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    Thursday, January 3, 2019

    HTC Goodbye, HTC.

    HTC Goodbye, HTC.

    Goodbye, HTC.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2019 08:11 PM PST

    Have been a die-hard for everything HTC in the past. But year over year, horrible decisions over horrible decisions set me back disappointment over disappointment... What a sad cycle.

    HTC used to be a powerhouse. Now, it's a rare breed with good reasoning; bad pricing, bad availability, bad updates, and lackluster features. Ever since I laid my hands on a Oneplus device, I've never looked back (and my wallet thanks me). Such fluidity, a feature and specs list that does it justice, and superb updates.

    I told myself that with Google's support, I may very well see another HTC device in my pocket once again, but to no avail. The cycle of disappointment and 'WTF are you doing HTC?!' continues. So, once and for all, after many years of loyalty...

    Goodbye HTC, and good luck.

    submitted by /u/ihighlydisagree
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    Annoying full sized adds on HTC U ULTRA

    Posted: 02 Jan 2019 05:43 AM PST

    Okay so I have these stupidly annoying full sized adds that pop up randomly on my htc homescreen or when I open an app, like they cover my whole phone. Closing them is easy but how tf do I get rid of them!

    They started when I went on a holiday in Bali

    I noticed them pop up around about the time I installed this game called Game of Sultans which I deleted soon after, other than that I have not done anything else.

    submitted by /u/Con7563
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