• Breaking News


    Tuesday, January 29, 2019

    I screwed up big time that resulted in my app ratings and download decrease significantly. Don't repeat my mistakes! Android Dev

    I screwed up big time that resulted in my app ratings and download decrease significantly. Don't repeat my mistakes! Android Dev

    I screwed up big time that resulted in my app ratings and download decrease significantly. Don't repeat my mistakes!

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 01:49 AM PST

    Hi r/androiddev,

    Here's my story of how I screwed up, that resulted in my app ratings and downloads decrease significantly. Hope this post becomes a learning lesson for those who are looking for shortcuts to make there development easier. Just be careful!

    What's happened?

    My app was getting a decent traffic. So, I taught, lets LOCALIZE THE APP FOR TOP COUNTRIES and see how it will impact the downloads and retention. I was in a rush as I only get a weekends and couple of hours daily to work on the app.

    So, I decided lets take the shortcut. Without giving it any taught, I decided to use automatic translation of my strings.xml file. I used an online tool to do so and generated a new strings.xml file for the language chosen. Then I added it to the project and uploaded the app to production without testing the language changes. Boy, I was so wrong to do that.

    After that, I was continuously getting 1 star review, so I check out Crashlytics Dashboard, I see my app crash free rate dropping from 98%(Yeah not great, but the app uses Camera 2 API and is a bit complex) to 85%.

    What went wrong?

    Realizing my mistake, I laughed all day on how stupid and obvious it was. It was total ignorance and rush from my side that caused it. Remember that automatic translation tool that I used. IT DIDN'T TAKE CARE OF THE PLACEHOLDER STRINGS.

    So basically, where ever i used text that involved %s or %d place holder, the automatic translation didn't understand it and replace it with wrong notations in the translated strings. This resulted in crash at every screen that used placeholder text.

    How to make sure this doesn't happen to you?

    Here are few thing that you can do to prevent this from happening:

    -Best way is to manually translated it yourself or ask your user to do that for you, its just couple of lines

    -Hire a professional to do the translation(obviously if you have budget for that)

    -Just make them Not Translatable by adding translatable="false" to the text that use placeholders(If its okay for you that some text are not translated)

    -Test the app in different languages, if you have time(It will help you find problems before release the app to public)

    I screwed up BIG TIME, and I am not sure if I can come back from this, but will keep my hopes up. I quit my job recently(am serving notice period) and wanted to go all in. But, now I fucked up so bad that I guess need to get a new job soon.

    You can checkout the app here: Link to app

    If you have any screw ups like me, please do share them, so that others can benefit from them.

    Hope this helps someone!

    submitted by /u/19gauravk95
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    Google releases source code of Santa Tracker for Android 2018

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 10:14 AM PST

    Emulator 28.0.23 Stable

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 09:55 AM PST

    Google+ APIs and OAuth requests are being shutdown on March 7, 2019

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 10:54 AM PST

    Google+ APIs and OAuth requests are being shutdown on March 7, 2019

    Today I got the following e-mail:

    Hello Google+ Developer,

    The email below contains your most recent usage of Google+ APIs. Note: It includes Google+ OAuth scope requests, which are also affected by the Google+ shutdown. A prior email sent to active API callers did not include information about OAuth requests. One final reminder email will be sent in February to users who still have active API or OAuth request activity.

    What do I need to know?

    On March 7, 2019, all Google+ APIs and Google+ Sign-in will be shut down completely. This will be a progressive shutdown, with API calls starting to intermittently fail as early as January 28, 2019, and OAuth requests for Google+ scopes starting to intermittently fail as early as February 15, 2019.

    What do I need to do?

    Please update your projects listed below by March 7, 2019 and ensure they are no longer using Google+ APIs, or requesting Google+ OAuth scopes. The data below shows which Google+ API methods your projects have recently called, as well as Google+ OAuth scopes it has requested.

    Note: If you see calls to people.get, these can be the result of using the Google+ Sign-In feature in your application, which is now fully deprecated and is being shut down. Developers should migrate from the Google+ Sign-In feature to the more comprehensive Google Sign-in authentication system.

    **Project:**MyProject (myproject-123456) Google+ API Name:OAuth Version:N/A Method or OAuth Scope :plus.me

    Anything else to know?

    Google+ integrations for web or mobile apps are also being shut down. Please see this additional notice.

    Thanks for being a valued Google+ Developer.


    The Google+ API team

    This makes me very anxious now. I developed an app the past 3 1/2 years and I'm going live next weekend. I'm using

    Google SignIn in the app, which includes a complete implementation on the server side via web client secret file (https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/android/backend-auth, although my implementation looks slightly different, since Google always change a lot of things).Additionally, I implemented a complete subscription service on the backend which manages all the user's subscriptions. This service need authentication as well. You have to create a "service viewer account" in Google cloud plaform. See here the effort it took me to figure out how this works. I wrote this answer here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48176187/server-side-authorization-with-google-play-developer-api/48239154#48239154

    So I started to guess what they mean by **Google+ API Name:**OAuth and OAuth Scope :plus.me. When I follow the link from the e-mail and login to https://console.developers.google.com/apis/dashboard?project=myproject-123456 I don't see a project called "OAuth". There was a project which is called "Google+ API". I disabled it. Then I checked all my backend and app Sign Ins and they are still running. Maybe this service was one of my first attempts to try to get OAuth working with Android and the Subscription API I'm using for fetching the subscription data. When I follow another link from the e-mail, it gets me to the following page: https://developers.google.com/+/web/signin/. Obviously it's this part which concerns me: "Set up Google Sign-In for Google+"

    To allow users to sign in, integrate Google Sign-In into your website. When you set up Google Sign-In for your site, also do the following:

    When you create your client ID, enable the Google+ API in the API Console (see Enable the Google+ API).

    When you configure the sign-in button, request the following scopes:



    If you create a sign-in button with your own assets, keep in mind the branding guidelines. In particular, when you request social scopes, you should use a red sign-in button with the Google+ logo."

    Hmmm, I don't even know when I ever created a "customized sign in button" - whatever this is used for, because in Android, the button is an own implementation. Obviously you need Google+ API to get this running, as they say. And since I disabled it, and since all my services still running, all this should not effect me, right? I hope so.

    Everything related to OAuth which is relevant for my app and backend services is on this page (additionally there are some files you get from Firebase console like the google-services.json):


    I'm pretty worried now what I should do. Sure, the safest would be to wait until March 7, if everything is still working after that date. But I can't really do that. This is such a stupid situation. I hate this.

    At the beginning of the e-mail, they say: "One final reminder email will be sent in February to users who still have active API or OAuth request activity."So that maybe means if I don't get any e-mail in February, maybe I'm safe then? This is really so ridiculous.


    After grep -lir for https://www.googleapis.com/auth on my whole developer machine and searching every setting on every Google Console (Play Store, Google Cloud Console,...) where I'm registered, I think I found what they complained. When you move the mouse pointer over this openid Scope, then you see https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.me

    I can remove the one openid, but not the second one (so I will get the e-mail again). Maybe there is some solution for this, hmmm?But maybe they don't care about those without the trash can, because for my other app (different Google Cloud project), I have this openid too (without a trash can) and never had it with the trash can. Additionally, I never had Google+ API activated. And in e-mail, Google does only complain about the second project. That means they ignored it (as they hopefully do now with my current project).


    submitted by /u/NoUserLeftException
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    A new tool for VQA on Android – Wojciech Dziemianczyk – Medium

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 01:26 PM PST

    Admob will ban you if they detect a user spam clicking ads. What's a good way to prevent the user from being able to do this?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 03:05 PM PST

    Could you put code inside the overwritten onAdOpened() method that records the time they clicked the ad, and then disable the ad until something like 2 minutes after that time?

    submitted by /u/thatisit_
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    What's your review of Android Studio 3.3? Are there any major issues?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 09:03 AM PST

    Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 03:23 PM PST

    Just spent an hour trying to fix this, thought I was going insane, because keytool reported that everything is fine. Apparently the issue is with gradle 3.3.0 plugin.

    tl;dr If you can't build an app bundle on 3.3 studio, just downgrade gradle plugin to 3.2.1

    submitted by /u/ArmoredPancake
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    How should I approach being able to retrieve images and description data in my React Native App offline?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 02:43 PM PST

    I am building an app which will contain a large number of photos (200+) and about 100 descriptions of text. I need to be able to fetch and retrieve the photos and text and display them in my app however my client wants the app to be able to run offline without having to connect to the internet. I'm assuming I will have to embed the images and text data into my app itself. But I'm still new to this and was wondering what are my approaches to this and what kind of Backend I will need. The Images are in a form of png, and the text can be given in any form (pdf, docx, csv, it doesn't matter as I can always convert it).

    Sorry if I am not being to specific, I'm still new and trying to figure out how to implement the data into my app.

    Thank you so much!

    submitted by /u/Mozzyo
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    Google Play in app subscription questions.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 07:55 AM PST

    I am tasked with building an app for a large existing dating website. It offers monthly subscriptions and 1 time payments for longer periods.

    They can't afford 30% fee and be profitable.

    Since it's a subscription for content that can be "consumed outside of the app" on the website can we get the lower fees? If so, how do we set that up?

    Someone told us we could use our merchant account with in app google payments? Guessing this is BS?

    Can we raise the prices just in the app?

    Can we offer multiple payment methods in the app (google and our gateway)?

    Can we just offer our gateway?

    We have been told conflicting information and no one from google will actually answer.

    submitted by /u/solosier
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    Whats the difference? Kotlin / Android API > 25

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 07:45 AM PST

    New to android development, and I am trying to programmatically make a TextView disappear if a condition is not met.

    I am wondering what he difference between the below two examples are (as both seem to work, this is inside onCreate(..) for that activity):

    idTxtLastFetchDate.visibility = View.GONE 


    val infoLastFetchDate = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.idTxtLastFetchDate) infoLastFetchDate.visibility = View.GONE 


    submitted by /u/nl_expat
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    How to create a test class using Mockk which requires a context

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 12:52 PM PST

    I'm trying to create a test classing using the Mockk library. The class I'm testing has an adapter which uses Glide to load images. When I run my test I receive the error:

    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: You cannot start a load on a null Context

    which is being thrown from


    Do I have to mockk the context from within my test, and if so how do I do this?

    submitted by /u/junior_dev808
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    Any way to code on android tablet?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 12:22 PM PST


    So, I have an android tablet and I don't have a laptop, I work at an IT department at office and I got some free time there which I want to use to code.

    Anyway, I want to know if there any good IDEA for java on android.

    I am using IntelliJ on windows with my desktop, if there is any way to install it on Android it would be great.

    And if not, is there any good IDE for android you can reccomend?

    submitted by /u/xSypRo
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    How do I delete my Google Play Console?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 04:49 AM PST

    I have made those requests/submission 2 weeks ago about getting my Play Console account deleted, but it still there and there are no delete buttons. So have anyone been able to delete their console account?

    submitted by /u/mxxxz
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    Application Installation Failed: (Instant Run.)

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 12:05 PM PST

    Hi everyone,

    I am trying to port my PC installation over to Mac. I thought everything was going well after putting my AndroidStudio folder in my Users/"User" folder on my Mac. Everything has been going smoothly until now: When trying to run Instant Run I get an error that says "Application Installation Failed" showing a file path I was using on my PC installation.

    Does anyone know what I have to do to get these paths fixed so I can get this project going smoothly? I sure would appreciate it.

    Thanks, Lester

    submitted by /u/Lest4r
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    Note taking while learning Android

    Posted: 28 Jan 2019 10:48 PM PST

    I am coming from mechanical engineering 10+ years and switching careers into Android development ... all for remote work opportunity. Mechanical engineers are trained to take very careful, meticulous, elegant notes by hand to learn a given concept, and refer back to them many times to solidify the ideas. This approach simply does not work when learning a programming language like Android / Java / XML. Would a veteran out there help me understand the most effective and efficient method to take notes while working concurrently through example apps? Muchas gracias.

    submitted by /u/apsommer
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    Distance sensor for RC car

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 05:15 AM PST

    Does anyone know of a Bluetooth sensor that can measure distance between the sensor and objects in front or the sides that have an android sdk? I am having trouble finding one online. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Rryyupqoodjnznfjs
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    Is it ethical to leave a review on own app?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 12:42 PM PST

    I couldn't see why my app would get any downloads unless I get the ball rolling a bit, by leaving 1 positive, accurate, 4-5 star review with another one of my Google accounts. It's obviously unethical and shady if I do this with 2 or more accounts, but would 1 review be against terms and conditions, unethical, or risky? If it is, I won't do it.

    submitted by /u/AskingUniQuestions
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    How to check if service is registered before trying to unbind it?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2019 11:53 PM PST

    I'm getting Service not registered error when I try to unbind the service. That happens when I clear the phone memory and try to destroy the service from the notification panel by tapping the STOP button which calls `stopSelf()`.

    submitted by /u/VisualDeveloper
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    Can you earn 300k as an android developer and what it takes to get there? ��

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 07:06 AM PST

    I've been reading some posts from data scientists who were able to get jobs at FANGs( Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Google ) and make 300k or more a year.

    and they didn't have much experience.1 to 2 years.

    I was wondering can you get a job as an android developer and make the same amount?

    or is it only common for data scientists?

    **The guy who wrote the post is young,had 3 years of experience as a data scientist. now earns 300k with airbnb.

    so it is possible. but i don't know if it's possible in mobile dev?**

    submitted by /u/gooddev25
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    Using Firebase's ML Kit Text Recognition for a custom font

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 02:37 AM PST

    Hi, I hope this is this right sub for this kind of question, and if it isn't, please let me know where I should post this, thx.

    The purpose of my app is basically checking if a block of text from an image -

    matches a specific block of text hard coded in the app,

    nothing too complicated, since the block of text is always the same.

    (For example, say my app is checking if every text in an image I take matches "Hello World")

    I tried using Firebase's ML Kit Text Recognition to recognize the text,

    but the problem is, the text I'm using is written in Hebrew, in kinda of a non-standard font,

    which makes the recognition fail a lot of the words (for example,"ű" will become a "ii").

    My question is, is it possible to "train" it to recognize this custom font?


    submitted by /u/shay99
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    Error Inflating WebView

    Posted: 28 Jan 2019 09:07 PM PST

    Hi guys so I've encountered an issue on Android 5.1

    Apparently there's a chance of it also happening on other Android Versions.


    There's a thread of this in stackoverflow (link above).

    Has anyone else experienced this? If you have can you share what methods you've done to avoid this from happening?

    I'm currently planning on removing all WebViews and replace them with ChromeCustomTab but there are some views where I necessarily use a WebView to render data. Especially on text formatting, with included images.

    submitted by /u/Hiroga
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