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    Friday, April 12, 2019

    Weekly "anything goes" thread! Android Dev

    Weekly "anything goes" thread! Android Dev

    Weekly "anything goes" thread!

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 05:41 AM PDT

    Here's your chance to talk about whatever!

    Although if you're thinking about getting feedback on an app, you should wait until tomorrow's App Feedback thread.

    Remember that while you can talk about any topic, being a jerk is still not allowed.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Project Marble: Lint Performance

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 11:16 AM PDT

    Kotlin 1.3.30 released

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 02:14 PM PDT

    How is the current android development landscape?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 08:29 AM PDT

    Hello everyone :)

    First of all sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong sub.

    In the past I've worked - briefly - with android and back then Android Studio was a dream and everyone was stuck with eclipse and KitKat was the latest and greatest.

    I want to dive back into Mobile Development (Android and then start with iOS) but now I don't even know where to start.

    How is the Android landscape at the moment? What tools, frameworks, etc is everyone using or what is considered "industry standard"?

    submitted by /u/ddrjm
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    Implementing ML Kit’s Smart Reply API in an Android app

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 07:21 AM PDT

    Is it good practice to keep Activity and Context as member variables in Non-Activity classes?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 01:40 AM PDT

    Hey guys!

    To explain my question I would like to give more specific example.

    Let's say that I want to implement some type of functionality and wrap it up in Helper class and initialize it on Acitivity's onCreate.

    So naturally when I initialize that Helper object in Activity I might want to pass Context or Activity(this) as parameter, because that object has to store that Context/Activity because at some point some of the methods might need Context/Activity. Let's say findViewById(...). It's kinda bothering because I end up with bunch of Activity/Context instances flouting around.

    I'm not really sure was I able to explain my concerns here but, this does not feel right. Also I see weird memory leaks on some devices.

    submitted by /u/KungFuFlames
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    Android MVI Pattern

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 10:33 AM PDT

    Thoughts on migrating to iOS dev

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 03:54 AM PDT

    This post might be useful to Android devs who are thinking about starting iOS development.

    TLDR: iOS dev in addition to Android dev is not scary and will help you become a better developer.

    Statement 1. Android development is tough. Staying good and up to date requires a lot of learning on a daily basis.

    Statement 2. Earning money as an indie (solo) Android developer is even tougher.

    Statement 3. Having fun is not enough, I want to get rich and buy a boat.

    Above statements were tearing me apart for quite a long time. My Android apps reached a certain quality level and enough good reviews to allow me to expect them to bring some cash home. Yet, you know how the story goes if you are only present in the Google Play.

    So, one day I purchased an iOS course for dummies and that changed the way I look at things today.

    My main fear was that by diving into a new framework I will stop developing as an Android dev. False! Six months later I became way better Android developer (and programmer in general) thanks to the switch. From one hand, my Android experience helped me a lot with my first steps into iOS world, from the other - I brought new ideas and understandings back home. Moreover, I learned Ruby/Rails and I build backends for my apps now.

    Here are upsides and downsides of iOS development I found (in comparison to Android dev):


    - No Fragments! Dear god, this alone would be enough to uninstall AS and never look back.

    - It is way easier to handle View(Controller) lifecycles and navigation.

    - It was my first time when I was able to implement clean MVVM without strings attached. All my previous attempts with Android crashed against the compromises our beloved framework requires us to make. Also, implementation was easy and flexible. I have a pack of different view binders in the extensions and my ViewControllers (Activities) and ViewModels never grow above 200 lines.

    - Many things require way less work to implement. I'm talking about camera, networking, pushes, printing, permissions and so on.

    - Work with image assets and screen resolutions is just as easy as it should be.

    - <s> No Gradle. + 200 hours to my life. </s>


    - I found iOS community way less active and finding answers on SO is not as easy as with Android.

    - Xcode sucks. In comparison to the AS. Forget all your complains about the memory leakages. I'll let them eat is all for the amazing IDE they have developed. Jetbrains and definitely geniuses of their field and Xcode has lot to learn from them. Especially in terms of navigation around the project and smart autocompletion. I never realised how little typing I actually do in AS until I started my first project in Xcode. Ah, and debugger! AS watchers (with autocompletion and type recognition) is what I'm lacking the most in the Xcode.

    - Localisation is way less straightforward and requires more time, even with the help of external libs.

    - And I had to forget about quick app updates eleven times a day. Had to learn to test better before pushing anything to the App Store.

    So, if you, like me six months ago, have doubts about looking deeper into the apple world - just try, chances are good you will enjoy it.

    submitted by /u/DaDavajte
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    How to use Navigation architecture component with dynamic feature modules?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 12:05 PM PDT


    I'm working on a project with dynamic feature modules. I use the Nav AAC for handling navigation.

    For navigation to destinations in a Dynamic Feature module, i currently use the fully qualified class name in the android:name attribute of the fragment tag in my navigation graph XML file.

    This works well with debug builds, but for release builds this causes a runtime crash with the ClassNotFound Exception. I'm guessing this is due to proguard obfuscation or minification. I'm not sure.

    How do I handle navigation such that it works in release builds as well?

    submitted by /u/harold_admin
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    need help with this

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 02:08 PM PDT

    Can I make an Android game in Unity, using only C#?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 05:46 AM PDT

    Title says it. As far as I understand, android is Java based. Can I make a game in Unity, and somehow export it as an APK?

    submitted by /u/Surpex
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    Any great sources for Android Developer or Software Developer Curriculum Vitae templates?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 04:58 AM PDT

    Is Activity/Fragment in ViewModel really a leak?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 03:12 PM PDT

    All documentation and guides say not to put the Activity or Fragment in the ViewModel because it will leak on rotation. But I don't really see the leak because on rotation the new Activity/Fragment will set itself in the ViewModel and it will replace the previous reference.

    class MyActivity : FragmentActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) val viewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(MyViewModel::class.java) viewModel.onCreate(this) } } class MyViewModel : ViewModel() { private lateinit var myActivity: MyActivity fun onCreate(myActivity: MyActivity) { this.myActivity = myActivity } } 

    I can understand from the point of view of architecture and separation of concerns that it's not that clean but as far as memory leaks it seems fine. Is there a problem with this approach?

    submitted by /u/_MiguelVargas_
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    How long does it take to read Android Developer Guide? Is it a good place to start for beginners?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 02:56 PM PDT

    Emulator 29.0.2 Canary

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 08:57 AM PDT

    Creating a game with "twin stick shooter" style controls. Holding phone in this way causes the sensor for Adaptive Brightness to be (partially) covered and dims the game significantly. What do?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 02:07 PM PDT

    With phone held in landscape mode, and the two 'analog sticks' in the bottom corners, the sensor for Adaptive Brightness gets (partially or fully) covered up, and the screen dims to a hardly playable darkness.

    Is there a way to disable Adaptive Brightness? I've googled and haven't found anything on the subject.

    Also, I understand that it should be up to the user to control their brightness, but this isn't an intended use of Adaptive Brightness - and took even myself a couple minutes to figure out why the screen kept going so dark.

    I'm using Libgdx so I'm a bit of a novice when it comes to android-specific things. I know I can access Settings.System, and I should be able to access the Window's LayoutParams. Would appreciate any help!

    submitted by /u/DEV_Jamez0r
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    Using Realm in 2019

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 12:28 PM PDT

    So I want to get some opinions on using Realm in 2019

    I have a cross platform application (android, ios, and web) that needs a synchronized database. I'm thinking of using realm to manage synchronization of data between them.

    Are there any better ways of doing this rather than just using a rest api to get new data every time an app opens? My database can be rather large for some changes, so I'd rather not deal with this pain myself.

    I'll still need a server to manage access control, and some other data processing, but this would simplify my backed significantly.

    If anyone has any other ideas for syncing and offline first database please let me know!

    submitted by /u/DoPeopleEvenLookHere
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    Android SharedElement Transitions with Move, should the Expand the frame, or clip the view bounds?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 05:48 AM PDT

    I'm really just asking a general question around SharedElement transitions on Android to see if what I'm seeing visually is actually correct or not.

    Say you have an Activity A, with a FragA inside it, and you are replacing this with FragB to use a Shared Element transition of a view from FragA -> FragB.

    Say the view you are sharing in FragA is a small rectangle area in the bottom of the screen, and you are essentially transitioning so it expands to the size of FragB (the SharedElement in FragB is essentially the root frame).

    What I'm seeing is FragB appears to be the full screen size and is just "clipping" as the view in FragA expands with the FragB aligned to Top+Left of the shared element in FragA as it expands.

    Is that right?

    What I was expecting was instead for FragB's frame to "expand", so things like layout_alignParentLeft, Bottom, Top etc would all be visible and shift as the view expanded and that FragB's "match_parent" width and height would match the expanding shared element, not the Window.

    Just trying to work out if I'm barking up the wrong tree trying to debug and investigate whats going wrong, if actually its working 100% as it should!

    submitted by /u/iain_1986
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    Koltin or java and what's the best IDE?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 11:32 AM PDT

    I'm fairly new to coding and I'm not sure if I should learn koltin or Java? I know in the FAQ this sub recommend koltin for beginners why is that? Also what IDE should I use to develop with either of these languages? Is the Android studio IDE all I need?

    submitted by /u/solderben1
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    How to limit input commads or pause receiving or whatever the term for it is.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 06:28 AM PDT

    I don't know the professional term for what I'm looking for.

    Lets say your application does something, and you don't want it to receive any commands from the user until a certain process has finished.

    In my specific case it's an animation. I have views on screen and on click an animation happens. However if there is another input before the animation finishes it "interrupts" the first one and causes problems. I'm trying to make it so that the app doesn't take new commands from the user until that process has finished. Like shuffling the views on screen, and you are not allowed to interact with them until the shuffle has finished.

    submitted by /u/D_Flavio
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    Is there a Room entity to activity form creator?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 06:12 AM PDT

    Of course it's impossible to accurately convert an entity to a form, but a generator could create the majority of the boilerplate code which you can then modify. Is there anything similar? I'm assuming something online where you paste the entity and it spits out the guts of the activity?

    Thinking about it, a plugin that creates the activity. adds strings to your strings.xml and references them in thenew activity that it could create would be handy

    submitted by /u/sc3nner
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    Adding External Storage support to Spotify Downloader

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 09:08 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, I have this app called Spotify Downloader that i'd love to add an option for it's downloads to be on external storage by adding lines of codes(if possible), with Android Studio, I don't mind moving the downloads manually to the SD card but then the app won't detect the already downloaded music that i moved, talking of around 3000 songs (+10GB)

    I know how frustrating is the restrictions of Android to the external storages with apps, and so i have no problem whatsoever if it'll ask for root permissions to read & write to the SD card. (phone is rooted) <3

    If my thoughts about how i can accomplish it are right by opening the .apk in Android Studio and re-programming it, then i would like to know what lines of codes i have add, where, root permissions and tips generally

    (of course it's for personal use only), i have emailed the developer through the app a while ago about adding this option but i didn't receive any response

    You can get the app from Aptiode app store

    submitted by /u/Arabix_Sword
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    Is there a great book you would recommend to learn Android Studio?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 05:19 AM PDT

    Tutorialspoint was great but certain areas could be explained better plus it is not in an in depth explanation. I was using Android Programming with android studio (4th edition) by DiMarzio but the author used a pre-release Android-N package which seems to not be available anymore. There are many inconsistencies with the source code he provides and the projects that we create. There's always something different from what he explains in the book and incompatibilities when I try to implement them in Android Studio.

    I see that on amazon, Android Studio 3.0 Development Essentials has good ratings. If anyone has used this book, or any book to learn Android Studio please let me know.

    Ps- I made this same post on a different sub r/learnprogramming (probably not the best sub in retrospect for this question) but didn't get any comments :/

    Ps- I know Java so my issue is not programming. I've been reading the official documentation for Android Studio but it is not as intuitive and I learn better with a book.

    submitted by /u/wiriux
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    More monetization methods other then ADs and in-app purchases to boost revenue?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 04:49 AM PDT

    Got a newsletter introducing - globalhop.net as a new method to monetize applications.

    They claim to work in addition to advertising SDK's and can help boost the revenue. Any information on them and has anyone yet managed to get to 150$? How much it differs from ADs and can you really make a meaningful profit out of it? They do give out 50$ pre-start boost coupon (Cash out only after $150 tho).

    Any info on them? Thanks!

    P.S. Any info on similar offers would interest me greatly too!

    submitted by /u/CuteSpring
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