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    Monday, February 25, 2019

    OnePlus Moronic Monday (February 25, 2019) - Your weekly questions thread!

    OnePlus Moronic Monday (February 25, 2019) - Your weekly questions thread!

    Moronic Monday (February 25, 2019) - Your weekly questions thread!

    Posted: 25 Feb 2019 06:11 AM PST

    This is /r/oneplus' weekly thread for simple questions. More complicated tech support requests and comments begging for codes etc. are not allowed.

    Questions will be archived in the wiki under the FAQ section.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    OnePlus 7: what could be included based on the 5g prototype

    Posted: 25 Feb 2019 06:11 AM PST

    Just ordered the OnePlus 6. Upgrading from a Pixel XL. What should I know? What are some apps you think are a must install on the 1+6?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2019 06:55 PM PST

    Do you also suffer from accidental touches on the screenborder of your device? Is there any palm rejection software or app for Android?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2019 12:19 PM PST

    Deep optimization and sleep standby optimization are switched on under battery optimization settings? Is it advisable to turn this off?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2019 02:05 AM PST

    What do you guys think of bullets wireless

    Posted: 25 Feb 2019 07:09 AM PST

    I have a OnePlus 6 I have heard good things about bullets. I'm thinking about getting wireless earbuds should I get bullets or is there something else that's better for around the same price?

    submitted by /u/CastleElf
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    First time OnePlus owner. Why no Always-On-Display on the 6t?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2019 07:59 PM PST

    Had a Pixel 2 prior and it's the one thing I really miss. Why is this not enabled on the 6t OLED display

    submitted by /u/M1A1Death
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    NordVpn keeps disconnecting

    Posted: 25 Feb 2019 01:21 PM PST

    It seems like the app gets killed in the background... Anyone else noticing this?

    submitted by /u/notagenericpassword
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    Battery on the OP6 since the pie update

    Posted: 25 Feb 2019 06:09 AM PST

    I don't know if anyone got this problem, but the battery is awful since the last update, and things doesn't looks like they getting better with time. I used to last almost 2 days, and now I run out of battery at the end of the day. If I'm not the only one, OnePlus should really address the problem.

    submitted by /u/Ducknorrisu
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    Notification Peeking not Working OnePlus 2

    Posted: 25 Feb 2019 06:25 PM PST

    I've enabled peeking for text messages but it doesn't work. Any troubleshooting suggestions?

    It used to work until I did a factory reset. And again I turned it back on after this was done.

    submitted by /u/Winddancer87
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    GBoard Color detect

    Posted: 25 Feb 2019 06:21 PM PST

    Is it possible to make the Gboard/Keyboard detect when an app is using dark mode? It's driving me a bit crazy that the GBoard and navigation bar don't match with all apps if an app doesn't have the same color scheme.

    Side note: why does the navigation bar not have a transparent option? This is something even samsung phones have I believe. If I'm wrong please direct me to the correct setting!

    Second side note: When using the dark theme setting, why aren't notifications dark as well?

    submitted by /u/CMND_Jernavy
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    Where can I find OnePlus 5T LCD screen in Philippines

    Posted: 25 Feb 2019 05:44 PM PST

    Hey guys, I am on vacation in the Philippines and my phone got water damage and repair shops here day it needs a new screen but they don't have the parts, ordering it online will take longer than my stay here, so no point in ordering it, anyone knows a place here who might have a replacement screen in stock ? Also before it died completely the screen light up in green and with lines across it, is that an indication of anything else faulty other than the screen ?

    submitted by /u/LonerIM2
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    First time rooted

    Posted: 25 Feb 2019 04:11 AM PST

    Just rooted my 6T and got some modules with magisk like V4A and Youtube Vanced. What are your must have mods/modules on a rooted device?

    submitted by /u/NeldKappa
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    Is OP 7 gonna be very similar to Oppo F11 Pro

    Posted: 24 Feb 2019 09:31 PM PST

    Looking at the earlier leaked pic with the "bumpers" with a supposedly sliding front cam and all screen, do you think that is what the OP7 will look like?

    And are you guys interested in that kind of design?

    submitted by /u/Pilotboi
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    Class 0 message: How do I disable them?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2019 12:23 PM PST

    I keep getting some class 0 messages, which are unblockable. How can I disable them? This is on a op 6. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/smario
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    Google apps not loading on data

    Posted: 25 Feb 2019 04:01 PM PST

    A few weeks ago, I've gone through nearly all apps to try to restrict background battery use to save battery. It worked like a charm, but now, many google apps don't work on 4G/LTE. YouTube won't refresh, Gmail won't refresh, Play store updates/app list doesn't show, those are really don't only apps I care about. Reddit, internet, Facebook works fine, just those Google apps. I don't think I restricted data access, just background battery. On OP6

    submitted by /u/RaccoonDu
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    Any Galaxy Gear S3 Frontier users?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2019 11:07 AM PST

    I have a 3T which is running strong. I also have the Samsung Galaxy Gear S3 Frontier which was going strong but the past week or so it has been losing Bluetooth connection fairly frequently. Both my phone and watch are up to date.

    Are there any other S3 owners with a 3T who are experiencing any similar issues?

    submitted by /u/sjbland
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    How does autobrightness work in dew drop notches

    Posted: 25 Feb 2019 07:21 AM PST

    I am not getting information on how do proximity sensor works . There doesn't seem to be in the dew drop notch so how does it work

    submitted by /u/drunkcj
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    Posted: 25 Feb 2019 11:06 AM PST

    How dependable is the OnePlus 6T? My last two phones (Nexus and Pixel) lasted nine and six months, respectively, before completely dying. I'm done with Google, but I'm considering a OnePlus 6T and I am hoping that they are solid and reliable. Figured this would be the place to go for the inside story. So...?

    submitted by /u/BobQuasit
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    Cannot connect to (a specific) public network

    Posted: 25 Feb 2019 12:55 AM PST

    There's a public network in my city which they finally installed on every bus and it was really cool. Until I got this phone. My old phone (Samsung Galaxy J5 2016, Android Nougat) worked just fine when it came to connecting to this network, but my OP6 doesn't even attempt to connect, it just says saved and when I press the network to connect, nothing happens. All other public Wi-Fi work normally, and I know this specific one works because other people are able to connect to it.

    I tried erasing all network data and it didn't help. Is there anything I can try before quitting?

    submitted by /u/the_cat_of_war
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    Alert slider 6t broken

    Posted: 25 Feb 2019 02:07 PM PST

    After fidgeting to much with my alert slider it will not go into silent mode anymore. The sliders slides fine but it wil just not register it. Or when it does get into silent but it will vibrate randomly for a while. Vibrate and sound still work fine. Anyone else got experience with this or know a fix?

    submitted by /u/-RedChest-
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    Where to get 6t screen replaced

    Posted: 25 Feb 2019 07:31 AM PST

    I've had my phone for less than two weeks and dropped it last nite cracking the top left corner of the screen. Anyone know where I can get it fixed?

    submitted by /u/gunmaster102
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    When are we getting official digital wellbeing on the 6t?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2019 01:21 PM PST

    I really want digital well-being on my 6t and I've been wondering how long it'll be until we finally get it officially. The apks are nice and all but I haven't found one with working wind down

    submitted by /u/OzairBoss
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    6T Pocket protection, wake up, face unlock issues

    Posted: 25 Feb 2019 06:45 AM PST

    I think they are all related. randomly the other day I couldnt wake my device. when it finally lit up it said pocket mode was enabled and was slow to turn off. I turned it off in settings, but now, when i try to unlock, it says camera is being used by another application. I then disabled the permissions of every app using the camera so naturally the camera won't turn on.

    Suggestions other than factory reset?

    submitted by /u/nookiewacookie1
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    Connecting smartwatch and headphones at the same time

    Posted: 25 Feb 2019 04:58 AM PST

    Hello everyone, i am about to buy my first ever smartwatch and i was wondering if it's possible to connect both smartwatch and headphones to my phone via Bluetooth at the same time?

    I have OnePlus 6 (latest Pie update if that means anything), Sennheiser BT4.40 headphones and i am buying Amazfit Pace smartwatch.

    Will my phone be able to connect to headphones and play music there and at the same time be connected to my smartwatch for all of it's functions (notifications) etc?

    submitted by /u/ChopinAsLex
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    OnePlus 6T McLaren

    Posted: 25 Feb 2019 08:13 AM PST

    Just received mine today, any tips or things I should know? So far loving the phone!

    submitted by /u/Zeddsdedd89
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