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    Wednesday, August 7, 2019

    Linux How do I use Spanish accents? (Ubuntu 18.04)

    Linux How do I use Spanish accents? (Ubuntu 18.04)

    How do I use Spanish accents? (Ubuntu 18.04)

    Posted: 07 Aug 2019 06:55 AM PDT

    I'm trying to go through Duolingo's Spanish section, and I really want to use the Spanish accents to learn it fully instead of just ignoring them like it allows or having to use my mouse to click on the accents.

    I've tried googling this and I don't see anything to simply put the damn accent above an 'a' or whatever.

    Any idea how I can do this easily?

    Edit: thanks for the help everyone, I appreciate it upvotes for everyone. I ended up doing the US International with Dead Keys like a couple of posters mentioned. I used this guide because the option was hidden af.

    submitted by /u/rossoenero
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    I can only boot Ubuntu-based distros

    Posted: 07 Aug 2019 03:06 AM PDT


    Even though I have been using Ubuntu for some time, I am still unsure about many Linux things. Lately I have been interested in trying out other distributions, like Manjaro or Fedora, but I have been having problems. I create the Live USB with another distro, boot it, install, everything goes well. But after the installation, something always goes wrong. With Manjaro, for example, it boots and works until I update it. Afterwards, it stops booting all together. Fedora does not even start after a clean install. But Ubuntu-based distros (Ubuntu, Elementary OS, Pop_OS, ...) are able to install and boot without problems.

    Has anyone heard anything like this before? Is it just me fucking things up all the time? For reference, I have an ASUS laptop, I disabled UEFI mode on BIOS (and install everything in Legacy mode), and I have a Nvidia graphics card. Maybe this laptop is just cursed, that is the best I can come up with.

    I would appreciate any suggestions. Thank you very much for reading!

    submitted by /u/exforest
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    What is the proper boot order in BIOS?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2019 02:14 AM PDT

    Acer laptops seem to have an issue where you have to add "UEFI file as trusted for executing" in the BIOS menu before you can boot up Linux

    I added all the .efi files under OpenSUSE - grub.efi - grubx64.efi - MokManager.efi - shim.efi

    They now appear in my boot list but now I am not sure what is the proper boot order for the EFI files. And should all 4 EFI files should take boot precedence before my drives?

    submitted by /u/bogdan_bogdan
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    Linux not booting.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2019 10:49 AM PDT

    This seems to be a common error, but I came here for help because none of the fixes I found are working =/

    I only rebooted my linux mint Tessa and well, it didn't came back.

    I was having an "error: attempt to read or write outside of disk hd0"

    There were options on enter on some kind of safemode, none worked, they told me to press any key and i went back to the menu.

    After a couple times it opened the grub rescue, which is what most tutorials advice, but it didn't work at all:

    grub rescue > ls is giving me (hd0,msdos2) and (hd0,msdos1), the first being an filesystem unknown and the second an ext2 (which is odd, I was pretty sure my linux was on an ext4)

    Fd0 cannot get C/H/S values.

    I tried to set root, on msdos1, but both msdos are not an assignment.

    Also as a sidenote, I wouldn't be able to set prefix either, because apparently it thinks my keyboard config is different and is not letting me type "/"

    The only thing I could find was someone saying that I installed linux within windows, but it was running fine and the partition that had an old windows was formatted to ext4.

    I'm not sure how to follow on this, can anyone more experienced help me?

    submitted by /u/EnkiiMuto
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    Help for converting a Systemd service

    Posted: 07 Aug 2019 12:00 AM PDT

    Hi. I recently switched to Slackware. I want to use NordVPN. The problem is, they only provide .rpm and .deb packages.
    But that's not really important. I just extracted .rpm contents and the program is working just fine now.
    The only thing that bothers me is that I have to run its daemon manually. I know that Slackware does not use systemd, so tried to create a service for it, or convert its own systemd service, but I failed.
    I would appreciate if anyone can help me.
    Here's the systemd service:

    [Unit] Description=NordVPN Daemon Requires=nordvpnd.socket After=network-online.target [Service] ExecStart=/usr/sbin/nordvpnd NonBlocking=true KillMode=process Restart=on-failure RestartSec=5 [Install] WantedBy=default.target 

    and here's the socket:

    [Unit] Description=NordVPN Daemon Socket PartOf=nordvpnd.service [Socket] ListenStream=/run/nordvpnd.sock NoDelay=true [Install] WantedBy=sockets.target 
    submitted by /u/rezat4795
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    [LXLE] Can't seem to run AppImages

    Posted: 07 Aug 2019 12:02 PM PDT

    • OS: LXLE 16.04.4
    • Hardware: An ancient brick

    Allow me to apologize beforehand, I'm an absolute idiot when it comes to Linux. I've been trying to figure out how to automate running this AppImage so I'm not having to call it from the Terminal every time I want to use it, but I think I've just made things worse. Initially I was able to run the AppImage via:


    This didn't give me any problems at first. It opened as it should. But I wanted to be able to access it from the desktop so I installed appimaged and it apparently added the program to the applications menu and whatnot. It appears to have "installed" the program correctly (it shows up in the menu now, icon and all), but when I attempt to run the AppImage, I'm greeted with the following error message:

    Failed to execute child process "/home/USER/Applications/Program.AppImage" (No such file or directory) 

    Now, even attempting to access the file via Terminal results in the same response. I've verified that the file is present and it's set to be run as an executable. Clicking on the AppImage even brings up a menu asking if I want to execute it. But for some reason, I keep getting this error kicked back to me and I'm absolutely stumped.

    If anyone can give me some insight as to where I goofed and/or how I can de-goop my situation, I'd be extremely grateful. The few brain cells I have are sizzling right now as I try to figure this out

    submitted by /u/PrayingForJetpacks
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    Manjaro freezes after it boots up

    Posted: 07 Aug 2019 07:18 AM PDT

    After i type in the password it freezes. i tried using an advance boot method which says "fallback initramfs" and that works fine somehow. How do I get it to work? Whats the difference between normal boot and initramfs option?

    submitted by /u/respawner_69420
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    cant get transparency working in i3 anymore on debian

    Posted: 07 Aug 2019 07:15 AM PDT

    previously i had used xcompmgr to have transparency and it worked perfectly, but the night before last i had to reinstall debian, and ive gotten everything else working again except for transparency.

    when i run "xcompmgr -cfn" in the foreground the screen refreshes but nothing else happens. no transparency. i close a window, any window, and i get maybe 25 lines of

    error 140: BadRegion request 138 minor 14 serial #####

    none of my terminals have transparency, my favorite being lxterminal, but rofi does have transparency. i tried running xcompmgr with sudo and it didnt work. i have no idea what to do.

    edit: ive installed missing firmware, which i didnt have when it worked previously but hey good practice or whatever. ive rebooted countless times. ive purged and reinstalled xcompmgr and compton. neither work. i have no idea what to do.

    submitted by /u/mechroCutie
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    Problem with Ubuntu Server on OrangePi

    Posted: 07 Aug 2019 10:23 AM PDT

    Hi Guys,

    I have flashed my OrangePi R1 with "Ubuntu Server 15.04" for ARM that I downloaded from the OrangePi resource for OrangePi R1 and attempted to install pihole, but it got stuck at:

    Updating local cache of available packages…
    ERROR - Unable to update package cache. Please try apt-get update

    So I tried apt-get update and another problem came up

    Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones are used instead.

    So I googled and figured that I have to update /etc/apt/sources.list, which I did, using nano

    Firstly, I'll show what is inside the sources.list:

    #This was originally inside

    deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ vivid main restricted universe multiv$

    deb-src http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ vivid main restricted universe mu$

    deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ vivid-updates main restricted univers$

    deb-src http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ vivid-updates main restricted uni$

    deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ vivid-security main restricted univer$

    deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ vivid-backports main restricted unive$

    #this was what I added

    deb http://mirror.math.princeton.edu/pub/ubuntu/ xenial main

    deb-src http://mirror.math.princeton.edu/pub/ubuntu/ xenial main

    However, I still encountered the same error.

    Please advise and thanks in advance!



    submitted by /u/RedditUser099910
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    Will there be any problem with NTFS drives?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2019 10:11 AM PDT


    i am currently using win 8.1 & i have 4 partitions in a 500GB HDD. now i want to formet the C drive to install linux mint 18.2.. But keep the others as they contain files, music & movies. i wish to keep them as is.

    Now my question is, is there going to be some sort of problem with read/write with these drives? Do i need to formet them to ext4 as well? or i can just formet C drive to install linux mint and run others as is.

    submitted by /u/Milfman11
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    Installed Ubuntu on my HP Notebook, but the WIFI is disabled and can’t be switched on.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2019 09:47 AM PDT

    Hi guys

    After lurking on the Linux Sub for a while, I decided to install Ubuntu on my previous HP Laptop. Everything went smooth and now I have Ubuntu 19.

    The only major downside is that the WiFi button is missing on the topbar. When I search on my computer for "wifi", it'll shop up under settings, and after clicking on it, the WiFi settings are listed in the setting menu.

    Unfortunately I still can't connect to WiFi, i only get a screen saying something about missing hardware. I tried various solutions, but all require WiFi to work, such as git clone etc.

    So my questions is: how do I get the WiFi working without having the possibility to connect to internet?

    Tia for the insights

    submitted by /u/palmshore
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    Old laptop to rip DVDs and CDs

    Posted: 07 Aug 2019 02:18 AM PDT

    I got an old windows laptop that sucks running windows 10. I only use it at this point for ripping DVDs with handbrake and ripping CDs. It's useless aside from that.

    I use an external DVD reader. Whats the best Linux distro for this laptop with 30gigs In hard drive space to accomplish this. Maybe adding some video editing software also. It also has a micro SD slot also so if I can use that, that's helpful.

    submitted by /u/tedisded
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    Where do I install my Ubuntu ISO file?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2019 08:07 AM PDT

    I tried installing the Ubuntu ISO to my USB boot drive but whenever I try to navigate to it on Rufus I'm told I have to format the drive. If I put the ISO on my desktop will it work or will it expect me to format my C: drive?

    submitted by /u/WaveyJP
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    How do I extract a substring from a string using 'sed' ?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2019 07:56 AM PDT


    so here is what I'm trying to do:

    echo aaaasecretbbbb | sed 's/a*\(se\)b*/\1/'

    What I want it to print: secret

    what I get instead: secretbbbb

    somehow 'sed' doesn't know when to stop.

    Edit: Clarification

    Edit: To clarify what I want to do exactly: I want to parse the output of 'ip link show' for wireless interfaces. I can get the name of the interfaces since they start with 'wlp...' but the problem is I can't stop 'sed' from printing the whole line. It doesn't stop at the name no matter what I do. That's why I'm trying to get the example above work since it's less complicated.

    3: wlp2s0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP mode DORMANT group default qlen 1000

    I want to get only the 'wlp2s0' bit. but It prints the whole line.

    submitted by /u/5pyn0
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    Im looking for a command to get me tye file name where a string inside the file is matched

    Posted: 07 Aug 2019 07:33 AM PDT

    In trying to locate all the files that contain an specific port number in it. Example grep -r '1234' ./*

    submitted by /u/Gustavo7c4
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    Boot screen has been stuck on this screen for forever. Running Pop os. Happened after a failed Nvidia 430.43 driver install.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2019 07:30 AM PDT

    Learning Linux

    Posted: 06 Aug 2019 11:48 PM PDT

    Hi Guys,

    I wanted to get into Linux before finishing my degree in Telecommunication and Information Technology. I assigned to a sort of "free-project-class" and now I am looking for a project that is doable in around 100-150h. I was thinking about fooling around with a raspberry pi and see where it takes me, but I have to lay down some sort of project plan to present to my professor before starting. But sadly as of right now I have no clue about the possibilities and limitations of linux so it is really hard for me to get a grasp of what is realistic to get done in the given timespan.
    So what I am basicly asking for is, if someone has an idea or can hook me up with some sort of project that is optimal for getting into Linux. But the aim for the project has to be a step further than knowing how to get around within linux. The finished project has to have some sort of application.
    I would be really glad if you guys could help me out getting started. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/flying-egg
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    CPU/Battery Temps And CPU Usage

    Posted: 07 Aug 2019 05:26 AM PDT

    I'm a newbie and recently dual booted Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS (64-bit) alongside Windows 10 Pro(64-bit). I've been liking the linux experience,However,I've been having some issues. I have an Acer Aspire E5-573G-380S Notebook Laptop with the following Specs:

    Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-5005U CPU @2.00GHZ (Broadwell), 2 Cores 4 Threads, 8GB DDR3 RAM, 240 GB SSD, NVIDIA Geforce 920M Discrete Graphics card(2GB Dedicated Memory), and a Integrated Intel(R) HD 5500 grahphics Card.

    I've noticed that on Windows 10 Pro the idle/light-usage temps are around 42°C - 45°C(OpenHardwareMonitor), but on Linux Distros(Tried Linux mint,Pop OS and ubuntu) I'ts always about 10 degrees higher at around 55-58°C,I've tried installing TLP and switching primarily to integrated Intel graphics only too, but of little avail. see pic

    Also, one more thing I've noticed is on ubuntu, just with one or two tabs open with hardly any extensions,web browsers like firefox/brave utilize about 25-40 %CPU (although RAM usage seems fine) either with or without hardware acceleraion enabled ,and also I made sure basic packages like java runtime and flash are installed. However, that's not the case in my windows 10 pro as the cpu usage is very less at around 10-12% even with many tabs open and extensions see pic . I've made sure I have the new and compatible display and render drivers,installed TLP, and also selected my primary graphics card (with Nvida prime Select) as Intel(R) HD 5500 Graphics to try and get any power savings. Any help on how to combat these issues would be highly appreciated. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/aqua_lad1
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    Installed Manjaro OS, but laptop loads into windows 10.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2019 01:28 AM PDT

    The laptop loads into windows 10 every time. To switch to Manjaro I have to go to advanced startup and select Manjaro there. Is this safe? Or should I do something to get the grub.

    submitted by /u/YouarethisIlikethat
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    Unity games pink screen workaround?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2019 04:45 AM PDT

    Ubuntu 18.04.1 x64 playing games on steam. I saw a lot of posts talking about workarounds for Unity games not working with int. graphics on ubuntu; the entire screen goes pink and is unresponsive. People have been able to work around it by setting launch options to use vulkan or opengl such as -force-glcore42 and -force-vulkan. Vulkan doesn't seem to work at all, the game just doesn't launch, and the force gl commands i use don't seem to do anything, either, i still get a pink screen of death. Both of these methods seem to be pretty successful for other people in my exact situation, and I am a noob, so what am I doing wrong? I enter the force commands through properties-set launch options in steam since I don't know the commands to launch the games independently and so can't enter the force commands through terminal. Thanks for any advice!

    tldr - how to fix unity pink screen of death?

    submitted by /u/varyk
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    [Fedora 28] Editing read only conf files

    Posted: 06 Aug 2019 07:44 PM PDT

    For context I was trying to delete some files in the /var/cache/abrt-di/* directories.

    Those files took up a lot of disk space and I found out through here that there's a way to force the directory to only hold a number of files. I had to edit a .conf file.

    When I tried though, it told me it was a read-only file and I had to use "!" to override (I'm using VIM) but I did that and it still doesn't work.

    Does that mean I'm not supposed to edit it at all or is there another method I just don't know about?

    submitted by /u/losingprinciple
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    ELI5: difference between distro of Linux, desktop environment and windows manager?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2019 02:46 AM PDT

    I'm inspired r/unixporn and I want to learn how to create something similar. But I feel as though there is a lot to learn before I even dive deep into that kind of stuff. Starting with my above question!

    My end goal would be to have something light weight and aesthetic.. at the same time I would like to be able to do everything from a terminal, such as development, Linux commands etc. I'm sure there is an inbetween.


    Edit: I'm using Fedora with GNOME.. not that I know exactly what that means besides the fact that Fedora is a distro

    submitted by /u/csfinalsoon
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    My script wont run on its own, but works in the terminal

    Posted: 06 Aug 2019 08:14 PM PDT

    I made a script to launch a game within steam proton that uses a different EXE file which is a mod. When I enter each command in the terminal one by one it works. But when I make a launcher for the script it will do nothing. The script is saved as script.sh and the wineprefix.txt file is a text file that saves the wine prefix directory and the executable.txt is the executable path. The script.sh file chmod permissions is 755.

    How will I make this script.sh file work by launching it with a desktop file?

    wineprefix=`cat "wineprefix.txt"` executable=`cat "executable.txt"` WINEPREFIX="$wineprefix" wine "$executable" 
    submitted by /u/trymeouteh
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    Install Fonts For GIMP etc

    Posted: 06 Aug 2019 07:40 PM PDT

    Im trying to install custom fonts from the likes of dafont and 1001fonts and im getting the ttf files but its not installing them, How do I go about this?

    Using Manjaro,


    submitted by /u/CoppzRoute
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