in 2019?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 10:33 PM PDT

    Hello there, long time HTC user.

    I've been using HTC phones since the (excellent, in my opinion) Htc One X.

    After that, I had the HTC M7 and, since then, I never found a phone that was on par with that.
    The M8 was just fine, a sligthly bulkier and less attractive version of it.
    Same goes for the M9, which I didn't really like, had really ugly display bands and startet malfunctioning quite quickly.
    And now I've had the HTC10 for years, which is OK, but nothing groundbreaking.

    So, in short, my HTC10's battery life is atrocious and HTC offered to change it for 150$ and in up to 5 weeks. At this point, might as well get a new phone.

    So, as far as anyone of you know, is there anything that feels and looks like the HTC M7 currently on the market?

    submitted by /u/Poseidons_kiss_69
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